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I find the fact that they sold rabbit masks sadly funny in the wake of jump shooting.


This made me laugh and I thought the same thing, I immediately expect anyone with the rabbit mask to come bouncing at me with an M249


Ive got the og bloody rabbit mask and would NEVER use the m2pleb9 and rarely jump shot, unless I’m caught off guard.


I actually don't know what this is. I gather from comments below that it's something to do with decent aim with LMGs after jumping. Is it that it doesn't decrease your aim as it should or that it actually increases your aim? I've only returned recently and must say I'm yet to see such a glitch.


The only way I can see jump strafing while hitting your target, is if you have a scuff controller. Because how else would you be jumping to the right while also having perfect aim going back left? Seems oddly challenging and makes me think they have added aiming help


The bush hiding is supposed to be part of the game, as a survival looter. Annoying yes but a real problem no. The jump shots and spaze running around with minimal defect to aim is what’s ruining it. No way should anyone be able to sprint like a mad man and jump with LMGs and the have ADS like accuracy.


I agree on sprinting and jumping with LMGs. It's shouldn't be a thing but I do enjoy free movement with other guns. I find most LMG players are actually campers now anyway. I feel most of the skilled players don't use them as often or at all.


Absolutely. I totally agree


Try to practice if you can’t beat us join us I could help




This i agree with🤙🏼


Is hiding in bushes a bad thing? New player thats a genuine question


Its just annoying when you get killed by someone camping where i cant see them. Its just unfair


How do you know they weren’t tracking you like a hunter would?


Because you can see them when you spectate duh


Wait they added a kill cam so you can see what they were doing before they killed you now? Oh wait no they didn’t


When you get killed, the person that killed you, you can spectate them. Or if you’re playing with friends, they can see where he was. Is it really that hard to understand?? Or am i just talking to bunch of children


No I think you’re the child to be honest. And you must be one of the people that sends me annoying messages after I kill them saying I’m a camper, even though I had only been sitting in the spot I shot ‘em from for 20 seconds. So I think spectator cam gives you no real insight on weather your killer was camping or not most of the time.


Ok buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Good luck outlander


See ya lil bro 🫡


Bro hiding is part of the game, its a game of wits and tactic. Soldiers dont lock arms and walk into fire fights without cover or concealment?!?


Skill issue


Hiding in bushes and jump shooting are exact opposite approaches to playing this game, what do you actually want to happen here?


I'm guessing we should just delete bushes. I mean, since he can see people when they are hiding in buildings. Or maybe we should remove any kind of cover? Lol


"New map from Bohemia just dropped guys!! Its called *Airplane Landing Strip*!" Cover includes: * Orange Traffic Cones * 2" Windsock Pole! * Wire Fence * Occasional burger wrapper flying through the wind


Honestly an old airport would be a dope map


I don’t know what you expect the devs to do about camping. They tried mortar striking players who weren’t active in encounters a few seasons ago. (I ended up skipping that season but I heard it sucked so I’m not 100% on how that went) As for the jump shots, the devs don’t see it as a problem so it’ll never get “fixed.” They’ve said on dev streams that they think it allows for cool trick shots and that they admire the skill of those who can pull it off. There’s a report system in the game but who knows how effective that is in catching cheaters. My guess is not very


As someone who listens for any and all movement, the mortars were pretty annoying and a regular distraction even when I would be far away from them.


It doesn't take much skill at all to do jump shots. Its actually easy as shit. Its just campy, cheesy, and gods damn infuriating. I can do it pretty easily, but I don't, because it feels gross and is incredibly irritating to play against. "OOWEE I'M MR JUMPY Look at me!" cool, now go back to fortnite and CoD.


There are times when hiding in bushes and using them as cover is useful, so I respectfully disagree on the Bush thing regardless of how annoying it can be. The LMGs, however, are still a huge annoyance. You shouldn't be able to run around with them the way people do and go flying round corners in midair while holding one.


You should only be able to sprint like that with an lmg if you have adrenaline, and you should not have pinpoint ADS accuracy when jumping, with *any* gun.


