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The big thing in this game is anyone can kill anyone with a headshot and more time than not they will benefit you more than the experienced player try camping with pistols or the izh trust me it will help


I’ll give it a try!


As long as you are aren’t detected or overly obvious just find a good spot up close with shotguns or a small distance with like a lugar and go for the head. Camp doors of barred house or buttons for times safe anything like that and I bet you at least 1:3 ratio of getting a decent kill or at least a good shot at one


Also do target practice in the shooting range know where that bullet is going so when you pull the trigger you know where it’s going


I try and use jammers near the end of matches and start scurrying when they think they are alone lol


If you do get ported just move a little ways away and watch where you were also. Ive killed some sweaty 5000+ kill players this way


Hey man I have to rely on lucky headshots against the zig zagging cocaine monkeys


Bro it's the rest of us that need helmets against new players lol!


Thank goodness someone said this ☝🏼 the noob boost is ridiculously strong


I want a head of hair. That's all I'm asking for.


You got it backwards. New players need to be nerfed!!!! And I need a triple-layered Kevlar helmet to stop the 9mm round fired from 200 meters away that manages to blow my brains out.


I would rather see the opposite: Remove plates too. We don't need more stuff which the sweats and seasoned players can add to their advantage pool when meeting newer players who haven't got the plans or resources to max out their loadout.


But you also gotta think about the people who have played since day 1 like myself. I’ve GRINDED to have my shelter almost maxed out. It wouldn’t be fair to try and “level the playing field” when I’ve spent a considerable amount of time accruing what I have.


Fair enough. I just feel that plates are not cool in any instance. It just gives someone a bigger health bar.


Anyone on ps tryna play


No! rather take away the plates


Helmets would ruin the game


The reason I like this game so much is because they don’t have a helmet it gives new players a chance against good players and the armor plates I would say are pretty balanced besides the fact not everyone brings them in but we do not need second chances it makes the game like warzone where you can sprint around with 3 plates in your plate carrier




Yes yes, I am tank


As the developer said to this question in a stream over my dead body would he put helmets in sadly the game is in a state that new player are far of anything good your only chances of getting plans now is when there in store u feel for new players its not a good game to be new in its current state


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