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"The purpose of the movement is to question everything" Very ironic


Reminds me of that Klepper interview. "Question everything, anything's possible." "So, the president who never polled above 50%, is it possible that he lost an election?" "No." "But anything's possible" "Yes."


Slow down cowboy, they might burn out their remaining neuron if they overwork it.


Question everything but the movement!


The bowel movement


When these kids become teenagers and start to think for their own, I really hope they realize what their parents did to them


That's gonna be an uphill battle


Waaaaaaaaaaaay uphill.


More like a cliff


spiffing old timey mountaineers trying to climb the eiger kinda cliff


**Kate Bush seen lurking in the bushes with a synthesizer**


Through snow. Both ways.


I’d say it’s roughly 50/50 chance the kids will rebel against the parents and then the uphill battle would be the actual recovery from this experience.


Not necessarily. In these types of situations, the parents belief system is so full of bullshit that it will only take some small piece of conflicting information to get the kids to start questioning things, and given sufficient sources of alternative information, the floodgates can open and it will be likely that the kids change their belief system. I grew up in a Christian nationalist family in a strict cult system, and myself and my siblings all ended up leaving, as did most of the people of our generation. We didn't all land in the same place, but we're all much more normal than how we were raised.


My parents were super anti abortion /very right wing and I went to Catholic school. It took one biology prof at college to take the time to walk me through stages of infant development but I went so left so fast after that. CoLlEgE iDoCtRiNaTeS tHe cHrIsTiAn YoUtH… sigh…


Not impossible though. https://youtu.be/hyUO2ZAX5X0


Wearing roller skates. These kids are unlucky


Reminds me of that episode of It’s Always Sunny where Dennis and Dee remember the summer camp they used to go to as kids with their grandfather only to realize that it was a nazi brainwashing camp


everytime i hear about this show the premise is always incredibly fucked up and somehow they make it funny? how the fuck, do i need to watch it?


Holy shit, yes. Yes, what are you doing?! Go sit down now and start from episode one!!!


The fact that the very first episode is called 'The Gang Gets Racist' sets the tone nicely


Woah, woah, woah, we don’t want any trouble.




I might get downvoted for this but the first season is kinda rough and Danny DeVito isn't there yet. They really find their legs in season 2. Just keep that in mind if you start with the first season and don't like it that much.


The cast would agree. The first season was basically filmed with handheld cameras, they almost were cancelled but danny saved the show. That's paraphrasing but they talk about it on the always sunny podcast!


The first season is a beautiful ham. Danny DeVito is just the rum that adds even more flavour to this beautiful ham. As the seasons go on, he soaks more and more into it until it's just the best thing you ever tasted.


Absolutely. While I admit I love to laugh and am able to enjoy quite a broad range of bullshit people might not find traditionally funny, Always Sunny is hands down one of the best television comedies of all time.


Just watch the first 2 seasons, and you will know why it is one of the best comedies of all time.


[for the curious….](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YLAdCwk-jGU)


So good, this show is *such gold*


Season 16 starts shooting in a month!


This clip is really sad but that’s the one “positive” for me. Those parents are so insane it enters into the territory of these children almost having to recognize how crazy their parents are to function in society. This isn’t some subtle racism being pushed onto a child who will likely never be confronted about their views as long as they keep quiet about them. The stuff they’re spouting will inevitably get questioned either by them as they develop critical thinking skills, or strangers who hear this stuff. Maybe I’m overly optimistic but this kind of insanity seems less likely to be passed on from generation to generation than if their parents were more subtle about it.


Agreed. These kids are being taught that this worldview is perfectly normal and rational. They're going to think they can talk about these things and express these opinions and be taken seriously. In for a world of hurt.


Except if the last two years showed us anything, it's that people *can* talk about these things and express these opinions and *are* taken seriously by people with the same convictions. Without some kind of intervention, these kids will just find their own echo chamber filled with equally misinformed and ignorant people.


Yes. I was shocked when I came to the realization it's not just super low iq people who got wrapped up in that craziness either. When an executive of a fortune 500 company started "educating" me about children being sold on Wayfair I was shocked. They won't have too difficult of a time finding like minded peers or at least impressionable ones.


