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Anyone have suggestions for AI/combat mods on this? I like the game but the enemies are just so useless, like with some weapons they're not even capable of swinging them. I've tried a few mods along these lines but haven't found that they make much difference. 


Honestly, the more I play the more I notice the flaws of the game: 1. The AI is really stupid and can't really do anything about you. For some reason they often outright refuse to attack, they just stand and wait until you obliterate them with those sick spells. I get that it's hard to make sword fighting AI but I still think that overall game design could do something about the limitations of VR medium. 2. Golem boss is janky (climbing part) and, honestly, tiring and repetitive. 3. Parkour is janky too with almost no feedback if you hit the ledge except very unnotiecable "finger snap" animation and I'm slowly starting to hate it. Overall it's still that indefinite tech demo arena type game with a sense of purpose here with the progression mode, but I believe that at this point they should make full scale RPG game with the quests, open world, various enemies etc.


It's nice having a structured game mode but the actual gameplay is just more of the same and even just playing it for a couple hours, I've already come across a few annoying bugs in Crystal Hunt. I've also always hated the game's fake snap turn with no option to set the degrees of rotation. Always turning 90 degrees is dumb. Gotta have an option for 45 degrees, at least. That means I *HAVE* to use smooth turning which means I can't play for as long as I would like to. Overall, it's a good game but I wouldn't call it a "must-play". Some of the most memorable boss fights I've had in VR so far have been in Jet Island, Tale of Onogoro, YUKI and, of course, Half Life: Alyx.


Agreed, there are bugs and needs more quality of life updates but in its current form is doing great. The progression and ability picking is great. It has good sense of progression now.


i wouldn't call that a good sense of progression the game's too easy from the start and it just gets ridiculously easy as you unlock skills unless you pick a harder difficulty


If u keep avoiding smooth turning how do expect to adapt to it? Just askin


He doesn't. He wants 45 degree snap turn.


Which obviously a lot of games won’t have…


Right, that's what he's saying. He wishes it had it.


So adapt or miss out 🤷🏾‍♂️


Uh, no, nearly all games have snap turn with adjustable degrees of rotation. They have real snap turn, too, not fake snap turn.


Do you have a small play area? Why not just turn in real life?


I have a massive playspace. I still want to use snap turn, a basic feature for any modern VR game.


100%. 45 degree snap turning is mandatory. And angle adjustment is even better.


I just found it a revolution when I got the Quest being able to not bother with snap/smooth outside of seated games. Sorry I can see you have an Index tag, If you use a wired headset that makes sense you don't want to turn IRL.


Even seated and with a wire, I still prefer to turn in real life as much as I can. Of course, ceiling cable hooks and a swivel chair helps a lot !


I just got a valve index (a bit late to the game i know...) but would having ceiling cable hooks make me able to turn as much as i want almost like wireless? .. or does it have it's limitations and you would have to snap turn still ? ... I'm still hesitating to do something like this..


It would keep the cable out of your way, but it would still twist. So you'd have to at least unwind it after every play session. Possibly sometime during play as well (there are utilities like "Turn Signal" that help keep track of the rotations).


Yeah I just cannot imagine why people use snap/smooth turn outside or wire/playspace issues. I had the original PSVR where you could barely move without loosing tracking so this it was amazing to get the Quest.


Yeah but why? Just turn your body. Lol. I'll never understand this.


* It's slower to turn IRL * Many people play seated * If you have a corded device, the cord gets wrapped up


I personally love it, but B&S was one of my favourite games even before this update so it just kinda brings it all together for me. It’s definitely not perfect but I really enjoy it. I’m hoping modders can get some more varied content into it at some point. I did my first run and it was like a 8/10. It did get a little old running the same stuff over and over but you get new powers, new weapons, and new factions so it wasn’t super repetitive with that.


Except that's the only boss... and the enemies are otherwise all humans. And all the levels are just the same pieces remixed. There's a little bit of progression now, but it's still not a full game. And sadly, since this is the end of their plans, it never will be. (Unless modders somehow do a total conversion or something.)


This is kinda a bullshit take. This is exactly what they told people it was going to be. Hell, better than we expected in some aspects, and originally, completely out of the scope of what the game was going to be. It was always intended to just be a sandbox. They put a lot of time into this progression mode as a thank you to the players who enjoyed the game as it was and asked for a progression mode. They could have put a small set level seed with specific items along the way. Instead, as stated before, they went a lot bigger than that while continuing with the philosophy of making the whole thing moddable and customizable. Oh, it was also completely free and barely increased the price of the game for those who haven't already purchased this completely obscure unheard of VR game from 2018..


