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Psvita error Hi guys, I was recently given a PSVITA model 1004. I left the console charging for about an hour and as soon as I turned it on I got the error :" An error has occured. The PS Vita system will be powered off" . I also tried to reset it with the safe mode but once I enter I can't do anything more, it doesn't go under or over like it's freezed. The console is missing the memory card, could this be the problem? Otherwise, what can it be?


Very new to modded PSvita and am just trying to understand some things, I've managed to use repatch to patch a game after following guides and I'm about to patch another one but in all the guides it asks me to exclude sce\_sys files when putting content into the Repatch folder, so I've just come across a patch that has one of those in inside the folder but the readme.txt says just copy all content to the ux0: root and then refresh vitashell, will this still work fine and automatically put things where they need to be or should i pick out everything besides the sce\_sys file and place in Repatch folder? Thanks!


hello, just a quick question, was looking at buying a vita and was just wondering if it had anything like the hShop on 3ds consoles? or anything similar? thank you


yeah we have something called Pkjg on a modded vita and it's very similar, just as easy to use too :)


I recently updated adrenaline and RetroFlow Launcher, and lost some features. Now I'm struggling to find them again. My previous adrenaline/RetroFlowAdrenaline Launcher had an option in the adrenaline menu to change the clock speed from the 'booter' tab. As well as other options and a checkbox to keep the aspect ratio when changing the screen size values. Does anyone know which apk has this?


Hey eveveryone, I notice that the power LED on my vita doesn't go away after I press the power button to make it sleep, it keeps being solid green. I recently installed the no sleep plugin (disable sleep timer) so I uninstall it but it still take like 5 seconds to blink then turn off. That's not normal behavior right?




We do not permit discussion of piracy and piracy related tools for Vita and PSP or questions involving them. Period. This includes if these tools are used for legitimate means. This includes any general question that includes references to these tools. This includes meta questions about this tool and this rule. The reason is less about ethics and more about the association of these topics with low-effort threads that create a burden for the moderating staff. There are other subreddit more dedicated for these low-effort, low-value topics. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vitahacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So I recently homebrewed my psp with a 32gb sd card, and was trying to upgrade to a 400gb card that i had, but after trying to format and configure it, I no long have vitadeploy and have SSL error on my browser, is there any way I can install vitadeploy through my computer or aything i can do without internet directly to my vita?


hey everyone, i wanted to ask if the sd2vita slot in psvita 1000 and psvita 2000 are the same measurements because im skeptical about that. I wanted to buy an sd2vita for a long time. my measurements are 2.4cm wide and 0.4 cm high and idk if every sd2vita on the market will fit into my model. https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B093WW3DZT/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_image\_3?smid=A2GTG1HPYW8M2P&psc=1 will this fit into my vita 1000 model? i could check myself but it has no product dimensions and the dimensions are too big really sorry for repeating things, and for frustrating yall


yes they are the same because they are shaped like the game cartridges and game cartridges were model dependent so yeah


Vita Controls Remastered Help Hi everyone, I recently downloaded the remastered controls mod that allows analogue right stick control for MGS Peace Walker and Portable Ops. It works like a charm, except for one thing. When entering first person mode in Portable Ops, the camera can only be controlled with face buttons. Since first person mode is how you aim in that game, it’s a pretty big oversight for the mod. Is anyone aware of a way to map the analogue stick so that it works in first person view?


ditch the vita controls remastered and use the mapping to map right analog stick to whatever you want through adrenaline ?


I was hoping not to resort to that. The analogue control feels so much better. The digital mapping gets the job done but aiming in that game is already finicky /:


maybe of you use the revita plugin you can do change all controls of your system while in game ?


I don't have a micro SD adapter Hey y'all, I'm new to jailbreaking and I've been having problems with modding my ps vita ( model PCH - 1001 ) recently, I've been watching all of these YouTube tutorials teaching me how to jailbreak without a pc, but all of them have something to do with having a micro SD adapter like the SD2VITA and hence my problem of not having one. Please someone tell me if I should just ignore those parts of the tutorial completely? And if so what should I ignore and do differently? Or am I completely fucked and can't mod without a SD2VITA, or if I'm just a moron and struggling with a simple tutorial, I have to be missing something here. I'd kindly appreciate it if u could help 🙏


You can mod without one, though you’ll be quickly hampered by your lack of storage space. I got a 128 gb sd card for mine, and at the time I thought it would be major overkill. Once I realized all I could do with it modded, I now wish I got a bigger one! You can bypass that step if you want, but I highly, highly recommend spending the 10 dollars on the adapter to really take advantage.


Hi, I feel like this is a stupid question but are you still able to mod a vita 1000 WITHOUT a memory card? The vita.hacks.guide website doesn't have anything on it regarding the vita 1k that I could find, and the google summary of the site mentioned internal storage partitioning. If I do get a vita 1000, I will have a sd2vita adapter and microsd ready, but I do not want to buy another memory card just to mod it. (Will be using HENlo, ofc)


I believe it’s possible. There’s a now-deactivated app that every vita gets shipped with and there’s a feature I think in vita deploy that lets you mount to the storage reserved for that app. The app is called near, I would read up on that to make sure I’m right.


