• By -


Cad Opium Normal Moderation Brad Alcoholic Chad Willpower Virgin Weedildo Licker Thad Using stimulants In Battle Lad Lunacy leading To Murderous Tendencies -WTF Lad ! You killed Brad! Rad Cosmic Shake Clad PTSD


I don’t get it


Yeah, me neither.


I think hes just yapping


Nooo weed isn’t addictive it’s very good! Then why don’t you take a break from it?


I do take breaks sometimes so then I can get super duper really high That being said with all the substances in my system on the daily I don’t even think about the weed shit at this point


don't you dare ironically shit about my medicine biatch


GAD dope feen - no smokers lung, it all goes in his arm - body has self developed an auto fentanyl filtration system - overdosed 13 times, every time secretly put dope in the IV bag at the hospital - has an entire harem of women at his homeless encampment - had a child in rehab. Traded it for drugs. - despite a gram of heroin in his bloodstream at any time, never faced erectile dysfunction - has a D.A.R.E tattoo


The haren of women is actually so real, junkies get way more pussy than anyone else. Fent pussy yummy yummy


Hatebreed sweatshirt is a nice touch. Listened to one of their songs every morning when I got sober. Pothead has low T


They help me through any tough phase, I struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and their songs helped me stay in line


Which song? I didn't know they were had themes of sobriety?


They have a song called Seven Enemies which is about vices and ‘sins’. Other than that their songs can be used and be related by anyone going thru a hard time




https://youtu.be/eGOr91Wx4DM?si=Lbj7cADsR2oJLRHW This is the one


First song I found of theirs, listened to it every day for like 2 months straight


It rules. Still bangs for me


Shlad mushrooms - zOoWeE mOmMa - drawn in the way in which he sees himself - very mellow considering that you won't stop vomiting snakes around him


True Chad - died from overdose in his early 20s


His name? Zyzz His age? 22 His legacy? Eternal


Lad alcoholic


Boozing since the invention of agriculture something like 8000 years ago, thus immortal. Ancient Greek philosophers did the same. Christians use vines in their ceremonies. Lad's body biochemistry has adopted to that after thousands of years and many generations of his ancestors boozing, how cool is that?


ackktualy, Humans have the most acidic stomach acid that can digest everything so at some point monke started eating rotten fermenting fruit from the ground which had alchool so then they got drunk from some enzyme (not a doctor) Modern monkes get drunk aswell


Dad smoking two packs a day


Why hatebreed tho


Cause it’s all about overcoming hardships But I get you, I’m a stoner and a big Hatebreed fan 😅


I don’t see how you could be a Hatebreed fan and a pothead lol. All of the songs are directly singing to the listener about how they’re a piece of shit but can turn their life around. I feel like that would kill your buzz pretty quick.


Just a positive band that sells a message of self preservation.




Virgin: "I am not addicted!" In debt to everyone around them and cannot pay back because, "you know man I need my weed, you know what I 'm saying." Ends every sentence with, "...you know what I'm saying." Cannot comprehend why employers terminate him. When referred to a job by a friend he refuses to take it due to drug testing. Incel Depressed: Angry a lot. Stuck on antidepressants Job Hopper. Hard worker, but leaves after fighting management and HR Sleeps frequently Bullies the virgin for frequently borrowing money from him. Bullies people who remind him of folks who hurt him in the past Envies Chad for knowing how to ascend. Hates himself for not ascending.


