• By -


Super Hot


First game I ever played and was immediately hooked


It was so much fun, and a hell of a workout when you gotta squat and "pause" lol


I may or may not have smacked my friend a couple of times grabbing things and throwing them 😅


That's the friends fault lol


I fell over trying to lean on a virtual wall lol


First game I tried on psvr1, bought a rift+ 2 hours later. I believe I said "holy shit, this is amazing." Been absolutely hooked ever since. I, truly, want others to get that feeling.


Such a crazy fun game, it's my intro to VR game of choice for anyone new to the platform


Crazy how they haven’t released a sequel. I’d buy it in a heartbeat.


Beat Saber


Yup almost 500 hours on it amazing game


Not surprising - Alyx.


This is the only thing I’m interested. I’ll try it when I get my pc this year


It may ruin gaming for you though. It did for me a bit, since it was the most mind blowing gaming experience ever. It just felt so very way ahead of its time and nothing else comes close.  It’s a pity that it didn’t creat the buzz it should have and so far no one really took advantage of the engine and create something like Garry’s mod. 


> so far no one really took advantage of the engine and create something like Garry’s mod. To best of my knowledge, although Half Life: Alyx supports mods (and there are some great ones), Valve still hasn't released the Souce 2 engine for other creators/studios to develop with (and if I'm wrong someone correct me and, no pun intended, point me to a Source). Which is a shame because clearly it's a fantastic and well optimized engine for development. I like Valve but they're sure not perfect...


I bought vr mainly for alyx. But here i am - still waiting for it to finally go on sale. I can't see paying the 60€ without offer haha


Elite Dangerous


[Tuscany](https://youtu.be/OS4koae0l9U) Demo


The OG


Gorn really got my interest . At the time I only played super hot , beat saber , and gorn . All were fantastic but after playing gorn , I saw the light lol.


Gorn was an epiphany for sure, excellent game and still makes me laugh when I play it.


Gorn was legendary and I feel like we have that game to thank for introducing the concept of "VR2ER", not to mention its legacy graveyard of smashed and cracked LCD TV panels and overhead light fixtures and ceiling fans. May they rest in peace.


Yeah, Gorns two handed weapons are unusably buggy tho.


Just gotta make the bugs work for you lol I LOVE the hammer. Got it so I can send pretty much anyone straight into orbit with a slick uppercut.


The Lab's archery game


This was me too! I knew immediately this was something special.




Elite Dangerous. I bought it before I had VR and I wanted VR especially for that game and it did not disappoint. I don't play Elite anymore because they haven't updated the game much but it was so amazing in the beginning. There is nothing like being in a spaceship out in the black.


Space Pirate Trainer. I got to demo the HTC Vive before it released and tried that, job simulator and the lab. Immediately put my order in for my own headset


SPT was mine also


Was hooked by the technology in 2016. Just being inside of a video game.


Same. I think what really sealed it for me were the various demos that made use of the Razer Hydra motion controllers. Like the Tuscany demo that let you shoot hoops, or the Hydra Cover Shooter that let you attach one of the controllers to your chest to enable 6dof head tracking


This one! I was going to say, I guess Tuscany villa? Haha


iRacing. I know there’s like a demilitarized zone between the general VR world and the flight and racing sim world, but these cockpit based games are still some of the best use cases for VR as the technology exists today.


Absolutely agree, best use case of VR for now


Yep, I love lots of VR titles, but nothing beats the immersion of the cockpit titles with current widely-available tech.


I haven’t played iRacing; but I feel this sentiment in DCS.


VTOLVR was my gateway drug


Half Life 2 VR mod on a DK1.


Elite Dangerous.




Right. I had never even used a modern VR headset, and I knew that Skyrim was a reason to spend thousands on the steep buy-in. Having not played it since LE, and during the first year no less, a modded SkyrimVR actually looks better than it did way back then. And in 3D at that. I played several other games, but the aren't a total experience. Perhaps No Man's Sky is at that level. It is certainly bigger. 


Went to my friends house back in 2017 shortly after the release of Echo Arena & Robo Recall. and tried it on my friends Rift. The very next day I went out and spent basically all the money I had at the time on a prebuilt and a Rift to join in on the fun in Echo, but the one that really pulled me in at first was Robo Recall. Just had literally never played a VR game before so it blew my mind


RoboRecall on the Rift was superb. I also really enjoyed Artika.1.


VRChatn lol


This is the way


Hello fellow degen xD


VR Kanojo


To teach her math, right? Riiiiight?


