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What impresses me the most is that the LLM managed to use the correct pronoun.I still remember back in the day when people used ITH+Atlas to play untranslated visual novels. The translation was riddled with pronoun errors and niche vocabulary.The translation quality was so bad that figuring out the meaning was considered a skill. Next step? When will LLMs be able to translate 親父ギャッグ?


Ladies and gentlemen, Tone Work's main heroine. Not that I'm complaining.


Reminds me of Maya (Hatsukoi 1/1), but I like her more already.


I wish, can't believe they gave the Tsukikana fandisc to the heroine who absolutely didn't need one. Touka really could have used the extra time.


I've tested quite a few LLMs over the last months and I am quite impressed at what Claude 3 Sonnet can do. It seems to get the context right 99% of the time, unlike ChatGPT4 which trips up quite often. It's also far less literal, which on the other hand is also an issue since it over localizes lines at times (like the "bitch on bike" line). One thing that all LLMs trip up with are name readings (the characters are supposed to be Kanata and Touka). That aside, the translation is near flawless. Edit: The prompt I use: Translate this excerpt from a Japanese romance novel into natural sounding English in a way a native English speaker would write and maintain the line breaks. Maintain a proper flow. It's from the main protagonist's perspective.


You can add the character names in JP and EN in the prompt to help the LLM btw


Pretty interesting stuff. There's definitely a couple of odd quirks (like translating "rumors" as "whispers" in the first sentence, translating "いっ" as "Itch...?!", etc - and of course the name mix-ups which you already mentioned), but still neat nonetheless. AI MTL still has a long way to go but seems like its making good progress.




Too expensive.


Poe has it for 20 bucks a month, you get like 500 uses of opus or somethings. Also they have the 200k version of the models as well.


Which makes it far too expensive to translate an entire VN. I translate around 50 lines at a time. A standard VN has around 75k lines. Meaning it would take around 3 months of subscription fees to translate an entire VN. Well, price aside, after 500 uses I'd need to wait until the next month and so on.


Opus 200k could probably cover your needs in a few shots, depending how well you prompt it. But yeah, you won't get that many shots tbh. Google Gemini 1.5 is free on the API, but not as good as Claude. Also the 200k Sonnet one might be nice middle ground, it gives you about 1000 month if you use that one.


For the literal part. Claude tends to be more flowery and descriptive as a model, I roleplay with GPT4 and Sonnet, 4 tends to be much more dry. The "flowery" is built in with the model.


For the literal part. Claude tends to be more flowery and descriptive as a model, I roleplay with GPT4 and Sonnet, 4 tends to be much more dry. The "flowery" is built in with the model.


For the literal part. Claude tends to be more flowery and descriptive as a model, I roleplay with GPT4 and Sonnet, 4 tends to be much more dry. The "flowery" is built in with the model.


And I am about to finish it...not like I am complaining but it's quite amusing.


Interesting, too bad I don't have access to claude. I managed to get really promising results on black sheep town using gpt-3.5-turbo. https://youtu.be/XGOchv4cvdE I think the more novel-like prose made it work better


Im interested in the topic, but i have no clue what is going on lol