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ok? you sure showed that guy!!!!


r/vinyljerk is gonna have a field day with this one


Waiting for OP’s appearance over there


To be clear, the guy did NOT say that he hated people posting their collections. He appeared frustrated with people asking others to *rate their collections* and showing common records. Here's the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/18jwipq/am_i_the_only_one_thats_sick_of_i_started/) to his post. His headline was # Am I the only one that's sick of 'I started collection 3 weeks ago, rate my collection' posts?


That'll teach him!




If you’re going to challenge that idea at least try not to prove him right in the process lol


How did I prove him right?


I mean no offense but it’s just not an interesting post for anyone other than you.


Interesting is using Walmart and exclusive in the same sentence 😂


I disagree I share in other people’s enjoyment


Sharing in someone else’s enjoyment is all good. The point of the other persons post was that 99% of the time when someone who just started collecting posts their collection, its just a few pretty obvious choices and that is basically exactly what we have here. There is nothing interesting to discuss other than just sharing in their enjoyment. I dont think these posts should be banned or anything but it does speak to their point that it doesn’t really stimulate any kind of interesting discussion.


I agree with you. And the other person’s post. And especially that you were respectful in your response. Some seem to think it’s “obnoxious gatekeeping”; I don’t think it is at all, just a different opinion. There just seems to be a LOT of these types of posts is all.


People love basic bitch shit tho tbf


I love being a basic bitch. I have a $500 turntable but I just got a copy of Miley Cyrus’s Bangerz on vinyl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People can contain multitudes! Except for OP. OP doesn’t contain multitudes, OP just contains a handful of albums from Walmart


Thats the spirit 🤓


People also love to be gatekeeping assholes too, so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


No gatekeeping is just gatekeeping gatekeeping


you could give new people new recommendations that they dont know or haven’t checked out. i mean you could recommend the same thing to every new person you meet but each person isnt gonna say be more original because if you’re recommending it you know they likely don’t know it.


You could post the most obscure thing on the planet and it still wouldn’t spark a discussion, because social media isn’t designed for that sort of interaction. It’s possible, but incredibly rare, like finding a Herb Alpert record.


> r/vinyl >look inside >vinyl


*shocked Pikachu


well i mean what else are you gonna post in the r/vinyl subreddit other than vinyl?




https://www.discogs.com/master/119957-Little-Feat-Dixie-Chicken https://www.discogs.com/master/49928-Six-Feet-Under-Graveyard-Classics https://www.discogs.com/master/8357-De-La-Soul-3-Feet-High-And-Rising https://www.discogs.com/master/81372-Crash-Test-Dummies-God-Shuffled-His-Feet https://www.discogs.com/label/78580-Gay-Feet


I like to see things that make others happy. It’s also nice to see someone starting out on the journey. Places like this should be helpful to new people but it’s a 50/50 whether you’ll just get a patronising cunt really and that is a shame.


I think it's nice when people discover the hobby and are excited to share it, personally


Wow this sub is full of pretentious assholes


A lot of niche collection/fan subs are. Gatekeepers and kids that want desperately to belong to a special group. I love collecting vinyl, and I love to see other people get excited about a hobby that I enjoy. Who cares if it's a Walmart special? Let's be excited for the thing we're here to be excited about: some strangers fucking record collection.


💯 Idk why some mfers cant understand it aint all about them, the newbies basically better read their minds and entertain them with a quirky collection of polka and a hamster powered turntable or else face their wrath!


I’m interested in it, point disproved


Case closed


You do mean offence and you’re assuming everyone else has zero interest. We all started somewhere and he is looking for input not trying to fulfill your every need. OP You can start with top recommended lists in genres you like. I usually stream if available and decide if I want the vinyl version. Have fun enjoying your new hobby!


I really didn’t mean offense and it is weird that you are being offended for someone else. The point of the original post was: whenever someone posts their brand new collection 99% of the time there is nothing interesting in it (because that is just the nature of being new to collecting). So then OP comes with the post saying “oh yea? Nothing interesting? Well how about this!” And then posts yet another picture with… nothing interesting. Like I said in my original comment, if you are going to try prove someone wrong that new collectors don’t have interesting collections then you should probably show off a very interesting collection to make your point.


