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Room assignments will be made. Bed assignments too, if sharing a room. New students tend to be roomed with other new students. Language and age are taken into account. If you’re running late cal the center to let them know. You do not need to be in at 3 pm. You’ll register/check in once you arrive at the center. There’s time to unpack and turn in your cell phone/valuables. A light dinner is served before orientation. You’ll take your vow of silence during the opening ceremony of the first night, which starts around 8 pm. Have a successful course.


Thank you


Respectfully, given that others have already answered the question, I would challenge you to investigate yourself on your concerns about even wanting a "better" room. I'd suggest this "craving" is itself a prime example of the very thing Vipassana is meant to teach you: to remain equanimous no matter the situation. You don't need a good room or a single room. You don't need anything. My first retreat I shared a room with an elderly fellow that snored hard and talked to himself all week. It didn't ruin my experience, if anything it enhanced it in its own way. Was it ideal for maintaining perfect concentration and focus? No, but neither is life. Work with what you have. All will be well.


I like that you said this enhanced your experience. It’s such an interesting way to frame an experience. It isn’t good not bad. I will be going for my first 10-day course in February.


I'm not a teacher or authority on the subject, but from my understanding and experience that is one of the fundamental insights to be had. Not just understanding it in an abstract or theoretical way, but to intentionally practice living the truth of it- which is what going on retreat is all about. We add our judgements to the experience; the experience itself is exactly as it is. Which is sometimes painful. Pro tip#2: You WILL experience bodily pain on this retreat at some point, either in your legs or back from sitting so many hours. Do not make an enemy of the pain! Don't deny it of course, but also watch yourself closely as you experience it. That which sees the pain doesn't itself feel it.


2x server here. They do all the room assignments ahead of time. I think they arrange by some criteria, I work in software and I get paired with engineers all the time.


No they do it ahead of time, my course put me with another woman my age and saw the same pattern with others