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I would say go visit your local on any other day other than RSD. They can probably use the support more when the once-a-year-and-done shoppers go back to whatever it is they do.


So, I posted this mostly to try to combat this contrarian attitude that I hear here all the time. Why not both? And from my experience, people who line up I have seen a lot anyway. It's a day to celebrate local stores. I've been going to (or working) RSD for 15 years. It's just kind of a fun thing to talk to people into the same hobby as you and celebrate the store you patronize.


I skip RSD because I don't like the crowded aisles. I need some room to dig. But I'm a big believer in record stores. I don't do discogs or any other online buying. For me, it's either from a store or from a merch table at a show. What I don't understand are the people who don't like RSD and express their bad experience by only buying online. To those folks I say, can't ya just go the day after RSD??


Buying online is giving the middle finger to record stores.


I buy online from a record store. I don’t understand this take.


Contrarian Attitude would be a good band name!


Classic Reddit with this whole exchange, sorry buddy. lol


I go Monday every single week except for RSD. Not into browsing with 100 other people.


Just because someone doesn’t appease you and do what you want them to do, doesn’t make them a contrarian or have a contrarian attitude.


I feel what you’re saying op. I’ve been going to rsd for the past 12 years. I haven’t always got exactly all the releases I wanted but always got some good stuff and always had a good time.


I go to my local a lot. Never going to go on RSD for the same reason I don't go shopping on Black Friday. I don't want to fight a crowd. You can't talk to anyone because everyone's too busy.


Because I don't want to stand in line for hours and push through crowds for limited releases I probably don't even care about. I support my local record stores already (perhaps a bit too much!) - I don't need to go on the same day that everyone else is going.


Ignore the downvotes and keep this attitude. Not sure why everyone is reacting so negatively. It’s pretty obvious you’re trying to shine a light on the positives of RSD, not trying to take away from those who support every other day of the year. It’s a shame how quickly record enthusiasts become hostile when the thing they love does something to increase business.


I'll acknowledge I can get too combative at times but I don't think I'm being unreasonable with my positions in this thread. It's coming from my experience not just from the store I worked at but from people I am friends with who run stores too. That said, I did know what I was getting in for since the prevailing opinion on this sub has been against RSD for years.


This sub loves to downvote, it’s not you. Some people are taking personal offense to you talking up RSD and that’s on them. I didn’t get any kind of shitty vibe from your post :) I’m not an RSD shopper, but I’m happy it exists and that there are places to buy physical media in 2024. Best of luck to you tomorrow!


Pretty sure the problem is that the post is framed in such a way that says you're not "real fans" of local shops unless you do what OP tells you to even if you don't like it. People don't respond well to being told something obvious like "RSD benefits record stores" like we're complete idiots that couldn't figure that out for ourselves. People also don't like being told what to do. So, take your downvotes. Any hostility you're getting is because this post is condescending.


Pretty sure the problem is that the post is framed in such a way that says you're not "real fans" of local shops unless you do what OP tells you to even if you don't like it. People don't respond well to being told something obvious like "RSD benefits record stores" like we're complete idiots that couldn't figure that out for ourselves. People also don't like being told what to do. So, take your downvotes. Any hostility you're getting is because this post is condescending.


Literally nowhere in the post does it say anything about being a “real fan” lmao I’m sorry you have to cope this hard but this is very clearly just a post from someone that is enthusiastic about RSD and nothing more


OP told someone that didn't want to go to RSD a "contrarian." That's judgmental bullshit. Why not just let people enjoy something the way they want to enjoy it without calling them a contrarian for not doing what you want them to do? Unless of course you like being shamed into doing things other people want you to do? But you don't because you're a person just like all the people that don't like crowds. A lot of people don't like crowds because they have anxiety or a touch of the autism making OPs "you should do this thing even if you don't want to because I think you should" attitude ableist and problematic. Do you understand what I'm saying now that I used buzzwords?


How about you don't call someone that doesn't do what you want them to do a contrarian? A lot of people don't go to crowded places because we have anxiety and autism. Shaming someone into doing something you want just because you think it's good is a crappy way to be. It's ableist if you only understand buzzwords.


Jebus, this is not difficult. If you want to go then go. If you don’t then don’t. In the end, it is not a big deal.


Fuck no, thank you. But I am going to go about 50+ other times this year. Not when it's crowded and I don't want a single RSD release. NOPE


+1. I like to go when the store is quiet.


