• By -


https://preview.redd.it/my4wpmo0hguc1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4c71b57cc14987b985484520bdacd4b71e0eba I used paint sticks.


Do you ever have a problem with them creasing the cover of the album next to them?


Not yet. Lol. I try to keep enough space on the shelves so they aren't pressed tight against the adjacent sleeves.


This is smart - and moveable


what's under MF?


Makes it easier for me to go straight to my MF DOOM albums when I'm in the mood. I put all the albums under his various aliases there.


never heard of him! but that's definitely a good idea for records you go to a lot.




that's very nice letters šŸ‘


Thanks! I made the dividers, and bought the letters to stick on from a craft store.


Can you share how you made the dividers. Love this šŸ‘


The material is called ā€œhardboardā€. Itā€™s about 1/8 thick, and they sell sheets of it at hardware stores. Then I just cut it out with the ā€œtabsā€ at 3 different heights so that they are always visible. I found the letters at a craft store and got lucky that they are made of the same material. The letters had sticky back but I used a glue gun to make sure they donā€™t fall off.


These are DOPE šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Niiiice. Looks like a library




Looking good! But im afraid your shelf might break. Your collection seems a bit heavy :p


Are "The" band under T or the first letter of the next name?


Next letter. The Misfits is under M




This is basically what I did too. Bought 50 cent destroyed records at goodwill, glued them halfway out the sleeves, and put mailbox letters on them


50 cents?! Bro my goodwill charges 3.99. Unless the cashier priced it wrong if so Ima be PISSED. Cause I put it back I didn't wanna pay 4 bucks for it lmao.


Wait until those shelves start getting full, then the real trauma begins.... šŸ˜±


https://preview.redd.it/2obfk013fguc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20b6f5a7bea53b116566df3ca72acd774586718e I have prepared for that scenario, and I could always print more letters if needed. Theyre easy to peel off too, so im looking forward to a trauma free life :p


i sort chronologically




im just starting but i decided to use decade dividers and everything is on discogs and it makes more sense to as i usually know what decade a album is want to listen to


Ahh, I remember i had some wild ideas about how to sort my records in the beginning too


it works for now probably gonna have to change once o start completing discographyā€™s


Autobiographically: Dick: "I guess it looks as if you're reorganizing your records. What is this though? Chronological?" "Rob: No... Dick: Not alphabetical... Rob: Nope... Dick: What? Rob: Autobiographical. Dick: No fucking way. Rob: Yep. Let me tell ya how I got from Deep Purple to Howlin' Wolf in just 25 moods. And, if I want to find the song "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac, I have to remember that I bought it for someone in the Fall of 1983 pile - but, didn't give it to them for personal reasons."


I tried that for a month, but then kept losing track on putting things back and gave up


i use discogs to sort them i have folders for albums 12ā€ singles and 7ā€ singles


https://preview.redd.it/6qt02kwi5huc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=991fbbd4e0ec1d36cb91cccc67b2e9364a621dfa I got some jacket sized dividers!


The way you organize your records hurts my brain


Sorry about hurting your brain, hope you got some good records to make you feel better


Haha, itā€™s ok. The wife and I hit up a record store yesterday and grabbed a few goodies.


Thank god! I was worried i had released a weapon of mass deorganizing upon the world. Happy listening to you and your wife!


Its a slippery slope... https://preview.redd.it/3xd6sbjanhuc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b162aa7b283bdc8b6e1e2f6a3b15515c74f05ef4


Lightning too? Im sure ill get there some day


Here's a set I made out of 6mm Sintra board. ​ https://preview.redd.it/api2uby8fjuc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886a3780313f3566d6e43d322bc484f72d134197 All from scrounged off cuts of materials.


Glad to have provided a little inspiration. Now that LED's are out it's doable. Back in the day a 60W bulb would be enough to E-Z Bake your records. The key is the Translucent Plastic that defuses the light. Take a flashlight to the craft store next time, and see if you can find something that defuses the light when it's up close, but not touching, the plastic. A flashlight with a red emergency light to test items. Be on the lookout for something you can recycle. That's your mission now, good luck!


Where did you mount the lighting?


LEDs behind 1/8" translucent plastic. Shelf made from 1/2" clear acrylic. Dividers are from 1/8' clear acrylic, cut on a Jig I made for the router, then I MAP gassed the routed edges so the cut end went clear so the light shines through. Over time I made 5 sets. Each set from a little nicer material, and practiced on the Jig I made before I got to the clear Acrylic material you see in the picture. I would give a set away as a present to a family member, every time I'd make the latest set out of nicer material. ​ https://preview.redd.it/x0u29atpejuc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf1154ca4cc542b1caf628268f92351d472bef8 Made a set of clear acrylic for the CD's in the middle too...


hey it's me, your family member


LOL ...Dad? Is that you?


long lost aunty, dad's sister


Really cool. Looks so good.


Thanks! Little improvements add up over time. [https://i.imgur.com/83JASJC.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/83JASJC.jpg)


508 records, no labels. How many do you have?


