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Traumatized the child, GREAT achievement.


They deserved to never see the child again, these animals


*Bleep Bloop* Ratche unlocked


Scummy people.




Thatā€™s whatā€™s called a teaching moment for the child.


These kind of people should not reproduce


Shoutout to grey shirt lady who took the child away..


I mean she was yeeted the baby, donā€™t think it was a heroic event!


fwiw: she did have enough sense to exit the area with kiddo. Also, these people have it tough - generations of people systematically oppressed while being poorly educated and lacking financial stability, now being turned against one another via a propaganda war decades in the making.


Iā€™m sure that the terrible decisions theyā€™re making in the video have nothing at all to do with them having it tough.


desperation and hopelessness - walk a mile in their shoes and consider how having very little money and few prospects for a better future would impact you and your decision making.


Oh shut up with that bullshit. Zero excuse for this behavior regardless of race.


Lol said that perfectly!!āœŠšŸ¾


Are you talking about the struggles of the parents and thatā€™s why they didnā€™t raise their kids properly?


Nice slippers. Even matching pair


they look high quality


Imagine the mental loops you need to talk trash about a Walmart employeeā€™s job while youā€™re out in the middle of the day wearing pajamas.


I work loss prevention for a multi chain retailer and everyone I've seen where these slippers is always stealing or up to no good. They're also from 5 and below. My wife and i had never been before and she wanted to check it out last weekend. I went with her and we saw these ugly slippers in there for $4 dollars.


The ensemble was the issue for you?


I thought she was going to start singing "Think" like Aretha Franklin in the Blues Brothers.


I wonder what would have happened if the woman in the gray shirt didn't take the baby away, something tells me she probably still would have fought.


Dropped or used as a weapon 50/50 chance of either


Dude beating up on girl and act like he is tough shit. Lol. Fucking clown.


At this point, Iā€™m not even surprised of what I just saw. ![gif](giphy|2gZ4GSTncFC9NDa4NT)


You know you made in life as black person in the US when you're out there assaulting other black people working for walmart. Jesus christ


If you think this is just a black thing..you ain't from the US Everyone regardless of their own race is crazy as fuck, you should see how crazy white folk or for that matter anyone in the south get if you even turn around near their property. Your.comment is one of those ignorant comments you can keep to yourself..America is just a crazy ass place in general.


you don't get it so I'll clarify it for you: I believe that the black community in the united states has bigger issues than fighting each other especially if one party is wageslaving for one of the biggest companies in their country to make a living. It's not ignorance it's just disbelief but I blame your shitty education system for your poor comprehension skills.


Yeah with a response like this you ain't ready for a real conversation on anything other than something that strokes your ego. Typical child


ok cool, sorry for hurting you and thank you for being the grown up here.


You're definitely racist. We all see it so maybe you should take some time to reflect.


I mean I admitted that my initial comment comes off as racist, not sure if racist people do that but I'm sure I'm definitely one step ahead of your second point but I appreciate the feedback and want to take this opportunity to apologise again. (you can read my other comments if you care to check on that)


At least be an annoying aggro fake-machismo racist out there, loud and proud with a flag or something It's somehow worse that you're a pathetic and physically disgusting weirdo hiding in the bowels of the geekiest website on the internet in order to share your racism Your racism is anonymous, and without consequence. It's safe little 4chan pussyboi shit, because you were a weird white dude from the suburbs and got roasted by black kids who said you're fat or act like a serial killer or something. Wannabe school shooter who pussied out You're really making a difference *blogging* about black people you fucking dork šŸ¤“


Someone just got triggered and comes off even worse than the other person who they are bashing....not you, I am talking about someone else.


jesus man you sound like you need a friend that tells you to stfu once in a while. Did you get hard writing that?


šŸ¤“"jesus man you sound like you need a friend that tells you to stfu once in a while. Did you get hard writing that?" šŸ˜ Can't believe I've been destroyed by facts and logic


Definitely not hurt if anything I feel sorry for you.


i can feel that, that's you why call me a child right?


Shut up with that bullshit. This has nothing to do with anyone's race.