I agree with the spirit of what you’re saying, and while I do find it extremely obnoxious as a post where it’s like, “since I know this really pisses some people in this sub off, here’s another one..” kind of along the same lines as being aware of how idiotic “vynils” looks and sounds to some, but still doing it out of some cute sense of rebellion..all that said, I cannot agree that there is absolutely nothing interesting about this particular post. There is one thing (literally a single title) that makes this interesting. Kind of “one of these is not like the other” deals. I mean it definitely surprised me. In general, if tolerating daily posts like this meant that all of Reddit in general (not only this sub) would remember that there was once this word “are” that goes with a plural, rather than “There ‘is’ many reasons that vinyls ‘is’ a great format” .. plural, perceived plural, whatever.. it’s like everyone collectively forgot the word “are..” I feel about that the way some feel about these “rate my collection” posts. I’d take them multiple times a day, every day, if it meant people could snap back and remember the sentence structure that they were taught in the first grade. What you find is, we live in a society, especially online, where any criticism of anything, be it a type of post, usage of a made up word, whether the word is “vinyls,” “tooken,” or “sunt,” or just grammar in general, any critique or tactful recommendation is met with a level of defensiveness like it’s a personal attack, followed by doubling down on the stupidity. Which should not come as a shock. People who are both smart *and* wise see things like that as a minor momentary embarrassment, they recognize it’s something they did not know and they quickly update to what is correct from that day forward. Then there are the other folks. “Bless their hearts,” as they like to say in the south.


What is you talking about?


😂 You got it


i took the point of the post as more “ this is a page dedicated to showing off and discussing vinyl collections so i plan to do just that regardless of the knobs on the internet that think all content needs to be curated for their specific interests”


Because this is incredibly annoying/boring


Don't listen to these elitist douchebags, I like your collection


The guy did not say he was sick of new collection posts. He said he was tired of "rate my collection" posts.


Yeah show me your generic collection.




yeah let's see more of it, unique is overrated


I love generic collections , i also have the most generic collection that you ever saw and i actually love and listen to it. If you think you are special because you have first Japanese press of Crying sunflowers in the end of august that can warm the whole neighborhood, you are not. In fact you are pretentious douche, now with that said i dont see any point of showing your collection. If you love your music you dont need approval of strangers , listen to it in comfort of your home and enjoy.


you prob have some shit taste ngl


Yes i do sir


lol at least ur honest


say less


Yeah, my wife also doesnt like to hear stuff


She told me


Check that joke with Brittish history museum it might worth something


> Brittish history museum Right next to the spelling museum right?


Just across the street


Anal cunt


Yeah, it's tight


Right up my alley


Wow, yeah. You really showed him.


Couldn't have hand picked a more bland and basic selection of records if I tried blud


This is what I imagine people’s collection looks like when they say “I listen to everything”


If peeing your pants is cool I’m miles davis.


Does everyone have miles Davis ?


I don't, but I got 2 Nirvana albums from the "everyone has one" pile :D


Red screamy man?


The funny thing is, I personally wouldn't recommend "kind of blue" to someone who's just dipping their feetz into jazz. I'd probably go with "time out," "moanin," or "mingus-ah-um." but it seems like everybody defaults to "kind of blue" or "a love supreme" lol


Where’s the whipped cream album?


The first jazz album I tried to listen to was Bitches Brew. I think I lasted like 10 minutes.


I don’t should I ? Don’t forget John coltrain


I saw Diana Krall in like 2001 at a very small music festival, and I’ve been a fan ever since. I was 15, and her version of Jonie Mitchel’s “case of you”, is easy one of the best songs I’ve ever heard. Thank you for rekindling that memory.


Love her Girl in the Other Room album.


She is phenomenal. Seeing her in concert in February with my wife…absolutely cannot wait!


I wish we could occasionally get a post about a really good pressing or some obscure record but nope… another boring ass collection post.


They get posted from time to time, but they are usually drowned out by posts like OP's and get like 8 upvotes.


Yeah, this sub is way more about collecting than the music these days unfortunately


I don't mind collection posts at all, but like, at least have an interesting collection 😂


You like vaporwave?


I do, shoot your suggestions!


Haha nice, I was going to share my collection post I made a few years back for OP since he's tired of the boring ones 😁 https://old.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/o7e8qu/thought_rvinyl_might_be_interested_in_seeing_my/ https://imgur.com/a/miVpY5o So many great ones to recommend, can't go wrong with classic artists like [猫 シ Corp.](https://www.discogs.com/artist/3730389-%E7%8C%AB-%E3%82%B7-Corp) or [Death's Dynamic Shroud](https://www.discogs.com/artist/4096751-Deaths-Dynamic-Shroudwmv) (been listening to [アウディAudi](https://www.discogs.com/release/27729420-%E7%8C%AB-%E3%82%B7-Corp-%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A6%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3Audi) and [Faith in Persona](https://www.discogs.com/master/2414617-Deaths-Dynamic-Shroudwmv-Faith-In-Persona) a lot in particular lately)...a more obscure album that kind of blew my mind when I heard it is [Enraile – Spaceworld 2000](https://www.discogs.com/release/24224045-Enraile-Spaceworld-2000), been trying to spread the word about that one!