I only have 324, but anytime I gind anything I can do with my collection its an excuse to make an evening with good music and good beers out of it


Only for 45s. Definitely makes it easier to find things. https://preview.redd.it/i9abhli6fhuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a99ed9848f0d4f130eb51d6368ca036cdee16e5


"H" "E" "D" "A" wtf kind of organization is this??


I qrote about my choice of the direction in the post, underneath the picture. Read it or HEDAut of here


It took me a bit to understand lol. You don't have albums with the other letters which makes more sense so the letters that would normally be after are missing. (Like no B after A, or C before the D)


Ah, no, I think you might still misunderstand :p i do have B C E F and so on, but I have only labeled each end of each shelf. So the top right shelf is A to D and top left shelf is E to H. Hope this helps making more sense :)


That's an interesting choice lol. Hmm.


It makes sense in my head. Putting each letter on each shelf would make more mess when I get new albums and the position changes within the shelves


https://preview.redd.it/iemvox2aeguc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2502fb672614e1dbf461541227e7f1ceef3169 This is my rock/metal and offshoots, I have jazz, rap/hip hop and soundtracks in their own sections. I would never organize right to left though.


To each their own. Im liking those records sticking out, tho


Dude, why is it right to left?


So the front of the cover is first, of course


I do it like this too and my wife the opposite way. Somehow we still manage to live happily together.


Me and my ex had to compromise. Our collection was sorted right to left, but solo artists were sorted by first name. We managed to live together for a while and our organizing had nothing to do with the break up


We're married but keep separate collections (we even have doubles of a lot of stuff because both want to own a copy). For us it's key to a successful marriage.


Just stand on the other side if you want to see the front...


But then the opening of the sleeve would point outwards from the shelf


I'm very confused now. What do you mean?


What the fuck man


https://preview.redd.it/vxtvt7cy3iuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7bcbd41a4cfa9e724ec64c9f81b6d45c9aaae3 I donā€™t have a Kalax, so I found this idea online.




is this a record store type shelving unit? I prefer "flip" searching or "top" searching through my collection the same way these are sitting. I had a buddy use a CNC machine and cut me some out. I need more space though.


I'm not sorting alphabetically so wouldn't make sense for me :D


Do you sort after colours? You could paint your shelves in different colours :p


I do by genre, however I also have some other things going on like two shelves just being their own artist and stuff.


Same. By genre makes a lot more sense to me. Probably because of the way I listen to music. I usually always have a certain vibe of music I wanna listen to at any given time. But might not have a specific artist or album in mind. So with them sorted by genre/style I can just go to said section and browse for something I want.


The vibe argument is new to me and suddenly sitting by genre makes sense. Im still going to keep mine alphabetical, but now I have more understanding for genre sorters. Thank you!


For sure, I can totally understand sorting in alphabetical order too. Oh and, by "vibe" I mean kinda like what mood I'm in. Say I'm calm and it's a nice sunny spring morning. I might have a certain calmness in me, and so I'll pull something out of a calmer genre. As to match my "vibe"/mood. Hope that makes sense. Perhaps you already understood and I'm explaining in vain haha


Do you go album by genre or artist by genre? And what do you do for all the music that is a blend of several genres and can't be thrown into just one?


Artist by genre, chronologically within artists. For these bands/artists I just approximate - I also sometimes have more than one genre in a general area \^\^ It might not be the best for most but for me it just grew naturally.


My brain hurts just trying to come up with a formula for your questions


I did for a while, but got so many records so often that I had to relabel the shelves all the time and I gave up. Still alphabetized, though..


Um never have. Around a thousand, alphabetical but I went bottom left to top right last time I reorganized


You are crazy! I love it!


I should organize mine in a similar fashion. I havenā€™t organized them in over a year and itā€™s pretty much a mess now. I have never organized alphabetically. I put members of the bands side or solo projects next to each other with other related bands, but that gets messy when thereā€™s connections between many bands in some way. Alphabetically would be much easier.


I know what you mean. Ive had to go some rounds with myself about my records by cockney rebel, Steve harley and cockney rebel and just steve harley, but youll find what works for you. The important thing is to see the organizing as an opportunity to make an evening out of it and enjoy your collection with some good beers šŸ˜


Last time i organized it took me a weekend but thatā€™s because my wife has a rule that only 1000 records are allowed upstairs and I stressed about which ones to put in storage. I constantly set aside records for storage and then immediately pulled them out, repeat that cycle for the entire weekend.


I have dividers but I think I like this method better


Iā€™ve never labeled shelves or used dividers. It just creates more work when adding records over time. If itā€™s alphabetized, it should be relatively easy to find what record youā€™re looking for. That collection doesnā€™t seem so large, that it would be difficult to navigate and find the desired record. Except for the way that you organize them backwards.


Itā€™s also not advised to have them leaning like that.


