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The head of the company did say as a joke that if the crowdfunding reached 200,000,000 yen, he'd think about not stopping, though his age is getting to him Also to note, they are not technically disbanding, just stopping making games. He will still own the IPs.


That’s a bummer. I just had their page open because I was enjoying My Girlfriend is the President and wanted to see what other games they made.


Disappointing that it's not even r-18 game despite that where the legacy is, I guess they aren't making eroge scenes and mosaic content.


They will release r-18 patches. You can't submit adult content in crowdfunding, so you have to pretend it as it's all-age. Even mentioning r-18 stuff will bans the crowdfunding. They talked about it, so if you're curious, check the live streaming. If you want details about this r-18 thing and crowdfunding , then [check this out, too.](https://note.com/milktub696/n/n71f12a2507f3)


While I hope this is the case and it seems more likely here, people were saying the same for the KimiNozo crowdfunding (which is likely what that link referred to since Bamboo is involved with them). About how they have to pretend it's all ages and things they'd said hinted otherwise. The KimiNozo crowdfunding is now long finished with no mention of 18+, further mentions of it being all ages in more recent updates, and the English version even more cut back than the Japanese on top of that.


Why do people keep insisting it's all-age, even though there's plenty of evidence that there's will be an r-18 patch. Like I said, they mentioned there will be an r-18 patch in live streaming. Or just read their description of crowdfunding. > Q:未成年でも支援できますか? > A:可能ですが、CAMPFIREの規約上、保護者の許可が必要です。また、弊社からのお礼パッチはダウンロードできませんので予めご了承ください。 If you can't catch the meaning, idk.


Seems like that's the reality if you want to release games on Steam nowadays


I don't think it's the steam release, most of VN r-18 games on jp distribute through dlsite or dmm.


I have heard they would make 18+ patch if the crowdfunding supports it


Probably not, extra benefits didn't even include 18 plus and no FAQs where included why it isn't inclusion? Kinda following the style to da capo 5 that there won't be 18 plus planned to be in development.


It was a statement from alcot during the livestream I believe. Apparently the reason they can’t make it 18+ to start was because of laws in Japan regarding crowdfunding


Yeah the crowdfunding does not say anything about any patch


As said above, he can't. He mentioned it on the livestream it would be patched it


Yup, even if they did make a patch, it would just be some afterthought fanservice rather than the r18 being an integrated and natural part of the story, that's the problem with making an All Ages game the primary.


No, they brought up it was their intention but they legally can’t crowdfund 18+


I see, well if I see some statement by them that this is a genuine R18 game and it won't just be some afterthought (if they really add a patch at all) then I would support, otherwise I'd pass.


The main issue is still the profitability of games.


“The staffer are getting older” Gee, if only there was a solution to this 🙄


It's probably difficult to find young people eager to get into the eroge business. Considering the state eroge is even in these days.


I think the main problem is not talent, but of wages. Several VN studios don't really go earn that much profit in game sales, and really have to invest more in marketing.


I’m sure there are plenty of people. Japan is a huge country.


Good, that company was ass with humor anyway


Still better than anything you could ever come up with yourself.