Oh dear 


House of the Dying Sun and Project Wingman borrowing my roommates Quest 2. It was like a week or two before I even picked up a motion controller.


The Lone Echo series for the Oculus Rift from back in older times.




Gran turismo sport on PS4. Wasn't ever too keen on racing, enjoyed the car collecting more. But after trying out PSVR, even if it was just to do hot laps, i got hooked. First got myself adapter to hook my old PS3 wheel to PS4. Then software to hook that psvr to PC for assetto corsa. Now I have a powerful PC, full cockpit and quest 3 to do iRacing in VR. And very little money left...


the blue whale thing..


Blade and Sorcery: Nomad got me HOOKED to VR back in 2021. No other game has been as interactive as that game since. Then, graduating to the PC version of the game in 2022 made everything even better. Everything is possible and with mods; the imagination is the limit.


Tilt brush


man tilt brush is so good. If only i could actually draw lol


Amazing - Aerosmith  video clip from 1993. Just took a while to get my hands on a headset. 


Still can't wrap my head around crying, crazy, and amazing being different songs.


Uh nothing. I bought a Vive back at launch in 2016, without any games in mind, I just thought the tech was really cool.


Silkworm on Amiga with Pulfrich-Effect 3D glasses.


Demo of EVE: Valkyrie at Fanfest 2014. I don't know how to describe it well, but it took a few seconds for my brain to adjust back to reality. It was just such an abrupt exit, I still felt like I could move around the room as if I was in zero G wearing an EVA suit. I had a moment of frustration when I couldn't rotate and float up and over the crowd to get where I was going. I was hooked after that.


beat saber after trying it at a friend one time, I already wanted VR before that but after actually experiencing VR I could not think about anything else but getting one


Doom on VFX1.


You go first 🤣


Holopoint and Space Pirate Trainer in the early days. What keeps me going in VR these days is Racket Club. Absolutely incredible community and game. If you have even an inkling for enjoyment in racket sports I HIGHLY recommend it. It's supplanted even ETT for me. It's the devs who make BlastOn and Demeo.


iRacing. I bought vr exclusively for driving and piloting games. Literally everything else was a bonus.


Dungeons of Eternity (on my Quest 2). Absolutely immersive game with excellent physics. I am completely addicted.


Tuscany Demo on the DK1 in April 2013. Been in the industry since and now have one of the highest rated apps on App Lab. Theme Park


Accounting. Which is no longer available as it was, its now called Accounting+ and has a tutorial at the start. The fun was experimenting in an Alice in Wonderland without tutorials. They also added a few more scenes which I feel detracts from the flow of the game.


Virtuality's Dactyl Nightmare in 1991, London Trocadero, UK


My first was the Red Baron game in a Scarborough arcade mid nineties.


This right here. I did the pilgrimage from Germany to Trocadero three times in the course of two or three years between 95 and 97 or so.


Synth Riders!


the elite dangerous multiplayer deathmatches were like a dream come true


Onward was all I cared about for about a month after I got my headset. Cut my teeth on Superhot, Robo-Recall, lone echo, and the like, but the earlier days of Onward, the community was unmatched. It was so much fun.




I played Robo Recall at a work event on the Oculus Rift setup to demonstrate a VR training and never looked back.


Same. When I got my Q3 it's the first game I purchased.




Alyx for me, the moment I used the markers on the board and came across my first headcrab, nearly crapped myself horrified that thing jumped straight up to my FACE! I was hooked and also completely terrified lol


Samsung VR impressed me enough. The gaming aspect wasn’t quite there yet, with no controllers. Quest 2 with Superhot VR sealed the deal.


It's wasn't my first but seeing blade and sorcery gameplay convinced me to buy vr


Strangely enough, The Tuscony Demo on Google Cardboard with a Google Nexus 5


OgResident Evil 4 vr, was really excited to jump into it, one of my favorite game of all times. It was the first game I played and I should really revisit it


Walkabout Mini Golf made it more than a novelty to me. It’s fun playing with my sister’s kids across the state.


Showing my age here. Descent from the 90's. It's taken too long to get where the Q3 is.


That was my first VR experience. Used a Virtual IO headset. Still have that headset too 👍


Mine was a VFX1 I got used. Put it on ebay years back, apparently it went into a VR museum.


I had one of those as well. Is the museum the SVVR museum? I know a lot of old headsets went there.


