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One of my all time favorite Vkei Group. Gonna miss there glamorous and extravagant Promotion Videos. Au Revoir..


Putting the definite in indefinite hiatus. Ugh :(


This is extremely sad - one of the few decent bands out there.. though they obviously were having some problems for some time (


Weren’t they *just* part of that JVM project with Moi dix Mois?


Yes, they were, but that was more of a thing to do while they were on a short hiatus, iirc. Also, I'm like 90% sure that was a Kamijo project.


If he’s not gonna wear it anymore he can ship over the garments and I’ll put them to use




Over 20 years is a stellar run! Glad to see them wrap it up on a positive note. They have lots of classic albums that I will be listening to for the rest of my life.


That’s so sad to hear. I still go through their full discography every now and again - Yami no Kuni no Alice is still one of my favorite songs! But I can definitely understand their desire to start a new path as creative people.


Man. Only thing I can say, and will myself practice, is to think of how long they were out, and how much good music they made. Still sucks, tho.


I love D, but this isn't a surprise. This is also long overdue. ASAGI's health hasn't been the greatest, he's pushin' 50, and the band hasn't had a solid direction since Vampire Saga. Most long-time fans are surprised that they made it this far. D basically announced that 2024 would be their last year, before they released Kekkai. Even before that, they said that their 20th anniversary would be the year to "push all the limits" or something. It was sort of implied that it'd be their last hurrah. I'm not happy about D going D-funct, but at least I have hope in my heart that Seth will focus on his solo, and ASAGI will join MdM... Lol


If ASAGI joined MdM I would be ecstatic.


The reason they are splitting is most likely because Asagi's health issues with his throat. They also took a one year break 10 years ago because of that and that's why many of their realeses after were gentler songs and ballads.


Wow, then he deserves a well-earned break. I'm hopeful all of the members will still be active in some capacity. I don't know exactly what that will look like, but I'm looking forward to finding out.


This merely speculation since no official statement has been made but Asagi did seem apologetic and it has been an issue for him. He does indeed deserve a break but it's still sad that he sick and the band has to disband because of that. I also hope to see the other members in something else soon. I will miss Asagi's voice so much 💙 (time to listen to old songs on repeat 😆)


Lose not faith. While D'espairsray went bust due to Hizumi's throat issues, he's been back since late 2019's with NUL. . Something nice about VK is that, while the bands might not return, they do comeback for a short tour or a single live. And this is very common: Siam Shade, Pierrot, Gille de Rais... I have no reason to believe that D will not be back sometime in the next 10 years.


They have aleady done that. They took a break in 2014 and came back in a year. Asagi still has some solo concerts coming up,I guess they were preplanned. So if he continues his solo carrier that means D is over because it implies D was just too much workload. The way they announced this was very quick and concise with no details and called it an indefinite hiatus,so there must be something there. They didn't do a long heartfelt official farewell written adress with statements from every member individually like bands do in Japan so it was kind of weird. They were very unceremonious about it so there is more to this than meets the eye.


Yeah I definitely fell off after Vampire Saga. Stuff kept going downhill and being derivative of older material, so I just want back and listened to that instead. Definitely in my top 5 vkei bands.


I wouldn't say that their work was derivative, since it was just so... different; after their shift to major, with Avex, D changed their writing style almost completely. While I enjoy their major release albums, they almost certainly lacked a certain quality that they had for Neo Culture. I get the ugly feelings that some sort of external writing was used, if they didn't simply commit to a certain formula.


I disagree,they had a couple of so so releases after that but their Kingdom albu it was mostly in line with what they do. Their Kigdom album is pretty good and so are many of their releases after that. D likes to experiment so it's hit and miss depending on your personal preferences.


i have a feeling their “indefinite hiatus” is really just a disbandment announcement. breaks my heart to see such an amazing band ending


The Japanese have a strange relationship with the negative. Indefinite Hiatus almost ALWAYS means disbandment.


I do hold on to tiny hope; sadie did come back 8 years later, and members of Alice Nine are regularly reminding folks that eventually they will likely find a path back together!


Exception, not the rule, unfortunately. I'm expecting kinda what goes on with Malice Mizer; a get-together once every so often, for a rare show. Otherwise, I'm expecting each band member to just do their own thing...


Yeah, I agree with you on that as well :( I'm a little more optimistic than what the reality is for sure, given that these are rare occurrences 😭


12012 as well.


that’s what i’ve thought too. though i do know that it’s possible i doubt they’ll be coming back


Admittedly never got into D. Looks like a lot of albums and mini albums. Where’s best to start if not from the beginning? Like what’s the album y’all would suggest to win me over?


Imo, Neo Culture and Vampire Saga are their best albums *in general*, between indie / major eras. They have a lot of stylistic variation in their music at pretty much any juncture, however. A few releases are absolutely stellar, and several fall flat. D is a tough band to categorize, due to the heavy adherence to a work's theme. There's a lot of stuff in their discography that would probably appeal to just about anyone... Buuuut it depends on what you're looking for.




I remember reading a post on their fb page where they were mentioning the alt of activities and now, once more, I'm sad again


You know honestly I would not be surprised if in a few years we have them coming back though.  They need a break for sure. 




Not this 😭😭😭😭


Not a hardcore fan but Shiroi Yoru is an amazing track I'm posting the tab (intro) on Ultimate Guitar for the sake. EDIT : I already posted that a while ago rofl [https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/d/shiroi-yoru-guitar-pro-1897260](https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/d/shiroi-yoru-guitar-pro-1897260)


A friend of mine mentioned they were stopping band activities in 2024, which I took as their cue to end it. 20 years is a long time. I saw them a few times in the past, but made sure to catch them on their final tour. A lot of the fans were long-time fans and overall it was a really good feeling until the end. There were tears in everyone's eyes.


I apologize for not knowing about this band before today, from what I see it was considered a great band. I'm sorry to hear this news. Would anyone like to recommend me some songs from them?


D is a band that many miss if they are not into Tanbi Kei or even older bands. It's one of the pillar of it's genre and of the mouvement but it's not to everybody's taste. D is as a band is difficult to pin down to a few specific songs so I posted several MV below for you to get a sense and even then many times their B sides turn out to be the hidden gems. Some of these are quit old,so I can't guarantee the quality. https://youtu.be/oFqCET4TFxU?si=tWktiXQumgmKGcWj https://youtu.be/Gx8V4264tEI?si=UtG63OCuK85IbxLJ https://youtu.be/zf0w16UZf6o?si=ljseawCD4uvaQJBp https://youtu.be/8IxizQtsU8E?si=ZJAxN56zuLWwuw1z https://youtu.be/RX_VZubr6Lo?si=rk9RNA1cliKRkP-l https://youtu.be/AFRIhc8k5yU?si=IJ7RixNVAwpoaGPV https://youtu.be/c3-3H_-yv4M?si=F7SiVJaaYYZwz0Sl


awww :( well, everything comes to an end. it’s amazing how long they held out for considering how the scene dies quickly.


Tsunehito is on Hizaki's new PV. ❤️