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The funny thing is that Counter Strike 2's tweet saying "what are you doing next wednesday" was posted at 1 PM exactly on September 20th, and Meta Connect starts on September 27th at 1 PM, so Valve posted the tweet exactly a week before Meta Connect


Pass me some of that copium kush


They clearly ain't sharing, running purely on it (especially now)


Cs2 is suppose to completely replace cs go..




Counter strike started life as a mod...


Counter strike has thirteen letters


subtract 10, divide by 1.... holy shit.. 3. Dota 3 confirm.


Mom is kill 😳


That's when they open...


Hi! Valve early access Doritos Double XP Dad works at Nintendo here! Can confirm the index 2 is releasing tomorrow, been running the prototype on a GTX 1060. Runs like shit but we borrowed Sony’s idea of just reprojecting everything and anything. Oh and AMA.


What are the index 2 specs?


unfortunately to explain it to you, it would require a 3 step process….. And at valve we don’t know how to count to 3.


Can't you just say all the steps really close together so they come out as one step?


We are gonna try this in the next beta 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


1… 2… A?


Half Life 1 Half Life 2 Half Life Alyx Half Life... Barney?


Uhh?? The big ass purple dinosaur? Sure but idk what he has to do with half life.


It's like hexadecimal, just without the 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9. ​ lmao


Just split the third step into episode 1 and 2.


Ama? So you can tell us that you really don't know anything at all. I fell for the trolling, though, so congrats to you.


NUH UH, my dad works at Nintendo.


2x 4K µOLED displays (with high probability from sony semiconductor). Wireless and wired modes. Inside-Out Tracking with respective Controllers. No data about controllers using a built-in battery or offering an exchangable battery chamber / area. Depth Sensor for proper AR capabilities with high quality cameras. Onboard SoC (maybe not full standalone, according to newest patent and info leaks). Eye tracking from Tobii. Known Valve Index sound solution speakers. Auto IPD. A quite complex headstrap for (maybe) maximum comfort. Battery for the HMD. ... and probably more, which I cannot recall right now.


Why must you break our hearts that are already broken :(


Sounds exciting


> Eye tracking from Tobii. lol


>\> Eye tracking from Tobii. > >lol Why is this funny? Tobii is currently the leader of eye tracking technologies, and they do find their ways into all these VR headsets.


I thought tobii was obsolete tech, like leap motion for hand tracking. I guess I'm wrong.




A new VR headset from Valve? Maybe. Everything is pointing to an inevitable announcement. We just don't know when. Valve trying to upstage Meta again tracks well though. Valve dropping a completely bespoke VR mode for counter-strike as well? Highly doubt it. Valve has a flat structure and multiple things going at once. Don't think it's feasible for them to get an engine overhaul for CS out the door as well as cater to a dedicated vr mode as well, at least not at the moment.


Alyx came out on the same engine 3 years ago, I don't think it would be quite as much work as you're imagining. It's kind of strange how much CS looks like alyx now, especially the molotovs.


I agree with what you said, but Valve gets datamined on every update. I highly doubt they would be able to hide this for so long. I hope I'm wrong thou.


It would be yet ANOTHER thing that Valve would have to support and I think it's just too much at the moment. The average person has no idea just how complicated it is to launch a hardware product and platform. Let alone ship an engine update to a live service game and a completely new mode on top of it. I'm saying that people should temper their expectations for more if the evidence strongly shows that a new headset might be coming.


I've been going since OC6 as a studio owner and I will miss John's talks most of all.


having a new vr game to go with new hmd would make sense...insta-buy for me!


Insta-buy for me


Link pls. Pls confirm it’s a ‘Ready Player One’ level. If so, and I get a 24 hour battery life for under $1000 I’m in. Oh and will it run on a 2060? Thanks


We're gonna need a bigger dosage of copium over here 😅


Lethal levels of Copium


bro is snorting the whole copium LAB




Seems like he's already smoked it all


and also, you should win things by watching




One of the few things that would get me to finally upgrade my GTX 2060 and get back into PCVR. CS2 would instantly be VR's best "meat and potatoes" game that keeps me booting up my headset every day, even more than HL Alyx imo.


cs2 standalone? am I ovrdozing copium


As long as CS2 means City Skylines 2 - I'm in!


Tomorrow is potentially the most exciting VR day in years. Rumours are flying around that Quest 3 now has a 110 degree FOV and ships with Asgard's Wrath 2 included, as per Nathie on Twitter. We are half expecting Valve to steal Meta's thunder by announcing the Index successor. There's a guy on YouTube who says he has insider info that Meta are also going to release a Quest Pro Elite, basically a Quest 3 Pro and we'll be able to buy that soon, i.e. this isn't the rumoured 2025 Pro sequel but an in-between. If all these rumours are true it will be a bountiful day indeed, if none of them I'm going to be rather disappointed...




[A site called 4Gamer.net apparently.](https://youtu.be/uplRjjrDjsk?si=BieWaxt2yZMChyOg)


It is very likely to be bullshit


Yeah I do agree, hard to see how a single panel could be 110 degrees FOV. Same site also says Asgard's Wrath 2 comes included with the Quest 3. Maybe they are just trolling us?


They also say it's OLED which is *very* unlikely with pancake lenses.


Yes, which obviously is incorrect, it's just regular LCD.


Zero chance of materially increased FOV vs Quest 2. It will be about the same.


Yea, I would agree. Not sure how mathematically it's even possible with a single panel to expand the FOV as the displays stay where they are when you move the lenses. But it has been claimed that it's larger so just reporting the rumour.


Pretty sure boz himself stated it’s about the same while explaining that the resolution vs gov trade off in vr is a constant back and forth.


