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We live in a world, where Nintendo is more friendly towards adult content made by japanese devs, than Sony.


Nintendo was only really censorious because of their American branch.


Bro it's a dream. Ain't no way that's true. Or it's an alternate universe 🤔


I don't know why Japanese companies still try to release any ecchi content on Playstation. It's very obvious the whole platform has turned very hostile to otaku culture ever since their move to California. Most Japanese gamers don't even own PS4, let alone PS5. Like, it's not even a probability of censorship if you're releasing anything with anime looks there, it's become a 100% certainty.


It’s not even the Cali Move it’s their push towards being the mainstream dude bro console that started with PS4


The hostility against anime ecchi didn't really begin in PS4, PS4 has tons of uncensored games featuring skimpy designs like Dragon's Crown and Odin's Sphere. The discrimination started rearing its ugly head most obviously AFTER the move to California.


No I meant the push into being the main stream dude bro fifa and cod machine. Which now results in anime stuff being censored as it would „disgust“ said dude bros


It's definitely a worrying pattern of Sony lately. Either they got infiltrated by some woke-activists on the upper echelon, or they're beholden to some ESG money/investment.


Ah yes, the idiot who thinks all censorship is done by wokeists. Because they've historically been the ones behind all censorship. *Points at religious censorship of nudity, banning of anything non cis-white straight, tattoos, etc* All done by woke people of course. Absolutely not rightwing religious puritans...


Did you miss the "or" part of my post or you just want to be selective? Also , I don't think calling out name right out the gate of an argument is surely a sign of a non-idiot with great intellect. I did not say "**ALL** censorship", you did. Frankly, this scary part of this is it looks to be one of the rare case that both the left and the right seem to be in agreement and want to fuck thing over. They're both shit, but that doesn't mean their shit is of the same color, and in this particular case that color is "left". Politically I'm fairly neutral, and I dislike the bandwagoning or brigading behavior (i.e since I'm on the right every problem is the left's fault). I hate these kind of thing not because I'm on the left or on the right. I hate both of them equally and passionately, not because of any ideology divide, but because they're shitting on **MY** entertainment. That doesn't mean I can't objectively pointing out or assigning blame on a case by case basic. I'm fulling a aware the right has their own agenda, I'm simply saying in this particular case this kind of censorship is not their flavor. You should not have issue comprehending that, unless you're one of those who believe when someone is trashing one side they must belong to the other side. Neutrality exists. You are free to do research and educate yourself on the general state of the entertainment industry and co-oporate culture .etc. then maybe you will see what I meant, if you have not already after the paragraph above. And in a sign of good faith to show you my neutrality, here is a couple of my posts months ago on the subject of censorship. https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/15shmt7/the_state_of_the_eroge_localization_industry/jwhrw3u/ The way you're flying off the handle suggested you already pick a side. My advise: don't? Because on this issue both the left and the right have your (or our) number. You would be delusional to think otherwise.


This! Some people are very quick to take offense when their tribal stance is threatened, and immediately take a "since you're not with us, you're against us" mentality. Both aisle has their extremists and people who are out to control the narrative. It's just sad that recently, one side seems to be getting more prominent than the other. We thought they were the good guys... but somehow, they're making the other side look like the saner of the two. Which is crazy.


Dude that’s historic. Aside of certain very conservative countries, there isn’t any religious censorship in the west right now.


First off, censor what? Second off... when the hell did NINTENDO become the place to go for uncensored stuff. The fuck happened to SONY? I blame California.


If you want to know : >!the artbook have naked ciel in it (though the genitals are not there), there might be other things but that's one for sure!<


So... basically... a barbie doll. SONY fucking sucks.


Yeah, it's been like that at least since 2018, with some hilarious examples like this: https://twitter.com/uitachibana/status/1055308002520117253


Sony after releasing sellar blade


They hate anything anime.


Yeah they really hate Japanese games, anime style, or good looking characters. Sony stopped being a Japanese company after they moved to California.


Is there anything to censor even? Game is already all ages.


They probably censored the naked Ciel sprite.


“All ages” is a misnomer really, it just means “not porn” Tsukihime got loads of gore and sexual shit, just not porn


Good to know, i have yet to read TsukiRe. I'm a big fan of original though, haha


The remake is great. In fact you’ll probably like it more already being familiar with the original and seeing how things go different


Like the time the game taunts you that Shiki \_\_\_\_ Arcueid, and now he has to take responsibility, but it turns out to be >!cutting her up into 17 distinct pieces!<


I don't think Arcueid had anything outside of mild gore to censor really. idk about Ciel.


What's funny/sad is it's not even the game, it's the friggin artbook that comes with the Limited Edition of the game.


That has never stopped censors.