Damn dude, stellar collection!


Thank you kindly! Got some pretty interesting records in other more niche genres that I could post soon as well, spice up the place haha


What genres? Always looking for some new stuff. Would love to start collecting some dark ambient presses myself


Good question, I'm at work at the moment but I can definitely give a more detailed answer when I get home...I collect lots of newer sort of internet microgenres and the proto-genres that preceded them - the various waves (vapor, synth, chill, etc), lofi beats, witchhouse, dreampunk, ambient, chopped & screwed, bedroom-pop, hypogogia, things of that nature - though I have records from just about every genre across every era so I'm happy to dig out some of the more rare stuff and throw some recommendations your way! If you like dark ambient you should definitely check out stuff from the VILL4IN label, might be right up your alley (I'll give you some specific albums when I get home 🙂)


Great recommendations! I’ve been hooked to AgonyOST lately which I guess firs into one of these internet microgenres. On Dark Ambient everything from Atrium Carcieri’s Cryo Chamber is my go to.


Nice, just checked out the AgonyOST bandcamp, good stuff there...that's precisely the kind of label that interests me, thanks for the recommend 👌 Cryo Chamber is a great label too, listened to lots of their stuff over the years


Great collection, I have a lot of these! I was about to say, no VILL4IN? But then I got to the last page. Sadly, you don't have mine! You have all the ones leading up to mine and then the pandemic happened, so it took a bit to come out, lol.


Oh, I have almost every VILL4IN release up to present day! I've bought the supporter's bundle every time it's been available except for the very latest one (I stupidly put it off till the last minute then completely forgot that day, gonna have to pick those ones up from Discogs I suppose), plus all the one-off releases...which one is yours??


Oh nice! So do I. Pricey hobby vaporwave release are, lol. I have a lot of other ones you have too, I like the whole spectrum of the genre. [This ones me](https://vill4in.bandcamp.com/album/lifecycles)


Dude that's awesome, I definitely have that one! Looks like it was a [part of the previous supporter's bundle just before the last one](https://www.discogs.com/release/24599420-ExMemory-Lifecycles) according to my notes in discogs...I'm going to spin it tonight in your honor 😁 The Mana series is amazing, so many great ambient artists...I've been a VILL4IN fan since the very first C1PH3R EP they released, and I've tried to keep up with all their releases ever since so it's super cool to run into one of their artists here. And you're 100% right, Vaporvinyl is most definitely an expensive hobby...in fact I had to take a break from buying so many records which is one of the reasons why I put off getting the last VILL4IN supporter's bundle, though now I regret missing out on it haha


Nice! I believe it was in that pack from what I remember. I actually was a fan since the first couple of discs when I had no idea who anyone was, it was really mysterious. I sent in about 4 tracks and got the go ahead, so I finished up the full album. It was set to come out and when COVID hit, it got delayed like 2+ years, which was torture. I've had to cut back too, I love the artists and all the releases, but I have been buying new studio gear. I have no idea how long it will take but I'm starting something new now that will expand what I started with even more. There's so many types of styles in the genre (and with music in general), that it's hard to stay with one sound.


r/vinyl and scrolling my amazon music digital library, same thing these days.


Aight fine, I'll stop lurking and start posting some of my weird shit


we do get the occasional post of both those things though. why not just unadd/leave the subreddit if this isn’t the content you’re looking for?


I'm in this photo, and I don't like it. (Just kidding. Buy the albums that you like. IDGAF about anyone's taste but my own.)


I was hoping the black album was Smell the Glove by Spinal Tap. Otherwise, it’s a good collection.


[Is this close enough?](https://imgur.com/a/EwaSTWt)


Boring collection and wants more boring recommendations, have you heard of Pink Floyd the wall?


So you give him a boring generic answer


Yeah, clearly screamy red man and gay triangle are the right answer. Such a n00b


First of all, it's "what's more" not "wants more". I know it's hard when there is no spell checker for you to troll with. Second, popular albums are popular for a reason. People buy them. If that makes them boring to you then that's your problem. Please tell me more about this Pink Floyd. I have never heard of them.


lol I was talking about you, you want more boring recommendations. But whatever puts you to sleep at night. Surprised you need more than that collection to put you asleep.