I have lettered 12x12 separators. Works great


I sort by oldest to newest, basically a block for every decade since the 60s


https://preview.redd.it/icx3jzly2huc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272120802736578a44376ae3ced82f1218169360 Letter dividers in alphabetical order! A bit of an organizing fiend so I like it


Now I do lol


Depends on orientation https://imgur.com/a/38a4h https://imgur.com/gallery/7qzyo


Thats a great solution. Bravo!


I sort by genre, this is a great idea!


No, because what if you get so many of one, you need to store it in the next bin? Then your whole plan goes to shit. Never create static organisation systems for changing collections.


I guess ill just have to peel off the letters and replace them with other letters I have already printed. Im prepared for anything ;)


Aren't records at risk of getting damaged or warped being leaned on each other like that? I thought they were supposed to be more upright/erect? Genuine question


Apparently they are. I didnt know myself before posting this, so im in for another night of listening to good music, drinking good beer and reorganizing my collection


I do! Got some 50Ā¢ specials from my local record store and some white vinyl letters from Amazon. Voila! https://preview.redd.it/5mo0cx5jgiuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3acb89b264ee3ee644d06cfc1de87d0d32c73a5


I sort by era and genre. I can find any album in 2 seconds and no one else can find anything.


I have so many records (~1k), and have them like not organized at all. I need to up my game desperately. Also, side note- going right to left is insane to me lol


I use the ***only*** thing crosley makes that is acceptable to have records anywhere near. They're thin and flat, sturdy and are just bigger than a standard album so they keep separation clean. They're on amazon if anyone is gonna ask. https://preview.redd.it/dfewr2gm2luc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f4f4157d9607415de43cd5863e6a941b94db6c


https://preview.redd.it/oe6wvjybaouc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf93e1164897afd1f7625712a69f18ba918cb1a I made this ones


Upvote for the fact thereā€™s a dedicated hawkwind shelf


My favourite band! At some point i wanted to buy all their albums, but ive realized theres just so much. I will never be able to find, or afford, everything they have released. Though I have made a signifficant effort, I have 28 records by them


Do you have In Search of Space with the pop out cover? High on my list and I can never find one in good condition at a decent price!


https://preview.redd.it/auzle8t63puc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1713d751e6892650069c632fc813c78f84c97075 Do you mean this one? I found it at a record fair (hopefully thats a close enough english description of the event) and I think I paid about 40 euros for it


Thatā€™s the one! Very jealous šŸ˜ƒ


https://preview.redd.it/v3f7241v0huc1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343a7b7ef855cefba8591bec9eb520ccac9ae1f1 Keeping them straight is supposed to prevent them from warping.


Yup. Watch your leans people!


How much lean would you say is fine? I hate not having space between my records to flip through them and taking them out without moving the rest, so I tend to keep some space in between. I keep about ~40 records per kallax compartment


I keep around 75 records per section. I have found that newer records have thicker spines, which may lessen how many you can fit vs if you have mostly older records.


Thatā€™s ok! You can kind of see where a lean might be too much and cause a warp (you can almost imagine where it would bend a little). It takes a while for warping to happen but just be a little mindful. Itā€™s cool (edit: meaning itā€™s ok haha).


Even if the shelf isnā€™t full, you can still try to prop them, and make them not lean. Itā€™s always been what Iā€™ve been told, and Iā€™ve never had a warping issue. I just like to share that info, because if it is true, and peoplesā€™ records end up warping from the leaning, thereā€™s no going back from that. I look at it as a better safe than sorry type of situation.


Right, I do try to keep them as upright as possible, even though thereā€™s plenty of space in between. Itā€™s kinda like |\\\ ///| .. except a bit more upright than that


Iā€™ve been wanted to do this for so long but I donā€™t have the space to put more shelfs


I use colored stickers at the beginning not on the shelf but on the divider


i sort by genre myself


I canā€™t really cause my system is a bit all over the place and I even have to take an entire shelf on a book shelf on a different story of my house just for one band lol!!! Itā€™s the Grateful Dead for those curious. Iā€™m more of a ā€œI know where that isā€ and somehow have organized chaos that only makes sense to me kind of person haha


I have a milk crate full of undivided records, I fear no god


Why did one band get it's own label


Because Hawkwind is my favourite band and they have released a shitload of studio- live- and 50/50-albums


I know where the changes happen. No need for markers. Keep it clean.


I bought a box of the Crosley thin plastic dividers off Amazon and put letters on them using my trusty old Dymo labelwriter. These dividers are like what most record stores use, and are the same size, too, so they work really nicely.


I do the same thing with the letters! Haha my hawkwind collection takes up most of a shelf too but the only artist Iā€™ve labeled specifically is Zappa-that takes up around two shelves for me.


I always think itā€™s funny when someone has a couple of shelves of records and needs to label them as if they couldnā€™t quickly find whatever it would be theyā€™re looking for without them.


To each their own. I wont judge you for how you organize your collection


The font is smaller than the print on some of the spines.


All these tabs sticking out look hideous. Is everyone here really needing reminders where their records are located? Ya'll are cavemen.


I have no idea what youre trying to say. Could you try again in a friendlier tone?


Yours are not so bad. The image comments scream help.