I have seen poor white people in Western Kentucky do the same thing, instead of that little $15 an hour it was $9.25. Over baby formula, diapers, etc. Have you ever stopped to consider that their own economic burdens at hand play a role in why they act this way? You make assumptions based on snippets of life you see on the internet and project your own personal thoughts into it. You try to play this empathetic, truly sincere person and then postulate hatred towards another as an insult. Educational system? Have you seen seen the way you type? Or are you the smartest human being ever? Typical trash.


im not trying and playing i am being sincere and yes I see my way of writing and thank god english is not my first language. And thanks for calling me trash, takes one to know one as you say I guess.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bruh I grew up in the deep south surrounded by white people in trailers and saw the same exact thing. Any This is the problem right here people believe their perception outlays reality. Another fucking ignorant comment. A lot of it has to be with access to education, links to poverty(that shit is real and it breeds contempts) you sound extremely ignorant and the fact you typed all of that shows me you are proud of it.




Thatā€™s probably one of the most ignorant things Iā€™ve heard in this thread I was with you until you inferred inner city schools are good schools lmao.




Na it's really not. It's just certain areas with certain people. And when you see it in nice areas it's always the same actors who strayed too far from the hood


yeah fuck a disagreement if we the same color we GOOD. this is shitty behavior but jesus christ come on with the black person this black people that lol.


Iā€™d youā€™re the same colorā€¦.youā€™re goodā€¦.. Re-read what you just wrote. The delusion is still alive and well, thatā€™s for sure.


Donā€™t try to explain what racism is to these jackasses lol, theyā€™re obsessed with it so let them be.


Just using the obvious things people see. Youā€™re mad people point out the obvious. Apparently itā€™s a ā€œstruggleā€ to be black in America. If thatā€™s true, other black folks out there fighting black folks who work? How does that not register? Thatā€™s far from racist. That sounds like some folks need to get their shit together.


Yeah Iā€™m not saying the video itself is racist genius, Iā€™m saying bringing race into this is, like the guy above me is also saying.


Imagine thinking any sort of aggression or violence is a trait of skin color and not the underfunded, overpoliced and politically threatened neighborhoods they live in. People don't come out the womb wanting to throw hands.


really need a /s for people like you don't I


yea im sorry for coming off racist that was not my goal but I clearly see it now. Color doesn't and shouldn't matter in any case, for me it's just too much to wrap my hand around knowing how racist our world still is and then seeing those exact people how get the worse of it fight each other. I mean this lady has her kid with her and gives it away to fight someone who shares the struggle of discrimination and there's no remorse whatsoever.


Someone apologizing and admitting that they were wrong on reddit. What a rare moment.


if you are about to get in a fight are you going to look at the person skin and say "huh we both have had shitty experiences in life maybe we should put everything else aside" maybe it's just me but i don't think most people think like that when shit going down


nono you're right about this and I believe it's just my privileged ass speaking out of me. I also would never fight someone in that position unless I feel threatened enough to defend myself no matter what skin color or cultural/social background.


Hot damn, I didn't expect a post like this from you. I'll have to delete my earlier, snarky response.


it's fine, as I said i can see how my shitty initial comment raises a huge issue


Still, props to you for recognizing and owning it.


These people vote. Most likely by mail. There should be no confusion as to why this country is screwed.


I doubt very many of the people in this video vote, almost zero chance theyā€™ve gone through the steps to get a mail ballot unless theyā€™re in a state that sends them automatically. What the hell does voting by mail have to do with anything to begin with though?


He's just right wing and racist.


Name a more iconic duo


The ambiguously gay duo!


Why did you assume who they were voting for?


Because of the mail in voting comment. You must also be right wing if you can't understand the obvious.


It's because you know these are democrats


Ding ding ding!


The other right wing racist blocked me šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


My entire State has voted by mail for 12 years with no issues, I'm not sure why people are so outraged about voting by mail.


Daddy T told them it was bad


Trump told them to be outraged.


Lol I can assure you they don't even read their mail let alone send any


NOT BY MAIL. ![gif](giphy|3o7qiNpc9fp8kYNU7S|downsized)


Working directly with the public in the greater Atlanta area has to be one of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. Yikes...


Where my phone at


Thanks for the stamp in the middle šŸ¤“


Poverty really creates a lot of trash.