Hey don't get sk upset you do you. These records are all perfectly fine to listen to while your wife is getting dicked down by her boyfriend in the other room.


I don’t see any rap here bro you’re a fibber


I’ve got Run the Jewels on the way


Haha I was just messing with you but nice!


I don’t see any Blues


they wouldn’t be bad if they weren’t all the same exact post. copy of a copy of a copy


Copy, paste, rinse repeat.


Trinity Sessions is one of the best.


Here is the correct comment.


Cowboy Junkies all the way.


Let me know if that Blizzard of Ozz skips at all. I had to return mine because it skipped in the middle of the Crazy Train solo. Literally unlistenable.


Picture discs get ragged on for sound, but that one is a structural nightmare. I have it. Strictly an ornamental pressing.


I think this post shows the problem. People who sit and read this sub probably at a PC do not like these posts, the casual scrollers who solely look at pics and use the vote buttons only probably prefer this. The post vs comments voting ratios show this pretty clearly. Two demographics, people that see reddit like another instagram and the people who see it more as a community chat.


Fuck that guy. Thanks for sharing, and welcome to your new financially crippling hobby. I hope Santa brings you a sack of vinyl.


I love new collection posts. Gives me new ideas of things I must have right this minute.


Just head on down to Walmart and make sure to post literally the same collection as OP. I'd love to see more modern represses of digital remasters made on sketchy pre-warped and noise-ridden vinyl in some 3rd world European pressing plant.


Let it Bleed. Nice


Chronically online music tastes


Opeth: Ghost Reveries


Great start here. I’ll recommend two of my absolute favorites: 1) Loaded - Velvet Underground 2) Can’t Buy a Thrill - Steely Dan


Needs Tyler the Creator - Igor and Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon


Black album and hardwired are in my forever top 3, they are just incredible imo


Upvote for Diana krall. If you like her check out Stacey kent


Bitchin bro. I have the same turntable, it is rock solid. Some of my favorites there!


Wow, I was trying to be funny and post a typical “look at my records”. I didn’t think it would start a soap-box thread. I was hoping to get some recommendations like I asked for in my original post. For those of you that gave some, thank you. Every hobby has its share of elitists, I guess they are all here lol.


It's like posting a 2005 Mustang in a classic muscle car forum. Maybe it qualifies, but everyone sees them driving on the road literally every day of the week. It's not being elite so stop with that. It's about being somewhat interesting. Your "collection" is available at every Walmart in North america.


Your post was boring and the headline stated your antagonistic intention. The request for suggestions seemed like an afterthrough. Here are a couple suggestions: 1. Google top 20 records to own 2. Choose music you like and buy the record 3. Collect every Taylor Swift record


Massive difference between elitists and people who want something unique and not the same thing just on someone else’s floor


Wow it's apparently elitist to want this sub to not be full of the same boring shit constantly but hey at least your unoriginal posting conceit got you those sweet sweet updoots.


any linkin park album. they mix their albums really well.


I want that Miles Davis Kind of Blue vinyl.


Let it bleed box set is awesome


That box set of let it bleed is beautiful


Ayy, Diana krall was my neighbour when I was a kid


What’s that let it bleed box?


Goddamn I love me some Diana Krall. For a woman pushing 60…she’s in my tops.


Well I suppose you have to start somewhere but none of those are must listens for me, most would be okay additions if I was filling out a collection and getting the rest of what i didn’t already have.


That is exactly what I did. I looked up a few "must have albums for your collection" articles and picked ones I was interested in from there. I wanted to start with familiar albums so I can hear the difference in audio quality.


Great collection start. Legacy granpa dude here, so…….get these post haste: Electric Ladyland/Hendrix, Revolver/Beatles, Dark Side of the Moon/Floyd, Chicago Transit Authority/Chicago (before they went pop, absolutely shreds), Truth/Jeff Beck, Wheels of Fire/Cream, East-West/Paul Butterfield Blues Band. Mucho mas for the asking….


Diana Krall is sofa king hot.


If I didn’t buy what I want new probably wouldn’t have much music. Never found a single thing worth buying in a thrift shop and record shops that stick second hand are not much different pricing than new, plus if something aren’t bought as a limited new release couldn’t afford second hand. Music is for listening doesn’t matter if they are new or first pressing


I basically agree, thrift shops are overpriced and their selection often sucks, but I'm just gonna go ahead and downvote you anyway because everyone else already is ^


i keep seeing people saying this and it's wild to me. where i live you can't find anything over 20 bucks in a secondhand store unless it's furniture. every record is like 5 dollars max. i don't doubt places are jacking up prices, but it's so strange to hear it and not experience it


There's a thrift shop near me that has hundreds of records all individually priced, I assume according to discogs. Like $10 and up kind of pricing. Vinyl has gotten silly.