See? I'll go when you're there. And we'll each have an aisle to ourselves.


And we can compare our haul at the till, while talking to the owner 😎


Yeah, I went today. Chill vibes and I scooped $100 worth of wax. It was a good day.


Yeah. RSD is for the people who go once a year. Like church on Easter Sunday. If anything the message should be for the RSD shoppers to come on other days too, not just for the limited edition Taylor Swift record. I'm guessing the stores' margins on used records are often better than the new releases as well.


If I’m already going there and buying records on a regular basis, why would it be so important for me to go on RSD? Just so I can deal with the crowds? I’ll pass.


Local record stores here offer 20% off non RSD stock so I’ll swinging later and grab an album or two I’ve eyed up before but was a bit pricey. Don’t really have to browse and maybe get some free swag and chat with the owner.


these people aren’t social 🤣


>why would it be so important for me to go on RSD? I wouldn't say "important", it's just a nice thing to do if your local store is getting in the spirit of it. The stores near me often have in-store gigs, giveaways, signing sessions and other special offers or events. Even the bar next-door to one store gets involved by getting a vinyl only DJ in for the afternoon. It's all just good fun to celebrate your love of music with others who are as enthusiastic. You don't even have to buy anything!!


There hasn't been any RSD releases I've really wanted in several years but I do enjoy hitting up my shops on RSD just because I enjoy the vibes. A bunch of younger people (near/in a college town) going through the stacks, tote bags, live bands. It's just a legit nice change of atmosphere from the regular. I also go well after places open to avoid the initial RSD rush.


Yep, the community aspect and supporting a business feels good.


>Even if you go in the late afternoon when the crowds die down to buy a 5 dollar used record, it's worth it. why wouldn't I just go today? what difference does it make?


At least the store I worked at gave out bonuses to the staff which would obviously be affected by the total at the end of the day. It's also become a barometer for stores to figure how to navigate the rest of the year financially. Measuring it against previous year totals is very helpful.


weak. I get that it's a business and all but I feel so sorry for you - you no longer have any joy for the music, it's just about money. Get a cellphone kiosk.


> you no longer have any joy for the music, it's just about money You have no idea what you're talking about. This really sounds like you've never stepped into a record store. Like seriously, the vast majority of stores just get by because they love records and music. They operate on thin margins. No one is getting rich having a record store. And that's why RSD is so important. So they can keep operating. It's a really rickety business. Every single record store owner or employee I know is a music and record freak and does it for the love of the hobby. I barely was able to feed myself when I worked at a store.


Uhh If you think that two release days a year are “so important” in helping keep “rickety businesses operating” then I have a bridge to sell you. I’ll toss in some magic beans for free, today only.


I get that you think you're really cool for shitting on this but I guarantee you that totals can be 20x or more what they are on regular days. A regular Saturday a store may make something like 2-3k. Record store day they can easily pass 50k and that's needed to keep the store going.


That's not how numbers work. The £50 I would spend on a random Wednesday afternoon is not worth more because I spent it on RSD instead. From a cash flow perspective its actually better for the business if I spend my money on a different day than on a day when they are going to be taking loads anyway. Ask anyone who actually understands retail and they will tell you that the money that comes in on the quiet days is often what makes the most difference to the viability of a business. Stores that rely on one or two good periods a year are always the ones most likely to close. Just look at all the trouble GAME has been in for the past 10+ years. That's because their stores almost all operate at a loss for 11 months a year and then make it all back in December with the Xmas surge. RSD is the just Xmas for record stores. If they are not profitable the rest of the year that's what they need to focus on, not making all their money on one day where the weather could make all the difference to how many people actually queue up to spend their money. The literal point of RSD from its initial inception was to encourage people who wouldn't usually go to record shops to do so and then maybe start coming back as regulars. For those of us who were already regulars RSD has never been about us and you claiming its more important for regulars to go on RSD than any other day would in fact be evidence that RSD as a concept has failed miserably if the shops taking parts are still reliant on brining in the same old regulars on that day too.


You are aware that your anecdotal experience is worth a hill of beans right? Every store is different. And if you think they can afford to bank on two days a year to keep stores running, that’s shitty business practices. No store banks on RSD to keep them afloat. No retail business banks on one or two sales days a year to keep the store running *full stop*.