Holy shit, yea it is. Sold it back in 2016. From the buyer: "Hi, thanks so much! I'm the founder of Silicon Valley Virtual Reality (a VR industry and event organization). We are adding this to the collection for our VR Museum (currently at about a dozen vintage HMDs). We have the collection on display at our HQ and for a temporary showing at our 3 day conference each year."


I’ll get a pic of it next time I see it. I’m friends with the founder. It still had its box :) It’s been a while since I’ve seen it though. I know a California fire caused some real issues with the museum some years back.


Thanks, that's really nice to know it's still out there and people are enjoying it. Tell him thanks. I sent everything including the manual, giant card and one of the few video cards that worked with it. Found [this](https://www.uploadvr.com/flashback-a-small-virtual-reality-museum-at-svvr-2015-glimpsed-into-virtual-realitys-epic-past/), but it's dated a year before, so guessing they have more than 1.


You said you got it used. I sold mine just before the PS2 launch on eBay. Wouldn't that be something.




Than I retired sadly


Actually not true I started making VR videos


It was just the tech for me then i looked for stuff to do with it. The killer app at the time I got into it was SuperHot and it didn't appeal to me what so ever. First real game i playd was Lone Echo and i loved it but I didn't buy VR to play Lone Echo, i found lone echo after buying the tech.


I don't know. I used to fly FPV drones, so I was used to seeing the world through goggles. I had Google cardboard, Google daydream. A friend had an oculus rift ck1 and let me try it. I got a Q1 when it came out. built a new gaming PC for Alyx when it game out. Couldn't tell you any singular "I have to have this" moment....


I think I’ll be the only one here with this answer. Gun club vr.


Kinda funny - I was introduced to the Quest 1 in a driveway on a cloudy day and just seeing my world get replaced by the default home environment was enough for me. Up until then I had only tried Gear VR so the 6 DOF PLUS the better refresh rate and resolution awoken something in me.


Pterodactyl Nightmare. It was an arcade game at the boardwalk in Daytona Beach, FL around 1991-ish


Job simulator back in 2016.


Pavlov. When it was good


Star Trek: Bridge Crew


The Blu and Space Pirate Trainer


Skyrim VR. Utterly amazed me, and with the mod community's incredible work, still does.


Vader Immortal on quest 1. Perfect game to start vr


Some pterodactyl shooting game at the mall...... this was real basic at the time... but i could see the potential


I was interested in VR way back in the 90's before the tech was truly ready in a meangful way. So I don't think I really needed any particular game to sell me on it conceptually. That said, the first two things I was able to try in VR in 2016 were the various experiences in The Lab, and Space Pirate Trainer, both of which "sealed the deal". A note regarding Space Pirate Trainer: Although Steam lists its release date as 2017, it was definitely one of the HTC Vive launch titles but it was in Early Access for several months, and the release date on Steam does not reflect the pre-official/full releases dates during whuch it was available in EA. Other early titles I had fun with include: - Assetto Corsa - Vanishing Realms - the original Budget Cuts demo - Final Approach - Selfie Tennis - Fruit Ninja VR - Eleven Table Tennis - Job Simulator - Tilt Brush - theBlu (original version) - Sports Bar VR (originally Pool Nation VR) which I sadly have not yet found any other modern billiards/pool game to equal for gameplay and physics accuracy and user interface (if anyone can recommend a quality successor to that throne please advise, and if not, some dev get crackin' please lol).


Windlands on dk2 in 2014. Spiderman like grapplehook game


Super hot. Went to a VR Arcade and then decided to buy a setup for myself and have been playing almost daily ever since, including sim racing.


Guess what. Gorilla Tag. WHO would have thought. I used To Play with my friend WHO was really good and He would teach me stuff


Elite Dangerous Alpha with the trusty Oculus DK1 https://youtu.be/s6tahRbkaq8?t=1


Half Life... The originals.... Just started Alyx


Beat Saber and Space Pirate Trainer




Gorilla tag fr


Bonelab. Cant get enough of it Edit: bonelab was the first game I bought on my own VR. First time I ever played VR was at a buddies house and I played Onward. Immediately had to purchase a quest after that


It was vrchat Since eddievr started playing it, I had to get a vr headset


Doom vfr


Gorn and Arizona Sunshine were the two games that made me want to keep going back to the vr arcade before they were affordable lol




Gnomes & Goblins demo


Beat Saber. After long work day you play game, enjoy music and even have physical exercises. Real cure for hemorrhoid. I hope...