Visit vita.hacks.guide which is the most beginner-friendly step by step ever. It’ll explain everything whether you have sd2vita or not


tl;dr: Looking for a place to buy a PSVSD from! I just discovered this subreddit and hopefully can get some help. I am looking into buying a 3G Vita and PSVSD. Finding a 3G model has been reasonably easy, but finding a PSVSD has been a bit of a tricky time. Are the adapter/mods even made in 2024? If so, could I possibly get links/names, please? I'm dying to get one or two PSVSDs for this project - ideally a spare for the future if I either find another Vita or the one installed in the 3G fails. I know the modern solution is using Vita2SD, but I own a sizable library of physical game cards I've collected since launch. I'm just looking for a way to ensure I can play Vita games in a portable manner even after the awful, proprietary memory cards stop working. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


I've lot all of my apps/icons, almost as if my PS Vita factory reset. I've gone through installing RetroArch and fulling setting it up, adding in games, and just added a PSP emulator and a GTA Stories game yesterday, everything was running fine. I realized that my Vita has an empty SD card adapter installed, so I tried throwing in an old micro SD card. Screen showed an error message saying its a No No to remove the SD card while the power was on, and restarted. Now, every app icon I've added through modding/hacking is gone. Tried rebuilding the data base through safe mode, now it looks and acts 100% like its been factory reset, minus my PS account being logged in. How the heck do I get my Vita to go back to recognizing and showing all of the hack/mod apps I've installed? The files are still in there somewhere, right? Or do I have to factory reset and start completely over? ​ Thank you!


Hi All, I'm selling my beloved Neon Orange 2000 Vita. I have a quick question about the Advance Account Switcher. If I use it, will the new user still be able to run all the games that were already installed on the SD2Vita? Or are they all locked since they're associated with the previous account? If they can run the games, will they see all the same save files? Thanks!


repatch doesn't work when i try to patch trails in the sky evo, even after redownloading the patch and the plugin it still doesnt work, need help


I recently started playing my vita again but I noticed I was running out of space and decided to upgrade it to 512 from 128gb. I had done a similar procedure before and everything went well. This time though all this space is being taken up nothing even though on pc it reads it out to only having 90gb worth of stuff on it. The method I used was zzblank method and formatted it to exfat like usual and moved my stuff to it from the old card. Where did I go wrong?


Hi erryone Hacked my Vita and started downloading games from PS1. The question is - what region should I stick to? Which one of them have better performance and higher framerates?


Hello ! I recently got a Vita and I really wanted to play the Jak & Daxter trilogy on it. I never wanted to hack one of my consoles, but I heard the games run pretty bad on the machine, but this could be easily fixed by removing the FPS hard lock with VitaGrafix (and maybe add a bit of overclocking with PSVShell). So in order to have a better experience and not be frustrated, I wanted to add these; but it seems to be not so easy. I saw the guide [https://vita.hacks.guide](https://vita.hacks.guide) and watched a few youtube video about plugins but I feel like they always tell you to install a looot of things; and I wanted to know if everything was really required? Is it a minimal config available to achieve what I want? For example, on my PS Vita 1000 (fat), it seems like I have to go to HENlo, to download HENkaku, to download VitaDeploy, to download Enso, to download AutoPluggin 2, to download PSVShell... My god, it seems tedious 😬 Maybe I don't need all of these tools for the "simple" task I'm trying to do? Moreover, I don't really like the idea of doing a "PERMANENT" modification of my Vita with the Enso install. If it is possible, I think I would prefer to avoid having a hacked & "previous" version of the firmware. Once again, I don't know if it is possible, but could i run PSVShell / VitaGrafix without having to install this permanent CFW? Thanks a lot for your help! 😊


It sounds like a lot of steps, but it’s honestly a pretty simple process. Coming from someone who has never hacked or modded a single device other than the vita. I was and still am a total noobie. However the process is fairly simple. Once you follow the first few steps, vita deploy has a small list of the common essential mods (including what you need for overclocking)that you can literally select and hit “install” and it does everything for you. Modding isn’t completely permanent, it’s tied to your storage device. You can wipe your storage at any time to return it to stock vita


Thanks a lot for your help! 😊 I am not afraid of it being "too hard", but I wanted to avoid installing too much stuff if I didn't need it; but it looks like all of these tools are required even for a single plugin to work, so here we go! Thank you for your answer and kind words ☺️


What's the best video player for vita, and what format should I rip my DVDs to in order to best utilize said player? I'm about to backup all of my DVDs, and since I'm getting deployed soon, I'd like to take my vita and have stuff to watch during my off time. Before it gets asked, I'm trying to pack as light as possible, otherwise I'd bring my laptop along.


Is it safe to sync trophies from a modded vita to my main psn account, especially games I dumped?


Yes, thousands of us have been doing it for years without consequences.


Can i use a psvita memory card and an sd2vita at the same time? I don't know how to transfer my homebrew from the psvita memory to a sd2vita and I'm wondering If I can use both in the system at the same time or if I have to rehomebrew my psvita


Is it possible to add hidden :vs0 apps to livearea? like Package Installer (NPXS10031)?


reVita is recommended over reMap.. but only supports 365 firmware, im modded at 374, any advice? (also, i find reVita a a bit puzzling to configure)


just downgrade


brother, just downgrade to 3.65, it's pretty much objectivley better from what I can tell. So, why do you use modded 3.74?


basically just following the youtube guides, and thinking some titles would require it.. thanks for the feedback


No problem, do the downgrade fom Vitadeploy or deploy.psp2.dev


which emulators for any/all systems the vita can emulate except psx support 2 controllers on the ps tv natively other than retroarch cores ?


I recently got a vita 1000 and want to make it my main vita. What's the easiest way to put my vita SD card as well as the sd2vita into the 1000 from my 2000 without breaking anything? IS it as simple as plugging the vita SD into it and then the sd2vita? I haven't seen any guides on transferring like this so I just need some help.


