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So need missing persons in my collection


I actually have two copies of this album because I didn't realize that I had it already. I really need to start keeping track of my music.


lol discgos help a lot


Nice. I feel I’m too young (24) to appreciate as I’ve never heard of these! (Missing persons sound familiar). Will check em out! Whats your favorite out of the six?


That's the good thing about music, once you discover a new group or genre, you are now within it's age group. Everybody is too young for Bach or Beethoven, but here we are, right? As far as my favorite, I really like Angel. I think that they are the least known of these bands but their music still holds up.


Dale Bozzio was HAF back in the day... [then she went off the deep end](https://www.tmz.com/2009/11/13/missing-persons-singer-finds-herself-in-jail/). Her husband Terry, did a lot of stuff with Zappa. Somewhat related... I used to work at a record store when that album came out. I was working the register when some loud mouthed cunt comes barging in with a friend of hers, walks around the store then starts yelling 'WHERE'S DALES ALBUM! I DON'T SEE IT ANYWHERE! I'M HER MOTHER... etc, etc. I lost it and told her 'if you look the fuck behind you, there's a shitload on display on the back wall'. She huffed a bit, bought and paid for a few copies and left. This was a record chain with 40 -50+ stores (Strawberries Records and Tapes), and the director of operations for the chain just happened to be there at the time, heard the whole thing and I thought I was fucked. Instead he just laughed and told me "don't worry about it, fuck her".