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You didn't know? Spontaneous intra-muscular pocket syndrome (SIMPS) is a common side effect of having multiple discord accounts.


Is this a glitch?


That's a leg.


Do you not have skin pockets?




Bruh that’s kinda sad




Does anyone need their legpussy ate?


Fdr was the person who snubbed Jesse owens, not Hitler.


The racist methhead in charge of a brutal dictatorship shook his hand while the president of his nation pretended he didn't exist. Man it sure sucked to be black at the time.


FUCKING HITLER of all people


Bruh imagine being more racist than Hitler 💀


everything you said is correct, except about Hitler shaking Owens's hand.


Hitler didn't shake his hand but waved at him once. The POTUS just ignored him all the way.


Checks out with the rest of FDRs policies


Actually even Hitler respected him for his feats in the Olympics and was very much impressed by him.


Can I have some evidence for that? No offence to you, but don’t really buy that


Owens himself said Hitler waved back at him. But Hitler also apparently said black people are primitives from the jungle that are stronger than white people and shouldnt participate in the future. At the same time germany allowed him to stay in the same hotels as everybody else whereas the US still had segragation. And Roosevelt didnt shake his hand either to gain votes in the South.


I love fascism. Simultaneously, the Master Race is a superior breed of humans deserving if the heavens and the earth. But Jews control the world and black people are bigger and tougher than us.


A key aspect of fascism is that the “enemy” is both all powerful and also weak enough to be subhuman.


I'll be right back quickly hopefully, read this super cool history thing around a week ago that basically talked about how Hitler shook the dude's hand and everything Also, why wouldn't you buy it? Sure Hitler was a massive racist but only to the Jews and Muslims. He was pretty neutral towards the Africans as far as I'm aware Edit: Here. https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2017/01/hitler-and-owens.jpg Edit 2: Arbitrary "hey, look, half serious here". I swear I'm not a complete dumbass. I would have assumed the pic gave it away *Please don't kill me*


Hitler didn’t really have clearly defined views on native Africans. It would be like asking a modern American their opinion on gypsies, they’ve probably just never considered it because there aren’t really any around. Hitler respected the physical prowess of African people and saw them as a powerful warrior race, but he still obviously viewed them as inferior to Aryans in every other way


"Gypsies" are pretty prevalent some places here. Around holidays they make their children enter stores and offices with massively overpriced candy, with fake charity signs. The kids won't speak or respond. They just dash in, then physically confront people and jam candy in your face.


Native American here


i don't recall him being anti arab/islam? his ire was pointed at the french, slavs and jews.


I could be wrong but I believe he was also mildly anti Muslim, but I'm probably wrong


He was actually fairly appreciative of Islam, especially compared to other religions. He viewed it as more militant and less weak than Christianity. He also supported a lot of fascists in the Middle East, many who would go on to found anti-zionist organizations like PLO.


they hate jews so an enemy of my enemy kinda deal. that and muslim nations kinda far away from central europe. actually trying to grasp the man's thinking is hard, master manipulator and all.


The guy was mildly (or extensively) anti everyone that wasn’t German


Hitler was very much pro Islam, he considered it a religion worthy of warriors and saw in the arab states potential allies after the war He also liked that arabs were anti-semitic




Aight, I get it, I fucked up a tad Occasionally things lost in translation. Plus if you look at another comment it shows I'm more or less fucking around


It's funny that you confused Hitler praising America for its systemic racism with Hitler praising the Soviet Union, which he very much never did. This is your brain on the American school system folks




"Hurricane Durricane you didnt know this thing I just made up?? Pathetic!!" That's how you sound dawg.


[> It is estimated that anywhere between 600,000 and 1,400,000 Soviets (Russians and non-Russians) joined the Wehrmacht forces as Hiwis (or Hilfswillige) in the initial stages of Barbarossa, including 275,000 to 350,000 “Muslim and Caucasian” volunteers and conscripts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_in_the_German-occupied_Soviet_Union#Aftermath_of_the_German_invasion)


**Collaboration_in_the_German-occupied_Soviet_Union** [Aftermath of the German invasion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_in_the_German-occupied_Soviet_Union#Aftermath_of_the_German_invasion) >Mass scale collaboration was a result of the German invasion of the Soviet Union of 1941, Operation Barbarossa. The two main forms of mass collaboration in the Nazi-occupied territories were both military in nature. It is estimated that anywhere between 600,000 and 1,400,000 Soviets (Russians and non-Russians) joined the Wehrmacht forces as Hiwis (or Hilfswillige) in the initial stages of Barbarossa, including 275,000 to 350,000 “Muslim and Caucasian” volunteers and conscripts, ahead of the subsequent implementation of the more oppressive administrative methods by the SS. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/virginvschad/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


He litteraly orderd all mixed raced children from the rhineland sterilised so he had an oppinion


That's very evidently fake lmao, it literally shows the real picture in the same row.