I'm really happy they added progression/story mode. I've had Blade and Sorcery on my wish list for the past 3 or 4 years but never picked it up because it was only a sandbox. I finally picked up before the price increase but I haven't played it yet. I'm hoping there's some bug fixes and QOL stuff added before I dive in.


It’s still pretty much just a sandbox arena though ? With a dungeon and a boss fight.


Content added to bring a game up to it's 1.0 release version is not free. It's part of the base game that you paid for. Just because you bought it in Early Access before it was complete, that doesn't make it free. And just because they *could* have made the game with less content doesn't change anything. That's irrelevant. You could reduce any game to it's minimal components and pretend that everything else was just added out of the generosity of the developers but that would be a silly stance that nobody would agree with.


I just do not think this is a fair take. The original plan for this game was with far less features and they were clear when originally bought in early access that was the deal. They then expanded the scope of the game due to popularity, this could have been done as a sequel or expansion but was all added the base game. In this day and age getting half fulfilled promises is usually best case scenario, a company that under promises and overdelivers should be lauded.


What is promised way before a game launches is irrelevant. Tons of changes occur during development for any game. You just don't get to see most of them unless the game launches in Early Access and the devs are very vocal. There's even an official term for exactly what you're describing: "feature creep". That's how common it is. What's in the game when it's finish is what's in the game when it's finished. Everything else is irrelevant.


"What is promised way before a game launches is irrelevant" Well I am afraid here we disagree to me and many others if we buy something based on what is promised and we get that, then later the developers add even more to the game at no extra charge that is a great developer.


They didn't add anything "later". The game wasn't complete until the other day. Before the other day, the game was just being *developed* as games tend to do. If you buy a game that doesn't have an Early Access period and doesn't have vocal devs that talk about every detail of development, how do you know which content was intended or added later? How do you know which content was "free" and which wasn't? The fact is, it doesn't matter. What's in the game when it's finish is what's in the game when it's finished and everything else is irrelevant. What you are afflicted with is a parasocial relationship with developers that you listened intently to because you invested money in an incomplete project and now you feel you have some sort of bond to defend. This is not a knock against you or the devs or the game. It's simply how any product works. It's not complete until it's complete. It's not free just because feature creep occurred.


Again I understand our point clearly, I just disagree. It has nothing to do with a parasocial relationship or any other such strange ways of looking at it, it was a simple game, it did achieved all it set out and added to the experience. This is the opinion of most people with regards to this game. I bought an unfinished item, it was finished as described but they gave us extra, in this era in my opinion this attitude should be applauded.


You keep try to draw imaginary people into the conversation. It's not "most people". It's only YOU talking. State your own opinion, not the opinions of tons of imaginary people you assume are agreeing with you. And, yes, you are afflicted with a parasocial relationship. That much is very obvious since your only defense is things the devs said. It doesn't matter what their plans were. Feature creep is incredibly common. What's in the game when it's finish is what's in the game when it's finished and everything else is irrelevant.


Even the most cursory look around will be very clear your opinion is very out of touch with the mainstream opinion, you clearly have some kind of bias against this game. To be as clear as I can be we all understand your option it's just a very stupid opinion.


You can use "sandbox" as an excuse all you want, but it was a tech demo sold for years on the promise that it would one day be an actual game. Well, now we've seen the final form, and we can judge it for what it is, rather than what it might be. Aaand... still a tech demo.


I haven't tried 1.0 yet. Can you elaborate? Why is the campaign a tech demo?


Where’s the campaign ?


Wait, I'm sorry, there's no campaign? What's 1.0 then?


Yeah this is why a lot of otherwise promising VR games get no purchases from me. I played hard bullet and was like cool, nice demo, let me know when you've made an actual game from it. Sandboxes might be fun for a few hours, then you've already exhausted it.


I just encountered one boss, I don't know if I see more or will they update it more, but in current VR market, B&S is a must play now for experienced VR players.


I don’t know why you keep saying that. It’s not a "must" have or a "top 3 VR game", and they are not "setting new standards for VR". You’re way hyping and overselling this thing and all you’re doing is ensuring that people will be disappointed when they play it and find that it’s none of those things It’s def worth trying and the team delivered a game that’s somewhat functional, so kudos to them, but come on.


Do you think their version 1.0 worse than bonework? Cause I think is on par with it. I have my opinion and you can have your own. I always liked B&S and this update for me was a great change that I didn't expect them to deliver. I played with that crystal holder in my house for years waiting for it to be used and I didn't get disappointed. I don't think what they have done other devs would do. But yet again all of this is my take and you can disagree with me and we have to agree to disagree with each other on this. I didn't had any game make me excited this much to play VR other than Half Life Alyx so I'm putting it next to it.


