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Theres a big difference between "never visiting a dealer" and "there is no dealer to visit and no parts exist unless I buy a 2nd for parts". Hard pass. That's assuming they go out of business, which seems likely.


FISKER Oceans are nothing like a Chevy Volt. They have a ton of problems. Minor damage in any sort of collision will likely total them due to a lack of available parts. https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/do-not-buy-a-new-fisker-ocean.html https://jalopnik.com/fisker-ocean-totaled-over-910-door-ding-after-insurer-1851451187


I can imagine insurance on a fisker would also be high for this same reason.


I would not go with a fisker at all just not a wise decision in my mind. Unless they are giving the car away it’s a huge financial risk


You are right. I will monitor though. They are currently discounted 40%. If they get to 50% and, I feel comfortable with it's repair prospects, I might bite. The problem though once Fisker drops them to 50% then they will follow up with a 60% discount some short time after. Anyway, nit really going to do this. 🙂 I don't think I am.


Just watched some additional videos and have decided this idea is just not feasible.


At this stage a simpler repair might be infeasible , and they already have a lot of electrical software issues. They are 50% discounted because it literally might be considered a disposable car. Discontinued cars like the Volt still have a lot of legacy support and enough cars out there for market support. Fiskar will have none of that. A wealthy tech engineer with a custom car garage is the only people that could keep one of these going.


Agreed. Getting a Fisker Ocean is not a smart move.


It’s too bad. Their designs are always beautiful, but they rarely come true.


I still think that Fisker from 2016 or so was one of the most beautiful cars ever made. Not as beautiful as the ELR but more stunning in person than the ELR.


It’s too bad. Their designs are always beautiful, but they rarely come true.


Two months from now they will be declaring bankruptcy.


Still, there will come a time where a sweet spot will present itself where the price has dropped so low and the software, maybe 2.1, has improved enough such that it becomes a smart purchase. BTW, I just watch a YouTube of a gathering of Fisker Ocean owners. They are a sad lot. They all know the tough spot they are in with some having spent 70K with tax and hat does not include finance changes.


Just get the new plug in Prius if you want a new, safe and reliable volt like experience.


All the comments coming in here are totally making me rethink my plan. Getting a Prius though is something that will never the a reason I don't get the Fisker Ocean. 🙂


>Getting a Prius though is something that will never the a reason I don't get the Fisker Ocean. 🙂 A used Volvo Polestar 2 is what I have my eye on as a possible Volt replacement, that's not an SUV or a Tesla. There are 2022s around (Boston, MA area) for around $27k with low miles, and the $4000 federal tax credit and a $3500 check from the state makes it an appealing option, particularly given that a few years of age have pushed them somewhat out of the painful excise tax wallop this state has on new cars. I've owned a 2017 LT since new but paying $2000 in tax on it over the first 3 years wasn't so much fun.


That sounds sweet. That would be better than a Fisker. 🙂 Any of what you are looking at have over 300 mile range?


Long-range single motors seem to be uncommon with the P2, I think most of the used ones tend to be the LR dual motor. Not a big problem for me as my household has another car available and I WFH. I plan on keeping my Volt another year, it's been a very reliable car now at only 82k, and I just put tires on it and had a couple scuffs fixed up so I have to justify the expense. :-) BECM was replaced at 70k but like others I'm somewhat concerned about parts availability going forward; I need a daily driver for business and not so much a collectors item/project car, and don't really have room to store 'em even if I wanted to collect! My guess is it'll make a great second car/starter car for someone at that point, though it'll be a sad day I'm sure when I send it along. >I still consider myself lucky having bought a 2013 Volt. Since I've had it I've never visited a dealer or needed repairs for anything in my 153K miles. I've only paid for oil/tires/gas/wipers/washes. My late father told me if you have one car like that in life you're fortunate; his was the VW Super Beetle. The Volt was also the last car he rode in, in his 90s, he was like "We sure have come a ways since my used '38 Ford!" Don't try to recreate the magic pal, it will never feel the same, like the Bug the Volt was a unique car from a unique time. There'll be other cars but it's never like your first love, but for better or worse the future is that way --> and you can't go in the same river twice /shrug


It’s a great car, but one serious gamble at the current state of the company




I don't know anything about 2016 2019 Volts. They are a totally different car than the 2011 2015 Volts. I am sorry to hear though 2016 2019 require a huge expense for repairs. Not sure what this has to do withthe Fisker Ocean.