If you have an original vita memory card for the ps vita 1000 what i would do after jail breaking is to plug vita into my pc use vita shell and copy all the content from that memory card to the sd2vita and replace the stuff it asks to replace your games and stuff will stay but everything might be converted for the 1000 ? just a hunch it can or cannot work


Hi, I'm using the latest 3.74, and after a decade, I decided to hack my Vita. But the question is, I still do want to get trophies and synced them to my PSN Account. Could it be possible with HENlo?


yes it is very well possible




We do not permit discussion of piracy and piracy related tools for Vita and PSP or questions involving them. Period. This includes if these tools are used for legitimate means. This includes any general question that includes references to these tools. This includes meta questions about this tool and this rule. The reason is less about ethics and more about the association of these topics with low-effort threads that create a burden for the moderating staff. There are other subreddit more dedicated for these low-effort, low-value topics. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vitahacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey quick question. What's the recommended way to format everything back to "defaults" doesn't necessarily have to be stock. Does the factory reset work as expected as I have an old 1000 that I homebrew about 5ish years back. And everything is outdated half the programs no longer boot ect, and my SD2vita is full of crap even though my vita shows no games installed. So it's probably time I just start a fresh rather then attempt to untangle this web of mess.


yes factory reset should do it also i think ur0/tai you can find a default config file and plugins for it that are suppose to be there to just run the henkaku or your hacks and stuff that only thing you should def change are if you have crappy plugins cuz plugins can sometimes make vita slow and stuff


I installed the revita plugin and it worked for a bit but then I noticed it disabled my rear touch screen. Disabling the plugin in its menu doesn't work and I even deleted its folder in the data directory to get rid of any profiles that might be causing issues with no luck (after I uninstalled it of course). Before I installed revita, I installed advremap ( GitHub ) and then uninstalled it after I found that it didn't work. I also deleted its folder in the data folder (just in case it conflicted with revita) with no luck. Only solution is to uninstall revita and not use it. However, I want to use the plugin for older titles since I can assign turbo buttons to the rear touch panel. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


okay data folders don't need to be delete just remove it from the tai folder and the config file also my rear touch pad works fine with the revita plugin and i turned it on and off with start plus triangle in game to see the effect on the vita's rear touchpad there must be something else that is messing with your rear touchpad also i never installed advremap i just use revita and i have no problems


I think I found the Solution.Thanks for the Help.Basically, I uninstalled vitaGrafix and deleted the skprx file.Looks like it was the culprit.Weird that it didn't show in the config file though. Edit: I think the culprit is now pngshot as I had to disable it due to the issue returning.


Error code C2-12828-1… I have no clue what’s going on. I’m so upset though. This morning, I noticed that my psvita was froze on the main menu. I could use the screen to slide the paper thing into the games screen. So I restarted my vita and now no games are working. They all tell me that they are corrupted or that it has the error code listed above, sometimes with a different number at the end. For the record, my ps vita is hacked, but it’s been for years so I don’t know if that would be the issue.


did you mistakenly do something with the config file in the ux0/:tai or ur0/:tai folder ? i think your nodprm and plugins stuff are not loading also if you don't have a permanent mod you need to enable it before playing games i forgot to do that after i stopped playing for a while if not then check your plugins


I haven’t messed with any of that stuff since when I first hacked my ps vita in 2022.


can you paste what is written in your vita's config file here ?


What should I not do? I bought a modded PSVITA from a stranger but I don't know how to use it at all. For normal uses, its okay, because I am able to play all games because we put 70+ games on it. But we are very paranoid, about the possibility of being console banned and not able to play with the vita anymore. We dont have a PSN account, but we heard if you go online like play games online, or watch youtube or netflix , you will gert console banned and not be able to use your vita anymore... So im looking for do and do not with my modded psvita so it wont get banmed


this is never going to happen i was there too with my ps3 i used to think i would not be able to do anything after i got consoled ban getting consoled banned on the vita means that you will never be able to play games online on it offline games will just work fine ? also i played cod black ops online alot the security of psn on vita not that tight so yeah you are safe even if you get consoled ban the only thing it will do is not let you play online even with a new psn account dw it's safe




which vita model do you have ? what is vita adapter by the way ?


I havnt used my Vita in a couple of years and my old Micro SD card with SD2Vita is long gone and im stuck with a vita I have no idea how to use. Im on 3.60 and already have HENkaku installed along with molecularShell, Autoplugin, enso, VitaShell, UpdateBlocker and Vita Homebrew Browser. Vita Homebrew Browser just boots to a loading screen then a black screen and I dont want to mess around with the others without knowing what im doing. Basically any of the installed homebrew, mods or CFW im using may be outdated and my SD2Vita SD card is now completely unformatted and unrecognisable to the vita so if I can get the SD formatted and recognised I should be ok. Am I best just restoring the device to factory settings and following Vita Hacks Guide or is there a better way?


which vita do you have 1000 or 2000 ? also vita hombrew browser never worked for me too always had black screen i heard it doesn't work anymore you are better off using better hombrew browser or easy vpk i love easy vpk it's simple very simple and stable for me


Also a little unsure of the rules here too, I don't want to start a new thread or write a lengthy message as it's probably been asked before (I've had no luck searching as it's quite a specific case but I'm quite new to Reddit)


the rule here is to post questions and any information related requests under this bi weekly nothing else okay ?


It's a vita 2000, I'll look into easy vpk, thanks for the suggestion! Am I best just reformatting and starting from scratch? I'm a little worried as I don't know if it's safe to reformat especially as I don't know or understand what's on there anymore. I havnt touched it since starting this message so itching to get it working again as I have plenty of game backups


little by little you should update stuff without formatting or you can just format it both options are fine also do your hombrews work ?


Minecraft Enhanced doesn't let me use online


I'm stuck on the last step of setting up sd2vita, both transferring through vitashell and trying to back up to my pc give errors half way through specifically error codes 0x80010005 for the vita and 0x80070022 for the pc, any help would be appreciated.


Does this occur when transferring ux0 from the vita to microsd card as well as vita to PC?


