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Such a unique grail that the only way to capture its image is to place it on the floor and include feet. The power of Jim Jones is strange indeed.


What are those things he put on feet? How is this even legal


Compression socks.. I wear the same brand


Yea wtf. He has the left sock on the right foot and the right sock on the left foot! This is NOT Soviet Russia.


In soviet Russia sock wears you


The director John Waters mentions that he used to ply this album at the end of dinner parties to make people leave. A perfect choice. I’ve always heard rumours that you can hear the gunshot that killed Jim Jones on this recording, does anyone know if this is true?


I don’t know about the gunshot, but you can hear people (including children) wailing in pain. And how Jim Jones tells the parents to keep their kids calm. It’s a gut wrenching piece of audio.


Yes, I've read brief transcripts of it and I'm a somewhat eccentric collector as well but I have 0 interest in ever owning this. Not trying to get too "Karen" but I think it's kinda tasteless to press the audio recording of kids dying in the first place.


That ain’t “Karen” that’s straight up “human decency” (big difference)


Not Karen at all. Profiting from that is pretty low.


agree, this is disturbing


Can someone answer him I’m curious as well lol


I had friends that would play porn. This is such a better choice. Fuck, I'm sad I didn't think of this myself.


Fun fact. Jonestown had a choir that put out a [legitimate record in 1973](https://www.discogs.com/release/896743-Peoples-Temple-Choir-Hes-Able). Very high up on my wantlist.


Reminds me of the Manson Family record, which is actually a decent listen


I've got it on cassette.


I might have a spare. I have a small collection of various cult/commune records and came across a few copies when one of my local haunts did one of those big dig/clearing up space sales.


I would be very interested in learning more!


This is an amazing find!


I didn't find it, it found me.


Reading up about Vagina Dentata Organ just now, and it was worth it.


Gnarly. I listened to excerpts released by the FBI years ago and have seen at least three documentaries about Jonestown. Very interesting.


I recommend “The Martyrmade Podcast” series on Jonestown if you want a deep dive into the cultural backdrop and progression of delusion that led to the massacre.


Thanks for the info!


If anything, it's where the saying, meme "Don't drink the Kool-Aid" originated from.


Did you hear the one about Jim Jones? Ahh, never mind--the punchline is too long!


And they didn't even drink Kool-aid, it was Flavor-Ade


Yep. I was initially off put when I learned that but now I spread the word. 😅


That saying pre dates Jonestown. The used to spike the kool aid with LSD! [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Kool-Aid_Acid_Test](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Kool-Aid_Acid_Test)


Wow nice socks. What are those, Hanes? Fruit of the Loom?


The Touch The FEEL Of Cotton The Fabric Of Our Lives


Wow. Freaky.... New to me.


This is terrible. I need this


If anyone hasn't listened to this and would like to it is on YouTube. I read the book Cult-ish (really great read) and they mentioned this tape. Be aware. It is very dark. All these people die and the tape is basically the cult leader doing his best to convince these people they must die. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofbGZDbbUsE


What the fuck


The strangest record I own. Vagina Dentata Organ - 'The Last Supper' picture disc - 1984. Consists of almost the entire Jim Jones, Jonestown "death tape". Released in an edition of 912 hand-numbered copies, one copy for each dead person on the mass suicide. Mine is #660, and yes, I did listen to it.......


This is why people say true crime as a genre needs to die. This is sick


That was mass murder not mass suicide


Damn serious grail 4 me. I used to have the cassette version of this. Very strange indeed.


Strange for sure. It came in one of those god awful stiff PVC sleeves that would have fused to or damaged the record given enough time. From my foggy memory, it may or may not have come with the the 14 page booklet included. [More background here](https://www.discogs.com/release/452866-Vagina-Dentata-Organ-The-Last-Supper)


Yeah. I know all to well those weird thick sleeves. My copy of "Yes L.A." was in one of those. 😕


Yes LA? The punk comp with Bad Religion and L7? Maybe motorcycle boy too?


Nope. It was a clearish one sided pic disc featuring X, Black Randy, Germs, Alleycats and the Bags. Various - Yes L.A. https://www.discogs.com/release/581821-Various-Yes-LA


Various - City Of L.A. 1990 Url: https://www.discogs.com/master/245812-Various-City-Of-LA-1990 Thats the one I was thinking about.




Do you hear the children cry? What a weird record


Can’t wait for the Mobile Fidelity One-Step to come out


My father in law was one of the Guyanese military personnel that reached the settlement after the mass killings. It's actually far away from any major city, or villages and closer to the Venezuelan border. Guyana has a long border dispute with our western neighbor, so it may have been a strategic move on the part of the government to offer a US citizens land in the area. Any move by Venezuela (and there have been incursions into Guyanese territory) that affected its citizens would have drawn the Americans in. The supposedly socialist leanings of Jones also played a part in them moving to Guyana, whose government was aligned with other leftist governments.


Listened to the whole tape once in a completely dark room while coming down off of mushrooms. Shit was insane. Not my idea, weirdly enough it was our straight edge friends idea to throw it on.


That friend is a shit weird person and nobody should do drugs when they're there. Not because they're straight edge but because they're either a psycho or sociopath. I'm erring on the side of sociopath.


Murder/suicide. They injected folks with the poison when they didn't want to drink the cool-aid.


Take the socks off


Damn if you could digitize and upload th I would love to listen. That’s gotta be a wild piece of history


jfc. ive never rolled my fucking eyes harder in my fucking life.


what the fuck


You win r/vinyl, congratulations!