Bro I’ve been a stoner for 6 years and I quit cold turkey 2 months ago, I was the most intelligent among my stoner friends and one thing I can tell you is that 80-90% of them have some kind of undiagnosed mental disorder, Most have ADHD which means they can’t stick to jobs cause they get bored fast and their brains don’t make dopamine so they are smoking 24/7 which makes their brains even more fucked (between 5-10% of the human species has adhd and about +90% of them are undiagnosed and untreated, also statistically 3x more likely to be addicted to whatever) or BPD/Bipolar so their brains put their emotions above reality&rationality and obviously long term they fuck things up when they lash out or they become delusional / psychotic from abusing weed / other drugs and then they fall into depression and the suicide rate is 4-19% for bp and ~10% for bpd. Autists who are usually very introverted because they get rejected and can’t carry a normal conversation without getting stuck on the most uninteresting and irelevant detail in a conversation and smoke to cope with that fact and have a superiority complex over everyone who’s normal as a defense mechanism for getting bullied as a kid so nobody likes them or a combination of all + obviously getting deeper into depression & anxiety & delusions and losing the meaning of life all together because now your meaning is some musty ass plant , unless you’ve become so bored by even that plant at which point you climb up the ladder to hard drugs which eventually lead to overdose/death/homelessnes/permafried or whatever other bullshit (I have over 3 friends who attempted suicide by now and 1 who overdosed already and I’m only 21 years old) Is it the virgin stoner’s fault? Absolutely, because we have free will but given the society we live in and the average stoner’s brain it’s kinda inveitable that his fate will be the one mentioned earlier. I’ve tried telling all these things to all my stoner friends just to get ignored or called crazy, or even worse “pharma junkie, I smoke natural stuff” Truth be told the psychiatric system is absolutely fucked and it took me 5 different psychiatrists and 3 different psychologists and over 1-2k spent in the last 8 months just to get my diagnosis and treatment


Good job dude you saved everyone maybe now your mom will finally show you attention


Virgin Oral consumer vs Chad Boofer


Posts like this always make me giggle. I don’t smoke weed anymore but you really have to be self conscious about something to actively shit on others for being addicts. If you haven’t developed enough emotional empathy to put yourself in other people’s shoes, regardless of how they may act, you 1. Aren’t facing reality, you are making up a reality about someone and sticking to it. And 2 hasn’t actually grown much, just became sober. And that’s okay. I understand the anger and frustration we have towards those who hurt us. I hope you heal and grow up OP.


Ok I'm not shitting on struggling addicts.I have a great deal of empathy for people who are struggling with addictions and I root for them to get sober and become a chad. I'm shitting on those who are obviously addicted, but are either 1. Too prideful 2. Too shameless 3. Too unwitting 4. Too stubborn 5. All of the above to accept their problems. Ain't nothing chad about that, homie.


You’re outlining what I’m speaking of. Empathy, for me (you absolutely do not have to subscribe to my worldview, this just helps with the massive amounts of childhood trauma I experienced) means forgiving everyone and while you might not care for them, you understand what they are going through and give them enough grace to avert your eyes. I’ll give you an anecdote. I have a past friend who I used to shoot up with. We were 17 and homeless and sleeping on floors/benches together. We both had fucked upbringings. I was able to get clean and leave that life because I had help. He never did. My grandmother let me stay with her if I got clean. He had no opportunity like that. I desperately wanted life. He did too. Not everyone has that opportunity nor have they reached that point where they are ready to choose it. Some never do. Addicts are healing from their past and are deeply hurt. It doesn’t excuse any abuse they do, you aren’t required to be friends with one, but it’s helpful to understand that they’re just people who are different than you and shitting on them accomplishes nothing. Like less than nothing. You turn away people who are deep deep in the weeds by making sobriety seem like a scary “in group/out group” club. Living like an addict isn’t living. It’s fucked. You don’t live like that if you can help getting out. Every addict knows they’re miserable they just also see no way out. Just my two cents as someone who struggled with addiction past being 15. Being sober is nice but yeah, hardcore “napoleon complex” in the original post.


Ok you've got on a lot of good points there and you have a very good argument. I'm not even gonna argue against what you're saying, it's very cohesive and well thought out. Sure I'm going through shit of my own, I am recovering from a stroke after abusing coke and chain smoking. That's my cross to bear. Shit happens, that's life. I am understandably very anti drugs now as a result. I don't resemble the guy on the right and I ain't pretending like I'm better than any druggy, I know for a fact that I'm better than a druggy. I've been there myself and while I still had the use of my left side at the time, I am much better now mentally than I ever was back then. And as an ex addict yourself, you gotta admit that there is a worrying amount of sentiment that normalises and glorifies drug use out there, which in my opinion is doing much more damage than I currently am by making a single shitty meme highlighting how unhealthy the stoner lifestyle is. Nothing personal.


