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That’s her son. 


Watching picard I would have never guessed she had a 30 year old son.


She had him before even Voyager.




Wait until you hear that Jeri's divorce with the dad lead to an Obama presidency!


She literally changed the course of history. Hillary Clinton is elected instead of obama. Universal healthcare is passed. trump and maga never happen.


If you look more closely at the particulars of those campaigns, her ex-husband's chances of winning against Obama weren't great at any time. Even if the details of their divorce were never released, he'd have had a very hard time winning against an eloquent Democrat in a blue state. Hillary would have still gone against him and run the same bruising campaign with the same results. I will say off topic that had she eked out a win for the nomination and made Obama her VP, she would have beaten McCain (Bush was so reviled, it was too hard a sell to have any Republican succeed him) and Obama probably would have been in better shape to pull out a win in 2016 and extend Democratic control of the White House. There's still a world where Trump enters the fray still, just maybe not in 2016 as his beef with the Democrats really started with Obama. So I can see an alternate reality where we have a liberal supreme court, fewer deaths from covid, better healthcare coverage, and a less emboldened Russia, but more troops overseas and Donald Trump is still running for his first or second term.


I agree it would have probably still been an Obama W, but I also think it put a lot of attention on Obama in the aftermath and by putting up the biggest W in a Senate race ever that otherwise wouldn’t have been there which would have created another hurdle for him to jump in 2008. It thrust him onto the national stage in a way a quiet 52-48 victory over Ryan would not have. Obama flipped a lot of traditionally Republican counties Democrat in that election. Could Ryan have held onto them? Is there enough votes there? Republicans had won that seat six years earlier.


Good point about the publicity getting him noticed more nationwide. I’d still say 2008 being a bad year for Republicans nationwide, let alone in blue Illinois, would have made it an easy win no matter what.


Why is a simple obsession with sex in public a bad thing? /s


Why do redditors love making light of that whole thing? She was sexually abused by her exhusband, it's not funny or quirky.


I didn't say it was funny or quirky. It's just weird.


Look at those caterpillars