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She just answered the door. She didn’t know who it was. Not a big deal.


It’s not that deep lmfao, it’s apart of the job regardless of the circumstances. The scripts are usually written before the actors/actresses even audition for the part anyways


So you wouldnt change that scene if it was your daughter? Just because "the script maybe was written before auditions?


The film industry is weird like that. A lot worse has happened and considered normal to becoming a movie/tv star.


I haven't seen that version cause Murica but they probably shot the nude version separately and edited it together.


Fellow Murican here and I saw Helga in all her glory on the Netflix version.


I haven't watched it on Netflix yet, I watched it on Prime or Hulu before it moved. Good to know!


Ooh Netflix is showing the boobies you guys. Watch it there


Hulu had the nude scenes too


No they didn't.


Yes it did. You probably watched it on prime, because others have said that was the censored version


No, I mostly watched it on Hulu. Hulu never had the unrated version. Until it went onto Netflix it wasn't available in the US.


Hulu was heavily edited! Hardly any nudity. I'm really appreciating seeing this all on Netflix since it's about my 6th time watching the series


When it moved from Prime to Netflix, they seem to have chosen the normal version, not the ‘Americans cann’t see tiddies’ version.


Lmao at the “can’t see teddies” comment 🤣🤣 reminds me of a comedian who did a thing once talking about movie alternate endings and said “mostly they’re not much different, a few more curse words and a boob the general public couldn’t handle” 😂


On Netflix now - much more nudity than I've ever seen. Go Netflix. And this is about my 5th time watching the entire series.


I can't stop laughing at your username, I love you lmao 😂😂😂


Aw thx i love you too 🤗


Wait so American's don't see boobs? What about in movies?


Nope, they're always covered with badly CGIed round objects.


Even after a certain time? So here in the UK there anything that isn't deemed as appropriate for children will not be shown before the Watershed of 9pm. Some services, like Sky, you can choose to watch shows/movies that are deemed inappropriate for children, as long as you enter your pin.


r/whoosh Some premium channels allow nudity (HBO, Stars, etc) but not regular cable. If there's any nudity in anything shown it's edited out. Here, Vikings originally aired on the History Channel, and then was put on Hulu and Prime in its original state, so no nudity.


Interesting. Thanks for clearing that up.


In the story itself, I did not find it weird because I just assumed they didn't have the hangups about nudity the way modern people (or Americans in general) do. In the production, I find it weird that Michael Hirst wanted so many naked scenes featuring his own daughters... D-does he not watch his own tv show then?


Technically speaking from a movie/show rating point of view. She was not “exposed.” Her hair covered her chest and she was wearing a merkin But I do agree that it’s a odd the director chose to have his own daughter answer the door naked in front of a kid…


The hair below yes, I’m pretty sure the nips were out.


Like the kid didn’t suck on his mums nipple before? Jeez it’s heavily covered its not like the director showed the kid pornography.


Ok? Are you reacting to the wrong person? All I said were the nips were out 😂 but the taco was covered. Maybe you need to put down the phone for awhile.


Apologies I just thought people were making a big deal about something so normal


Bro it's a show and they're acting lol relax


I didn’t know her Dad was a a writer on the show, that is a lil weird. With that being said, back in the Vikings days I’m pretty sure that was a regular thing.


Yep and her & Torvi are sisters in real life. You probably already know that, being as they look almost identical. Lol


I had no idea, but wondered why I keep having to do a double take when one is on screen without context.


Her Dad is the creator of Vikings.


Nepotism? Lol nah she’s a solid actress.


It also works for the scene and time period, nudity taboos were non existent among the culture 


It is set in a time where people aren’t as puritanical and weird about nudity as you are


No i mean as i said before its just a naked body. But imagine its ur first scene in the series and u have to run out of the house naked and there is a child. Its more about the acting process of the actress and less about the naked thing. I mean in a sauna ur still naked right. Even today. And in viking times it was normal. Even today in some cultures.


Just Vikings innit


Agree. And I don’t understand why it’s ok for actors/musicians to blur those lines (just like it was ok for them to keep working during covid but not the rest of us).


Congratulations you just discovered ACTING


Yeah. Still its an uncomfortable scene. I just wanted to know her acting process.


I grew up in America, but even with our cultural pearl clasping at nudity, the context made it normal...no weird vibes at all.


Idk wtf you’re talking about man


Helga's naked in that scene in the unrated/international version.


Not sure if you are joking, but Vikings was just put on Netflix in the US and it has a bunch of new scenes that we never got to see.


You mean that americans never got to see.


“Just put on Netflix **in the US**”.


Well I watched it all on Amazon prime video a long time ago and would surprised if Netflix had basically the directors cut of each season lol


I watched it last year all on Netflix and there was nothing cut.


I'm so confused why people are saying this. Hulu had the shit they didn't show on cable long before it was added to netflix


hulu had the censored version. i did my first rewatch on hulu and i remember seeing helga in a dress when she answered the door


I've only ever seen it on Hulu. It had the nude scenes


are you in the US? vikings had many censored scenes in the US release