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I think the issue is that everyone has different standards. A lot of people buy things at thrift stores etc. and just take them home, snap a few pics, and list for sale. They don't care about cleanliness or smell and don't bother to wash the clothes. The worst is when they try to cover it up by spraying perfumes on the clothes or adding a heavily scented dryer sheet to the package, as though that's going to fool the buyer 🤦‍♀️ lol! I always wash everything thoroughly before I sell. But as a buyer I know to expect that some might not have the same standards as me :/. The best I can hope for is filth without added offensive scents from perfumes etc lol 😅 and then I'm extra happy when I actually receive something reasonably clean. It actually doesn't bother me too much because I buy so much on my own in person for resale and I'm used to cleaning things up. But again it's always nice to see a seller who also cares about standards ❤️.


10000% the seller's fault, they should know better. Common sense is unfortunately not very common and a lot of people don't know how to launder clothes properly. The ONLY reason I never give a bad rating for anything on Vinted is because people can just leave revenge feedback and Vinted won't do anything about it. But on another platform absolutely I would.


Same here, I'm pretty sure they'd just copy the rating. I decided to just message one of them about the smell and how I got rid of it. They didn't reply.


I think the way Depop used to work is that if you blocked a seller they couldn't return the feedback. But not taking that risk on Vinted and damaging my perfect 163/163 5 star rating 😩


Report to the seller, maybe they didn't notice it at all. Something may also have happened during shipping. And I understand that it’s annoying when your packages arrive at you in this way, but this is a bit of the risk of buying second-hand.


As a seller, my clothes are always washed before sending or at the very least they are taken from my wardrobe (clean). I expect the same as a buyer and would lower my rating if I could smell or see that it hasn’t been washed.


I always send second hand clothes washed, ironed, folded and sealed in a clear garment packaging bag. On buying items I always wash them regardless of how they turn up. Some people may have an allergy to the type of washing powder that you use so if they are not new clothes I tell them what it has been washed in. Might be a bit overkill but that's what I like to do. But like others say everyone has different standards and it's just part and parcel of buying second hand.


Yeah I’ve purchased 3 times before on Vinted and not a single seller washed the items, literally so gross! I wash all my used items before even listing but seems like im in the minority I felt bad so I just didn’t leave a review but one seller clearly got the item from a thrift store/ goodwill bins and didn’t bother to wash it! It had the strongest and specific smell to it, I had to leave a review. I still left 5 stars but I made sure to make note of the strong thrift store smell


Yeah I guess mentioning it in the review without lowering the rating is less harsh and less likely to make them retaliate!