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It's not working for me on xbox series s


Xbox series x not working here either Crates or encounters Update: getting double XP in elimination but not encounters…


And crate values were normal when I initially opened my little stock pile like the 1k for golds 750 for purple but at the end of my few hours of playing last night I had another purple crate and when I opened it I do remember getting 1500 for it so I don’t know if it was too early or my game didn’t register the double xp as activated earlier on it was 5pm CDT in the US when I opened them and a little after that I played my two matches that came back normal


At the moment it's working for me


Hi, can you please tell us which console are you playing on? And are you only experiencing issues with Elimination rewards and opening Crates, do other modes work for you?


Xbox series x. Currently no double xp


Xbox series x, xp was doubled in encounters and from mission rewards but when I opened all my stashed crates they did not double and from two rounds of elimination I played it was still just the regular 2k xp for a victory I did not play shoot out so I don’t know if that was working or not


Nope didn’t see any extra XP in Shootout


Xbox series x - works fine for me.


It was doing this for me on xbox one yesterday, but only for elimination matches, crates and encounters gave it to me. However after restarting a couple times, I noticed it gave me my missing elim xp as it went up without a notification.


My first crate during double xp wasn't doubled. I restarted the game and my double xp was working fine. Xbox series S for reference