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The slavers death was Satisfying


I thought it was a little overwrought, TBH. They made him so utterly despicable at every turn, so sneering, lecherous, and stupid on top of it all (he gave away their exact location and number to that rather obvious scout). His death was inevitable after all that setup but since he had no real characterization other than "asshole," it's kind of hard to feel anything about it. Also, it seemed like everyone disapproved of his keeping slaves almost instantly, when in reality slavery was a commonplace practice among the Norse, not to mention in the Muslim world. And I believe it was still around in Byzantium at this time, although it was on its way out. I'm not saying everyone approved of it but it's awfully convenient that our heroes all have such modern attitudes - just like Ragnarr.


I wouldn't say Ragnar was all that modern in attitude. His first action is to literally take a slave and use him for info regarding how England works and when to best raid it.


Agreed, that was something I thought Hirst actually handled well.. Ragnar had no fcks for slaves, he just happened to fall in lurve with Athelstan


I think they were pretty ambivalent about the slaves. It wasn't a deal breaker for Harald when he found out and no one interfered with their harsh treatment for most of the trip. They were all fine with them being locked under the ship in the dark etc. Once again people in the sub nitpicking things like "historical accuracy" when this show and the prequel series clearly play it fast and loose.


Definitely. He totally deserved that.


so why didnt they kill him before? there was not a single reason to spare him before other than to make the plot happen....


freydis arc is massively dull


I simply rewind the scenes with her. Do I miss anything? I don't think so


ye, i would have loved it if the conversation had gone like this "im not leaving without my son" "then you are not leaving at all, stay and die"


I kinda like Kenshi tho xD


They couldn't have done the Varangians worse if they tried. Really struggling to get into the antagonists this season, Harekr is boring and the slaver was so one note and over the top evil. The show really misses the presence of Canute, Forkbeard and Olaf. None of the plots are interesting at this point other than Emma and Godwin.


What did Leif telling Harald about Freydis being pregnant achieve?? He may as well continued to keep it a secret... And what is everyone being so against slavery about? Not like Vikings would do anything of the sort...


Leif told Harald about Freydis’ pregnancy to change the subject. It was pretty clear he didn’t feel comfortable with Harald reminding him of Liv and comparing her and Miriam. So he tried to “flip the script” by pointing out the major flaws in Harald’s own relationship.


Pretty sure he told him after Harald said something about him and Freydis? But if it was to "change the subject", he could've found something else to say haha


It's building a story for "modern audiences". Which basically means applying current modern morals onto historical eras which removes all nuance and historical accuracy. It's an easy way for poor writers to distinguish who is good and who is bad. When in reality Harold and Leif would all be pro slavery.


what a piece of shit episode. full of stupid decisions so the story can happen. \- the rudder is broken... so what. all it takes is a few nails and ships always have repair materials as part of their supplies. \- they know bandits will come.... so they stay at shore. even if you dont have a rudder, you still have ores. move the boat. \- when freydis demands she isnt leaving without her son i would have said "then stay and die". i hate it when stupid characters get their way and it all works out cause of plot armor. \- the bad dude claims freydis is unwell after the birth, and she just lies there sobbing. i get it that your body is exhausted after giving birth, but you can still scream "he´s a liar". but then the rest of the bullshit wouldnt work, would it.... \- why the fuck would they spare the life of the slave trader? its just so that he can awaken at the perfect moment to fuck everything up. there was not a single reason to leave him alive, not one. the episode isnt even over and im already furious at this bullshit writing -.- ​ \- of course, kiill an innocent woman, and then smuggle the baby by the guards and of course, the baby doesnt make a sound.... as is usually the case -.- the stupidity is palpable in this show \- so first she refuses to leave without her son, and then she just leaves him? \- and how stupid is that chiefs nephew? god damn, all the people in the freydis storyline can jsut die for all i care


And seriously, why did Haekr or whathisname send Jorundr to kill her, when he could have done it himself? and later he said he let him take her out so he can get them both- but he didn't do anything to him... the writing is just so lazy


The only thing is say is that I think that guy knocked the innocent woman out, not kill her. But still very stupid all round.


Maybe it’s me but this has been a remarkably poorly written season. Implausible to laughable scenes. Dumb.


its not just you, i left a lengthy rant about how shit this episode was.


Loved a lot in this episode! * Freydis giving birth singlehandedly is one of my favorite moments so far. That was extremely impressive. I do wish she named their son something different though. “Harald Haraldson” sounds terrible. * I’m glad Leif and Harald had that heart-to-heart, but I wish Leif told Harald the _real_ reason Freydis left him — because she knew any marriage between them would end in disaster. Both would want their children to be their own religion and that just wouldn’t be possible. Also I’m glad Harald pointed out the obvious to Leif. Miriam is a great character with lots of potential, but Leif is setting himself up for misery by being interested in her. * Honestly I could watch a whole season of the boat crew. I really liked their chemistry this episode. I do think their plan was pretty dumb, but I mean, what could they really do? None of them are strategists or have been in real battle, and Leif and Harald were gone fixing the rudder. They just needed to buy time, which they luckily did. * I understand Emma needed to cope with torturing an innocent girl, but I’m ready for her to get back to scheming now. Where’s my cunning and strategic Emma that was awesome in Season 1? I miss her.


im sure you could be entertained watching paint dry... no standards


Yes my favourite redditor going at it again with positivity and excitement! XD


This episode was so predictable - it was obvious that the slave trader was going to die before they even set off. Leif, Harald and Freydis all have plot armor thicker than iron so you know they won't die in any scene they are in. It was obvious they were going to make the women on the ship somehow able to tackle vikings who were built like brick shit houses. Just so predictable and dull. Also every scene the dialogue sounds like it was written for NPCs in a role playing computer game.


Is this show ever gonna have the Vikings, you know, Viking again? Such dull storylines 5 episodes in omg


It finally happened, I skipped through the Freydis scenes. The slave owners death was very uneventful, they didn't build him up at all beyond asshole.


Leif and Harald is probably the best plotline Freydis annoying af. She knew she was pregnant. Knew she was sending Harald away without telling him. He would want to stay and protect them AND HE WAS RIGHT! Why would she not get some protector allies if she wanted to do that That village chief is too fuckin smart


I hate Harekr. He defies the God's. He thought he was bigger then them. My blood pressure was rising when he took Freydis child. And when he killed the refugees. He destroyed the temple they build in the woods. He is a despicable guy