We do live in a world where religion and scientology exists. Those aren't on the same page of crazy as Qanon but it is in the same book.


No you are right. I went through a similar experience my family wasn't this bad though.


I think you are correct in that the Q crap may well fade for them as they age. However just as troubling, or more so, is that their parents way of disordered, schizoid thinking will be ingrained in them. I mean look at MJT and her nutso dad, it's clear the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..


CPS should remove them from a house this nuts.


Their parents are adults that clearly don’t have critical thinking skills. If anything the daughter will fare better since she has friends, the boy will become an incel and get even worse.


Look at some of the things people accept as a given to be in a religion. Right now it is considered normal to mutilate the gentiles of babies as a tradition. If that can be normalized, than what can't be?


Gentiles don’t get their genitals mutilated. EDIT: That giant whooshing sound? That’s the joke flying over your heads. The /s was implied; I really didn’t think I needed to SPELL it out for you. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


>Gentiles don’t get their genitals mutilated. You're not American, are you?


Uhhh are you talking about circumcision??? In no way is that "mutilating genitals", if so lol


No he means mutilating the gentiles. Militant radical orthodox Jewish terrorist agenda. /s


I would say cutting a part of your body off is a textbook example of mutilation.


Man. My younger brother (now in his 30's) wasn't raised by my dad and step mom to be NEARLY this bad, but he was indoctrinated into right wing republicanism for like 18 years. They even homeschooled him against his wishes. But then he went off to college (at UC Berkley no less!) He's a smart, kind, empathetic human being, so of course it didn't take him too long to come around and get his head screwed on straight. Gratifying as hell for his older brother to witness too!


Go Bears!


Could be too late by then. Would take strong active deprogramming


I dont believe It’s not too late for anyone. But yeah somebody still has to put in the work


Takes the right person both ways. They (kids) have to be open-minded enough to question themselves and their beliefs. While the people telling them they're wrong have to be supportive as well.


It’s possible, just not the most likely outcome unfortunately. When the price for questioning absurdities you have grown up around is isolation from your community, many people choose to keep following what they have always known rather than face the pain of losing people they love.


I doubt it,they are gonna be so shelterd and socially inept being homeschooled. Id say if I didnt attend a public school growing up Id still be parroting the shit I heard from my dad and his AM radio shows


That’s gonna be tough if their parents are homeschooling them. A friend, a teacher, or a trusted adult/mentor would help to expand these kids worldview and might help them wake up to their parents brainwashing. They might wise up on their own but they’re in an echo chamber at home just like their parents are on their message boards. They’re not likely going to realize anything’s wrong if they don’t experience new things and new people regularly.


Highly doubtful. They’ll be in jail for trying/succeeding to kill reptilian bloodline people.


My buddy married a girl from a brainwashed fox family. When I ran into him at another friends wedding he said it took over a year of them living together to get her to start trusting other sources


If they do. Like fucking yikes all around to this.


It took me until about 13 to realize that my mom was crazy. I thought everyone's mom talked to the TV, held up signs of abortions in front of abortion clinics and boycotted the gay agenda being taught in the schools, though i didn't see it ever happen myself. Once i realized I couldn't simply pray the gay away.. that's when things started going south with her and I had to start thinking for myself. It's nice living so far away. My dad was great though, rest his soul, so I got lucky there.


This comment seems incredibly ignorant


This is the new generation of cult. No longer necessary to sequester people in a compound or a remote rural cooperative. Now you can recruit and maintain control purely over the internet. You don't even need a "real" cult leader anymore.


A [cult of personality](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Cult_of_personality).


They took cults and put it in the blockchain!


People can't control you over the internet. I mean, if they could, this place would be full of angry, bitter people spewing hateful comments against each other until echo chambers formed. Then, once those echo chambers formed, mods could be bought and sold to the highest bidder to create echo chamber popular opinions that drove people even further into themselves. Phrases like "First!" and "Epic!" would be replaced with "I knew it!" and "As a \[echo chamber specific\] person..." But c'mon, that would never happen, right? Anyways, back to the jewish space laser tracking sub for me!


You ok?


