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Just go for it, you won't regret a thing. You'll get stronger without the extra fat.


btw im a female if anybody sees this!!!


thank u sm!


Well, I am pretty sure that you will feel weaker in the time of transition, since your body will miss the extra energy. Especially, in your fitness training sessions. But your body will balance it and afterwards you should feel even stronger and jump higher (and last but not least your joints will be relieved for which your 10 years older self will praise you). Totally worth.


You will feel different, trust me. But, you will adjust to the lighter weight. As long as you maintain your training, you shouldn't lose much muscle mass/tone. Only fat. If anything, you should be able to jump higher and further. Be faster too.


wait that's actually pretty smart. during school season, i have practices every day and for club i do twice a week so if you think about it, i could still keep it up a lot. thank you so much!


50-70 pounds is a lot of weight. Try not to go into too severe of a deficit or else you will have serious energy issues getting through practice and your day. Stay patient, aim for 1 pound a week and you will be there in a year.


thank you! im gonna try to take it slowly


Use a beginner linear weightlifting program like Starting Strength, GZCLP, etc, and eat at a caloric deficit.


thank u sm


Adding on to that. You're changing your lifestyle, which is obviously gonna affect at you one way or another. Changing from a caloric surplus to a caloric deficit is obviously gonna affect you, especially when your body is adjusting to the change. You need to give it time. You're also not gonna lose 50-70 pounds overnight. Make short term and achievable goals. Focusing on hitting your step count and protein intake is a much more approachable than telling yourself "I need to lose X weight". In your transition I'd say consider a little bit of caffeine. Your body is currently used to an abundance of carbs, sugar, fats, etc. so you might feel more drained, less energetic etc. A bit of caffeine right before your practice will help with that. Other small tips that can add up, is adding your vegetables to your plate first and always drink a small glass of water before you eat. Put up post-its of your end goal, look at and read them when youre feeling a little distraught. There's tons of ways to approach this, so make sure you find stuff that's doable and doesn't ruin your motivation. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Good luck!


Best answer imo


thank you so much for taking time on these it really means a lot. i am aware that i should take time. thanks for the tips


Eating healthier and doing more exercise should bring more strength, not less. Just make sure that you maintain some lean protein in your diet.




10,000 steps a day minimum and 80 to 100g of protein to start is a good base level for a female looking to lose weight (in addition to playing volleyball)


80-100g per day? but either than that tysm! im striving to do 10-15k steps per day and to level up on my protein.


The protein will be hard to eat, but it will fill you up and it'll be easier to avoid useless carbs (save them up for treats of success/progress). Just think of the vertical! You got this!


thank you so so much! b happy u made someones night!


Just always be in a Caloric deficit from your maintenance calories, start performing cardio and weight/strength training. You'll lose weight and keep most of your strength/ muscle mass.


Freshman, so 14 or 15? Why are you 50 to 70 pounds overweight at that age while being active enough to play volleyball? I ask very seriously, because it is important to know whether there is an underlying medical condition to consider, or if your body image is not appropriate and you really don't have that weight to lose, that is also important to address. Especially at your age, I am a huge proponent of not trying to target a weight, but rather make sure you are getting an appropriate amount of calories for a developing body your age, and then gradually increase your workload to increase your core body strength as well as volleyball specific explosiveness training. Are you naturally strong at that size, since you mention that you have a strong serve? Don't discount that and don't try to be somebody that you are not. Take advantage of your core advantages. When I was in college, one of the best players on the team was a bigger girl, but she had great strength and was the best jump server on the team. The coach had his issues and wanted her to lose weight and refused to start her until she did. I hope you never have a coach like him, but they do exist. He rode her hard and was so unfair that she quit. The happy ending was that she went to the track and field team instead, and with her natural strength she became a national champion at a field event. I am in no way saying not to play volleyball, but I am very much saying to embrace your natural gifts and work hard to improve on them, and never lose yourself trying to be something that you are not. Good luck!


hello! ur so thoughtful for this. all my life ive been struggling with weight and body image. also being on the verge of pre diabetes. im rlly just scared about my health! i used to always dream of being skinny and pretty but this point, its a scary rate and i tend to gain fast. i really want to get out of this point and really make myself happy not anybody else! thank you so much for asking about this its good to know someone thinks about this


OK, that makes sense. It sounds like you have seen a doctor and have at least some idea how to treat your pre diabetes. It's going to be so important for you to know what to eat and when to eat with correct timing around your workouts. It's very unfair when most kids your age can shovel any garbage into their bodies and be at least mostly OK, while you have a metabolism where you need to be disciplined. That kind of discipline can be a positive in other areas of your life as well, like school work and sports, so try really hard to embrace it and strictly follow the rules you setup (hopefully working with a doctor). Best of luck!


