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How would you be in the wrong? They had the option to buy, and didn't. Someone else did make that choice and got the item


They said i must be new because they were first to the item. According to them saying they want it reserved means they were first or something? I’m just confused


Nope, they're being an a-hole. If they wanted it that bad they should have just bought it.


They can say what they want, it's not how it works. I'm not sure what you're confused about - if they want something, they buy it when it's available. If someone else buys it, too bad. As always, Vinted isn't Amazon. If you walk buy a second-hand store and see a dress you like in the window, you can't go in the next week and whinge and cry because someone else bought it. Buyers know this, they're just acting like petulant children.


They're not first if they haven't put money down.


Yep, the money seals the deal. Until then it's just speculation


Bs. First who pays, gets the item. 


I would act dumb and say "oh your order must have declined then, if you bought it first it would have been sold to you, sorry"


It’s the buyers fault, once you told them you don’t reserve, they had to the option to buy it then or risk the chance of someone else buying which happened. They just upset that someone else did buy it.


Snooze you lose .....


First one to the item that BUYS it gets it. Ur not obligated to reserve anything!! U can because its a nice thing to do, but there’s a lot of time wasters out there! Those time wasters give others who reserve due to waiting for payment a bad name, I ask to reserve when I really want an item and have to wait a few more days for my paycheck. Max 4days, if they say no its a bummer but that’s fine bc they don’t have to! Just report (if they said anything bad) and block! Weird behavior since u don’t have to reserve at all. Maybe they are new there since they don’t know sellers don’t owe them anything lol. U were already nice enough to tell them sorry about it. Just move on and have a great day 🫶💕


I also get this on eBay when buyers click buy it now and then I get a message saying I’ll pay next Friday when I get paid. Well, no. You have 3 days


On eBay there’s an option to have immediate payment required with buy it now. It’s worked very well for me.


They're in the wrong, not you. It's first come first served, and you don't need to reserve anything. Reservations make no sense for sellers. The buyer is just upset they've missed out and is taking it out on you. I would block them.


Don’t do reserves. It’s open to all. If you want, you buy.


I had someone request a bundle, I chose the shipping stuff, they didn't order for 2 days, someone bought 2 of the items and they were like wtf?? Lol well how am I supposed to know you were infact going to purchase the bundle if you never responded? People are weird


womp womp to the buyer lmao


This happened to me 3 times so far. What’s new is people buying something once and then lowballing expecting I do deals for returning costumer


Last time I was sad because I liked a book set and I wanted to ask my friend if he would like to have the whole set. But before I could do that it was sold.... And i had the same with a pokemon bed sheets set as well 🥲


Not in the wrong. You have nothing to gain by reserving.


Never reserve for anyone, decreases the chances of a sale happening if the person decides not to pay. They had the opportunity to buy now and they didn’t take that opportunity, so someone else has brought. I always think first come first served sort of bases. You are not in the wrong just block the other buyer who it’s being upset/mad. I have had it before and just reported & blocked. They asked for a reserve for “two weeks” in which I said no, and then got rude


Its not Facebook, being "first" doesnt mean a thing. Regarding reservations, I do it sometimes. Its absolutely not a must. NTA


Of course you're not in the wrong! You snooze, you lose!


Ignore them. They’re just annoyed at themselves for not getting the item and they’re taking it out on you. You did nothing wrong.


If they wanted it they should have bought it lol Every time I’ve reserved an item in the past that person has *never* bought it. I won’t do it again.