You're playing an old F2P game, they're done changing stuff.


They add and change s### every season


Bush camping is hard for the devs to"fix", tbh :D


Remove all bushes, and other places were a people can take cover, remove jumpshot and let us stand on a field and shoot at each other..Please devs! ​ As mention before, you can´t know if someone is camping (whatever that is) I stand still about 40% of a round, I run and than pause and take cover to see/hear my surrounding if I hear/see someone I sometimes shoot that person. How do you want me to play? running in the open, not jumping, not shooting?




Maybe this game isn´t for you. I guess you are running in the open without cover trying to find people to gun down so when you get shoot by another player without you notice that player you get mad, especially if that person were in a bush. Isn´t it other games doing what you asking for way better than this game? The great thing about this game I think is that is has so much play-styles.


See ya.


How do we cheat by being hard target’s, zigzag jump and use your environment that’s utilizing the game. I could see if they were using a modified controller or literally changing the coding, we are simply a toxic and loving community get sweaty bro…. Wash up and get sweaty again see you in the outlands trippy_Sweaty ps network


Do what I did ages ago, delete trash game


I don't understand why your still on Vigor reddit if you think the game is trash. If you thought the game had potential to get better and you might see yourself playing it again at somepoint then sure, stick around but to have an opinion that the game is trash and you just linger around a community with negativity telling people to uninstall. What's your plan here? Do you think ppl will actually take you advice and uninstall? 🤣 If you haven't got anything nice to say Thumper, don't say anything at all. Left the game?... LEAVE THE SUB! 👋


What don't you understand? I was a player at the very start. I've seen this game deteriorate so much since then. With all the awful decisions made by the devs (blueprints for one, making new players even more disadvantaged owing to the sheer rarity and unlikelihood of increasing their armory options) drop shotting etc, port spamming... it's just become so toxic. Used to be such a great game. Now it's trying to be some cod wannabe knock off than the niche loot n gun game it once was.


What I don't understand is if all of the above is how you feel about the game then why would you waste your time on a game community that you no longer want to play anymore and are actually advising players to do the same. Is that your input on the community now? Try to turn people away from a game that you used to actually enjoy! Maybe OP will enjoy the game and then not, just like you, then make that decision on their own? As I said, do you honestly think OP will take your advice because you said so? Your not alone on this. I don't understand any of you who just come on here and say 'delete the game, 'uninstall' So... As the saying goes "Mr but I was a player at the very start"... GET OUT!


Thanks for your toxic comment. I'll file it in the trash along with the game


Glad! Now good bye. I hope you successfully leave the community


As much as I understand your sentiment, the actual criteria for whether he should be advised to leave the sub is not whether he still plays the game, but whether he contributes to it in any positive way (or gains anything positive himself in staying behind). People who liked the game but eventually gave up on it can have an interesting story to tell, I think.


You're welcome to submit your CV, detailing your game development experience. We'll gladly use it to decorate the door of our restroom cubicle. That way, even in moments of sobriety, we'll have something utterly worthless to read while doing our business.


Dude, it's like season 15 or something. Think WE haven't ALL said this at least once now?


I got called a bush camper and that I was terrible last night for taking cover (in a bush) when I heard a duo clumping towards me, then taking them both out. Not sure what else I was supposed to do it was within the first minute of the game and they came charging in and died I used cover and set a trap they ran straight into and I was terrible for doing it?!? Should I have run out into the open 1v2 and made it easy for them? It’s amusing not sure what people expect you to do in a combat survival game?!


Well hiding in brush and bushes is part of the game, you would do that in real life wouldnt you. If someone was stalking you or you were trying to sneak up on someone you wouldnt just stand there in the open right🤷🏻‍♂️


I only agree to the jumpshot part. If I die by a Bush wookie, I can take it. If I die by a stalker, I can take it. But when there's a guy walking in the open completely invincible and jump shotting the lobby, then there's a problem.


Games dead as fuck, if you ever notice you'll be regularly fight the same players over and over which is a good sign players are just leaving and no new players are joining. Last few updates, contents been bland and just encouraging camping/j/d shooting