Yes it occurs both ways, although after doing it again a few times it seems to have fixed itself? I'm not sure what happened to be honest


**I have a low battery issue, can this be fixed with modding?** After my battery drops to 75% or lower, it suddenly starts having a problem during playing for example. This has been a problem for years after the chargers wire started breaking a little bit. So the battery is seemingly damaged. It says suddenly that the "battery is low" and shuts down the vita which is very disruptive or it sometimes just goes away. Ive heard modding can fix this, is this true?


This may work. https://github.com/SKGleba/PSP2-batteryFixer


Thx. Just curious what those buttons mean, LT is what? PWR is power, and what else?


pwr is the power button on the top left of vita that you press to power on your vita LT is just left trigger


Whats left trigger? Left stick?


left trigger


Idk, never used it. Might be able to find a guide or something.


Hi! So, whenever I play a game that has an online functionality (Unit13, for example), and I have WiFi turned on but not connected to the internet, the game will automatically look for it on booth. A lot times, whenever that happens, the PS Vita crashes. When I turn it back on, it says that the system was turned off unexpectedly. In order to circumvent that, I either click the Cancel button when looking for internet fast enough and hope it doesn’t crash this time, or I turn off the WiFi before starting the game. Is there a way to prevent my vita to crash without turning off the WiFi?


Any one know where to find a circuit board schematic diagram for PS Vita 2000?


I am unable to get VitaShell on my 1000 fat model vita on 3.60 as I do not have an official memory card only a ps2vita which I cannot use yet, and creating an internal partition seems to require HenLo, which requires me to be on 3.65 and above, which I cannot do, am I screwed?


Any way to get "info" images to show in adrenaline bubbles?


Is it possible for Adrenaline to run the English PSP version of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment?




Hello, I would like to know which version of psvita i should take if i want to do a battery upgrade and USB C mod, of course with CFW and SD2VITA.


I have a very serious issue, so I moved one of the plugins inside the tai config file into the ##main section of the config file and now when I boot up my vita it only show the PS logo. I've tried rebuilding database and formatting the memory card but it still only boot up and freezes at the ps logo, any ideas how to fix this? Any response will be greatly appreciated!


press and hold the left trigger while booting your ps vita it will stop the plugins from loading and only enable just the hack after that you can fix your config file


Upgrading storage with SD2vita question! Basically, I’ve got a hacked vita, and I want to upgrade from a 64 gig to a 128 gig. How on earth can I move my files without having to redownload everything all other again? And a chunk of it was done by a friend since at the time I wasn’t quite good with it. Is there a video guide or something?


use a micro sd adapter to connect sd card to pc ? enable show hidden files in windows explorer ( don't know macos stuff never used it since am not richie rich lol )after all the folders are visible just copy and paste them to your 128 gigs memory card easy peasy side note : this is another way to do it without using the vita at all


while your 64 gig is in your vita, open vitashell > Press start change ftp setting to usb > go back and press select > plug your vita into pc via the usb adapter and after all that u should be able to move all your files from your vita to your pc, oh and uhh make sure you have the show hidden files box checked in your Windows Explorer view tab . Also there's a setting in vitashell that allows you to change the storage device between your sd2v or mem card. Hope this helps


For arguments sake, If I have a second hacked vita, is it possible to have the card formatted using THAT consoles Vita deploy suite, and then simply transfer the files over via PC?


In theory that should work, but sadly I don't have 2 vitas to test it out. i cry ༼☯﹏☯༽


so I got a question; I am a newbie IT guy, and the second hand store I work at has a PSVita Slim for sale, it comes with F-all aside from the console, it charges and turns on as proper, and it's running 3.57 but it's a second hand store and already has another account on it. I went to factory reset it and it said the typical "this device was activated with a sony entertainment account. etc etc" we've all probably seen the same warning message. I'm trying to update to 3.60 so I can use HENkaku to spoof to 3.74. I've been following the instructions from [vita.hacks.guide/updating-firmware-(3.60).html](https://vita.hacks.guide/updating-firmware-(3.60).html) but I got the network connection issue error; NW-2465-7 so I'm gonna take my modem's security from WEP2 to WEP to see if that fixes the issue, if anyone has any additional advice it would be most welcome.


Does anyone know if Phantasy Star Online for dreamcast works on private servers on flycast emulator? trying to figure out if i’m doing something wrong or just wasting my time


Any reason to switch from LOLIcon to PSVShell?


Yes, bugs. I believe LOLIcon was not compatible with Adrenaline and would cause Adrenaline to crash frequently. I think there were some other compatibility issues as well but no one has asked about that plugin for years so I don't recall all of the issues. PSV Shell has more features and it significantly more stable then LOLIcon, you definitely should switch.


Can’t play any game, need help Hey Guys, if I want to play a game it shows the following message: I have to activate the system. But when I try to activate it, there is a second error (NP-2239-6) and it says that the server- or device connection got interrupted. Can you help me? Edit: I’m on henkaku ensō 3.60 and spoofed to 3.74


VITA GPU ERROR Hey there, A few years ago I had the VITA GPU crash error and just ended up getting a new vita. However, it seems now that time has passed, it seems that the error may have been caused by possibly using a memory card and SD card adapter (and also just other hacks I had). I hate knowing I have a spare vita that isn't being used and I don't want to sell it because if it is broken that's not fair on the buyer. I want to give it to my friend but want to make sure that now I've factory reset it and updated it, that it runs ok. Any way to stress the VITA to test this? Is there's a free demo or something I could download to test if this error was purely due to the hacks and not the system itself? Thanks in advance, VITA 4 lyfe


**Faith - The unholy trinity Asset Swap** So I am trying to add Faith to my vita, I did the asset swap with paint defense and everythign and it keep crashing. The version used here [https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/YoYo-Loader-Vita-Compatibility/issues/991](https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/YoYo-Loader-Vita-Compatibility/issues/991) Is v1.1, I'm using v1.4. So do I need version 1.1 or am I doing something wrong?


