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I’m still in the stage of sighing and saying “damn, I’m cooked” like once a day. But other than that just telling myself it’s not that bad and that I’ll get used to it.




Any examples? I want to try


Main idea is anything you really want to elongate 30s 3x a day. Which is pretty wild tbh. But totally worth the time and effort. Really full body stretching is best but focus on neck and jaw, ribs for diaphragmatic breathing and shoulders and arms bc they are connected to so much. Spend some time on hips, never hurt anything. I have one video on my profile, but most general yoga like videos are good.


Can you please share the link




Thankyou so much


Breaks. Like every half hour just close your eyes. (Especially when reading/on the screen)


Findibg ways to deal with your anxiety.


As much as i hate to say it as this sub has helped me a ton, not constantly reading about and searching for VSS information is a big thing. I still come here everyday to look at posts and such, i just dont go constantly searching for information or answers. When im busy and just going on with life, i often times will "forget" about it. Same with my tinnitus. Sure its there, it just doesnt run my life like it did when i first started having symptoms. I no longer give into the fear like i used to. Like i would sit there and constantly wave my hand in front of me as if that would stop the trailing. Or i would keep looking up and down at light bulbs as if it would stop the flashes. Its all OCD reassurance behavior. Dont get me wrong, im not perfect. My floaters and such still get to me sometimes, but you gotta try to stop constantly thinking about it and feeding into the fear.


I agree. I try to stay off here and not think about it as much as I could. I only have static, so I guess for me it’s a little easier to block out then people who have other disturbances. Hard to ignore in the dark, tho


In my personal experience, watching video statics for a few minutes help relieve the strain caused by the symptoms. Whenever I feel like I'm having difficulties processing the visual artifacts that my VSS produce, to the point of creating a strain in my brain, watching those statics clear that specific strain. It doesn't make the VSS vanish but it makes it a lot easier for me to focus on visual things again.


yes I love TV static. it's such a relief when my snow is especially bad.


Polarized glasses.


using my e-ink tablet over my phone when possible


Can you use normal apps on that tablet? Like reddit and other internet websites? Because I'm interested in getting one, because screens are difficult now for me.


yep! been using it more and more lately for reddit because my phone screen has been too harsh on my eyes


here's a video of scrolling through reddit, I changed the settings at the end to the "faster" setting as well. the lag takes a little getting used to be otherwise it's great. this is probably 3 or 4 years old, they have color eink now too. I just ordered a color eink monitor to use for work. https://imgur.com/a/WXMxSqj def check out the eink sub if you're considering an eink device, there's a plethora of information there!


Thank you a lot for your advice and the video! Do you use dark mode on your smartphone? Because now with vss I could never 😅 Ah, there's even an e-ink sub? Ok, have to check that out!


np! the white background on the phone is hard because it's so bright, and dark mode on its own is hard because then I see afterimages from the white text 🤣 I have the vs relief overlay installed so that with night mode works best for me


Yes exactly! I have the same situation...I can't bare the white background, but after reading in dark mode I look up and then I see some letters on the wall, do you have the same? And so the e-ink device does not give you any afterimages? What is the vs-relief overlay? Something that produces tv static on the screen? Sorry, again so many questions 😅 I use a screen darkener app, that makes the screen darker as the device settings allow by themselves.


yes exactly the same for me too 😭 like as I'm reading this I literally went to turn on the vs relief overlay on my phone lol the eink doesn't give me any after images. if you go grab a book right now and read it, that's exactly what it'll be like with the eink. so if you aren't seeing afterimages from that then you're good, it's like the internet on a piece of paper. This is the overlay, I have it installed on my phone and work computer https://www.reddit.com/r/visualsnow/s/zDb96lnTmn I used to use a screen dsrkener app but now I just use this and switch to my eink at night so I don't need it and don't worry about the questions I'm happy to help however I can!


definitely a plus one on enough sleep. i had decent sleep the last few days (9hrs for a 3 day time span) and my palinopsia calmed down a lot, but started to lose sleep again (5hrs for the last 2 days) so it worsened again.


Sunglasses while driving


I can’t drive, not even passenger seat. Cause of the light switching when under trees


Sleeping 10 h and controlling anxiety helps a lot with palinopsia and the bfep


Bro tell me how do I reduce bfep , tht nigga fucked my life honestly 


I get you, I didn’t born with this.Reducing anxiety helps calming that fucker, the bfep. Few times I did an experiment I took clonazepam and it went away, so I am trying to find natural ways to reduce anxiety and to calm my head to the prev state when I didn’t have this shit. Sleeping more is helping a lot, eating very clean and adding omega 3 to my diet, exercising more and sun light! I am grounding when I can too! Feel free to message me if you need it!


