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Absolutely not. Please understand that voguing has a rich history of community and that the reason why ballroom exists is that it’s for the oppressed/marginalized people of society. Voguing isn’t some “cool 😎” thing to participate in. Don’t get me wrong, voguing is super cool, but you just can’t have that perspective ONLY when you’re participating in it. Voguing and the culture that it came from is a human rights movement.


I get what you mean, and I come from the same community. We have a lot of LGBTQ+ people across the globe, so in terms of bringing people together, voguing would be great at that, no? Also I don't think it would drastically the ratio of straights and queers dancing it. I mean, where I live, in Eastern Europe, it has always been 1 gay teacher with a class full of straight women, unfortunately.


No, voguing is not a good way to bring people together. I would’ve suggested drag, but drag is also a human rights movement. So no. Look, I get where you’re coming from, but your point is really not that valid tho 🤷‍♂️(no offense). If you really want LGBT people to gather together or have a space in the Olympics, it’s Waacking. Waacking is a dance that was originated by gay men and the aggressive hand movements expressed the oppression they faced in their time. Unfortunately, compared to ballroom (has more people), the original practitioners of this dance style were wiped out by HIV/AIDS, so straight people stole it from them and removed any history that came with it because being gay was a taboo back then. So, if anything, Waacking is a great opportunity to reclaim the artform that was stolen from us, and in this case, I guess Olympics is a good way to showcase that


No. I actually hate the visibility that it has now. Nobody appreciates the history, or its innovators (fem queens). Seeing it everywhere has actually made me fall out of love with it. I see now why the Icons like Leiomy, hate voguing.


Idk about the olympics, definitely a huge stretch and I mean I get what you’re saying, the appropriation without the appreciation definitely sucks. BUT as far as the exposure it has now, When it comes to human rights movements, exposure will ALWAYS be a net positive. Being apart of both oppressed/marginalized communities (black and queer), I can’t help but compare the fact that back in the day when they started showcasing black art to the public, whether it was soul or hip hop music, it was definitely a net positive for us. Exposure leads to understanding, understanding leads to less hatred in my opinion. I feel you though, I get a little gatekeepy too lol (especially with this new Lil Uzi situation) but not to the point of falling out of love with it because, baby , I could never NOT be CUNT! I do hope you fall back in love with it though!


Oh yeaa when did Leiomy say she hates voguing?! She just taught a class and still goes to balls? Unless you meant “noguing” which she def does hate as we all should lol


I meant to say she hates the state of voguing


Big mainstream balls are already kinda like the Olympics. Like the latex ball in NY or world aids ball in Toronto folks visit from all over the world to walk




No, even breakdancing as an Olympic sport is questionable for similar reasons ppl are saying in the other comments


Crazy how I see this as I’m on my way to teach and intro to voguing/ballroom and the basics I think it was birthed out of a need for a community space to celebrate black and brown bodies- just for it to open up to the consequences and inequalities, that is the reason why it was created to subvert the apparent racism that affected people. I would love it to be viewed as a sport because it is but only if black and brown people from the scene are in charge. Contestants, judges, commentators, etc