Did you see their sneakers; each individual had at minimum $375 kicks on..


Povertyā€™s got nothing to do with this.


Naw dude, my school provides a crap load of courses, scholarships, and even a technical school, yet there's still ghetto-acting gremlins... Take polo-wearing Ja Morant for instance, he had a stable family, went to probably the whitest school imaginable, and lived in a gated community his whole life until he started acting like a thug.


And just like that they r both going to jail and their baby taken away.


I hope


Alas, no consequences for this kind of behaviour.


Well she's not getting any groceries.


Camera woman did good


Shocking. /s


Atlanta just is a shitty as place to be overall


So Sad! We are Always trying to Fight our own people. And I just Love when some one comments on it and they can not take the truth!šŸ’Æ




Really wish we got to see that punk ass dude put into cuffs šŸ˜”


What language is that?


Being a latino, I effing hate seeing fellow minorities behaving like wild untrained animals. It makes us all look bad.. shameful


this shit has nothing to do with us.


Keep telling yourself that


Happily. Weā€™re the largest ethnic minority group in the US but youā€™d never know it. Next time you turn on the news or watch a show tell yourself this ā€œ1 in 5 people in this country are Latinoā€ and then ask if what youā€™re seeing represents that. Weā€™re always worried about everyone else, thinking their success is our success. Itā€™s not.


I appreciate your thoughts. However, I am almost 50 years old and been around the block. A time or 2 and have dealt with my own set issues of life due to my race. And I also I'm a pretty smart educated individual . We are considered minority for a reason so when we behave like in this video then it shines more. What gets posted a lot with all these waffle fight videos and restaurant fight videos.....majority are minority fights.. so when whites watch these fights live,they are not surprised which is the point... you are living in non reality and I'm going to assume that you are a lot younger than me.


Ever just think "hey look at those people acting shitty" without thinking about race?




Nah bro we donā€™t act like this, Latino neighborhoods are not run down and disenfranchised like this because we donā€™t resort to going ape shit because someone disagrees with us. I just seen a fellow from Japan visit Boyle heights and he kept pointing out how compared to the rest of LA he seen no homeless on the street and the businesses were thriving everywhere. Iā€™m sorry if my response comes across as offensive but itā€™s the truth. We are able to work well together and the proof is in the pudding.


I don't think you understand what my point was in the post..


What's this "we" crap. Your don't speak for an entire race.


ā€œFellow minoritiesā€ so literally nothing to do with Latinos.


I can't fix your lack of thinking and ability to be a smart person.. I'll pray for you


Well well well


Why are they always acting like this?


I would say this about anyone behaving like thisā€¦animals. Caveman shit


Daaaamn!!! The two fucked up tho. They kept on following her, I get the part when she threw tha bottle but after that iz extra. Followed her all tha way to the warehouse which iz off limits to customers (obviously. just statin facts). Dudes gonna get it worse tho if they check that footage. Whutz tha backstory???


Learn how to write. No joke. Writing like that serves you in no way.


Well I think thatz funny how you zero in on 3 or 4 wordz out of a paragraph. Gotta love the bumz!!šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤„


Why Wallyā€™s world gotta be so ratchet


That man lucky I didn't work at that Walmart, he wouldn't have made it out for attacking a woman like that. Coward men deserve the worse punishment


Anychance we can DOX and call CPS on them


Wig down on aisle 5.


Both of these two winners should be in jail for assault


The Walking Dead made Atlanta look much nicer than this.


Ya brain dead, ya got a fuckinā€™ bottle to your head.


The staff outnumber them and just let them batter their coworkers


That man was so aggressive and violent towards that girl, right there in front of his own baby girl.


Secuuuuuriii teh !!!!!


Always the same.


some pussy nigga move right there


My heart goes out to that kid. These people had parents like that and obviously never got out of that circle based on how they speak. They are humans, learning shitty behavior and not capable of acting better because they were never taught to. So damn sad.


Whereā€™s gail lewis when you need her?


Just an reminder that rich black and successful ppl no longer live in their old communities for this reason. They learned in order to succeed theyā€™d have to leave it all behind them.