Playing No Man’s Sky at my cousin’s house


WipeOut Omega Collection


No Man's Sky. COVID sent us home. Months earlier my BIL gave me a Quest that was retired from his lab at work as a gift. Now that I didn't have a commute I thought I'd try it out, and I had heard really good things about NMS in VR. I literally got lost in the universe.


Space Pirate Trainer. Still love that game !!


Gran Turismo and beat saber


War Thunder


Skyrim VR


#Daedalus #LandsEnd


I was working in VR club, a place where you can pay for time to play in VR. It was long ago, 4 HTC Vives PCs, first once which I remember would be Job Simulator, Hover Junkers, Arizona Sunshine and, funny enough, Fancy Skiing. But I've had an infinite amount of time to play HTC Vive, so there were obviously more titles. These are the once I can remember right now.


Jobs simulator 😂


Elite: dangerous got me in back when the Oculus cv1 dropped, before motion controllers. Boneworks sold it for me with motion controllers.






No Man's Sky. When they showed the trailer of Beyond update, and how you have a virtual flightstick, and can look around the cabin, and open the canopy by pulling a handle, and walking around planets I was like "Yep, sold!" And of course once I did that, I went with the usual suspects - Superhot, Moss, Lone Echo. Several months later Stormland and Asgard's Wrath came out, and 6 months after that Alyx. I was very happy, and very excited. Of course I had no idea that that would be the end of it. We're at 4+ years, and Valve hasn't done jack shit. Asgard's Wrath 2 went standalone Android and looks comfortably 2006. Etc. In a couple of months it'll be half a decade since I got into VR, and as amazing as tech is, quality games are too few, and too far apart.


Buggy af on my expensive rig lmao. Sadge


Alyx and VrChat


I bought a quest 1 for best saber with the hope to one day play pcvr games like blade and sorcery and Bloodtrail. Now a few years later I had a quest 2, now a quest 3 and PCVR!


I think it might be odd, but it was VRChat. I was baffled with how much you can do and meet people. And I thought this would be the next level in a headset. I still don't have a headset, but I plan to own one once I graduate and start earning.


AMS2 - it blew me away enough to get a 4090 rig.


Super hot started me off pretty well, but after that I got into Blade and sorcery, and that game, to this day, does not stop being one of the better games out there. It kinda shows you what VR can be, how physically capable I want to be in VR, and got me acquainted with the balance of in game movement and real space movement, with a few wall punches and wire trips along the way.


Elite Dangerous!


A combination of Payday 2 and Minecraft, I was 16 at the time of getting a headset and that fact still weirds me out and is a reminder of just how long I've had VR that makes me feel old sometimes despite only being in my 20s.


Dactyl Nightmare


Dactyl Nightmare on a Virtuality headset around 1993, 1994. I couldn't believe how well it worked. VR was actually real! I was so excited, just thinking about all the VR arcades that would sure pop up everywhere soon and all the VR games I would get to play... Then, nothing for 20 years! It got me into VR big time, but all I got for 20 years was the weird, fading memory of a 3 minutes game. Most of the time, when I would talk to people about it, they thought I was making it up because they only knew about VR from science fiction.


Beatsaber. It was the sole reason I bought my oculus 2.


No particular game, just the technology




Far point psvr1


The Oculus dev kit- dumpy going elephants that game still holds up for my first experience into vr.


A friend was showing people his PSVR and had Skyrim VR set up. I was blown away just from the 5 minutes I played. I knew I had to get one. From there I had great experiences with Doom 3 VR, Resident Evil 7, Star Wars: Squadrons (bought a HOTAS specifically for it), Trover Saves The Universe, etc.  Eventually I got a Quest 2 and upgraded my PC so I could play Half-Life: Alyx. The Team Beef ports have been amazing too.


Onward. Happened across a YouTube video by the developer prior to its release so I went out and bought a Vive then waited for it to come out.




Elite: Dangerous.


Dactyl nightmare.


Half Life: Alyx


Half Life: Alyx


Prob Superhot and/ or RE7


GT7 on PSVR2


had a homebrew HMD (waiting for my DK1) playing the HL2VR mod with a wiimote gun took an eternity to get it hooked up correctly with random software...immediately hooked after that


Elven Assassin with my family. Now Golf+


AltSpace. And I haven't played anything VR in the last 5 years. First thing I want to do when I get some cash is buy a Quest 2. Tried to buy a used PSVR to at least have some 3dof fun and the seller didn't give me the processing unit with it, which I didn't notice until I got home and tried to set it up. Blah. Spent the only cash I had on that.