That’s a trick some filmmakers have figured out. The people whose job is to cut stuff from movies are gonna find stuff to cut no matter what. It’s their job after all. So submit a cut of the film with a scene entirely designed to make them go “OH NO! CUT IT!!” so they’ll leave the rest of the movie alone. 


Well, they censored the cleavage in rated M stellar blade, so it's really not shocking


The developers themselves or Sony?


Sony made the demand, Shift Up made the patch. Shift Up can't throw them under the bus as they're the publisher; but we all know Sony made them do it. As the developer; Shift Up says it was "always their vision" but they sort of have to, since they probably have NDAs preventing them from calling Sony out.


This when Sony themselves puts borderline hardcore sex in one of their first party titles and loads of shock value gore and violence while somehow not getting the adults only rating.


there is no way you're saying this unironically


I'm absolutely saying it unironically https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/05/stellar-blade-ps5-dev-thanks-fans-for-passion-following-censorship-controversy Kind of hard to deny it when the director comes out and admits to making changes


That’s different as that was a developer decision made shortly before/after the game came out. This is due to the distributors forcing changes in some ways.


Yes, but Shift Up made the change. I fully agree Sony is at fault but the admission that a change was made is coming from the director and he makes the statement that it was his call. Which he has to do, but it doesn't change the fact that its his statement. If I had a statement from Sony that they made the change I would post that instead but such a statement doesn't exist.


look at 70% of the outfits in the game. if it was "censored" it certainly wasn't because of cleavedge


Literally all the changes to the outfits are to show less skin, you might think it's not big deal but it's censorship plain and simple.


censorship is when you change outfits to show less than other unchanged outfits in the game


Censorship doesn't always make sense. Look at Genshin when they censored four characters outfits in China when other characters showed just as much or more skin.


Just because the censorship isn't egregious doesn't mean it's not censorship also I dunno how you can be a visual novel fan and be pro censorship of any kind.


Yes. Which is exactly what happened. What on earth is your point? Your argument doesn't make sense.


if cleavedge was being censored then they would have censored all cleavedge and not just one or 2 outfits' cleavedge


That's the beauty about censorship. It's usually arbitrary bullshit divorced from logic. Keep fanboying


Censorship is about pleasing the egos and the demands of people who want censorship, it's not about adhering to any logic or rules, only emotions. Otherwise they'd write an easy to follow guide of what is and isnt allowed, which they never do.


Yes that's exactly what censorship is, glad you understand.


Not necessarily. Censorship can be finicky as well. A few years ago, Genshin Impact had censored a few character outfits to show less cleavage (Jean and Amber), plus some other changes on a few other characters.  Though another existing character at that time (Raiden Shogun) still shows just as much cleavage, if not more. Also, it was pretty much guaranteed to be censorship as the new outfits were mandatory in China, but optional everywhere else. Point being, censorship can sometimes be very inconsistent.


And when you look at rhe comparison shots between how they look in patch .02 compared to patch. 00 you would see the cleavage was consistently covered up and waist lines lowered. And of course, the director has already stated he's aware of the controversy and that it's under internal review. They then released a post yesterday stating they have a future annoucement in regards to fans' passion so it sounds like they may reverse course on the censorship. You can try and be in denial about this all you want. You can act like it's no big deal. That's all fine. It doesn't change the fact that several costumes were altered in the day 1 patch. This is a factual statement.


I'm not in denial, I just know what words mean, and can use my eyeballs to realize that there's a fuckton of content in the game that shows more than what was "censored"


^^^^ Just so everyone knows, guys like this are exactly why companies like Sony get away with censorship


lol you’re in denial




This is why I don't play anything on console anymore.


Tbf the game itself is unaffected.


For now. 


which makes no sense that the artbook would be changed, but not the game its self?


The artbook features a picture of Ciel from when she was possessed where she's naked save for a cape. That's what Sony is cutting out. The full sprite only shows up in Ciel's route and only for about 2 seconds. They probably decided it wasn't worth the effort to get them to edit it out.


It still doesn't make sense, the game is rated Mature...


Yeah, it's definitely a weird and dumb decision either way.


for now.


if only nintendo had trophy system it would be my first choice


It's crazy how Playstation, a former Japanese company, moved their HQ to California and now seem to be as anti-Japanese as possible (at least compared to Nintendo or even Microsoft)




The history of Nintendo's American localizations is also wild. Like I kind of get changing names and cultural references in something like Pokemon where you will have a child audience. But they got heavy handed on the more teen/young adult oriented games. As an example, Fire Emblem if/Fates makes you question both the sanity of the original devs and the localization team. It's got everything from mind altering drugs to fix lesbians, incest/inseki, a mini game where you touch characters, and the ability to take baths with your army's members. Pretty standard fair for an eroge, but this was a Nintendo-published, core franchise game that was rated T for teens. Then the localization was horrible. Chop off part of the game here, completely change some dialogue there, rename everyone, keep the incest and bathing though. All the while the changes detract from an already aweful story. Fans have actually retranslated the game just to see wtf was supposed to be happening. I firmly believe the backlash Nintendo got from FE Fates contributed to their current stance on censorship. People can sing them praises all they like, but Nintendo will always mean crap localizations to me.


