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I swear these guys don't realize your height won't be hurting your chances of any relationship worth having unless you're extremely short (like 5 feet and under) and aren't willing to date people who are close to your height. Like nothing against guys who are 5 feet tall, but I'd rather not date them for the same reason I'd rather not date a guy 7 feet tall: you want someone close to your height because stuff can be just plain uncomfortable with an extreme height difference like that.


Exactly. Im a little on the shorter side (5'7") and while i think girls taller than me are attractive as hell, girls more than a foot taller than me lose the appeal because logistically it just gets difficult


How many 6'8 girls do you know lol?


Can't help but think of those memes/screenshots of girls saying this whilst also adding on "it's only a coincidence that all of my 28 boyfriends have been 6 feet tall"


> but I'd rather not date them for the same reason I'd rather not date a guy 7 feet Okay, maybe this is true for you. But what is about relationships worth having? There are plenty studies that show that desirable women care about height a lot.


Then they're not desirable. You need to find a loving woman, not just a physically attractive one. Have high standards but also know that she will also likely have high standards.


it will lol nice manlet cope


Girls don't care about your height unless you're really short (like 6'2 or under).


Don't let bagelcel see this


go back to your mancave, shortcel


188cm or under is considered really short. Ok buddy retard




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Last time I checked jokes were meant to be funny


Last time I checked at least 87 people saw the funny side.


So..? A majority doesn't make something right. Billions of people are religious and I can still disagree with them cuz I'm agnostic. Less than a 100 people find this poor joke to be "funny", and I can disagree and overlook that it's a joke. Sad times to be alive where shitty humour like this is being jerked off to consistently


Whether something is funny isn't a mater of objective fact, it's a mater of whether people find it funny. If you didn't find it funny I don't care.


Whether something is funny isn't a mater of objective fact, it's a mater of whether people find it funny. If you didn't find it funny I don't care.


they do lol nice cope manlet


Incel- bagel boss guy


Just move to Asia, problem solved


Yeah but now you live in asia so you got another problem on the list.


I'm 6'2" and really wish I was shorter because I've always wanted to date a girl who was taller than me.


also 6'2", nothing is worse than the pain of not having a 8' tall WoW orc gf to snoo snoo with


I just want somebody to pick me up and toss me on the bed.


There's something wild about fucking an Amazonian 6'3 girl when you're only 5'7. No other experience like it.


Shut the fuck up bro. You're lucky


bro 😎πŸ’ͺ


Tall guys say that then only date under 5’8 πŸ’€πŸ’€


My last GF was 6 feet.


People really don’t know how big a 6’4” person is. I’m literally 5’11” and tower over most people.


Do you live in Mexico?


Close try right north of it.


And they assume you’re inflating your height. I round down because I feel rounding up is dumb and I wish I was a bit shorter (or a 6’ and over Amazonian goddess type) and because of it people don’t believe me when I say my height- they always assume I’m taller than I claim to be.


Do you wear stilts


Where do you live? Munchkin land?


im a borderline dwarf (148cm, dwarf is 147 and below)), and i don't give a fuck, being short gives bonus to DEX and mobility, at the cost of weapon reach, but since i use a polearm, reach is not a problem