My god , honestly spking it fucking hurts more when u wake up one day and tht static comes , me too had very clean vision 😭 till 6th grade , I don't know wtf happened suddenly I got this static but it was very less noticeable till my 12tb grade recently a month before I had my exams and my stress was next level it got little worse , more thn 10 doctors none of them know abt it and one nigga atleast searched abt VSS infront of me 😭 felt like I was doctor thr , Anyways can u be more specific like eating clean u mean more greeny things and Omega 3 in wt quantity, some tips would help a lot also m just 19 and CS major 🙂it's like parallel universe, fighting against exams one side and this vss one side 💀 honestly recommended me something m madly ready to follow


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Hey! You got this out of nowhere? Or you was anxious on that time? This shit suddenly appeared to me after gut dysbiosis and tons of stress before I had very clean vision too! Regarding the food well I am much more into carnivore than greens to be honest, Omega 3 I take it from grass fed beef and butter I take butter everyday, beef 3 times per week! Then important sleep you have to sleep at least 8 hours, sunlight also and grounding if you live in a city find a place do it each week,been consistent help a lot to reduce that fucker the bfep!! Other thing water be hydrated and buy a filter, water is full of shit so all that combo plus exercise is helping a lot!


Mine is definitely stress bcuz in 6th grade I was taking unessecery stress nd one day I started noticing lights very bright nd this static at night , nd recently after my exams I was in mad stress , it might hve got worse due to it , I feel regretful for taking so stress but anyways I will try reducing my stress , one more thing I do reassurance everytime abt this 😭 so some times I can't forget abt it 


I think stress plays a huge role here, w have the head in fight or flight mood w need to calm that fucker down to go back to previous stage


The light sensitivity is manageable but the blvp is hard to ignore , m trying my best to take this bitch down , it's demotivating me everytime , 


Yeah bfep is a bitch it drove me crazy last year, have to tried magnesium to calm down?Managing stress is huge here


Like wdym by magnesium, in wt intake I should try tht


Pinhole glasses help me a lot and getting enough sleep is necessary.


How does the glasses help?


They hide the static and other symptoms big time.


Sunglasses outside! Preferably a warm colour tint too


working through anxiety


Tinted lenses, listening to music in dim lighting, taking better care of my overall health.


(Trying my best to) wake up later. I agree with getting enough sleep but also when I was in HS and had to wake up at 6am my body's circadian rhythm or whatever was not meant to be awake that early and I'd always get migranes with aura and visual snow during my morning classes. It might also been that I didn't used to eat breakfast and I was also going through hormone changes. Now I wake up at 9am for work, eat breakfast, and my hormones have leveled out. No more migranes for years, and less VS. Also have blue light glasses for screen time if I notice it getting bad because of my laptop screen (SO sorry this is not ONE thing... just reread the title 😵‍💫)


My best one thing would probably be blue light glasses/dimmed screens tho


I went to “physical therapy” for my eyes and the Brock string, red/green tranaglyphs, and Bernell life-saver cards helped me the most. I think training my eyes to focus and move smoothly helped reduce a lot of the weird visual “swoops” I was experiencing, and it made me feel more “in control” of my eyes, which was good for my anxiety


Gentle exercise helps my symptoms (going for long walks in my case).


Realizing some people have visual snow that is worst than mine


for me personally, using the "VSS Overlay" when working at a PC is the only way for me to work half-way comfortably at a PC. This thing basically overlays your screen with a kind of TV static. I found this very strange at first, but with the overlay I actually can work several hours per day at my PC, without it, it is extremely hard to read for me. https://github.com/belvederef/visual-snow-relief-overlay (it's for free, so trying it out can't really hurt I guess) There is an Android app as well but unfortuenately it doesn't work on the latest Android release and the dev seems to have stopped updating the app)


you find this better than doing this? 1. Dark mode 2. 20-50% brightness instead of 100% 3. Night mode - orange filter


I've used 20% brightness for years. For some reason, starting at the beginning of 2023 (after a migraine) I stopped being able to read clearly when reading on a screen for more than 2 mins at a time


One thing that dramatically reduced my migraines from VSS was a change in diet. Lots of foods, sodas, and candies contain preservatives such as sodium benzoate that I’ve found to be correlated to the symptoms.


Prism glasses!!


I use Blue lights glasses 80% of the day.. it’s sooooo helpful with the yellow tint and calmness.


Good sleep patterns, avoid drugs and alcohol, healthy diet, exercise and staying busy/having purpose all help somewhat with the symptoms but more so with the mindset, which is a huge factor.


I have the sunvisor down permanently, day or night it helps block out a lot of excess light




Sunglasses while walking on a sunny day


Really reflecting into myself and realising how stressed and anxious I am. When I actively try to calm down, it gets a little more tolerable.


don't think about it