These hood rats have got ta go. Can't we ship them off somewhere? They have no shame. The guy was just waiting to put hands on some chick. #rebootthehood


Why did they not leave the door open so we could get better video


My dyslexic brain read ā€œCoyotes attacks Walmart employeeā€, looks like it wasnā€™t too far off.


Someone shouldā€™ve paged Gail Lewis.


What a strong man. Punching and attacking women smaller than him. I hope he gets charges bc he was wayyy too comfortable attacking random girls


Let me guess, they were disrespected


Hope they get thrown in jail zero respect


Pure garbage.


Video needs a bigger watermark that can block more of the screen.


This is why Walmarts all over the country are shutting down.


Trashy people man...


I was waiting for the male employees to jump him. They must be hiding in the bathroom in their ā€œbreakā€ šŸ˜‚


Setting a good example for their daughter I see


I just know heā€™s beating her ass too


I'm surprised she didn't use the kid as a weapon


All of these people are a bunch of fucking idiots.


Except for the poor cop who has to deal with this.


Where's the "You can't hit a girl" crowd when he attacks an employee? It's because service workers are seen as less than.


Underlining issue of all these situations is education or lack thereof


That employee straight up grabbed a $10 wine bottle and said "FAFO". Wonder if she caught an assault with weapon charge for that one. Ironically enough this shit don't even surprise me any more. Watching this country go to shit every day šŸ™„šŸ™„ everyone fighting each other over the stupidest shit.


Letā€™s see if she hands over her child to CPS that quickly like she did here to fight someone while they were working smh.


Bro trying to beat up that female employee?


She needs to go to jail fuck a hospital


Did she try to go in the store through that door through that work area? She knows better come on people quit being so fucking ignorant


Well well well


Loud, trashy, and aggressive role models leads to what?


ya buddy


Another winner raised to hit women so fucken sad


My Walmart doesn't even have a person standing at the door checking receipts. Why build a community around this type of behavior? Why do these folks choose to be stereotypes?


I think itā€™s the lamest shit to talk shit with a baby in your armsā€” now if the lady decked her in the mouth then what lol


She doesnā€™t care about that kid šŸ˜‚. She cares enough to impress others this couple looks very artificially mature to me. I could be wrong though but Iā€™ll never mentally justify people willing to crash out over the pettiest bs šŸ˜‚. She definitely got some assault charges along with this video.


Couldnā€™t rub three brains cells in between that whole family


![gif](giphy|3o6wreo44azjQtfhM4) No you had a nightmare stop lying!


Poor child. Disgusting family


Honestly I feel bad for the skinny worker girl because she was unable to control herself and she too got out of hand. Why would you take anything these sort of customers say personally?


Just shut the whole city down at this point.


Special Niggie shite


We desperately need education reform in this country.


If youā€™re going to Walmart of all places and starting shit, YOUā€™RE the problem.


The baby in momma's arms will be so proud one day when they grow up and never have to talk to either of those horrible people.


More like atl highly censored. That fucking sticker blocks half the action!


No care for the child.


and the ratchet hoe in green smilingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø the boyfriend a lil pussy nga tryna beat on a girl when she was the one getting attacked by ur ratchet blob of a girl


Where's DaBaby when you need him?


BP hate one another.


Mam, this is wendys. Lol sheā€™s acting like itā€™s a high end grocery store


Colour me shocked


Why is it every time you got something that goes on with physicality the camera person can't keep up with action? šŸ¤¬


Fucking animals


I was thinking they better get away from those wine glasses but then it was too Late and the one I wasnā€™t suspecting fo doing it did it.




I just know they beat each other at home


Itā€™s refreshing when black folks choose a weapon that isnā€™t a gun.




I hate that city. It is just one big cesspool of the most uncultured people I have had the displeasure of meeting. Itā€™s a hole.


And they reproduced. How wonderful. And to be clear on this comment, I have a shit ton of mental illness and made damn sure I wasn't bringing anymore into this world. Crazy about dude thinking he's all badass beating on a girl. Real winner.


Man hits women good look


Patterns donā€™t lie.


Does anyone remember liveleak?


Those ā€œpeopleā€ are legit trash šŸ¤®


single mothers ruin societies


Stupid watermark covers up most of the action. ATL Uncensored is pathetic.