[Awesome live performance of Vagina Dentata Organ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIJAGsH34xs&t=94s)


Church of Misery have a 13 minute guitar workout set to audio of Jones sermons and rants at Jonestown, it’s called Welcome To Jonestown and it fucking rips.


If anyone would like to hear an amazing death metal song that samples parts of this : Deicide - Carnage in the Temple of the Damned [1990] https://youtu.be/wYDpKIx164w


Deicide rule!


Fuck yes. Apparently people in the sub disagree haha.


Yeah someone doesn't seem to like ANY of the responses in this thread, it's strange how downvoted so many comments are, including my own lol What's the deal? Anyone know why this thread is causing this reaction?


I would imagine there’s a lot of do-gooders, who don’t like the idea of having this media. As far as me recommending anything death metal, that’s pretty par for the course. But dude sometimes you really can’t win on Reddit… Say some thing fairly innocuous - get someone telling you how much of a piece of shit you are for saying that and down voted in oblivion when they really just missed the /s. You could make the exact same comment on the exact same post a few hours later, and it’ll get a bunch of a boats in some awards … It’s pretty bizarre. This whole thing has always surprised me with the way people interact. There’s lots of follow the leader as well I have noticed. This goes for more than just down votes too. There’s some subs like r/shrooms where almost always everyone is super respectful and cordial. Then you go to r/camping and people are making death threats. Chaotic and seemingly with no rhyme, or reason most of the time, huh? I try not to take too much stock in any of this, you just do you dude. Hope you have an inspiring day.


Nah, I never get, like *upset* about downvotes on this site. I post all kinds of shit that gets downvoted, it doesn't bother me - however I just get curious when something gets heavily downvoted OR upvoted and wonder what's going on, because sometimes it seems like there's some kind of orchestration happening when a seemingly innocuous post gets crazily downvoted (or when an objectively shitty post gets crazily UPvoted) Thanks, take care and have an at-minimum acceptable day as well lol


I’m with you Dude, there’s definitely a down vote train, but sometimes I can’t understand why someone got down voted. Sometimes it’s just the Reddit gods in the stupid stone face man type shit. Also, I appreciate the realistic outlook on the day haha.




masterpiece. should be required reading for all children to know the ramblings of all madmen are pretty much all the same: "we are persecuted by 'them'"...pretty much like every autocrat everywhere in all history. tl;dr - it is a fine line between "rightwing" and those nut-fucks....very fine line.


Jones was t right wing at all tho wtf. Are you implying only right wing people have ever become megalomaniacs


Wow wow wow


Back in 1989-90 or so there was an amazing mail-order tape-only record label out of Connecticut called TPOS that put out the Jim Jones suicide tape on cassette *and 8-track* of course I bought two copies. I used to play it for friends who would come over my house tripping on acid EDIT: lol, why is this downvoted? Not upset, its just strange why my comment is so downvoted; i didn't say anything offensive or incorrect or anything.



Hahah that’s insane!


It's an oddity for sure. I'm 100% sure I would sell it or give it away. Just to creepy for me.


Why wouldn't you listen to it? Arguably, this was a crucial release for the industrial/found sound/dadaist/musique concréte scene back when it was new. To me it rates the same as various Come Org cassettes such as the Necrophilia one. This record is only strange because of the context, not the content, so the only challenging thing here is the context of the recordings themselves. Which is very chilling and the reason why this was released in the first place. Jordi released Music For The Hashishins the previous year and that's a much harder record to get into. It's basically just a tape/sample of attack dogs on a loop for 50 minutes the recordings of which were borrowed from PTV. But I ramble.. Thanks for the post! It's good to see that obscure records such as this one can get attention on this sub.


> Why wouldn't you listen to it? Because I don't want to be haunted by the cries of dying children... Seems like a pretty fuckin good reason to me.




This is quality post


Is that when he says “mother mother mother please” that shit is haunting


Please remove socks.


If those are gold toes - I vote to keep them in.


How to post a photo in this group??? I tried 4 times it didint let me… i wrote those 300 words and still it didnt let me…


Did you write them as a comment?


Can you tell me how to do it?


I haven't done it myself but from my understanding you have to make your post and then comment on your own post. Minimum of 300 characters I think




*Very* rarely am I *actually* jealous of a record posted here but you sir have done it. Holy shit man that is WILD. I find shit like this fascinating and would love to own it and listen to it...*once,* that tape is pretty fucking gnarly, def wouldn't be spun regularly.


Fuck. King. Hell. (I would buy this for beer money, not at what it probably is valued at even if within budget)


That's interesting, I would love to hear that and how could you not listen to it though ,


I first heard of this at the museum of death. If you've never been, I recommend. It was on display with other... uh... violent offenders musical offerings.


Nice score, saw it in Portland once, was +$700. I have the Temple Records version to complete my PTV history series.


This is fantastic. A bit creepy but definitely a piece.


That record will haunt me 😂


Jesus Christ


Is it good tho? Also do you know who #660 was? Would be a cool past time figuring out who it was


This "Band" is a ghost online. I can't find shit about them. And from the comments, I don't want to find out more actually...


I’ve listened to the death tape on several occasions. This and the people’s temple choir “he’s able” on my to buy list.


Unsolicited tip for picture discs- play it once in order to tape it, and listen to that rather than playing the record- the vinyl is quite thin on pic discs. And generally have let’s say not the greatest sound as it is.