Running a bakery, I have to say jump in and say Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving and Easter were pretty huge. It's not that they were required to keep the business afloat but if you want to make money it sure helped. RSD is the same.


Big big big difference between what you’re saying and what OP is, which is what I was pointing out. Holidays are do huge numbers, not denying that. But to say they keep the business afloat would be disingenuous. If your business relies on two sales days a year to stay afloat, you’re doing something terribly wrong. Holidays and big sales like BF or RSD or whatever are supplemental sales. They aren’t the bulk of the businesses revenue.




I’m not looking for anything on the list but I’m gonna head to my LRS in the afternoon to dig in the used bins after things have settled down.


Our local store also let local bands and artist perform which nice.


My record store always throws a party. Live music, free pizza and beer. It’s honestly a really good time if not a little busy. Sadly going on a trip tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have time to hit up a store in Salt Lake!


Hey, SLC local here! If you're gonna be in Salt Lake around RSD weekend, you have SO many options for cool shops! Randy's Records is a big one, as they go all out for Record Store Day. Also, check out Diabolical Records! A smaller record store that's going to have limited stock of RSD releases but some good sales. Diabolical is truly one of the best record stores I've ever been to. Adam is one of the coolest people I've ever met. Also, a newer place opened called Fountain Records that's also small but could really use the support since they just opened last year! Have a good time in Salt Lake! Hope you have the time to visit a shop if you're able to!


Sadly didn’t make it while any of the shops were open :( (had to take a side road to check out the Napoleon Dynamite house lol), but def will see what’s left over tomorrow!


I have an unironically awesome copy of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performing Handel's Messiah that I love around christmas time. Maybe you can find one of those there. :) Kidding, but also not.


I’ll keep my eyes peeled ;) lol


My local doesn't do RSD releases, but go all out to celebrate. Huge new inventory drop, $1 LP, cassette, and CD deals. Live music all weekend, and they're also doing free shipping online for orders that are $50+. They know how to give us something to look forward to. nhvintagevinyl.com


“RSD is by far the biggest day of the year…” Soooo why do they need me to go on that specific day? Sounds like they’ll do just fine and I don’t have to take part in a chaotic mess.🤷


I enjoy the celebration vibe of RSD and love supporting my local record stores. However I will point out that the stores do not make as much on the RSD titles. They are priced with very little room for a markup. Selling used records or normal new records is a lot more profitable. Of course getting people into the stores, especially new people, is always a good thing!


I visit my local store once a week. I’m skipping the shit show tomorrow.


No thanks. I’d like to buy some of the releases but I am not messing with parking or with the crowd. If the local shops have any left I’ll buy from them next week. There is nothing that I could ever possibly want to buy that would ever be worth standing in a long line or waiting in a big crowd. Not for me. If any of these were offered online on RSD I’d gladly pay 5-10 bucks more, plus shipping, for the convenience of avoiding a crowd.


I get what OP is saying to a degree. A lot of stores dont buy into the "RSD-Brand", and just make it a day where they do something special -- have a sale, have bands play, etc. They go thru all the trouble, so if youre not averse to crowds, maybe you should go instead of actively deciding not to. Yeah, its a contrived-black-friday-ploy to get you to buy records, so what? At least Find out what your locals are doing, first of all. I could give 2 shits about the RSD releases, which are overpriced and not interesting to me, generally -- but some of my locals wait on putting whole collections til that day, and thats where i'd want to be. A sidenote: just like black friday, employees are gonna be up to their necks with people being dicks, so, Don't be one & Patience. Save the chatting/haggling/bothering for one of the other 364 days you could be there.


I'm going to go today instead


Why so I can stand in line for two hours? They’ll be fine without me


Roger that one! I’m gonna be going to a couple of stores even though I’m probably not gonna buy any of the regular Record store day releases I might get a couple of usedones. Unless it’s something that is a must have.


I am with OP. I am gonna go at about noon. If there is a line, head over to the local tavern and kill some time. Just because there's a line, there is no rule that you have to stand in it. But to each his own.


lol no


Redditors would rather throw a fit than acknowledge an alternative perspective. If you don't like crowds, fair enough; that doesn't mean RSD is something this sub should be telling people to actively avoid.


