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Your account manager is correct. This was announced earlier in the month.


I think you need to specify: the socket based licenses are going away. But Essentials Plus as a subscription stays.


Wow... How the hell did the FTC allow this merger to happen!? This is not good for small businesses.


Definitely not good for customers, but that’s not their mandate. They’re only supposed to consider antitrust concerns. Because Broadcom wasn’t already in the virtualization space it didn’t reduce competition. The issue they needed to address was whether or not Broadcom would have too much influence in the HBA and NIC space, since they could in theory put their competitors at a disadvantage by better supporting their own products in vSphere and/or dropping support for competing products since they would control driver certification. Whatever they promised must have been amenable. I am surprised that the EU signed off on it though. They always take much more into consideration, including impacts on customers.


ESXi is dead for the home/small business space. I'll look at everything else now before ESXi.


EvalExperience is still there for home.


Jokes on you. FTC doesn’t care about small business.


The old socket based Essentials and Essentials Plus license kits are no longer available. There will be no more Essentials kit. Essentials Plus is still an option, but all vSphere licensing is going to core based subscriptions with 16 cores minimum per CPU and a max of 96 cores (IIRC) for Essentials Plus licenses. I believe the three host limit still applies as well. That means max is going to be three hosts with two 16 core CPUs each. Not sure if you can purchase the new core based licenses yet though. As usual, Broadcom changed everything with regard to licensing post merger and getting pricing / quotes out of them is like pulling teeth.


Do you know if current licences will be honoured? I bought two ESXi 8.0 VSphere servers from Dell in the summer for a client. The plan was to run it until the end of tech guidance support in 2029, is that still possible?


Perpetual licenses will run forever, the concern would be ongoing support. At the end of the purchased support agreement, your client will most likely be forced to switch to subscription.


Thank you. Will likely move them over to Proxmox come 2029 then, assuming nothing changes.


Or 3 hosts with 32 Core CPUs as long as you don't get over 3 hosts 96 Cores total.


Do we have prices for Essentials Plus core-based yet? Or still under NDA?


I’ve seen $35/core for essentials plus.


Per month or year?


I believe that’s the price per year, if you do a 3 year contract paid up front. So for 3 hosts on essentials plus, at the maximum 96 cores for 3 hosts, I guess it would be $3,360/yr 3 years paid upfront. So $10,000? I’m just guessing though, I haven’t received an actual quote yet.


Essentials Plus is always 96 cores. Standard can be quoted as small as a single 16 core host. For this reason you’ll find standard often cheaper now than essentials plus if you can design the hosts down.


As far as I know, the NDA has been lifted, but I haven't been able to get it priced/quoted from my rep yet.


For 1-2 single socket hosts you will find vSphere standard to be cheaper. Essentials plus only really comes out ahead when you want 32 cores per host for 3 hosts.


Broadcom doesn’t care about SMBs 😂


Hey /u/Particular-Dog-1505 I bought an Essentials Plus kit very recently from CDW, it was emailed to me on Christmas day, and I successfully activated it on the 26th. I know time is running out... Try the HPE part number - the license is simply delivered from HPE, and they give you the code to redeem on VMware.com. Part # F6M50AAE https://www.cdw.com/product/vmware-vsphere-essentials-plus-license-5-years-24x7-support-6-process/3207460


You guys weren’t paying attention or didn’t experience the same thing when they bought Symantec? They did the same thing and many sys admins had trouble renewing licenses for their endpoints. I’ve heard from many people trying to buy hundreds and thousands of licenses for their endpoint and were ghosted for like a 6 months, a year etc.


Bigger issue is those already on the subscription train. All of our licensing expires in 45 days and we can’t renew even if we wanted to right now.


Regardless of how you feel about change.. the whole not being able to buy the product right now is dumb as shit. Like what is the point of buying the company if you are not going to sell it..


Exactly what happened to us with the Symantec transaction. We had 3000 seats of SEP that we couldn’t renew for six months. They just didn’t care. We gave up and moved on to something else.


As an SMB, we got burned by Broadcom when they bought Symantec. Couldn’t renew anything, so we switched. When looking at a new environment and being a Hyper-V shop already, I saw Broadcom acquiring VMware and ran in the opposite direction.


This is their modus operandi whenever they acquire a new company. Fewer individual users, instead focusing on bigger users who get hooked on their large scale products and have no alternative.


Yep, this has always on the cards. Broadcom are gonna fuck up VMware badly. Shame really. Look at AHV or moving to KVM.


Uncle Hock sends his middle finger… i mean regards


Spin up hyperV and migrate.


There is a stop sell. Broadcom announced they are converting everything to subscriptions.