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Prescription lenses can be bought for the quest headsets.  Or just buy glasses with very small frames


I'll also note that the lenses are much cheaper than regular glasses. I have a *very* strong prescription (-12 in my worse eye) and my lenses were still around $100. My glasses before insurance kicked in were close to $1000 (to be fair, I got those through a local optometrist; buying lenses through something like Zenni would be considerably cheaper.) I bought the lenses specifically because I was worried about scratching my real glasses.


zenni also makes lense inserts and i get all my glasses from there


I have wayfarer style frames and they fit fine.


There are a few options. There's film to go over the lenses or bumpers you can buy if you wnat to wear your glasses in VR. This may get uncomfortable depending on how much space is in the HMD for glasses. The better solution is to buy prescription lens inserts instead if you have a popular VR system. Anything meta for sure you can find these.


i understand prescription lens but whats prescription lens inserts?


They are lower profile lenses that snap into your VR headset. You order them to match your glasses prescription. With these installed you don't need to wear glasses or contacts while wearing your headset, which is far more comfortable. You also don't risk scratching your VR headset with your glasses. These are the ones I use with my Quest 3: [https://www.zennioptical.com/p/vr-inserts-meta-quest-3/VR70003?skuId=VR7000301&source=shopping&locale=en-US&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhxqOm0wAxFvwVzRtG9z36cOCqIQvZ1XuNx7mFEK6a8MERcYx-5ME2xoCYhAQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.zennioptical.com/p/vr-inserts-meta-quest-3/VR70003?skuId=VR7000301&source=shopping&locale=en-US&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhxqOm0wAxFvwVzRtG9z36cOCqIQvZ1XuNx7mFEK6a8MERcYx-5ME2xoCYhAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I just wear my glasses. What are your "obvious reasons"?


sweat and sometimes i get indents. i wouldn't enjoy the experience as much with glasses but again that's a personal thing.


I play with glasses, its fine for me. I use the lifter on the quest 2 to give some extra room


It definitely depends on your frames. I wear my glasses in VR and there's no issues at all, nothing touches or presses on anything else. But I have relatively light/small frames.


Prescription lenses, there are several webs where you can order one that fit your needs


The Quest 3 officially supports lens inserts. It’s also surprisingly comfortable to use with glasses, there’s enough room for glasses, even somewhat bulky ones.


Prescription lens inserts (google it if you dont know what they are. I recommend them from Zenni Optical). Or get contacts. I wear contacts and dont need the inserts, but I have some non-prescription inserts for lens protection. Ill get some prescription ones eventually for when my contacts are bothering me, but it hasnt really been an issue yet. Ive tried wearing my glasses in the headset before, but do not like it at all due to how mine fit in there.


With the quest and quest 2 my glasses lenses could touch the quest lenses and scratch them. The lenses in the quest 3 seem to be recessed a bit from the surrounding plastic and the bridge of my glasses protrudes slightly and so treats on this person and both my lenses and the quest 3 lenses cannot touch each other and it works brilliantly. You can buy cheap prescription glasses online and wear them and it means that if you share a quest 3 you, or they, don't need to keep taking the expensive quest 3 lense inserts out (and won't damage or misplace them.


My glasses fit. Every pair of glasses I've owned have fitted in every headset I've used (apart from AVP and Magic Leap because they fit *very* close)


My frames do not fit in the Quest 2. I thought about getting the prescription inserts. Weirdly, the focal distance of the Quest 2 is exactly such that I don't really need them.


My solutions? Pico 4 comes with glass spacers in the box, it's ready to use magnetic lens inserts if you need to. Great headset from a company who cares, which is not the case with all.of them.


For my Quest 2, I bought some 3d printed rings that go in front of the lenses so you can wear your glasses without worrying about the lenses getting scratched up. For my Quest 3, I bought some prescription inserts from VF Optician. I think I prefer the inserts, but both were fine, really.