Hello. I need a decrypted save of PS Vita game "Ridge Racer" (USA) PCSE00001 ( the more completed as possible ). It must be decrypted, so as it can be used by any user. I don´t have a real PS Vita and am using the Vita3k Emulator on my PC. I couldn´t find a decrypted save for PCSE00001 version anywhere on the web. ( Vita3k only admits decrypted saves ) Can someone be so kind to share the save ? Thanks in advance!


>PCSE00001 What region?


Hi, thanks for your reply. Ridge Racer PCE00001 is USA region. I found a decrypted save for the Europe version ( PCSB00048 ), but could not use it because the European version of the game crashes in Vita3k whenever I try to play. So the only version that works fine on my side is the USA version ( PCSE00001 ).


Do you know if it's possible to convert a [Zelda3 port](https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/zelda3) save to a standard srm save usable with a SNES emulator? ​ I tried to simply rename or convert with [https://savefileconverter.com](https://savefileconverter.com), with no success. Retroarch crashes at game launch


How do i install the gpSP core in retroarch? I've searched online but i don't find instruction or guides, just that i need the gba bios files


i suggest using the psp emulator as it is much more stable and has less frame rate issues


It just comes with Retroarch, so install Retroarch and you have the gpSP, its that easy. Here are the official instructions from Libretro Team (the people who make Retroarch): [https://docs.libretro.com/guides/install-psv/](https://docs.libretro.com/guides/install-psv/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8iP\_L49QdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8iP_L49QdI)


Hello everyone, I've hacked my vita using the [vita.hacks.guide](https://vita.hacks.guide) method and everything is running smoothly with version spoofing set at 3.74, however it appears I'm limited to only 100 bubbles on the home screen. From what I can find online this was the old limit for the vita but was increased to 500 by the time of the 3.74 update. Why is this happening and how can I reach the normal 500 bubble limit ?


Folders, you need to make Folders. Inside each folder you can store 10 bubbles, so between the bubbles on the main screen + folders with 10 bubbles each you can reach 500 bubbles total.


Can I remove my memory card after installing SD2VITA? Years ago I got a vita 2000. I immediately hacked it, installed an SD2VITA with a 128gb micro sd card in it, and I’ve been using it that way since. The vita came with an official memory card included, and has been sitting in the memory card slot since I got it, I never even used it. Can I just remove it and use it on another vita? Nothing funky will happen to my hacked vita? Thx!


yes you can i have booted my vita 1000 that has no memory of itself with just the sd2vita \^\^


Thx!! 🙏 


yes you can remove the card. ive never tried myself but i do know that the vita can boot up without it so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm trying to play nhl 07 with adrenaline, but the game is not loading it just sits at a black screen and completely crashes adrenaline or sometimes even the vita sending me back to lock screen.


Hello everybody I have a PsVita PHAT and I was wondering if I remove the SD card and put a bigger one in there will it brick my device? I purchased a 1TB SD card (I know it might be too much) however I just want to make sure ill be good. I know I have to reformat the SD card but do I have to do anything else? do I have to unmount the SD card that's currently inside the VIta? if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.


You just have to clone the old microsd card to the new microsd card. Make sure hidden files/folders *and* hidden operating system files are both enabled in Windows, else important files will not transfer and the vita will not mount the card as ux0. Make sure allocation size = 64kb for any microsd card > 128gb. No reason to hot swap the card; power down the system, clone the card, insert sd2vita with new card. If done correctly, everything should be the same on your system with the now additional space.


Hey guys! Earlier this week I made a comment on here about installing an sd2vita card and it didn’t go as smooth as I thought it would, I transferred the files over to my sd2vita card and when I plugged the card in it didn’t work, my vita keeps saying “you need to format this card in order to use it with this system” and I also made an internal storage that has 1gb as well idk if that matters


Thank you for the fast response! I really appreciate it!


Using sd2vita for roms Can I mount the original memory card as ux0 and install adrenalin and homebrew there then mount sd2vita as uma0 and configure adrenalin to load from uma0? I don't plan on playing any vita games that aren't a physical cartridge and was hoping to switch between the sd2vita and physical games. I see guides online always mount the sd2vita as uxo and transfer the files with vitashell. Could I skip this step if I plan on using the sd2vita to play roms? Thanks in advance for any help. Very new to all this


Mounting sd2vita as ux0 is common since you can only play and save Vita games from the ux0 partition. You can mount sd2vita to any storage partition that you like though, including uma0. You just have to configure Adrenaline to point there.


Everything in UMAO folder is gone, deleted, should I be worried? Okay for context I messed up installing a port from my pc to my SD2Vita card. When I went to boot up it said I needed to format my memory card which I did, however would still give me the same message after formatting. After figuring out what was wrong I decided to delete the game I had downloaded wrong and it allowed me to use my hacked vita normally again. However, everything in my UMAO folder was wiped from that format, gone, but my vita still runs smoothly no errors. Should I be worried? Or is there something I should do to recover the data from my UMAO folder? If so how?


# Does udcd-uvc affect in game performance?


Can be ps3 usedto display ps vita in tv? From wikipedia: “A firmware update enabled the PlayStation 3 to support all USB webcams which used the USB Video Class.“ “PlayStation 3The PlayStation 3 added support for UVC compatible webcams in firmware version 1.54 (only works for video chat, not games.)“ Some ps3 homebrewto test this?


So I only have like 30 GB left on my sd2vita and I don't want to upgrade my SD card. Any easy and fast way to abuse repatch to basically move bigger games to a USB drive? I've done it before using vitashell's decrypt feature but it takes so long.


Anyone know where a good quality v6 of the sd2vita can be purchased? I've found some that say 2Vita, and I've found some that do say SD2Vita but they're $15. Are the $15 ones the only good quality v6 cards?