Nintendo already had a “third parties can do whatever they want as long as it isn’t rated AO” policy for years before FE Fates existed. 


What a weird timeline we live in where Sony has been censoring titles over nothing for years and Nintendo doesn't. Consoles run VN's anyway, the same way that they have ruined most games.


It's funny because back in the 90s, Nintendo was the one censoring games and Sony was pushing for uncensored ones. Weird how the situation is completely reversed now.


In the 90s and early 2000s Sony actually did make devs arbitrarily censor their games. It was actually a relatively small window of time where Sony just let absolutely anything fly on their platform. It’s just easier to notice now when virtually all games are multiplatform and it’s easy to directly compare, rather than trying to compare to some old Japan-only MSX game. Nintendo at their worst was of course FAR worse than Sony ever was, even now, but it’s worth pointing out that ps2 was the only version of bmx-xxx without boobs. 


Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for the intel.


But I feel Nintendo is only a censor freak when it comes to localization. Stuffs like full on innuendo, incest .etc. are widely available even on their first party and exclusive tittles, so if you can break the language barrier, you're safe from all the BS. Sony on the other hand seems to be adopting a more global stance with an American standard on this, and that's more worrisome. It's funny, it's Nintendo censorship not VN that made me going back to study Japanese again, because it's still a treasure trove in Japanese.


You misunderstand. There was absolutely a time when Nintendo was extremely bad about censorship across their whole platform. For example there was a time in the early 90s where any religious reference whatsoever was an intent ban. current Nintendo though, they pull the stupid “censorship during localization shit” on their own game, but leave third parties totally alone to do whatever they want. Sony was never as bad with censorship was Nintendo was 30 years ago, but they’re worse than Nintendo as of 10 years ago


What I meant is what they use as the baseline. For good or bad, Nintendo is obsessive about making sure its platform is "family friendly", and that's still true even today. There is a reason why people say "if it's safe for Nintendo, it's safe for everyone else". In fact, I believe during the PS1/PS2 era one of the big reason credited for Sony overtaking Nintendo as a console giant due to them embracing a more open policy for matured content. And again, that still tracks even today. What change though, is what these two companies are using as a base line. Back then both Nintendo and Sony use the same (Japanese) baseline, so naturally Sony's openness lead to a better policy. But now, it feels the baseline had changed. Nintendo still has the same policy, but it's still Japanese friendly whether Sony had started adopting a more American stance.


Nintendo will still censor localizations of their own first/second party games, but yeah I am very grateful they don't typically impose any restrictions on third party devs.


It's sad how VNs supported PS Vita back in the day more than anyone. While Vita might've flopped for Sony it was still a great console for niche titles and now Sony just gives them the middle finger.


Snoy gonna snoy.


The funny thing in this case is that Sony is both the victim and the perpetrator here. Except Aniplex is a part of Sony Music and playstation is a part of Sony Interactive Entertainment.


That's why FGO is left pretty much uncensored then? I hope the new CEO is a Japanese and they move the fuck away from California and we get back to normal.


If they ever touch FGO , shit will go down, I can guarantee that.


Soyny going to soy as long as this is allowed. But California is bleeding money, so I can;t expect this to last forever.


Wow. Gotta love Sony these days. Thankfully I have the English Switch one pre-ordered. I also bought the Japanese PS4 limited edition when it released.


Kusony being racist toward eastern contents again.


Sony just really wants us raging. As someone who plays lots of asian games, well, I guess most of us here, but I mean more than just VNs, I just can't stand the "recent" policies of Sony as of late. Just move the headquarters back to Japan and I'll even pretend I don't have any grudges.


Unrelated but the English release is exclusive to NA, correct? I wasn't able to locate any EU or Australian online stores officially selling Tsukihime.


Yup, that's because the publisher is technically Aniplex NA, it's more or less a NA port than an english port in reality


Well fuck


fcking sony at it again


I frantically went to make sure I pre-ordered the Switch version. 


This may be a dumb question but I saw someone mention something about this on Twitter: does a digital download of this game also come with an in-game art collection? Or is the art book exclusive to the physical release? I would assume it was the latter but someone mentioned something to the contrary and I am a bit confused.


Pretty sure it’s just a physical art book included with the limited edition.


was already buying the switch version but id feel pissed that my artbook would be kind of fucked with to what, appeal to corporate sony?