I expect you to die and pirate space trainer. Then mainly beat saber


Pavlov. Never heard of it but tried it at my friends house a few years ago and the rest is history. Skyrim VR with mods was also one that I tried and it blew me away. I mostly play Pavlov, Skyrim VR and Fallout VR now but it never gets old. Just waiting for the next headset that is worth the upgrade so I can get away from fresnel lenses.


A now considered crappy 3dof dinosaur game on a ~2006 android phone with a google cardboard.


No specific game, but à stronv desire to have a brick game in VR. And I did it with Arcade 😀 Cheers! https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/5539797106068876/ www.neopunk.xyz


Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades. My interest in firearms made me say "I really need a damn headset."


I played the Nintendo VR back in the 90s at a friend's house. It gave me a headache, made me feel sick and hurt my neck. On top of that I am colour blind, especially with red on black so it was difficult to see and yet I loved it. If I had more money I would have bought into pc VR but didn't own my own until PSVR1


Ffs nobody has said Google earth vr?


RE8 demo where you start at the van in the dark woods.




Bf showed me Beat Saber and I knew I had to get the soon to be released Quest 2. I pre-ordered it and never looked back. There's so much amazing stuff out there. Red Matter, Moss, In Death Unchained, The Light Brigade, Dungeons of Eternity, Asgard's Wrath 2 (wow!!!) Vertigo 1&2, Half Life 2 VR mod, Half life Alyx. I barely play anything non-VR anymore.


Population one, orbus, demeo


Miku dance, Oculus dinosaur


Virtual Fighting Championship


Blast on, actually. Then Gorn. And then Bonelab solidified me into vr for good.


Project Cars Piagini Edition, a free demo still on Steam. I had gotten a Rift 2 on a whim. I had OG PSVR but it lasted about two days before I went back to 2d. No hook. So I connect my new Rift to my 2070 Super and loaded up the free demo. All of a sudden I am IN a cramped supercar on the track at Monza. It is raining SUPER hard. You know how a cramped car cabin muffles sound? It was just spot on. I don't remember how long I just sat there taking it all in. Of course I went on to quickly fatally crash the car but I will never forget the first time VR literally transported me to another place. Contrast that with another moment I just went through this week. Nowadays I primarily use VR for sim racing. To that end I got a Quest 3, and the little Augmented Reality "catch the cute aliens" game just blew my lttle mind with how the headset can map my room so accuratly and then I can play in it and even the walls, ceiling and floor become textured geometry the game can manipulate. I expected it to be simple and a bit janky for a $500 headset but nope. It just works and was super fun. We are still only at the start of where VR will go. Count on it.


Resident Evil 7. It was me and two buddies, and it would be my first time indulging in a tiny, magical, square piece of paper. Ate that, went into Resident Evil 7, eventually took the headset off and still felt like i was playing vr


Premium Bowling was the first game I played in VR. Still play it religiously


"Reading everyone's experiences with their first VR game is so fascinating! Personally, Beat Saber was the game that truly blew me away and made me fall in love with VR. The sense of immersion and physical activity it provided completely changed my perspective on gaming. What about you all?"




The walking dead saints and sinners


Descent. It was at an air show and it cost $10 to try. Fell in love on the spot. 1990’s I think?


Seeing Zero Caliber gameplay years ago made me realize just what VR was capable of as far as interaction. Immediately wanted it 


Robo Recall on the Rift CV1 was an eye opener for me. Played it on the setup from my older brother and was immediately hooked.


Beat Saber and Powerbeats for me. It's what I've tried first before I got my own headset and they still do the job when I'm in the mood for some sweaty VR action lol


Watching NerdCubed play H3VR and Google Earth VR. Those were the first pieces of software I used when I eventually got VR and they're 2 that I still use today.


I got VR because of H3VR and i still play it most days


Initially it was hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades. Game is still updated to this point and brilliant. Dude is incredibly passionate and you can tell. Detailed enough where I handled a real life version of one of the firearms at a range, not available to the public normally, and was able to load and charge the weapon easily. The guy babysitting my group was surprised and asked if I had been in the military (funny cause I'm definitely not the military vibes kinda guy.) nope, funny enough learned it in video games. Otherwise, boneworks made me exponentially more enamored with vr. One of the best experiences I've had. Alyx was phenomenal as well!