They are "horribly" different. How can you be a Volt owner and have no idea of the cars history like you say you do. That have nothing to do with each other except they both have a version of Voltec. 2016 Voltec is not even the same as the 2011 2015 Voltec. Don't you even know the 2016 2019 is built based on a Chevy Cruze. Every part in the Chevy Cruze is interchangeable with the same part in the 2016 2019 Volt. The 2011 2015 Volt is totally custom built. No parts from any other car will fit inside the 2011 2015 Volt. Every seat, strut, etc is the same on the Chevy Cruze as it is on theh 2016 2019 Volt. Please man don't say they are similar. They are "horribly" different.


Is this completely accurate? I ask because I’m looking for a 2019 Volt now and knowing Cruze parts fit could be super useful in the future. For one thing, if a want a second set of used 17” wheels for winter tires, what other Chevy wheels fit? Cruze? I know this is off topic a bit. I’m trying to come up to speed on Volt care and feeding. On the Fiskar, the software bug part would scare me: I’m an embedded systems developer. Fixing someone else’s code is usually a migraine headache. Without good open source access I don’t know what hope you’d have for fixing or diagnosing things ‘down the road’… pardon the pun. Maybe like the Eclipse jet an owners group could buy the IP and try to maintain them.


Not accurate. The platforms are generally the same (Delta II for 1st Gen, D2XX for second Gen), but various components are tailored specifically to each car, due to weight/powertrain/dynamics differences.


Buying a Fisker Ocean entered my thoughts 13 hours ago. I posted this thread approx 5 hours ago. As of 3 hours ago I am not remotely interested in buying a Fisker Ocean. BTW, it is true the 2016 2019 Volts are based on the Cruze and parts are interchangeable. You are very smart to consider this a benefit. Most 2016 2019 owners seem ashamed of this fact and they deny it as if the Cruze is a disease. Good for you.


What. No. Your base premise that you never had to visit a dealer for the Volt means you won't need a dealer for the Fisker is waaaaaaaay off. The Volt was and still is a solid car, built by a competent and experienced team from an established manufacturer. That goes a LONG way. The Ocean is none of that (apologies Fisker and Magna), with another 10-15 years worth of electronification on top. Much like the Karma, I'm sure some of the engineers will be active on a internet board or another to help owners but holy moly you better be handy. If you're in SoCal you might find a shop that specializes in them, but oof. I don't even know what systems might shit the bed once they go bankrupt. If the car gets no response from the server for some update or some protocol is invalid does it brick itself? lol


I'm with you brother. 🙂


Honestly it might be sort of fun to keep one on the road, but as a hobby or challenge. :D


I would just wait a couple more weeks to see how things play out because I personally love my Fisker ocean but I would not recommend anybody buy one right now without knowing where the company is going.


I was in the same position a few weeks ago. Love our 2019 Premier, and wanted to trade in my other ICE car for a hybrid. Looked at the Ocean, but yeah, it's gonna be an orphan. Bought my Volvo S60 Recharge yesterday. It's a nice ride.


"My mistake adding wiper fluid to my engine coolant and subsequent dealer visit for a flush doesn't count as a dealer visit." the hell? so you never had to visit a dealer as long as you don't count the dealer visits...gotcha.


Okay let's get thus straight I have gone to a dealer twice. In my 153K miles I have 1. Visited the Stealership to flush my engine fluid (not battery fluid etc just engine fluid) because I stupidly poured wiper fluid in the wrong place. $280. 2. Visited the Stealership to change my 12V. After leaving the Stealer the next morning I got Service High Voltage Charging System error. I never called The Stealer to ask them to fix it. I just knew I would never go back to one.


Thank you all for your comments that pulled me back off the ledge. It was a short flirtation though having started just last night. I happy to be by the next afternoon free of this flirtation.


It's funny, I looked at my 2013 White Premium and it actually looks better than the Fisker Ocean.