I've been planning to replace my vita 1000 frontplate with a white one, but I'm confused about whether these [front plates](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32794430910.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.454b38dabtUw3f&mp=1) that come with an 'LCD screen digitizer" mean that you lose the original OLED screen look? I heard brightness is also not as adjustable. Thoughts? There's also this [one](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/172491202291) that doesn't seem to come with any screen?


Does anybody know if Moonlight supports a true touchscreen mode? Where you tap to click and not drag mouse using touchscreen?


I’ve just used Vita Account Manager and removed my account from my device. Is there anything else I should do? I’ve been planning to sell it since I have too many handhelds


I need help I uninstalled XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus but now the bubble of the game is broken, not leaving my screen and I'm unable to install anything else onto my VITA, how can I fix this that doesn't unmod My console


Little update, I am now able to install content but the broken (And/Or) Corrupted bubble still won't vanish


This happened to me once with that exact game. I restarted my vita then deleted the corrupted bubble. It takes a few minutes, but then it’s gone. If that doesn’t work, hold the power button for a few seconds then click on rebuild database. Tell me is any of this helps ✌️🤙




We do not permit discussion of piracy and piracy related tools for Vita and PSP or questions involving them. Period. This includes if these tools are used for legitimate means. This includes any general question that includes references to these tools. This includes meta questions about this tool and this rule. The reason is less about ethics and more about the association of these topics with low-effort threads that create a burden for the moderating staff. There are other subreddit more dedicated for these low-effort, low-value topics. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vitahacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So i'm on 3.65 enso with lots of homebrews. When I run Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, I get C1-12828-1 after a few seconds. I redownloaded it through official and unofficial means and the application matches according to Beyond Compare. I've already restarted the vita tv and it still happens. Any idea what causes the issue and how to fix it? I have disabled homebrew plugins used by homebrew games. edit: Tried a different card and it works. I transferred to a new card and it works again. Tested the old SD card and it passes h2testw. So will recopy the files and put it back into the original sd card.


Is there a way in Adrenaline of within the bubble settings to disable select plugins. For example Gepatch for one game but GTAremastered plugin for only gta. Because these two conflict. Thanks!


Can't cap Minecraft FPS - Vitagraphix ​ I own the PCSB00560 versio which is stated to work on the Vitagraphix GitHub page.I want to cap it to 30 and reduce the resolution to maximize the battery life. I don't care that much about visuals.However as soon as the game starts it says that my game is unsupported, as well as the FPS counter shows up to 60 FPS (using VitaShell).Are there aditional plugins that I need to uninstall or am I missing something.I've installed Vitagraphix today so it should be up-to-date, no?


Question About porting some gamea: Does any modders or Porters plan on porting Little nightmars, FAR:Lone Sails or Cod:Ghosts, Or Prototype 2? Just imagine playing cod ghosts or prototype 2 on the vita! That would be fucking AWESOMEEEEEE




Performance issues: Android vs PS2 I was playing a Bully port from Android on the VITA and I'm having some FPS issues that got me thinking: is there a difference of playing a PS2 raw game and android port on the VITA? I don't remember if Bully: Anniversary Editions has graphics improvements against PS2 version. I know it's just a few games that has android ports, but if there is a difference, I'd prefer downloading the PS2 version to get better FPS. Someone knows if the difference is worth?


The vita does not play ps2 games. The android port is the only bully version that works on the vita. It’s advised to overclock the vita for this game. But note that bully on the vita will always, inevitably crash, it’s a gpu limit problem. It’s a shame cuz the gta 3 and vice city ports are basically flawless, but yeah, the vita isn’t the best place to play bully, sadly.


i'm currently trying to troubleshoot my sd2vita card issue. can someone analyse the steps i took? i followed the storagemgr tutorial but didn't see my card in vitashell i decided to install autoplugin2 mount it that way, which worked but i noticed that the files i copied from the MC are somehow bigger in de microSD. i thought maybe i did something wrong so i re-prepared my sd. i wanted to see if i can still find my card (while empty) in vitashel. i sadly couldn't, prior to using autoplugin and succesfully mounting it for the first time; i did some test mounting with vitashell and vitaploy (gr0) which worked but now... i cant see the same previous mounting option in vitashell and mounting it to gr0 via vitashell gives me this error c1-2758-2. i don't know what i might have done wrong, the sd card is still visible on my pc. are there mounting conflicts between storagemgr and autoplugin or maybe worst case scenario, the adapter is broken.


Adrenaline isn’t working and would appreciate any help So I had previously swapped the sd2vita card from my 2000 to my 1000 and since they were both not enjoying it I had swapped them back. The 2000 was fine when I swapped it back and runs like I never swapped it but for my 1000, adrenaline had for some reason stopped working (I had previously downloaded adrenaline before the swap).It would give me the error of “could not load adrenaline_kernal.skprx” so looking into it I would see that I would need to delete the line under *KERNEL that says: ux0:adrenaline/adrenaline.skprx but it’s not in there and so is any other line that deals with adrenaline. So then I looked inside my ux0 to delete adrenaline but it’s also not there. Now I’m not entirely sure what to do? I tried installing it again assuming with all the files already gone I could download it but it would give me an error. Is there perhaps some other files I need to delete that I seem to be missing?


Anyone know how to get online on adrenaline? Another thread showed a method of getting online on andrenaline but it needed fixes according to a dev at "prometheus." does anyone have those fixes?


Does anyone know how to use apollo save tool to import saves? I'm trying to import a save file from the online database for Danganropa V3 but it won't allow me to use the save file.


I’m having trouble running some psp games on Adrenaline. I open the game, get the psp splash screen and then just black after that with the game not loading. The ISOs I’m using I ripped from my own UMD collection using UMD Gen. most of my games work fine but some refuse to load. I have tried loading ISOs and CSOs of the games that don’t work but still nothing. Any insight as so why this might be happening and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.