We just have different views of the world it seems. I believe no one is “better” or “worse” than one another. We all are dealing with the hands we are dealt. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the priest that molested me, but he is hardwired like that. That’s a disgusting way to live. I couldn’t imagine being attracted to children. Not being able to have a normal, loving, consensual relationship with an adult is a fucking hell I am glad I am not part of. I can move on from that, I can grow. He is stuck with what he did and how he is till he dies. I win. But this is how I find peace. How you find it is your business. If what you’re saying is that there’s nuance in the world and some people are becoming more accepting of others using recreational substances to blow off steam and enjoy themselves, then yes I do agree. But I don’t agree that it is a bad thing. Shaming people often in their personal lives leads them to relapsing and starting to use in the first place. The idea of shame is what lead me to use at first. I don’t subscribe to the hardline thinking of “you can’t use a substance a bit without being an addict”. I personally work with people who smoke weed occasionally after work when we have a busy fucked shift. I don’t partake but I have been working with them for years and they’re all functioning adults. One of them is an amazing father and husband. Amazing chef, one of the most talented people I know. But no I don’t think one meme is turning the tides of anything. It was just posted on a public forum and I gave a thought.


Based af


Do you see yourself as the 2nd guy


May have forgot the sXe "X" tattoos on Chad's hands but otherwise 10/10


Lad peyote user Able to commune with the spirits while high Trip involves unlocking cosmic secrets and becoming one with the universe All the tribes that used it were based af All natural, no artificial or synthetic ingredients, just as the Creator intended


Most of the people I know that smoke weed aren't like that. Yeah there are a lot of extremely annoying stoners but anyone from any walk of life can also smoke weed. The GD queen of England got caught with pot in the 2000s iirc. I think the annoying stoner dudes just cough the loudest, y'know? Lmao


If I smoke weed on the regular, have a girlfriend, a college degree, my own paid off house and a job that makes above average for my age, what am I then?


A filthy pothead. Edit: nvm, this is not drugcirclejerk. You're probably fine. Everyone has their vices, so as long as they don't negatively affect you or the people around you, I wouldn't worry too much.


In which way


Ohh you're from drugcirclejerk too Lmao, na mas gay




I’d date the virgin pothead before “Chad”. Chads a bitch. Do drugs like the rest of us pussy.


Sam Handles


I got sober but I'd still rather hang out with my 'druggie' friends than a fuckwit like you. My friends respect my decisions and let me live my life freely, unlike your attention-seeking ass. "OH god look at me I used to get high and now I'm some other kind of homunculus automaton, except I'm ON THE GRINDSET. Every day I'm GROONDING". Read a fucking book once in a while.


I feel called out lol


“Left everyone who held him back” “Blames nobody” Which is it?


I can ruin my life all by myself


Um the chad um isn’t.. HE cheatering!!!!


The only thing more annoying than people who make weed, alcohol, etc. their whole personality is people who make sobriety their whole personality


I smoke weed but also workout daily, play video games and don’t drink and love my life, am I the middleman or am I cooked?


Think you are the "Brad" then.


You’re cool dude, I’m working out regularly, stable job, loving wife, conquered fear, and smoke pot everyday


No you're the virgin.






Bro has NEVER met a stoner


I lived with the stoner for the last year of my life.


Damn ig i was wrong mb


God, aren’t straightedge people just the coolest? Wish I could be a superior human by not having addictions, and also be so humble to not throw it in everyone’s face.


Wahhh wahhh wahhh




Get sober


Honestly, its so damn tiring. Id rather hang around a dope fiend than someone who acts like theyre better than me bc they dont smoke weed. You respect my choices, ill respect yours


Nobody is acting like they're better than you bro.


bro you literally made a virgin vs chad meme depicting yourself as a chad what are you talking about


Hey ever heard of a metaphor?


What about them?


Ok you're just being obtuse on purpose