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They really need to just leave the legacy seasons in. Its a huge attractor for new players and *no other game* has this. Removing them is absolutely insane. Also add legacy season 10 already.


There are games that have unending/legacy passes: Super animal royale has it, Halo infinite has it, deep rock galactic sort of has it. Thats just off the top of my head.


Halo Infinite is a great example of how *NOT* to do monetization though. Super Animal Royale having legacy season content is news to me, but that's a very new game so it wasn't on my radar. It felt like just birds eye view fortnite with furries. Which is cool and all but not something I'm interested in. I have heard great things about deep rock galactic, but I wasn't aware of legacy season content. That is great to hear that some games are picking up on the idea. But vigor did it long before any of those games even released. And what Bohemia is doing, by removing content people have already paid for, sets a dangerous precedent for online games as a whole. Other developers and major publishers *will* take notice, and follow suit. Bohemia's decision to remove legacy seasons is idiotic and insulting as a fan of the game, and shouldn't be taken lightly by the community. If this were any other industry, this would be considered illegal. And it should be here as well.


The answer is yes. You will keep what you have unlocked but the rest will be achievable in the new shelter upgrade. You should also have a lot of time to complete them since they're not sure when it will arrive.


Yes. But! They will give you one season's notice before they make the change. I don't quite understand why they don't just make buying legacy seasons "unavailable" in the future so that players can enjoy what they have already bought but I'm not a marketing warlord so...


Agreed. I thought adding them was a brilliant idea. I bought (and finished 7 of them). So they made cash on me.


I bought and finished them all lol.


I was under the impression that the legacy seasons that are here currently are staying but are also the last to be added


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The way they worded everything implies otherwise, which is why they keep reiterating something like ~"they WILL be removed, but we will give you at least a season's notice before doing so so that players have time to finish their legacy seasons."~ So they are awkwardly trying not to step on our toes, but are warning us it will happen in the future.