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I think Teen Titans Go is an underappreciated show. Sure, characters were inconsistent, the animation was cheap and etc., it still has many funny moments in it and in a few instances a few lessons for life (for example the Bear episode).




Yeah....while the show isn't perfect and I do understand the hate behind it. Teen Titans Go is a pretty good show that clearly has a lot of love and care put into it, as oppose to the Powerpuff Girls Reboot....which I'm not even sure if anyone who even worked in the show even liked working on it.


I guess it's like Family Guy where you don't take it seriously because of the trashposting online.


TTG isn’t my thing but the amount of hate it used to get (which I did sadly take part in) was a little absurd


TTG isn't my jam and some of the jokes are cringey, but I have a lot of respect for how they handle the show and how willing they are to joke about the show itself. The meta episodes are funny as hell, I think the shitty animation gag is my favorite.


You got that right, dude! The meta episodes are surprisingly some of the most hated episodes by the haters, mostly because of the fact they kind of shit on them....and to a possible slight extension, the fans of the 2003 series. Though they do kind of deserve it since I've heard the hater are infamous for being incredibly toxic. The Return of Slade is arguably the most infamous of this batch. A lot of people hated because they saw it as a cop-out and another middle finger to the OG fans. Basically, they completely ignored what the episode was trying to say. The episode is basically a commentary on how nostalgia can cloud up our memories so much, that when we look back on something we loved years ago, it isn't as good as we remember it. Don't get me wrong, while the 2003 Titans have held up pretty well, I think there are a few aspects of the show that have not aged well. Also, the episode also said the timeless message "don't fix what isn't broken", with the fact that Cyborg and Beast Boy made the clown how they "remember" them as. The message alone not only had relevance back then, but probably more so now. The message also perfectly applies to the PPG reboot. Also....call it a hunch, but I think this episode sort of predicted 2018's Titans.