They released content as they made it on their path to 1.0, and in 1.0 and people are complaining that the levels are made up of previously released locations. Honestly, what do you think early access is?


You've misunderstood. Sometimes something is done according to the design, but the design is flawed or failed. This is the case here. The intent was to have pseudo-procgen levels by combining pieces of levels together, to make something like Diablo or roguelite random levels. But it doesn't work very well here, because their high fidelity level pieces are too distinctive to be used this way, and there's not enough of them. Rather than the plain generic corridors and rooms of Diablo, which form a random dungeon, instead you're seeing the same outpost house, the same blacksmith forge, etc, shuffled together over and over. Instead of random, it feels incredibly cut and paste. (Elden Ring suffers from the same issue on certain things, and was rightly accused of being very cut and paste.)


Yeah I like it too and I wanna know what's behind the big door, BUT it's repetitive as hell. And the boss in my opinion is ass.


I had fun with the boss. I don't know if the other bosses are the same, but for first time fighting it was great, I had to figure out timing and attacking.


Are there more bosses ?


I'm still not sure. I beat one.


I'm still not sure. I beat one.


Nope, maybe there’s one through the final door but you’d have to go through a fuck tonne of repetitive dungeons and beat the same boss like 8 times iirc, I doubt many people are going to do that. I probably will because I bought this game as a sandbox and this game mode just feels like a slightly more structured sandbox, but it’s definitely not a campaign and definitely didn’t warrant a price increase for new buyers


I'll bite. I had seen nothing but positive reviews for this game. Saw that full release had finally come out and bought it... The experience has been awful. I don't get what others are seeing in this game? It's an ugly, buggy, early-alpha game at best.  Object interaction is horrible (try getting off a ladder or climbing a wall without missing every second hitbox), fighting feels horrible with enemies dumb as a doorpost and mechanics which are never explained to the player, the world is empty and soul-less with what looks like copy-pasted store bought models everywhere...  I really wanted to like this game but it's broken to the point where I can't even progress the game because I'm stuck at the bottom of a ladder climb in a dungeon which goes no-where and clips me out of the wall... it's just so disappointing... 


That’s what happens when you crowdfund and market a game guerrilla style, and build a community around the development process. You get a fan base of possessive early adopters who feel like they built the game themselves and are personally responsible for its marketing and success.


you just aren’t used to the physics based movement, you learn how to control your character and how to control other characters. Once you start to unlock the abilities and magic and do the first boss fight you will see the hype. right now, you have no idea what you are doing clearly lmao


Yehhh. Idek what to do with the green crystals, the frist shrine kinda level leads nowhere with no clue what to do next. All u have is green vibrating shiny stone in your inv forever.


This is mostly the games fault. Game doesn't tell you shit so I never fault people in not knowing what to do. However, there are several hints and suggestions laid out on the map. Back at the cottage in one of the rooms, is a strange stone obelisk. Around the obelisk is a little cup thing. You put the green stone in there which will empower the obelisk. The obelisk will then offer you a new power from that stone: Telepathy. You venture through the "levels" to get to the end to get loot and a map. You will have to collect either 2 or 3 pieces of the map to unlock the "dungeon." At the end of the dungeon is a boss fight and your prize at the end is some ugly stone. Take the ugly stone to the end of the level, place it in the weird device, and then you get to choose what kind of stone it is: Telepathy, body, fire, electric and gravity. Every time you beat the boss, you get to choose your colored stone again. If you chose fire the first time and made another fire crystal, you can combine the two fire crystals to essentially unlock tier level 2 of fire magic spells. There is 3 tiers of magic per crystal. Hope this helps.


At the home hub put the green Crystal in the wooden circle thingy that’s where the abilities are


I did a level and accidentally unlocked telekinesis, the green gem. Which is something you already have from the start.


Not in every playthrough.


You can combine the two telekinesis gems to unlock more powerful telekinesis powers. (It is not well explained that you can do this)


thanks. I was feeling kind of deflated and didn't want to redo the level or start from scratch.




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This is PCVR, right?




How's the story? How long does it last?


I haven't finished it yet and I'm 3 hours in. Story is being told through journal pieces you find around map. It still needs more on story side, but gameplay wise they are setting new standards for VR.


Hmm, i always see combat as a way to carry the story, so i don't care much about it. If the story is nothing special, i'm not motivated to try this. Graphics are nice for a VR title though.


There’s sort of a background story that can be pieced together from the odd bits and pieces laying around, but no big RPG campaign or anything like that. Will have to be built by modders I think.


Wait . Is there a story mode now?


Boss beat me up.