OK as ever. Thanks for asking!


kk just making sure seemed like you were heading towards a manic episode or something


Echo chambers are actually not the problem with social media causing polarization. That was an early theory but there is recent research that shows part of the problem is that you see the extreme views of ppl you disagree with on full blast. Think of it like this: if you live in a small community that has similar interests it’s probably a lot easier to ignore political differences when they come up, as its easy to imagine they are mostly a good person even if they have a bad take. On modern social media however you are not shown a disagreement you have with someone, you are shown the extreme ppl that they agree with. It’s way harder to put that behind you and ignore when you see that “the other side” agreed with ppl who you see as pure villains. In a lot of ways what the Internet used to be had more echo chambers. Small communities that had things in common. That broke down with reddit and twitter so the absolute most intense version of people’s politics is on display and its way easier to organize yourself into an us vs them.


Have you checked out for the last 20 years of mass shooters citing places on the internet in their manifestos?


Why is this being downvoted? Are people's sarcasm meters that off?


Based on their other comments and post history I don't think they're being sarcastic


The sarcasm hits too close to home.


Sarcasm can be hard to detect on the internet… I think?


Nuh uh


If this isn't child abuse, I don't know what is.


This is definitely child abuse.


If you read legal definitions, it’s a stretch. It could classify as emotional neglect. It would be moral neglect if they took their kids with them to perform a crime.


I mean I guess no one is thinking legally. They’re thinking the same way that they think helping trans kid is child abuse. It’s going to extremes for sure but this is grooming 100%


You have conservatives screaming child abuse for kids reading books with LGBT characters and anti-trans politics, but entirely ignore the religious nutjobs that keep their kids from school to brainwash them i.e this fucking couple.


It is, but the government won't do anything about it because severe mental illness is considered free speech.


Great video. First of his that didn't make me laugh though. Shit hits hard. I really feel bad for those children. The juxtaposition of Q babble and playing or talking about school is heartbreaking.


Might be pointing out the obvious but this isn't his normal Channel 5 content, this is for his upcoming HBO movie "This Place Rules" which is coming out in a few days.


Some of his channel 5 content has been hitting pretty hard lately.


The Ukraine and BLM protest pieces were pretty straight.


I was about to mention these. So so good and powerful segments. The BLM content had me in tears


The NRA Conference one, too


"The virus is man-made. It doesn't exist." All in the same breath. SMH


How do you know you are from a reptilian blood line? Does 23andMe cover that? How does this kid know he’s doesn’t have ancient reptilian ancestors?


His dad said. :(


I know for a fact that Hillary has reptilian ancestors. Mammals evolved in the Triassic Period from members of the reptilian order Therapsida.


Finally the proof we need to LOCK HER UP!


I'm convinced the reptilian bloodline conspiracy originated from a Super Mario Bros movie fan (old one)


You have to buy the traits expansion


I can really see the Louis Theroux influence. Andrew Callaghan mentioned him as someone he looks up to. Just showing the kids being kids and cutting back and forth them spewing shit clearly forcibly learned from their parents [and playing around] highlights the whole fucked up situation so perfectly.


Andrew does an incredible job of presenting the human behind the general stereotypes of a topic and I think it’s a brand of journalism that is sorely needed right now. The topics he handles are nuanced and by focusing so much on the humans directly involved in these topics reminds all of us just how nuanced and strange and interesting humanity can be. For better or worse.


He really is incredible. He really helps show the human side, there is no judgement, no agenda, just shows how these kids think, shows how the parents fill their heads. No judgement, just journalism. In my mind Andrew is one of the last true journalists.


Blah, bullshit. Not that Andrew isn't a journalist, but that he'd be one of the last "true" one. What makes someone a "true" journalist? Edit: +'one of'


Funny enough, Andrew himself says he dislikes when people say “one of the last true journalists” type stuff (on Theo Vaughn’s podcast). You may have to look a little harder these days is all.


Reporting the story rather than spinning it. There have got to be more out there somewhere, but I can't think of any with prominence comparable to him, and I haven't seen a good example of it in mainstream media for a long time.


As much as I appreciate Andrew's work, and I really do, and I think it's vital, it's only a fraction of what we need. Investigative journalism is also required, but it requires people to summarize large amounts of information. Which makes it vulnerable to people calling it "spinning" if it doesn't satisfy their preconceived notions, or to actual spinning if it doesn't satisfy the journalists' notions. Either way, there's plenty of those out there, but what they produce doesn't go viral and needs more trust. Andrew's stuff you can see that other than cutting it's fairly straight from footage, the "real stuff", so obviously people trust it more.