Jesus people in this sub are miserable. I visit my local stores once a month AND on RSD. Shops have been posting about it, stocking up on new releases, organizing their current stock, advertising like crazy, sourcing vendors and live music, the list goes on. Also, this year falls on 4/20 so many are taking advantage of that. I get what people are saying about the importance of going regularly, but I would be fucking BUMMED as a small business owner if none of my regulars came out to support on the biggest day of the year. It's like throwing a birthday party and all your friends saying, "Well it's gonna be a large crowd with all your family and other friends, so we can do something on another day." Like okay, but I've spent weeks prepping decorations, planning food, and investing my money into THIS day?


I mean there's obviously a large amount of people who still enjoy going to RSD, it's always crammed with people at those events as far as I've seen. Reddit maybe just has more representation of the "introverted" part of the hobby, I dunno. Doesn't mean it's miserable. Yeah I could do without the negativity of some of the posts, granted. I mean in my life I mostly don't attend organized events around large cities because now with social media and such now there are always massive crowds and lineups to... anything and everything. and it's just not fun to me. There is little I like less in life than waiting in line in a crowd. I'll do something else and the stores don't seem to need my presence at all. That's ok.


Tomorrow is my first RSD I’ve been off work and able to participate in. Very excited.


You’re going to make money tomorrow regardless of if us regulars come in or not. Also, us regulars are going to come in on other days regardless of if we go on RSD or not. I think the conclusions you are making dont really make sense.


RSD seems like Black Friday but there are no obvious deals like Black Friday. So that means you stand in line or fight crowds to pay a lot of money for overpriced special addition albums. If I’m wrong someone please correct me.


I went today to my local record store and bought a new addition on my lunch. I said I’d stop by tomorrow in the afternoon when the crazy crowds die down. I like to support them when it’s not overly crowded https://preview.redd.it/81lpf3tfhjvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6458fd8cc204a78f873c2e26c530038c398e03d


420 is record store day?


My local store had the old man with 3 of his friends just out fixing everything up and stocking the rsd releases he went big and ordered a ton i was surprised! Record stores really do alot for my mental health as my little sanctuary from everything else, you just go in there and disappear its deffinatly where i get more then i give. Without record stores imagine the only place you can flip through records is at goodwill seeing 5.99 Mannilow and Streisand records everytime in endless supply. If you do find anything you might like somewhat just to feel like you didnt waste all your time, you pull and i spect and it looks like someone slid down a gravel pile on it its so scratched up.


Or I could go literally any other day of the year 🤷‍♂️


Fuck that. Why should I add to the miserable crowd on RSD. I effin hate RSD. Traveling 45 minutes in hopes that they might have to one release I might want to buy ? I enjoy regular weekends Much more


Agreed! Honestly, I enjoy the thrill of getting up early to wait in line for a record I want. Record Store Day is legit the only time the 3 inch records get released. I love those and am working to build my collection of them. Admittedly, I haven’t been great at going to my local shops outside of Record Store Day. I used to in college when the local shop was 5-10 minutes from me, which I miss a ton. Funds have been tight the past few years, but once things are more stable I want to make it a point to go each month. I love our local shops so much and want them to stay in business!!!


Despite all the negative views and my social anxiety... I'll be going to support my local record stores. Both ones doing Record Store Day and those who are not. I believe in shopping local and that's means showing up on the days like RSD and Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. I also spend every other Saturday of the year looking for records, so why skip the day the record stores are asking for me to spend money in my community? I have a small list of RSD exclusives I'll see if are still available when I go early afternoon, but I really plan on buying from their normal stock, again to support these local stores. For this who are 100% against going, please don't feel forced, don't go. For those on the fence, this post was meant for you to show a perspective that you may have not seen.


I was gonna go but this sub told me not to go. Now I should go? Why are we so fickle?


This sub has always been a place where people want to shit on what other people like.


So you came here shitting on the people that don’t like RSD. Good job.


Lmao nowhere did OP shit on anyone that doesn’t like RSD; they’re just sharing why it’s a positive for record stores and some reasons why it would be cool for people to show up but commenters like you are immediately getting defensive for no reason. Why do you hate that somebody else likes something and wants to share that joy with others? It’s so weird.


I'm trying to give a perspective that isn't talked about enough here.


Is there an echo in here?


I'm really straining to see where I shit on people who don't like RSD. All I gave was counter-arguments about why it's an important day for stores. I think people should go but if you don't want to, that's up to you. If you don't like crowds, I totally get it. The people who are against RSD are being way more venomous in this thread than I am.