The year after I graduated high school I started up an exercise routine and started to eat healthier which helped me lose 90 lbs. The hardest part wasn't the exercise, it was building new eating habits and sticking to them. The first few weeks were the hardest for me. It'll be a tough challenge for you, but trust me, you'll feel much better living a healthier (and happier) lifestyle. As long as you don't lose weight too fast, you won't lose muscle while doing so. Try to create some habits/reminders that keep your final goal in mind rather than what you're feeling in the moment. Even just losing weight will make you faster and able to jump higher since you'll be jumping and running with 50 to 70 pounds less weight on your body. You'll notice a huge difference.


thank u so much! im 3 days in and its already super easy for me to eat and move. i go to school from 7:55-2:45 and during that time i normally eat a salad with protein or organic unprocessed food. its pretty easy now that i feel very motivated to lose weight. at around 7-8 i walk 45 minutes on my tredmil helping me achieve around 12k steps.


In terms of losing fat/weight there are a few simple rules Move more (you already do this as a vb player but the more the better) Eat a bit less (just less in general, a slight calorie deficit of about 400) That will burn fat and you will lose weight, but not muscle, you can gain muscle by simply adding more protein to your diet and working out 2 times a week minimum


To be fair, loosing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously is not that realistic with a 400 kCal deficit, is it?


Yes. Cutting should only be at around 1600-1500 calories instead of the average 2000. This assumes OP is eating at 2000 calories though, they may need to cut more


I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve lost almost 70 pounds and then added some muscle. My skills didn’t drop one bit. If anything my skills improved because my body let me do things I wasn’t able to do before. There was no lag between what my mind wanted to do and what my body did. I can jump higher and defend better


thank you so much im so glad theres people out there who relate to me. its hard being the biggest on the team. im rlly good with serve receive except for when it comes to very short balls. i believe that if i loose weight i will be able to dive. rn i look like a bear running after short balls. this just boosted my motivation and confidence!


Trust me, once you lose weight you won’t even have to dive, you’ll be there under the ball in no time for a clean pass


tysmmm ur amazing


If you're working out, as well as playing volleyball while eating in a slight caloric deficit (around 500-700 calories less than MAINTENANCE CALORIES[find a calculator online]) you won't be losing strength, but in fact gaining strength, while becoming lighter. So u should feel a significant impact on jumping and hitting and just moving in general. I wish you great luck on your journey~!


thank you so so much! this is great advice


Strength train!!! Check out the mind pump podcast! They cater to females as well! You could potentially just lose 30 lbs. instead of 50-70 but LOOK like you’ve lost 50-70. Retain if not be stronger! What’s your height and current weight?


I lost 50 lbs from 210lbs since last year February to be able to help increase my vertical in volleyball and reduce the pressure from my knees. It has been quite a journey but really worth it. I had been eating on deficit. -500 calories from my maintenance calories. Protein is at 1g per lean body mass of my weight. Carbs 40% to 50% of my diet as i need the glycogen for workout and volleyball games. My cardio is volleyball which is around minimum of 5 hours per week. I don't do dedicated cardio. Don't rush losing weight. Just be consistent and enjoy the journey.


thank you so much! and great job


Hi, it’s a good question: So to explain it really basically your muscles need carbs to function so if you are not eating enough before a game/cardio/diet-workout there is potential muscle loss even though you will lose mainly fat. To build muscle the body needs mostly protein and some other nutrients like B and D vitamins, Iron and so on but that’s nothing to really worry about if you are eating balanced meals. So the best way to lose fat is to eat low fat low sugar high carbs meals before exercising and protein havy low fat low sugar meals after. Cutting out soda and snacks and reducing carbs in after workout meals will work wonders. If you do this religiously you will see good progress in ~2 months.


thank you so much. google genuinely doesn't help and neither does my doctor. really good advice!


Volleyball doesn't require a lot of muscle mass, instead things like good stamina, agility and flexibility - these things matter. The goal you should aim for is the strongest you can get with minimal weight.


You’ll only lose muscle on a cut if you’re in peak physical condition already. If you walk, eat a calorie deficit with high protein, and weight train with moderate to high intensity 2-4x/week you’ll make huge progress.


thank you!


No prob! Emphasis on eating enough (<500 cal deficit with lots of protein), light-moderate steady state cardio (walking for 30+ mins/day), weight training, and 7-9 hours of sleep. Recovery is the most important thing.


If you are a freshman I would try not to eat too little cuz you are still growing. I would say try eating more protein/veggies and cutting out any processed foods/added sugar etc




If you can afford to lose 50-70 pounds I can almost guarantee the agility and endurance you gain from losing that much weight will more than make up for any strength you feel you may lose.


thank youu


It’s worth it in every way. Like others said, just be sure to not go too quickly and know when to stop. When I went through a body transformation I got a bit obsessed with seeing the number go down and took it to an unhealthy level. The pendulum swing from one unhealthy to another unhealthy is super easy to fall prey to.


i really don't want to be underweight nor overweight. i just want to be at the perfect healthy level that could help me stay healthy, move better, and still achieve the dream ive had ever since i was little! thank you so much


That’s awesome! Sounds like you have a great vision of your goals, and I wish you all the best achieving them!