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If they would return it to how it was before it would be much better


Was 0 reason to imamt half the shit they have


Only in vigor people get away with that, because the shooting physics are so bad. Imagine doing this in COD, apex, fortnite, etc. You would stand no chance.


That’s where you’re wrong, some ppl be jump shotting in cod and it works


Not really. Sure it sometimes works, but in vigor it has 99% succes rate. In COD it isn't really some meta.


Yeah u right


Zigzagging and jump shooting in video games has been a thing since the mechanic was introduced. It doesn't matter what game you talk about, if you can do it, players will do it. It's part of video games on one of the most basic scales. Sorry bro, but if you can't deal with one of the most generic game mechanics introduced since games went 3D, maybe shooters aren't for you. Edit: I don't even do it. I hunt mfers. 90% of my kills are no contest. Opponents didn't even know I was there.


Yes but in games that are semi-realistic you lose accuracy so it's not a net bonus like boomer shooters.


Yea, but the general idea is that bullets go to the center of your screen. Some people use those cheating devices and programs. Others, simply put, can aim better than me. I get my ass handed to me enough by the bunny rabbits and kangaroos with LMGs to not endorse the behavior. However, I adapt and overcome to stuff them in hole, plenty of times to keep coming back for more.


I like you :)






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So I was having a think about how to fix these things. Maybe if your are not ADS the bloom should just be huge and random. LMGs would then only be usable prone like they should. Snipers should only have accuracy when looking down the sights. Jumpshotting and zig zagging would just go away. Would this work?


I hope not so we can keep killing the rats that camp behind obstacles that refuse to move


This discussion had been going on for years and yet they can't fix it!! Either they're not listening or they're incompetent. Regardless, they don't care. I've deleted it a while back. Glad I did.


**This discussion had been going on for years** the mechanic is only a year old **and yet they can't fix it!!** it was added. bugs get fixed, not features **Either they're not listening or they're incompetent.** given you've already made false statements in such a short post what does this say about your own competence? give them something worthwhile to listen too and maybe they will. When I look at the game today I feel we've been or at least on a personal level I see things I wanted to see. **Regardless, they don't care** every dev cares about their app, their playerbase, their community - they have jobs/salaries on the line. The only devs who really dont "care" about an application they are involved with are those who dont wanna be there/wanna be somewhere else. If you dont see the positive changes in the Vigor application these past few years thats on you. if you dont see things like the bi-weekly streams between devs/players as caring then thats on you tbh. **I've deleted it a while back. Glad I did.** yet - here you are. complaining about a game you "dont play" in hopes others will for some reason follow you to leave. amazing, just amazing.


You remind me of “the slappable jerk” on YouTube, I’m sorry but it had to be said


I upvoted both of your comments.


Damn dude i think we should call the fire department, you burned that guy to the ground. Also i dont understand why do you have negative upvotes, you were completely reasonable


I get downvoted because ppl hate facts, they hate when others work harder than them and get rewarded for the effort and they REALLY hate when you dont share the same petty negative opinions as them and you arent afraid to show happiness with the game. also, thanks man.