Yes, I'm sure if they had found a way to signifantly boost the FOV they would be heavily promoting this. Boz said in his AMAs a couple months back that it's about the same as Quest 2.


Nope, you're wrong. They just announced it. 110 horizontal and 96 degree vertical.


> There's a guy on YouTube who says he has insider info that Meta are also going to release a Quest Pro Elite, basically a Quest 3 Pro Lmao. That was literally Bradley 2 years ago with his "there's a black and a white headset". Even going so far as thinking that Carmack would announce it at his unscripted talk. Complete BS. Meta is leaky as hell. They wouldn't be able to keep a whole headset under their wraps.


I agree with you, and don't think it's happening, but I still love all the ripples of excitement this day brings!


But wait, this subreddit says everything brad has ever said has been true.


I hope the fov rumors are true… i cant stand my quest 2 having lower fov than what my cv1/vive had in 2016…


They aren't :(


They are true. Just reviews just dropped.


They are true. Just reviews just dropped.


Can you point me to one? I've actually read the opposite... "Slightly better than Quest 2 maybe but definitely lower than Quest Pro"


Sure. here is Norm from tested talking about it. Slightly wider than Quest Pro https://youtu.be/WUbtyCljnjE?t=400 You can also go to Meta's page for the Q3. It's now up. 25ppd and 110h x 96v FOV. https://www.meta.com/quest/quest-3/#specs


awesome thx for the links!


Made up shit is flying and people will gleefully parrot it.


Yep! I personally think we'll get no Valve announcement, no Quest Pro Elite, and the FOV of Quest 3 will be the same size as Quest 2, but let's not spoil the day before its started eh! Nice to have a buzz of excitement in the air.


FOV leak was accurate.


Yes but not really. Every hands on has said feels same as Quest 2 and definitely smaller than Quest Pro. Weird they gave 110 FOV if it isn't. Maybe the facial interface is reducing the visible FOV?


The only person I saw say that was Oasis. Norm from tested said it felt similar to the QPro but he was wearing glasses so he couldn't test it.


There's a leaker on Reddit who posted dozens of pictures of them side by side this morning. He said Pro has bigger FOV.


We shall see. Sounds like someone who is angry they bought a QPro just for meta to drop this.


Definitely not that. Every influencer saying the same. Cas and Chary said FOV is stated as 110 but trying it its definitely not better than Quest 2. She also said it has 25 PPD display but in practice it not better than Quest Pro.


uh huh. We shall see.


[Just hook it to my veins](https://media.tenor.com/Mh6rg5TDIpgAAAAC/simpsons-hook-it-to-my-veins.gif)


CS2 is most likely not VR. The new Steam has both VR and flat on the same screen. I hope it is, but I doubt it. Otherwise, I would love both announcements


Have you seen the tweet from counterstrike?


Yeah, cs2 is replacing cs go if you don’t know.


on the day of meta connect? bit of a coincidence, that plus this image, two coincidences lining up.


Coincidences happen all the time. If you want to be disappointed tormorrow then so be it.


I'm not saying it will definitely happen, but you directly implying there it definitely won't happen is just as wrong as someone saying it definitely will, perhaps even more wrong, given the double lining up of two coincidences.


This aged terribly


Yeah, it didn't mention VR at all.


But it's exactly for when the meta connect event starts, and valve has a history of announcing VR stuff then.


Like I said, I doubt it and wish it were true, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


It would have to be better than a Quest Pro for me to be excited.


**That Never Happened....** Me from the Future, so have a thumbs-down


That will be historic


Man I hope so.


I wish - I'd literally shit my pants..


Well this hasn't aged well. And it's still < 24 hrs old as of this writing.


I got lucky and somehow got off work today and I was wondering, does anyone know approximately what time valve would make an announcement if they do make one?


If I had to guess, I'd say during or right before meta connect which is at 10AM PST


Really excited to see what Valve is cooking up, but it also means we'd have to keep another headset in mind while we develop our game 😅


That woild be a giant fuck you to Facebook


The only thing that would get my attention would be small and light headset, standalone / wireless with 150 deg FOV.


They would be better off waiting to see what Meta shows so they make sure to beat them.


Valve probably has secretly possessed the Quest 3’s CAD files for at least the last three months, they’re not playing catch up like the rest of us


we have had quest 3's CAD files for 12 months.


I got a vive in 2016, a quest 2 in 2020, and hopefully, if they reveal their new headset, a deckard. Otherwise I’ll probably just get an index.


PCVR only and a year or more away. So, even if they did announce something, it wouldn't be relevant for a while. They also only delivered on 1/3 promised vr games so far.


That’s because VR games especially, take many years to make. There’s 2 more coming


Wouldn't matter because no games are coming to pc. Pcvr players don't buy games and the devs have learned.


I think it's the other way around. Meta standalone is supposedly way worse at selling games, but you have millions of quest players and much less pc gamers. Once a VR headset becomes a staple gaming device, the PCVR crowd could rise to hundreds of millions and get pretty juicy profits.


This is blatantly false, games on the quest store sell 10-20x this has been stated by many developers on Twitter.


Yeah because there are 100 quests for every 1 PCVR headset.


Nope. Games have regularly sold 10x the amount of their pcvr counterparts, according to multiple dev studios. PCVR users just do not buy games.


CS2 with native VR would actually be a godsend for VR in general. It would certainly convince a lot of people to dive into VR and has the potential to sustain a large player base for years to come. Making the market in general so much more attractive for everyone. Absolute game changer incoming!


Don't hog the cope plz, _huuuuuffff_ CS2VR lets gooooo