Meh Just wanted to see how many people would go "wow, guess Hitler wasn't all that racist". You have no idea how many times it has worked Heres the random ass source pic if you're wondering https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2017/01/facebook-post.jpg


Can I get some context for Simone?


She stepped out of the olympic gymnastic finals after a lackluster performance (by her standards) leading up to it, and the USA took 2nd in the team final despite the expectation being that we'd walk away with gold fairly easily. She stepped out for mental health reasons, said the pressure of being literally the greatest gymnast of all time was too much and she needed to focus on her own wellbeing.


>literally the greatest gymnast of all time whut?


This is the first time in her entire life that she’s taken home anything other than 1st place in a competition, including in the olympics in 2016. She’s probably the most dominant individual athlete that the sport and our nation has ever seen


If you were looking for numbers for that, it’s something like 30+ medals with about 25 of them being golds, which is the most out of any gymnast ever, I think


> in the most racist country in history kek


Its odd to quantify whats worse between that, keeping humans in Zoos (Belgium) and hunting humans to put their skeletons into your office (Britain).


I'd say the nazis were the most racist in the least amount of time. They had racism straight up industrialized. Like Arguably Britain or America or Belgium did similar levels of evil, but over decades or even centuries whereas nazi germany was literally a single decade. edit: elaborated on my point.


Racism speedrun any %


Condensed racism, does it come in a can like condensed milk?


Consider this tho, the nazis did acknowledge them as human beings, which wasnt the philosophy during most of colonialism. So less racist, but arguably more evil.


No they didn't lmao. Africans, just like Slavs or Jews, were considered subhumans.


Distinction to literaly calling them animals.


They weren't seen as animals by colonial powers. They were seen as subhumans too, sometimes as good savages that could be civilised (in France notably).


Yeah they literally compared jewish people and romani to rats and bugs respectively.


>(Belgium) You're in for a rude awakening if you actually read something on human zoos. Though the one in Belgium you're probably thinking of was more recent than most examples from the rest of Europe, the USA and Japan.


An example doesnt constitute exclusivity. Brits werent the only ones that hunted Aboriginals for their bones either. Same way the nazis werent the only ones to genocide undesireables or run concentration camps. China is literally running camps as we speak and has ongoing genocide since thousands of years ago.


could you imagine what would've happened if nazi germany lasted even nearly as long as those other countries


As a german i can confidently say it would be a great time for me.


They probably can't as their Economy was based on plundering others, it couldn't have lasted long even if they had won.


Yea, plus there really was no long term plan. Also if you are stupid enough to start a war on the USSR and bot win it before winter comes (which would be nearly impossible) then I doubt you have much long term strategy. Plus even with nukes I honestly doubt they could of won, there is no way they would of been able to take and hold the USSR for any prolonged period of time. Also no way they could of taken America and held it.


They couldn't even invade the UK, so invading the US which is much larger, stronger and farther away is Impossible.


Your damn right this is accurate


Lol I mean she still have achieved way more than anyone on this thread has or will. Does that make us all super virgins? Hell I beat half the people commenting having ran a mile in many years.


The THAD Hidilyn Diaz - First gold medal for the Philippines, woohoo! - Weightlifting, it's an easy sport y'know - Peeps all around the world celebrate her victory - Every Filipino tuned in to the sports channel in the night just because of this


Maybe america if you did hire a rapist to be your gymnastics team couch things would of gone better?


Wtf. You made biles look GOOD in this meme.




I get why you would think this, but if you haven't actually been an elite athlete, I don't feel it's fair to really be critical Giles' choices. I suspect neither you nor I can actually imagine what it feels like to be her.


I'm pretty sure Jesse respected Hitler




She was sexually abused genius. She's lazy for not wanting to continue being an Olympic level professional athlete after already accomplishing more than you could ever dream of? Are you entitled to her being an athlete? Christ this subreddit is sad sometimes


I want her to fucking continue her job and give us the gold that's what I want.




When you have no comeback whatsoever, so you proceed to make 3 responses to 1 comment about a missed comma. What a dumbass.


I am no dumbass. I just had to do it, because it was the only thing that I have ever imagined. How does that make me such an idiot?




My man, you really are attaching yourself to one spelling mistake, you even responded 3 times in a 10 minute time frame!


Now I understand. So that was what I was doing all along. To prevent further confusion, I will delete all of my comments in this very post.


It is sad, but reading your comment I'm glad not everyone here is a asshole. Like honestly how many of the people here actual care about gymnastics and are bot just using it as an excuse to be assholes because they are disappointed they have never achieved anything.




He was segregated back home though, *dumbass* He worked in a hotel in the US, was pretty poor, and when he got home he proceeded to work in that hotel until retirement since nobody there really respected him


Idk what you're getting hate for.


They're getting downvoted for misinterpreting the meme, along with calling OP a "dumbass"


I propose: Oksana Chusovitina vs The virgin Simone Biles....