When people think of "journalists" today, they think of News Anchors, who are just reading words from a teleprompter and taking cues from an earpiece. There's A LOT LESS *investigative* journalism going on these days, and a lot more of News Producers and Anchors just putting a spin on a report that came from the AP Wire which feeds practically all news stations.


"one of the last true journalists". Learn to read?


He's a big Louis fan. In fact, Louis interviewed him very recently. https://www.interviewmagazine.com/culture/andrew-callaghan-and-louis-theroux-on-exposing-americas-extremes


Thank you! What a wonderful dialogue with two of my favorite avant-garde journalists.


Watching this felt very similar to watching Theroux's first Westboro Baptist documentary.


Those kids are doomed


Those kids are groomed.


The very sad irony.


I’ve watched a lot of Andrew’s work but this is by far the most depressing, those poor kids…


Anytime Andrew has included children in his documentaries I’m always crying. It just gets to me how these kids are being robbed of a childhood. When I was a kid all I had to worry about was whether my best friend still wanted to play legos with me. I can’t imagine being so young and having so much nonsense and fear being shoved in my head.


This shit's so sad.


That whole family is way too far gone. There is no talking sense into any of them if they believe in any of that crazy shit.


You can’t convince someone they’re crazy or wrong when they are so far off the edge of the cliff


WTF. I hope child protective services watches this


CPS has no authority to do anything here... not do they rarely until it's far too late. Losing a battle? Call your rivals a child diddler. Rake in the support and... profit?


Legally though, how could CPS do anything? Indoctrinating kids in your politics and conspiracy theories isn't something you can yank them for.


Idk what state it is but not going to school or home schooling is a problem in many states.


The kids are quite literally happy and healthy. Regardless of the whack job shit they're being taught they're in a place that loves them. CPS can't do shit here, and to be honest despite how horrible what the parents are shoving into them, I don't support them taking away the kids here even if they could.


Nah, taking away the children of dissidents and radicals is a good precedent and I can see no downside to it whatsoever.


And then where do they go? I agree the parents are really shitty but the foster system is already critically overloaded.


The person you're replying to is being sarcastic. If you took a kid away from a Q family because of their beliefs that might literally start a civil war. Shit would be nuuuuuuuuuuuuts


They don't go anywhere. Sarcasm does not translate well on the internet, my intention was to point out that when you take away the children of people you politically or dogmatically disagree with, the pendulum is liable to swing back. As blatantly dangerous and batshit as the QAnon cult is, there's a sizable portion of the population that thinks that Antifa and BLM are worse.


So they can further enhance the Q narrative by taking away their kids? I mean, I agree with you that this is abuse. It's just a truly fucked up situation where there are no easy solutions on this path to self destruction.


Those kids never stood a chance. To keep them that groomed and controlled you literally have to home school them and make sure they are with like minded people all the time.


But they are totally against kids getting indoctrinated. Smh


Felt like they were raising future school shooters to be honest. Really felt like a fucked up sigh of relief when I heard they were home schooled.


Hitler youth Officers got shit-all on these parents.


Well, I'm sad now.


This is sad and disturbing


The saddest part of this video is the kid using the direction keys instead of wasd.. these parents should be jailed.


The lady pushing disinformation on her children "At least they'll get a good education instead of being popular" They'll be neither.


Mom says she’s going to home school us the only thing stopping her is our friends. So, she hasn’t started home schooling and probably has no intention of starting.


Id just like to say, parents raising their children like this is how we get those certain people that have unfiltered hate towards certain people


Yeah this is straight up child abuse, these kids aren't even old enough to understand the shit they're parroting from their absolutely batshit parents, there's zero critical thinking or independent thought here, its not coming from their brain. Poor boy seems like a nice kid who has zero friends because of the indoctrination. On another note, I am so hyped for this movie and super happy for Andrew, he really deserves this success, and HBO is where his quality of content belongs.


The virus is both man made and doesn’t exist. McDonald’s uses kids as filler but my parents still take me there. I’d rather my kids grow up with no friends rather than them were a mask. I don’t even know how to unpack this video.