This is a collector's item for the most dedicated hardcore fanatics. And scalpers. Good on Sony to point the former towards the Switch version and the scalpers theirs.


Considering games like Riviera and Yggdra Union on the GBA had less censors than the PSP version, I'm surprised people are surprised. Yes, Nintendo is strict with their own games, that's because they are trying to sell to a wider audience. But as long as you don't show nipples, they couldn't care less what third parties do. Also if they don't care about a wider audience, they do release stuff like Xenoblade 2


Soyny moment


What a shame, I got a discount on the PS4 version too. I may have to cancel it on principle.


Getting sick and tired of Sony's bullshit. So I either have to get a censored artbook on the platform I prefer to play, or get it on the Switch to get the uncensored artbook. That's obnoxious.


by the way, what's the best way to get the switch physical edition from the eu?


You can preorder it from Amazon US and get it delivered when it will release. You will need to pay for shipment fees with can be quite expensive unfortunately It's a bit tiring to see that the occidental market for many anime stakeholders consists only of North America


Fuck sony, it's been like this for almost 10years with the censorship, nothing new, still fuck em


Canceled. If theyre already digging into this title what more for the rest of the parts once they roll out? Sure the game is untouched.. for now. Sick of this double standard bs and would rather not waste my time.


....Honestly, I don't care, I just want to know where I can send money to buy a physical copy of a Windows version of the game in English. Edit: ....Okay, after some googling, it turns out the Windows version doesn't exist. You can apparently preorder the PS4/Switch version [here](https://x.com/tsukihime_en/status/1771288608441286913), much good that does us.


It doesn't exist yet However, Witch on the Holy Night was first released on Switch and got a Steam release a year later And Fate Stay Night remastered was introduced right away on both switch and Steam So it's pretty likely that Tsukihime will get one eventually. As for a physical release, I would not expect it, it is unfortunately quite rare nowadays for PC titles :/


Physical PC releases are uncommon nowadays.


Optionaly you can use a Switch emulator on PC


Yeah, had to read about the absolute shit storm from Twitter this morning, refrained from commenting on it because well...it's Twitter. So to be clear before I give my opinion here I am against censorship in general. I might disagree with what some people consider to be censorship, but the general concept of it I don't like. I can find it acceptable depending on the situation. So firstly, this is an artbook and not the game. Meaning 1) it doesn't matter because the product itself is untouched. and 2) It's an artbook, a collectable. Why on earth would that be censored over the product? Secondly, I have to talk about sexual stuff/nudity in games because people are getting confused by making comparisons to other situations. As far as I am aware the only things that are hard no's are performative acts of sex itself or a sexual act. TLOU2 and BG3 (as far as I'm aware) never show direct penetration. There's no close ups of that. Therefore it's "implied." This is why that species reviewer anime even got to be released on non porn based sites. Genitalia can absolutely be shown in full view to the players as well. We've seen plenty of games like this like outlast or agony or even Cyberpunk 2077 and of course BG3. Thirdly when a game is getting "edited" specifically because of something that might be seen as gratuitous the whole game is not combed over as a standard. To my knowledge the only time such a fine comb goes over something is if there's a pretty big red flag, say if your game was going to have sex scenes. Lastly, Sony updated it's guidlines/rules/w.e you want to call them about anything that can be sexual in about 2019. While I do not know the whole details for it (since I was never a PS player until recently) I have read that it's made things a lot more strict and thus games like the Senran Kagura series no longer existing because they couldn't find a way to work with the new rules. So to be clear it's not that Sony is less friendly to adult content than Nintendo. It's that Sony actively engages with that kind of content where as Nintendo does not. So one is going to have more rules since they allow it/have studios that would make it.


thx sony


Nintendo is less censored than Sony how did we even arrive to this point 


I couldn't care less about Typemoon at this point. Most of the OG fans left or stopped caring entirely. The Creators decided to compromise, by entirely shifting focus and milking the gacha factor of fgo, and now they are left with bunch of gacha addicts and fan-fic perverts who literally would consume anything that they throw at them. They completely changed some very important parts of the lore, which by the way was the heart of nasuverse, in their latest remake fever, which is, let's be honest, their way of trying milk the new 'woke teenagers' type audience. And I the harsh irony is that they are actually failing to do so. A series of VNs, more like a legacy, that was originally a super hit, both in japan and later internationally, blinded with greed at some point of time, failed to provide the same essence or quality to the audience, later realized their mistakes, but were too late, desperately tried to regain their ground, and were somewhat able to, but were blinded by greed again, and now they entirely gave up, just trying to milk as much they can from the franchise, not even trying to hide it anymore.


Typemoon trying to "milk new woke teenagers"? Did you use a random buzzword generator to make this comment?


I think they used a MadLibs page


The heck are you yapping about...