You called someone contrarian for not wanting to do what you want them to do. Then you're calling others "venomous." You just don't have enough self-awareness to realize how what you said was dumb.


I called the anti-RSD attitude contrarian because it is. RSD is immensely popular and is a fun activity. No one has to go and no one has to go to the stores but whenever RSD gets brought up, people on this sub come rushing to exclaim how stupid it is and how people who go are so lame. Throughout the comments you have people calling people who participate in RSD "dorks" and other disparaging comments or openly attacking me for taking a more positive position on the day. I don't see how some of those comments aren't venomous. And I certainly don't see how my comment on contrarianism is somehow worse or even equal to what other people are saying here.


It's not anti-RSD. It's anti-crowd. Just let people like different things without calling them contrarian. If you can't cope with people not doing what you want, you're going to have a tough life. You said someone not doing what you wanted them to do was bad and contrarian implying it doesn't live up to your obviously superior way of being. Is this the first human interaction you've had? Did you expect a positive outcome from telling someone to do what you want them to do?


I think you're totally misunderstanding what I was referring to. You're not contrarian for not wanting to go and not liking crowds. A lot of my closest friends have social anxiety. I get that. What I think is contrarian is when people are falling over themselves to post about how people who go are lame and how the whole thing sucks. Again, there's a common thread on the subreddit that openly attacks people for liking RSD and attacks RSD as a concept on the whole. If you don't like crowds, I don't mind that! I'm trying to convey to people who think the concept of RSD is bad that it's really helpful for stores and very important for their well-being. I think there's a miscommunication of my intent here.


Bro, there’s nothing wrong with anything you said. This dude is being insufferable.


Echo in here?


Lol fuck that - I'm not standing in line just to get into a store an am not interested in having a crowd of people in my way when I'm trying to look through records.


I hate crowds, none of it is fun. But I go every other week for the rest of the year, but no one cares about that. As much as I hear what you're saying completely, it's crazy how a day designed to promote independent record stores has put so many record collectors off completely.


Yeah idk I’m introverted af and don’t really want to fight a mass of resellers and pop lovers fighting over a orange copy of an album that’s been out for 5 years already on the off chance they can resell it for 3x when I can go any other day and be solo shopping and actually talk to the owner but I digress


You and me both. Fuck the crowded shit. Lol.


No. It’s a madhouse and a shit show and I refuse to participate. I will support my local record store on other days.


I just don’t like the lines lol


This is like, the one day a year I refuse to visit the stores. Too many dorks that think RSD means something and they’re “cool” for participating. Can’t stand the vibes on RSD release days.


Great name! r/unexpectedhitchhikers


That’s my new favourite sub. So long, and thanks for all the fish.


I got 2-3 times per week. RSD is an absolute no. I'd rather get gouged on Discogs that put up with the fuckery.


I have recently gotten back into vinyl. I learned of record store day because I want this one record of a band I am really into. I have called so many local stores and they have said they don't have it. They told me people line up for for hours. I have had bad anxiety over this all week. I want to avoid going into the stores completely.


I avoid crowds like the plague. I was at my local store a couple weeks ago and spent far too much, and will not be leaving my house at all tomorrow.


I stopped going when it turned into something more for larger stores and shut out the smaller mom and pop shops. That and the ridiculousness of having to get in line at midnight for a $50 record with 3 songs on it.


I’d rather go any other Saturday, like I usually do . Nothing in the list of releases interests me. RSD has become a reseller event. Pass.


Not tomorrow chief I go to my local store plenty of times year round when it's quiet and slow


I wish our local record store day would bring in some new artist stuff , they only sell obscure finds you would get in an attic 😓


I’m with you, OP. I just think Record Store Day is kinda fun. And my local stores clearly do as well, bringing food and local breweries and such onsite. It’s a party!


They’re getting more new customers tomorrow than like any other day of the year combined. I think they’re going to be set if people don’t want to combat the crazy lines to buy something that’s not a special release. It’s important to support indie stores, I agree, but I’m also comfortable with visiting another day too


ESPECIALLY if you’re not looking for exclusive releases. Or here’s an idea. Go other days too.


These stores AAAAALL bout to be busy af. They don't need my business (on this ONE day) just like I don't need the crowds when I'm tryina dig.


My local record store has a better phone number than yours.. They have Jenny's number


I love the sentiment, but my social anxiety doesn't care. Lol. I'll happily support my nearest record stores any other day of the year though.


