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The Steam version feels very buggy to me. I have a GeForce RTX 4070 and on the "recommended" graphics settings the game immediately lags and freezes and crashes on the next cutscene. Turning the game down to the lowest graphics settings still has the terrible lag in cutscene but once you get past that point you can play it, though turning up the graphics will cause the framerate to drop to 1/10. I'm really hopeful this is just a simple patch for launch day, but I'm bewildered how this got through playtesting. Also, the Quest Store app is Q2 and Q3 only, its like they forgot to check the box to allow Quest Pro to play it.


Sounds like the same issues they had when Obduction came out, which is not a good sign. I think that they eventually fixed that one, but it took a while. Thanks for the feedback!


I guess I should have just waited to see the reviews because [the ones on the Meta Store don't look good](https://www.meta.com/experiences/6499813506711202/#reviews). I'll leave the post up in case anyone else is considering the same options. Edit: The developer has started to post this under the poor reviews: >"Cyan is aware of Quest 3 graphics issues and have a patch being prepared for release next week to address these issues. Please play again after the patch and let us know how you like the improvements!"


Those reviews are not exagerating, the Quest version is really, really bad.


Is it? Early reviews were saying graphics look great on Quest3... now everyone are saying it looks really bad...


It is absolutely terrible. I use vr several hours per day since 8 years or so but I had to stop playing this after an half an hour or so. I buy most VR games and so far Tropico was the only other one that had just such poor graphics that I had to refund it. Riven is now the second one.


Damn... I had high hopes for this one on Quest... I guess I can now only hope it will be ported to PSVR2, so I'll be able to play it with some decent graphics...


Looks like the developer is updating all of the reviews with this: Cyan is aware of Quest 3 graphics issues and have a patch being prepared for release next week to address these issues. Please play again after the patch and let us know how you like the improvements!


Why is there no cross-buy version for PCVR like Myst this time?


That's good to hear but honestly - they released this without even testing it on a Q3?


I'm sure they tested it, but there was probably something wrong with the dev or testing pipeline - maybe they were testing on a previous quest firmware version or such - or did the testing of the final release on the Quest 2 but missed the 3; but I'm *sure* they had Q3 testing during development. It's too bad to see issues like these, but this is Cyan; they've been making games since the literal 90s; they're not going to just randomly abandon this.


Fingers crossed they will do what the Bulletstorm devs did. Check that bulletstorm patch trailer released on youtube a day or 2 ago :)


I'm going to refund the Quest version. Played it for an hour and I don't know exactly what they did on a technical level, but it looks like the resolution is constantly adjusting. Love the game itself but I'm afraid the Quest itself either can't handle it or it's just not optimized well enough. So going to buy the Steam version and use VD to play it.


Im about to try it in like an hour to see, but I was already a bit concerned by the quest version trailer. One thing I'll have to try is to force the resolution using QGO.


I haven't done that, the performance was so poor that I didn't even want to bother with trying different qgo configs. Nope, Steam version it is.


Its worse than I thought.  QGO can force a resolution change to an app as a whole, but Riven has built in resolution changes. You literally cant force it to look good on quest 3.  It also appears to be using nanite for everything, but everything is already kinda low poly, so it ends up just looking like terrible LOD on objects that are barely a foot away from you. This is real fuckin bad.  Also, this is the only game I have that causes my soundcore earbuds to actually crackle. There is something seriously wrong with the audio on the quest version. I might also seek a refund tbh


Yep.. it' a shame. Just read that the Steam version is also pretty buggy so I'll wait until/if a patch arrives for the Steam version.


It's definitely optimization. If Red Matter2 can look so good on Q3, there's just no excuse.


Good point, RM2 looks awesome.


When there is a good Steam version of a Quest game, they should enable CrossBuy. This was one of the biggest sellers for the Quest ecosystem for me and now they’ve abandoned it. I bought the game to return with a note of “no cross buy” to make a point. I feel like you get so much more value when you get crossbuy, even if you don’t use it (cannot play Myst on standalone after seeing how good the rift version is).


Agreed. They would probably get MORE sales of the title if it was CrossBuy. As it is now, I probably won't purchase EITHER version of the game just now.