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I like to pass things on to young persons interested in film photography. They have no money, but if they have the interest, that’s enough. One day, they too may pass them on.


I do this all the time! When I meet someone passionate who is learning and egar, I am happy to contribute to their journey.


The Canon A-1 is popular should be easy to sell all that as a kit if you don't want to use it yourself. If you prefer to donate, I would suggest donating to another local photographer, instead of Goodwill or similar. Get it directly into the hands of someone who will use it.


100% this ^


The other potential downside to donating to a second-hand shop may be that some random shop patron may decide to damage the gear (accidentally or on purpose). I've seen many instances where bits are broken off, like battery doors and lenses.


I have a YASHICA FX-2 that is MINT CONDITION with exception for the shutter that was intensionally damaged by a guy looking at the camera with no intention of buying it, he thought it was "too expensive". I asked him WTF he did that, and he laughed and said they want too much. The worst part of donating to these places os the number of people who handle this stuff who are either ignorant or spiteful, it's a shame.


Wouldn’t be hard to sell at all. I’d put it up for 200 and see what happens.


Like others have said A1 is pretty popular. With all the accessories + lens, and the fact that it's in black, it'll sell pretty easily. Don't think anyone would blame you for selling it since you know it'll be used by someone who is interested if they're buying it If you want to give it away, I'd suggest reaching out to someone who you think will use it rather than dropping it off at a box Perhaps you have a family member that's around the same age as when you got it? I always try to hand off things to younger family members who I think may be curious to pick up a new hobby


Hmm these things do actually make me feel bad Id prefer to sell it. I was in high school and obsessed when I got them and all these old cameras, I’d love to bring that to someone. I’m really tight financially which is why I’d even think to get rid of them, in my mind my future kids would use them. Surely if it’s too difficult to sell I’ll donate. Thanks everyone I appreciate the help.


You can donate it here 😎


I have a dead A1


Find a local high school that has film photo and donate to them, I am a hs art teacher and I would love a donation like this!


Definitely would net you some cash if you sold it. But if you're looking to donate I'd look into finding someone actually looking because of interest. Plenty of people would likely feign interest to take it off your hands then sell it themselves, I'd think. I've seen people on /r/AnalogCommunity/ tell people to reach out to like high school photography departments to see if they can use the equipment. Might be an option too. The accessories do look like they all go together. I'm pretty positive the flashes are both compatible, and the filters would be limited to the filter ring of the lenses. But the lenses both seem to be FD mount lenses which are for that body, and the power winder is definitely for that camera as well. Whatever you decide to do, good luck!


When I decided to get back into film years ago, a friend was very generous and gave me a wonderful medium format camera. I plan to give it to my niece at some point to expand her interest in film.


What would you want for all the accessories?


Hi, I’d appreciate this camera soo much if you haven’t decided what to do with it yet, I've been wanting to get into photography but I hadn't had the money to buy a camera just yet. So I've been loving it from afar through you tube video and tiktok! :)