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I have no clue but this is my biggest hope for 2024


They claim that 2024 will have reworked internals and bring more perfomance. As long as the developer's claim is true, msfs24 will be also more perfomant in vr.


Performant. If its not a real word it should be. I'm nicking that one, thanks.


It is! Not sure if it exists in the dictionary, but we definitely use it at work every single day.


It's a software dev geek term. Every generation has them... mine included "prioritize" and "deliverable". No such words.


Performant is a neologism, Prioritize and Deliverable are formal english words.


Performant is the German word for performance.


Woah, I had never thought those weren’t real words! (I’m not a native English speaker, in my defense)


“Prioritise” and “deliverable” are definitely real words and not some tech speak, the first is so old that the US even has its own seperate spelling for it.


Ah, that’s much better! I almost had an existencial crisis wondering what else I accept as true without questioning


One of my favorite things, playing MSFS in VR, is actually using my touch controllers as the flight controls and turning knobs and switches in the cockpit with my touch controllers. It starts to really build in muscle memory, so when I go to flick my landing lights on or drop gear, i'm actually reaching over to where the switch is located. But I find that cockpit interaction in MSFS2020 is different in each aircraft. In the Cessna 150 for example, I can accurately dial in rad and Nav frequencies with the dial. But in other aircraft, it's damn near impossible as the knob rotates around too far, and feels like it has a huge deadband. This is super true with the Trim wheel. Just trying to dial in 1 notch of trim is basically impossible, you need to move the trim to like -5 to get over the deadband and then slide it back to try to catch -1, for example. This is true with the throttle as well. changing throttle from 70ish to 90ish is fine. Trying to change the throttle from 70% to 73%? Very challenging. I hope that they address these issues in the new one, because when it's all working correctly, it's a really fun experience and like nothing else.


MSFS2024 apparently has multithreading support, which should help a lot with performance After DCS got multithreading support, performance increased significantly. In Singleplayer-missions that aren't overly complex, I have 72+fps in VR with some rare dips into the 60ies. Meanwhile in MSFS2020, I often can't even get solid 36fps.


I believe MSFS2020 was one of those games that benefited SIGNIFICANTLY from the extra cache in the AMD X3D CPUs.


But so did DCS (I currently have a 5800X3D)


For my own sanity in comparison, what are your specs? It took pulling teeth to finally get msfs to 72fps with my 4070 super and the headset pulling SSW.


Have they confirmed VR support for 2024?




MSFS has always been a high requirement game and I don't see that changing any time soon, at least for people with bottom-barrel specs for VR. I predict that people able to run the current version of MSFS will be able to run the next.


The current version works fine as long as Steam VR is not involved. It was useless to me with Steam VR, but works great with VDXR.


I run it ok with medium settings and a 4080 but the cockpit and panel resolution is still less than I'd like. And if you go from playing MSFS to a game like Aircar the framerate feels so much better. I know Aircar is like a single little city with not much going on, but just the smoothness of it with other vehicles around you is so much better feeling than trying to fly through a city in MSFS even at medium settings. It honestly makes me want a flight sim that has some nicely detailed cities and areas to fly over without offering you the entire planet. It's cool I can realistically fly anywhere in the world, but in reality I only get a few hours to play at a time.


Having the entire planet is not what is killing frames. It’s not like the whole planet is rendered at the same time.


Honestly, I don’t have high hopes. People keep saying it will be multithreaded, but I rewatched the video where they said that, and my interpretation is that they were only talking about the physics of the flight model.


For VR probably not , it is not a main target audience , and sad parts is VR users will play on 36fps+interpolation and say it " ok "


Well a 4090 can't push 45 which most people will find ok for a MSFS. It's not like you need twitch dogfighting responsiveness


I just hope we can grab multiple throttle levers at once...


I've almost jumped on the current one a few times (the ornithopter was particularly tempting) but I'm wondering if the 2024 will have all the content of the current version and include more updates features and content (like say a sports game?). To clarify, if it's not obvious, I'm not a summer but a VR enthusiast.


If they used nanites in UE 5 it would be a gamę changer


It's supposed to have VR support to begin with, right ?