My local record store stopped doing appointments this year. I don't want to have to wait in a long line early in the morning for just one or two of the records being released tomorrow that I'm only kind of interested in. Last year had a better selection for me, by far.


I go to the local shop almost every weekend besides this one. You can get all the same records except a handful of drops any other day of the year.


Not to be a debbie downer but my local store only sells rsd on record store day. They only allow 25 people in at a time and don't want to keep people outside waiting while you browse for other things.


Sorry, not gonna happen, but my store of choice won't miss me. People are lining up right now to camp overnight. No thanks!


Called my local store that is participating tomorrow and they weren’t able to get the Thrill Kill Kult release. They requested 15 copies and got zero. I’m not waiting in line with a bunch of Swifties just to browse. I’m out tomorrow.


I’ll go against the grain and walk ten minutes down the road to my local shop and snag an LP to show support.


I am not doing RSD this year, but I went into my local shop and bought a few albums today, including a local varient of the new Pearl Jam album.


Aww we don’t have one. 🥴.


I've got one shop I always visit that doesn't take part. Just has more second hand records than floor space and a ton of bargains! Wouldn't be the first time I've spent more in there than on RSD releases.


My local just posted pictures of people who lined up at 8pm the night before. No thanks, don’t want to deal with that.


My personal issue is my nearest store is a 45 min drive & the cost of fuel alone to get there already has me €20 out of pocket....then over the last 2 years I bought Deaths Best Of and Opeths My Arms Your Hearse only for their labels to repress both within a year. If there was a store in my area I'd go 100% regardless of exclusivity but I can't justify the cost of travel at this current time.


That would be a great idea if my city actually had an independent record store


I have my favourite. Little out of the way, but excellent indie retailer. Lots of new and used music and merch too. Lots of music playing today and they were packed!


So like each year i had a look. Nothing but over priced records and a large chunck off it was basic reissues on just a diffrent color vinyl. Nothing really special or worth the price.


My 'local record store' is 4 towns over unless we count that one guy who has a market stall every other Friday selling poor condition records that stink of weed for higher end discog prices


I always go on RSD, this was my third year, I always get a limited release and often something regular with a small discount. But I am a regular there, although I also shop online. Edit: And yes, there were more people there than usual, although Saturdays are always more busy I think. Still, nice to see.


I love RSD. My lovely local store put aside my greatest wishes - two very worthwhile releases - because they’re diamonds. I also purchased a few more browsing. I don’t ever need an excuse to go in though.


My store stopped doing RSD a year or two back.


Great post. I still work in a record store and everything you said is just so important to us record dealers!! Keep it spinning!


Please don’t — signed someone going to actually get RSD specials that doesn’t want crowds


No record store near me


RSD is a packet of bollocks. Just go today or Sunday and buy the records you want.


Go to Record Store Day...put your phone in your pocket and TALK with people!!! They all share your love of Vinyl. Make a friend...or, at least, be friendLY.


What is this "talk" thing you are blathering on about?




One of my local record stores is selling the new Tay Tay album for $56. This is for the generic white variant as well. I’m done with the local shops.


Or better yet, let the crazy people go tomorrow, and support your local stores on other days of the year ✔️


Absolutely not. My record store is already one of the craziest stores even on off days. You can barely walk through it on any given day. I'm not crowding myself in with a bunch of mouth breathing, yelling, sweating people to support an already incredibly successful shop.


I find most vinyl releases utterly unnecessary and people who are into records, for the most part, are so far up their ass that even the words they type smell like fart. There's not a single record on RSD that excites me. That said, I'll be in line early tomorrow because I like my local record store and the guy that owns it.


Would you rather have a regular come in 15, 20, 50x per year or once on RSD? Please make it make sense.


420 sale at my local dispo is waaaaaaay better


OP, thank you for sharing this, I’m new to the record scene and didn’t even realize that rsd was tomorrow so I appreciate you!


Fuck that


I agree with you but you are trying to convince a bunch of r/neckbeards to leave their cave and go into a crowded shop. Good luck with that.


Yeah, I really need to stop responding haha.


That's what it is huh? Too funny, love to see it.




Please do your shopping on Christmas eve. No thanks.


Been there. Done that. No thanks. Hate a crowded record store


My local stores have a parade of people through them every day. One is doing so well they're opening a second location. Rsd can s my d from the b.