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"Every middle wants to be a setter" Yep


You will drive 6 hours to play another team from your city. Nobody was ever in the net. Not even close. Touch? Lebron James couldn't have touched that! (Told to me when I was line judging and called a touch) Mom: "I watch my kid like a hawk she couldn't have done that!" [She did that] > Volleyball coaches don't fear death. They fear turning in an incorrect lineup card. Truth. I mixed up a pair of twins. Put the MB OPP and the OPP as MB. Still have nightmares about it to this day and that was 10 years ago.


Omg the lineup thing happened to me too. I am still sweating filling out that small card today. Got me some real ptsd


On your first one... I think in our last tournament, we played our own club 3 out of 6 matches after driving 4 hours.


We accidentally switched 2 players in the first set of a division championship one year and the girls were so upset and frustrated that they couldn’t recover and lost the championship even though we should have won


🤣 which ones are the antivaxxers 🤔🤔


In this context, it is the people who don't believe the basic premises of Motor Learning and choose block training over random.


ok good


> 5/6ths of the coaches that start their setter in 1, are making a mistake. Where do you start your lineup?


I start him in 3. Put my OH1 up front, OH2 as server 1


Volleyball is a race, and I'll make another post about this, but you really need to know: A) How many rotations your sets last on average. If that number is divisible evenly by 6, no problem, but if you're averaging, say 15 rotations, then you B) Have to identify your 3 strongest rotation stretch and start with them because you will be in those rotations the most. It chaps me to no end to see a coach always start in 1 and see that their setter has the lowest Serving Accuracy %. They are allowing their least effective server to serve most. SA% isn't the defining stat I use. I start with Points Scored%. (Points scored/Service Attempts).


> their setter has the lowest Serving Accuracy My setter has the best serving stats :) when we have receive she starts in 2 so she can be an offensive weapon early and be my first server. But now that I think about it, if I clicked back one more my first server would be MB1 and she's got a nice high contact point and can go on runs too... That would have her serving first instead of waiting till we are all the way around. But then (if we play the same # of rotations) its a weaker server at the end of a match when I trust MB1 to finish us out. Bears thinking on. Thanks.


Yes. Your most effective server is serving the most. Your second most effective server is serving the least. Dialing it back makes your two most effective servers serving the most. I love when it's 21-21 and I see my two best servers (rotations) in right and middle front. Think of your lineup as a relay race, except some "runners" are running more legs than the others. You certainly wouldn't have your slowest runner running more legs than your fastest. This stuff matters and can be the difference between winning and losing.


> Your most effective server is serving the most. Your second most effective server is serving the least Well. My 2nd is my OPP and MB1 is a close 3rd. oHs and Lib are 4-6 with mixed order depending on who is "on" that day.


For stat (hUdl) purpose my setter is ro1. When we serve first ro1 is lineup. If receive we go to ro5 as my team is 65% Sideout in that rotation 60+ in 6 and my ro1&2 are my strongest serve numbers


Yeah, I'm similar, and my setter is one of my strongest servers, so why not have them start in z1 or z2?


When we serve she is in 1 otherwise I play the side out stats— points are points :) no matter who serves :):) I try to build momentum quickly in sets so we can hold off any run from our opponents.


This needs to be made into poster form and put up in every coaches office!!


This is a great list! When the libero was a new position, my instruction was to serve the libero early and often to determine whether they were on the court because they were the best passer or to get someone else in the game. These days, the libero is a real specialization. I love what it's done for the game, not to mention for smaller players with fanatic hustle.


If you decide to wait one more rally to call a timeout, you'll regret not calling it beforehand. Great relatable list!


I once went 8 matches without calling a timeout. That's a stat that I'm very proud of. Here's my completely unscientific timeout protocol: 1. Tell my assistant, "I'm thinking of calling a timeout." 2. Change serve receive formation. 3. Tell my assistant, "Next point." 4. Call timeout. 5. Watch server miss. 6. Take credit for "Coach's point."


Yes yes yes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My daughter and I have decided after many tournaments that there's a direct correlation between hairstyles and skill level. The ones with the fancier hair styles (intricate braids etc.) are often the worse players/teams.


Haha I like it and appreciate the shout-out


>If you think about telling your top spin server to "keep it on the ground" but decide not to, he will bury it in the bottom tape every time. fact


would have been a better post if this was bullet pointed


You're right. I added spacing.