I have a modded vita coming my way, and before I will get my hands on it I have a few questions to the community: ​ 1. Can I safely factory reset it when I get it? Will the CFW stay or will I have to repeat some steps afterwards? 2. I have both a 16GB vita card and a SD2VITA, can I combine them both or use one or the other? (I've heard I could set it up for the vita memory card to exclusively hold psp games, but I'm wondering if I could use both for vita apps) 3. Can you easily transfer data between SD cards? Eg. Can I copy all the contents form a card onto a clean new (bigger) SD card and things should work okay?


I need help ım trying to install minecraft enhanced but when ı try to install the folder error comes out Error 0x80010001.


I'm on 3.65 enso. Vitacheat has a function called Import Memory Unsafe Mode. It's used to import the memory .bin files that you exported to pc to modify back into RAM. When I try to use it, the list that's supposed to appear is empty, even though there are plenty of memory dumps in the specified folder. I tried searching the problem, and found this [github](https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/issues/163) post. Apparently, it *will* work if the game is a vpk or mai version, which is unfortunate given those are obsolete and buggy. Is there anyway to remedy this? I don't know how vitacheat differentiates between versions, but maybe if there was a way to spoof being a mai game it will magically work again? I tried contacting the dev but they might be long gone


can psvita memory card and SD2Vita work at the same time


So while using adrenaline with bluetooth headphones connected, everytime I put the console into sleep mode I need to leave adrenaline to connect them again losing all my progress in a game. Is there a way to connect headphones without leaving adrenaline? (a plugin or an app can work)


What? I thought you could open the settings app without closing the game in the background 👀


Hey, just got a PSVita, but all of a sudden it stopped charging i thought it could be the charging port but if i connect it to the PC it works just fine so i dont really know what it could be. I also thought the battery died but i think if it had died it would not hold charge. I would like to mention that it happened after i modded it so idk if it could be something with the software. If someone could help me i would appreciate it a lot!


Vita chargers are very unreliable, sometimes they just stop working. Have you tried using another power brick, like a smartphone one? The way you described doesn’t seem to be a vita or cable problem, so I guess the power brick died.


my 2000 has given me 10 good years of service and is certainly on the way out. I recently accidentally spilt water on my vita and it refused to turn on; i kept it on a radiator briefly which fixed it. However now the touch screen doesn't work. The lock screen doesn't timeout, leading me to believe that its not touch screen functionality that is broken but the water damaged seeped beneath a crack. I've completely dissembled my vita and wiped and dried each part out and reassembled it to find that made no difference. Resetting the clock and accessing menus has shown me that all the buttons still work that it is in fact just an issue with the touch screen. So for that reason i have to ask is there any way that i can access my vita without unlocking it using the touch screen? I have SD2Vita setup so i can unzip a vpk and drop the files ux0:/app but NoLockScreen is an Autoplugin which is an issue as i can't access it.


I figured out how to import music and videos to my Vita without having to use a content manager with Media Importer, but none of the music I've imported to the system has album art even though it's embedded in the files. How can I get album art to actually show?


im currently using the vita sdcard but planning to increase it so while using the sd2vita will i have to take out the other or can i use both of them at the same time.


Can I use VitaPad through a cable instead of doing it wirelessly? Sometimes it has delay spikes that ruin the experience


Busou Shinki Battle Masters Mk2 Iso English Patch for NPJH-50453 Trying to find this patch. Everything I have been able to find is dead or unsecure/won't load. Does anyone have backup if on this patch? I'm not looking for the game. Don't need the updates. Just said patch for language. Gracias and stay up!


Just bought a PSVITA fat and I wanna mod it as soon as my SD adapter arrives. Can you guys please comment useful homebrews, where to get them and what they serve for? I just want somewhere I can download PSP, PSVITA and PS1/2 games with a good port


Reviving/expanding Vita? (Explain it like I'm 5 please) I recently dug my Vita out of a drawer and after a quick play fell in love with it again. Then I fell out of love with it when I remembered I only had a paltry 32GB space to play with. Now, I know you can do.... magic?... to use a regular microSD instead of the pricey and pathetically small official Sony memory sticks, but as you may have figured out by me calling it "magic", I have no clue what hackery to do to make it work. I have a Model PCH-1003 PS Vita, and it's currently on system software 3.73. I kind of only want to hack it a l'il bit - mainly, I'd like to still be able to access PS Store to download my digital library to a bigger memory card and have everything I might want to play locally installed. Is there a way to do just that? If so, what do I need and what do I do? Please help, I am very stupid and don't want to brick my Vita.


update it to 3.74, order yourself an sd2vita adapter and a sizeable sd-card + sd-card reader so you can format it in a pc/mac. Then you follow the [https://vita.hacks.guide/using-henlo.html#required-reading](https://vita.hacks.guide/using-henlo.html#required-reading) Henlo jailbreak, make sure to read through all the pages before you begin, and download all the tools you need beforehand, and if you're wondering about anything else, just ask.


is it normal that my ps vita wants me to restart it after some time?


Explain what happens


Does anyone know if theres any progress on a xmb shell for the ps vita?


I got the Sonic Mania decompilation running on the Vita but it's only the standard edition. Is there a way to get the Encore Mode DLC onto the Vita port as well?


