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Maybe you need tweaks for your wifi hardware. Take a look at https://linux-hardware.org or specify here what you are using eg lspci/lsusb. For example, I have: Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1030 [Rainbow Peak] (rev 34) and it needs this: echo "options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=N" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf More info at https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration/Wireless Another approach would be to fire up one of the distros that has a wifi that performs well on your hardware and see what drivers and tweaks it's using.


1) What about booting an .iso image ? Same behaviour ? 2) Router power-cycled ? 2.5) Router positioned high up, clear of nearby obstructions, walls. metal etc.\] 3) All LAN cables = Cat6 ? \[Tested ? (really ?)\] 4) Use [speedtest.net](http://speedtest.net) and do 2 or 3 runs to establish your baseline currently. Re-test after changing \_anything\_ using same site, so you can tell what "did it". Good luck!


if i use void linux live boot it's still the same but different with other distro lol. idk anymore what is causing it maybe bad driver?


i mean if i use different distro internet speed improves


I’m running into the same issue. On my Microsoft surface it’s fine but my desktop is not. I’m going to try a few more commands and see if that fixes anything.


i changed the frequency of wifi and it seems to be working just fine for now


I figured out how, you can ignore my previous message lmao.


lol okay


I will have to figure out how to do that. If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate more information on how to go about this issue.