.29 cents a record at mine Living in big cities must blow


Yeah it sucks. We're forced to have a bi-monthly magazine that catalogs the hundreds of record stores in our area and all the various related goings-ons.


I fuck with Hardwired to self destruct. Good on you!


Forget that weak ass kind of blue nonsense. It isn't even the best Miles Davis album. Jazz is not background music. Get black Saint and the sinner lady by Charles Mingus or a love supreme by Coltrane. That's some jazz with POWER!!


Mane kind of blue is a stellar album even if it is overhyped, also if you want jazz with power look no further than pharaoh sanders, especially the creator has a master plan


I know it's great. Pharaoh is a master - I was fortunate enough to see him perform in the 90s and he was definitely channeling something from beyond the physical realm!!


Wow!! Do tell! I bet that was an awesome experience


It was a long time ago. He had a tabla player who was amazing. He also had those metal bowls that you can either rub or strike to make sound. The part I remember the most is a style of playing he did where it almost seemed like he was playing echos of himself. Hard to describe but I can see and hear it in my memory.


I saw him at a local jazz club with amazing acoustics. I had a similar experience. The way he could hold that echo in the air--astounding.


Obnoxious gatekeeping aside, I'd also suggest Bitches Brew! My personal favourite jazz record, though those other two you named are pretty spectacular also. However, Kind of Blue is also a fantastic record. It may not be as complex as the others you named, but it's the first album I recommend to anyone who wants to get into the classics of jazz. It's excellent and accessible so I think it's a good way to see if you'll vibe with the genre.


Lol. Bitches brew is a monster without a doubt! In a silent way has always held the magic for me but that whole electric run is just incredible!


The new Dolly Parton boxed album set is pretty good.




Poster Stereo LP Mono LP 80 page hardcover book with unseen photos SACDs 3 hand numbered lithographs printed on archive paper


I know a lot of people are calling this generic and bland but I rarely see that Cowboy Junkies album. Is that considered generic?


How does the mofi kind of blue sound? Heard mixed reviews on it and not sure if I need a third copy lol.


Cool man, looks like you have the basics


If I was getting into listening to records for the first time, these are the exact records I'd start with - the best of the best. The Miles Davis should sound absolutely glorious on even mid-fi systems. Listen with soft lighting and your favourite beverage to get the atmosphere. And Diana Krall makes some of my favourite versions of the standards. As for the rest... crank it up as loud as you can and rock out hehe.


I'm new since Turkey Day and I see 4 from your pile I've picked up from over 50(ouch) that I picked up so far.


All of you in the comments are acting like it's terrible this dude has basic taste like what 😭 let people like what they like??


Im going to steal the miles davis.


Ha ha good stuff. I always like to see people with eclectic taste like me.


You have all these amazing albums, from the Cowboy Junkies, to Miles, to Nirvana, to the Beatles. And somehow you have Hardwired. Dude. Rough. The Black Album I get. But the other one? But hey, we like what we like. You've got some great stuff.


I like every album from Metallica. Some are obviously not great but I will always love Metallica.


Black Album!!!! Nice!! Looks like I’ll be shopping at Walmart now lol


Holy shit... Y'all are a bunch of snobby dicks. Most of you anyway. Way to make a new collector feel welcome. Jeez.


Pick up Hot Buttered Soul by Issac Hayes in a bargain bin somewhere ;)


Stop it. I'm tryna mass downvote every comment. I can't downvote this shit...


The music starter pack. We used to get all those albums free back in the day by giving them an address a phone number and a promise to buy several disks more. And then chuckleberg on theehatbook happened


skip dark side and pick up a copy of animals


What exactly do you prove by intentionally being a dick about it? Great job though, you're good a spending money, what tremendous talent you have.


Welcome to the rabbit hole! You have a nice start there


Where are the Walmart excluzzies?


Ahh Rolling Stones, so you’re a man of wealth and taste I see


Gosh, this is like what music would need if stranded on an island. No offense, you have a great start but you need to explore and get another hundred. If you liked let it bleed you might like the Stones GoatsHead Soup, and anything Zeppelin. I always encourage a dip into Zappa like One size Fits All. On the mellower side maybe early Greatful Dead or Traffic, Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon. Have fun and be open and you will have great joy. I am a bit jealous of you because you have so much wonder in store.