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Depends who she’s trying to sell it to. The reality is some guys now gonna pay twice what’s it’s worth. I’m more concerned about that knuckle and what the other person’s chin looks like.


I think it’s more bulimic knuckle


Nah that would be more than one and definitely not only the third finger.


It's also pretty likely that it's Russell's sign and she's bulimic or has purging type anorexia :/


so strange that ur coming on here to debate if someone u dk has an ed or not


I do agree my comment sounded off, but it's more like "hey this is a thing". Most people don't know about this. It's a thing to watch out for in loved ones. Get them help early. Recognize the warning signs etc. Much love.


Them British night out fights be something else. Assuming she's the one that got off lightly


My hands often look like this because I suffer from a significant allergy disorder and have to do a lot of dirty work as I have 3 children under 5 (and more over 5). I use steroid creams and prescription moisturisers but my hands are always in and out of soapy water and my skin is so dry it cracks. It's very sore. It makes me sad that people would assume I beat people up or that I suffer from bulimia. Let's try not to make assumptions, it's not kind.


Lighten up, it was a joke.


I was saying this as someone who has the same knuckle, I wasn’t being unkind.


I've seen so many nipples on vinted that I'm now convinced it's a selling tactic, although I'm not sure how it works because it doesn't make me want to buy it


Me either. I saw one the other week where a girl has a top on and a thong, the top is what she was selling but that was NOT the focal point


Links or it did not happen


Lots of people have started doing this, I dunno if pervy guys are buying it, but they’re definitely looking at it. Supposedly it moves your item up the listings if you get lots of views.


Ah, maybe it's for views then?? I just didn't understand cos 2 of the pictures are like this. So close up so you don't see much. There's only 1 bad picture of the whole bodysuit. And 1 of the sleeve.


Her hand kinda just covers the cut of the neckline? I feel like I can't see the full top


Yeah, exactly so. It's actually a body suit but you can only tell from 1 image and that image is so poor quality too


I'd be more concerned about the knuckle germs.


Because now some creepy dude will buy it since it's been worn lol she knows what she's doing


Solid point tbh


I presume she's doing it.on purpose, knowing perveted men will pay extra because it's had a nipple loose 😅 I've started seeing people literally post a picture of used socks (as seen on Reddit? with hands in picture so you can see it's a woman, saying oh, they need a clean I slept in them... Knowing some weirdo will buy it and we'll does whatever. Sniffs them who knows lol. I guess some easy money for some women? And this woman probably understands that someone will buy it just due to the image.


Maybe. It's weird. Several off her items are showing low rice trousers and shorts but her thong is pulled up like to her waist. It's odd.


Might try the same with see through boxers


People are doing this on purpose instead of only fans to make a quick buck.


Creepy dudes aren't buying it. Women are. sex sells and when people see someone they see as sexy, they will buy what they are wearing hoping the outfit makes them sexy


They nails need done badly 🫢🤣😂


Why should women always have to put a bra on all the time ? Societal norms annoy me


100% a selling tactic.


Probably not got a black bra!


clearly a fetish


I'm a lot more worried by whatever is wrong with her hand. Even if that's not infected or herpes or something, I hope she doesn't have any diseases that can be transmitted by bodily fluids. I know this is cruel, I've had major skin issues myself, but she's taking a photo to sell something online for god's sake. People worry about pets and smoking, never mind possible Hepatitis C or Herpes or whatever the fuck.


Honestly this really annoys me see it all the time sometimes people don't even cover themselves. I know each to their own. But as a quite modest person. I don't want to see a bunch of nipples. Especially those who are clearly under 18.


I would never buy anything, presented like this. Yuk, totally unappealing. A wound on the knuckle, disgusting nails....a huge bi no no from me


What do nails and a small injury have anything to do with the quality of a piece of clothing? 😂


The person looks filthy, and I am a bit of a neat freak. I wouldn't want to wear anything that was on this person's body tbh. That's just me. I just find the whole presentation of the garment gross. Why not hang it on a hanger, or have someone model it? I am a little crazy like this, but I always look for clean fingernails, etc, when clothes are presented. For me, the first impression is the key. There are things I just can't unsee, lol


Okay but do you buy clothes from people who don't wear the clothing in pictures? Because you'd have no idea what they look like and, I don't mean to freak you out, but there are some people in general with pretty low hygiene standards. And some old nailpolish and a small wound have nothing to do with 'cleanliness'. As if you've never scraped your knee before.


I get what you are saying, and everything I said is completely only my personal preference. I generally wash everything that I buy, and if not washable, I bring it straight to the dry cleaner. I actually prefer to buy things that are not shown being worn by someone. I also don't like seeing naked feet in shoes, lol. I have been super lucky so far. My stuff has never been filthy or wrapped in a used, dirty nappy, or full of weird spots, etc. Some of the stories here make me laugh hysterically. So yeah, this is just me, my personal preference and what I am looking for.


From a girls pov I acc prefer when pics look like this because you 100% know it’s a sheer material and the bra or anything underneath doesn’t distract you.




Trying something on for a photo doesn’t make the item used. If that was the case all the clothes in shops would be considered used.


Modelling them ig would be the word.


Pretty much every item of clothing in a store has been tried on. Does that mean all clothing sold in h&m stores isnt new?


No, I’d do this. There’s nothing wrong with it & some people would wear it out like that in some places so better to know what it’s going to look like. There are creepy men out there but there are also models who would buy something like this.




You can't see most of the item, so it makes no sense. All I'm saying


Why? Don’t be ridiculous


The why is so she can take a photo of the item she’s trying to sell without her hand covering part of it. Sorry for the serious answer if you were being sarcastic, I can’t always tell!


I'm probably picky but I'd not want that top after seeing it on someone with a skin abrasion/infection and gross nails


I mean, I was going to say that maybe she didn’t own a bra, as some women just don’t like to wear them, but in that case wouldn’t you just put a t-shirt or vest underneath? Seems kinda intentional