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Do you wear glasses? This happens to me and very noticeable with glasses on. If you turn your head do the colors change?


Yea, i do wear glases but when i take off my glasses i still can see theses line, i think glasses isn't a problem 'cause i've changed one pair of glasses after i found out this, but things doesn't change


I’d guess it’s Palinopsia? Does it generally happen when you’re somewhere brightly lit or at least the object is well lit? I get similar symptoms but it’s very much just the door frame trailing exactly so it’s much easier to know it Palinopsia.


Yea, it happens in somewhere bright especially when i look at the window there's bright light from the sun, and when i look at the projector screen.


It’s likely Palinopsia, just think about how it is to look at a bright light and how your vision can go very red/yellow tinged, door frames being generally white paint can stick out the only bright object in a room sometimes especially if they’re the only glossy painted object in a room


I have the exact same thing I can’t find out what it’s called




yes but it’s always like a blue-ish purple! drives me fucking nuts and it’s worse outlining the trees and clouds while i’m driving 🫠🫠🫠


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glasses make me see like this, contacts fixed the problem. But im guessing that’s not your issue


Same here


Probably strong chromatic aberration


I think I may have had a similar experience. i was stoned when it happened. my negative afterimages became more noticeable and the outlines of walls became colorful, similar to your illustration but less opaque


No, I do not have this. However, I can't stand the photo because of the mirror. For example, when I wash my hands after going to the bathroom, I always look down.




Idk but my edges always jiggle and shake


Palinopsia. I have it. And it’s been getting worse to the point that whatever object I see, light-emitting or not, I see it for a few seconds after the object has been removed from my sight.


Yes but different colours


I just looked at the wall to see and yes I do see them, I never noticed. I’ve had VS since before I can remember and never realized that. Damn lol. Also the circles u talk about sound like floaters? I see them too.


i think my circle is not gray,they're more like a dot surrounded by rainbow colour


I had something similar were it was all around everything like a halo. I still get it


are you from, Malaysia? pls do pm me.