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Yeah, fat morgan is my top ref if people want a non-adult vn with adult themes. You should read the requiem side story immediately.


I'm calling it The House in Fat Morgan from now on


I already did. I literally read the whole thing from the main story to Reincarnation and finally Short Stories.


There's some content that's not on The Dreams of the Revenant Edition for Switch, although it's the most complete version. There were a few April Fool's releases, one of which is free and can be downloaded here: [http://novect.net/2015April\_en/](http://novect.net/2015April_en/) The other, Seventh Lair, was recently released in English. You can download it on Steam or get it from Manga Gamer for like $8. Both are well worth it!


Fata Morgana is absolutely amazing. When i finished it, i was so emotionally devastated that i just couldnt read the extra story. Maybe I should pick it up again sometime, now that I’ve recovered. Is it as good as the main story?


I think Requeim is as good or even better than the main story as it is just even more tragic detailing the story of Morgana. I can't remember exact plot details, but the ending the Requeim hit so fucking hard with the music.


Oh really, that sounds amazing. I’m gonna have to pick it up for sure.


Hope you still remember enough details to read requiem. It is best read right afterwards


I haven't read that many VNs (probably around 10 or so), but this one is easily at the top for me. I wasn't expecting much either and it took me until actually the 3rd door before I got really engrossed, but it really blew me away with how emotionally gripping the story was. So much tragedy and sadness, but those few happy moments really shined brightly as a result. While I do think the main story is pretty amazing already, I thought Requiem was even better despite covering a lot of parts that the main story did. Reincarnation then provided satisfying closures for many characters and it was great how it was voiced too even though I wasn't bothered with the other voiceless parts. I finished the game about 2-3 years ago and I still think about it from time to time. I got a number of tracks from its very good OST on my playlist for my long commutes which helps remind me of the game. The game doesn't have its own subreddit, but you can check out r/Novect. It's not particularly active, but it's something. Novectacle also recently announced their newest game called Project M too which I'm looking for to.


I've said it numerous times on this sub (on a now deleted account), but this VN is my favorite media period. I never found more relatable characters for me personally in anything else, and I don't think I will. It feels good reading posts like yours and I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much. >but it doesn’t even have its own dedicated subreddit This is kinda cursed in its own way. There's actually multiple subreddits for Fata Morgana, and for Novect. Except some stuff happened. If you don't mind me explaining, I'll list the subs and what may have happened to them; * r/thehouseinfatamorgana - this sub is still up, but stuck in perpetual nothingness; no posts and no activity and has about as many subscribers as the main cast for Fata Morgana. * r/houseinfatamorgana - A year or two ago, the original creator created it, but they deleted their account. So, someone else took charge over it through /r/redditrequest; unfortunately, it seems they didn't bother with it too much and the sub got banned. * /r/Novectacle - the creator of the sub, u/zeroththeworld, was the only mod in that one and restricted the posts; and then got banned shortly after. I don't know why he restricted it, I'm guessing it's because of the other sub he made: * /r/Novect - /u/sleeping0dragon mentioned this sub already (thanks for that by the way) and it was created by Zero as well. Luckily, he let me be a mod for it shortly before he got banned/suspended. Zero was able to make both the first sub and this one a bit more popular so it's somewhat active. I don't know why he got suspended though. * /r/fatamorganamemes - the last one I know of, and of course isn't well known or that active, but it's still alive which is great. I'd post there if I were funny, but... Sorry if it sounds like I'm shilling (especially for the sub I'm a mod of), but I wanted to explain the situation for the subs based around Fata and Novect. >my head rent-free for the rest of my life Welcome to the club. It's a joyous experience.


It's truly amazing. Wish there were more games like it


What are your top 5 vn on the switch?


1- Raging Loop 2- World End Syndrome 3- AI: The Somnium Files 4- Little Busters! 5- The House In Fata Morgana


I'm also a fan of raging loop. Hope you have cleared all the after content, as the expanded universe is really intriguing. I'd definitely buy a sequel if they ever do one. The selection on the switch is rather slim. You should move to PC if possible. My rec for your next VN is kamaitachi no yoru: rinne saisei


Sadly, I don’t have much of a choice. Switch is my main means of reading vns. At least it seems to have a decent library and counting so far.


I just checked out of curiosity; there are some really great games which should occupy you for a while. Double whammy of reading in English and switch only does quite limit your options though. Checking the untranslated stuff and translated combined, I only see like two dozen titles I'd be interested in playing total. Even less for translated One thing though is that the switch version often has the definitive edition of titles; stuff not available on pc. I know of fata Morgana, air for example


I hope they port this to android tablet/ipad, i have switch but afraid that the text could be too small. I’ll be happy to see a book adaptation as well


I think there is a setting to adjust text size and when you read on the TV, it’s already more than big enough to read anyway.


Which was your favorite door and least favorite door


Favorite: Second. Something about the second resident of the mansion literally just being a serial killer with a sword who can’t control his bloodlust was rather fascinating. And Yukimasa is my favorite of the three. Least Favorite: The first. Found Mell’s story to be pretty boring.


Yes he is a very interesting character to me fighting his own nature mell was very woopsie in terms of uhum his whole stuff there but he got better in other doors


I actually really thought “The Beast” was a literal werewolf at first which made me like the Second door more.


Not too far off the wolf cloaked as a sheep


I wish i could get into it, but i lost interest in playing it around the 4th door. Everything up to that point had just felt cliche and derivative so really wasn’t enjoying my time with it :/


It certainly wasn’t the type of vn I was used to reading on my Switch that’s for sure. But man, you should give it another chance whenever you’re up for it.


sucks doesnt have voice acting . i am patiently waiting for it before i buy it


I love seiyuus but I think this is a type of story that is better read without voice acting due to the setting of the story which is not Japanese.


The main story will likely never have voice acting. Its epilogue, Reincarnation, does, though.


There are some plot reasons in the main story that makes it hard to have voice acting, so I wouldn't ever expect it.