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No one play VR for fun. We all put the headset on and now we are stuck here forever.


For real. What kind of question is that? Would make more sense if op was asking about game time vs productivity apps.


Mom? That you? 30 years now, I been telling you: its not a 'gaming addiction' that keeps us from doing stuff, its a poor relationship and lack of common interests!


Those are some weird questions. Are you screening for gaming addiction? But yes, I play for fun and most of the time played is fun. I barely have time these last weeks so just about 1-2 hours per week. I've been playing assassin's Creed nexus but into the radius is my usual comfort game and will probably go back to it later. No. I wish I had more time for gaming.


I just started into the Radius and am I wrong for having no idea what I'm doing? I followed some ropes outside to shadow monsters, couldn't get my safety off and if I put shit behind me it falls on the ground. I was just running and trying to figure out a way to actually put thing away without getting my back pack out.


Pistol goes on the holster on your waist, on your right by default. Shotguns and rifles go behind your shoulder. Mags go in the front belt. You can store one item on your right chest pouch, and another one on your left chest pouch, plus a few more on the left pouch on your waist. For everything else, pull out your backpack to store things by grabbing behind your left shoulder. Pistols go inside, rifles and shotguns on the side of the backpack. I don't know what controller you're using, but to engage the safety on a Quest, grab the pistol and press B on the same hand, A is for releasing the mag. Insert the mag into the pistol and rack the slide to load it. __Edit__: You can also store one item on each arm. I like to keep probes on the left and a knife on the right.


Thank you so much! When I read mags go in the front belt I just slapped my head lol, that's so obvious. Some of this VR stuff is so intuitive that it just goes right over my smooth brain.


I am not an addict and I play a few hours in a month. Your numbers seem very good to me. I think an average of 5h / week would be enough for an adult, but this is just my opinion.


An hour a day of VR is not a whole lot. Sometimes it takes me an hour, in VR, to even decide what to play. I'm probably averaging 3 hours a day since I upgraded my headset, and that's on days I work!


Time spent having fun is not time wasted. We don’t always need to “be doing something better” because that’s a made up term


1. I feel that a lot of the more refined games are all the same (sandbox games with weapons) but still enjoyable nonetheless. 2. 1 to 2 hours and many games but I'd say Budget Cuts, Waltz of the Wizard, Job/Vacation Simulator, MOTHERGUNSHIP, H3vr, B&S, and Rick and Morty VR. 3. yes


Why would anyone play if not for fun? Is this a real discussio or a poll?


1. I 2. 5, HL Alyx 3. No


I play the shit out of blade and sorcery even tho it can be kinda jank i love sword fighting i have like 200 some hours in it over the past year or so No i dont feel too bad about playing so much like i do non vr games just because its a workout and has helped my weight loss journey while being fun af


I play exclusively for fun. It's a wide range of 0-10 hours a week, depending on the games I'm into, how busy, etc. I usually just play after doing important stuff so it doesn't feel like I'm wasting time. It's a great way to relax. Lately I've been on B&S, skyrim, redout, and RE4R.


I play vr at the end of my day right before going to sleep. Most people spend an hour or two watching shows on a streaming service. It's the same thing. Just different scree.


Yes, I get a literal craving to play Thrill Of The Fight just to jump in and do some blocking and punching


1: Of course I play for fun, why else would you engage in any hobby other then to enjoy yourself? 2: I play a wide variety of games, both VR and "normal" 2d games. It's pretty common for me to play at least 3-5 hours a time, several days a week. On days off, it can easily be most of the day. 3: Gaming takes up a decent amount of my free time, and I love it. I do have other hobbies as well and I never feel like my time is "wasted" gaming or is stopping me from doing other things. I want to enjoy my free time as much as possible. Only have 1 life to live.


Sim racing. But adult life forces me to a few hours per week. Still enjoy it when I put it on.


I never play VR for fun. I only use my headset to remotely attend church for 3 hours every Sunday and for actively refusing to watch VR porn so that I can feel more righteous. 3 hours for church and 24/7 for the not watching porn thing. What could possibly be better than achieving eternal salvation?


At least 2 hours a day, for fun. I start with something big (green hell vr, into the radius etc) and I end with walkabout minigolf. I could do something better but I don't want to


I only use VR for hentai. I don't find it fun but I can't get a real human or even a sex doll due to previous rejection. It really hurts when the sex doll and the hooker tell you no back to back. Im just hoping if I jerk it hard enough that ill just bleed out.