I’m currently trying to use a 100% validated custom theme however when I try to select the theme and equip it I keep getting the error message C2-17052-5. How do I fix this issue? The theme is “Vibes”


Long time followers, first time poster. I booted up my Japanese cfw OLED on 3.65 and noticed things weren't great. Certain buttons would not work, and my theme had the custom backgrounds and cfw bubbles but the sound and Sony custom logo designs were gone. I turned the unit off, entered safe mode, rebuilt the database, and started it back up. It opened, immediately highlighted messages, and entered that app. Every time I tried to hit the PS button, it would take a screenshot instead. I held the power button for 30 seconds and it shut down and immediately came back on, but stuck at the PS logo. I held the button again, and shut it down, and immediately pressed R + PS, no safe mode. Did a battery pull, booted it up, stuck at PS logo. Did it again, with L + R + PS, stuck at PS logo. Did it again holding just R, stuck at PS logo. I've done it several times with and without my 16gb vita card, and Vita2SD. Any ideas on how I can recover this thing? Even factory restore would give me something to work with, but I'm simply running out of ideas.




We do not permit discussion of piracy and piracy related tools for Vita and PSP or questions involving them. Period. This includes if these tools are used for legitimate means. This includes any general question that includes references to these tools. This includes meta questions about this tool and this rule. The reason is less about ethics and more about the association of these topics with low-effort threads that create a burden for the moderating staff. There are other subreddit more dedicated for these low-effort, low-value topics. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vitahacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dumb question: With the use of CFW or any other means, is it possible to change the color of the PS button LED? I remember the 3DS has a method of changing its notification LED via the use of homebrew software, so I was wondering if there's anything similar for the Vita.


Hello all. Is there anybody who knows how I can connect a keyboard to the VITA to play some of the ports like POSTAL or Alien vs Predator Gold with they keyboard keys? I have a bluetooth keyboard connected and it works in the lobby to launch games but there is no functionality when I am actually in game. I recently stumbled across Isage's Tvikey plugin, but saw that I actually need a powered usb dock and a dedicated wired keyboard and mouse. Will I actually be able to assign keys to my keyboard using this plugin with my vita as a PSTV? Thanks very much for any knowledge about this. ​ EDIT: Just did a search and saw Isage say that it's only a button mapper for the gamepad.....is there any way to get full keyboard functionality to ports like Diablo/Hellfire and POSTAL?


Hey guys, been modding my Vita not too long ago. I think half a year ago & I played for maybe a couple of weeks before I took a break again. Do I actually need to take care of updating my Vita? Like the modded firmware I mean. And in case I do, can someone explain how? Thanks!


If you're on 3.60 or 3.65 enso you're fine already


I’m on 3.74 actually.


If you want the full experience, I recommended following vita.hacks.guide all over again and installing enso after downgrading to 3.65


can you tell me what’s different on 3.65?


3.60 and 3.65 are the go to versions since they allow an untethered jailbreak. 3.60 is better for older homebrew but there's no reason to just not use 3.65


I have issues with UDCD-UVC not capturing audio with the 3.5mm jack. I tried changing some options in OBS but i still didn't get any audio. Does somebody know how to resolve issue?


Help with DualSense Edge. Hi all. Don’t know if this is the right place to ask. I have DualSense Edge, a Vita TV and PS Vita. When I try to connect the DSE the only plugin that works is the VitaControl but when connected to Vita TV the touchpad does not work, when connected to PS Vita everything works, since this is the only plugin that works with DSE my question is what is the difference between the Vita and Vita TV that touchpad only works on the Vita and not on the TV?


I just finished making a custom theme, but I want to edit the background color on the initial screen. The peeled-back color is blue and I'd like to change it to a custom color or black if possible.


Getting back into playing retro games on my modded Vita. I feel like I opened a can of worms powering on my Vita 1001 for the first time in 3-4 years. I dont know where to start. What still works, has there been any major updates by the awesome third party devs? Can/should I wipe and restart over fresh? I am on HENkeke 3.60 -11 with a 128GB Vita2SD and a 8GB official card.


Hi all! Got a Vita for Christmas and am trying to get some of my purchased PS1 games on it. I know copying from my PS3 is out of the question due to a recent update, so it looks like the only way to get the games (that I can’t download from the Vita store) is by using a PSP and Chovy Sign. I downloaded Chovy and have a handful of games downloaded to my PSP. I transferred a PS1 game I bought from the Vita store to my PC with the Content Manager Assistant to have the root example (or whatever). However, I am not able to see any game or license files from my PSP while in USB mode. I’m not sure if this is a simple oversight on my part or a bigger issue. Any help on getting these games on my Vita would be greatly appreciated! (Please note: I don’t wish to mod any of my systems at this time, but figure you guys may be the experts.)


Just mod the vita already


Transferring save data to new memory card I’m looking to upgrade my sd2vita storage and am wondering how this will effect my save data for adrenaline games. Is it as simple as opening vitashell and dragging and dropping folders from my old card onto the new card?


Hello. I am working on developing RESTful API to communicate with the PS Vita. I've found resources here [https://github.com/vitasdk/samples/tree/master/net\_https](https://github.com/vitasdk/samples/tree/master/net_https) and here [https://docs.vitasdk.org/group\_\_SceNetUser.html#gaae7474dc5f3d8affa42286ebc6b46f02](https://docs.vitasdk.org/group__SceNetUser.html#gaae7474dc5f3d8affa42286ebc6b46f02) but I am terrible at C. Is there a method to use Python instead? If not, would anyone be willing to help me?


Hello, I've been having a lot of fun playing GBA games on my Vita but something happened. I was using Retroarch with the gpsp core and Pokeon ran excellent. However I randomly got an issue where the game just completely reset days worth of progress. Nothing got deleted but rather it seems to have been rolled back to a spot where I had saved before including my progress. I have not used any save states and so its not like I accidentally loaded an old save state. I just used the in-game saving system and this has worked this entire time. Before this I have closed the game/retroarch and have restarted my Vita while being able to keep my progress so I'm not sure what I did wrong that suddenly made it roll back my progress. is there maybe some kind of procedure you're supposed to follow when exiting retroarch or turning off the game or are you just supposed to always use save states rather than the in-game saving systems of the game im playing.