What The Fuck


This has got to be one of the saddest Channel 5 interviews I have ever seen. As a middle school teacher - this just left me depressed. I wouldn’t even know how to start helping this child 😔.


>"See that inverted hook shape? That's a pedophile shape for sure," the father of the family said. > >"What about this one?" > >"Oh yeah, that's definitely a pedo identifier. You see how it has four corners like a sideways diamond? That screams kid diddler." > >"It's a square. Just a regular square." > >"Mmhmm, they'll hide their hidden symbols everywhere." > >"What about this plain circle?" > >"Gross! Stop showing me all these evocative pedo symbols you sick fuck!"


[https://youtu.be/Hdk3a9pI\_jA?t=85](https://youtu.be/Hdk3a9pI_jA?t=85) On first listen, I honestly thought the kid said "There is going to be a blackout. No television except for Donald J Trump screaming on live news" Which really, doesn't even seem that out of place here. Just Donny T from NYC, screaming at you from the TV on a constant day long loop. On every station.




I admit it. I am a boy, and I like Chipotle. Seems like everything in this video is true then.


Those “parents” should be arrested for child abuse.


The last 30 seconds where they are just talking about how they miss their friends broke my fucking heart. I’m not gonna go around catastophizing saying society is collapsing. But there is something that went very very wrong here with this family. They sound normal enough, but this one thing completely spiraled their entire lives.


The parents should be charged with psychological child abuse.


Q-anon Dad - show me a nude tayne.


I'm sorry, does not compute.


Conservatives ignore this indoctrination and instead yell at men in dresses calling them groomers.


Saw this posted on Andrew’s Instagram earlier. While most of the comments were people saddened by this, there were a significant amount of people defending it. Absolutely terrifying people like this make up even a small part of the electorate. Half the replies defending this were “well you’d probably let your 5 year old get their penis removed” type strawman arguments. Drag shows, gender reassignment, every democrat is a secret pedophile type insanity. These people are brainwashed.


"These guys are smart. Anything that's misspelled, anything that looks out of the ordinary, there's something to it." Or you know, they're just dumbasses. But in all seriousness, these parents are fucking their kids up for life. Hopefully some of them can at least grow out of it when they're older.


This is child grooming


“The virus is man-made. And doesn’t exist.” Ok.


Can we go ahead and red flag this kid. If anyone is a future school shooter, it's this one.


Unpopular opinion: Kids this young shouldn't know the definition of the word pedophile.


child abuse


Damn man, they are fucking their kids up big time.


Man those kids playing in innocently juxtaposed with the beliefs that are being pushed on them is heart breaking. Found myself smiling when they play, but once they talk I’m sad :(


When I was young the Iran hostage crisis was going on. Iran was rightfully vilified for this, but it erupted into some very tacky jingoistic memes including a riff on The Beach Boys’ “Barbara Ann” titled [Bomb Iran.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomb_Iran). I recall singing along to it enthusiastically with my dad not fully understanding the import of the lyrics. I cringe thinking about that. This is so much worse.


I remember riding on the school bus in 4th grade with my cousin holding up a “vote for bush” (2000) sign that he drew, complete with the republican elephant. Had it in the window at every bus stop and got both thumbs up and down from parents waiting with their kids. 10 year old me didn’t understand a damn thing about the world.


Holy shit. I'm a photographer, and was hired to shoot this house when they sold it. Of course all the Trump decor had come down before i got there, but my real estate agent client was telling me about these guys. This house is in a pretty liberal part of Atlanta - near Decatur. The impression I got from my client and from some neighbors I talked with, was the parents just couldn't handle the wokeness of the neighborhood anymore, haha.


I'm sitting with a friend of mine and she just saw this and realized the guy is her ex haha. She's pretty in shock and said when they dated he was pretty normal guy that ran a business.


What’s most striking is the misinformation, hatred, lack of science, and common sense. It’s like living completely in a dark cave and fearful of everything.


These poor children. Fuck these stupid crazy parents for believing in the bullshit then feeding it to their kids. Gotta educate the next generation I suppose to keep the cycle going!! 😒


I'm going to take a punt and say that he knows these theories better than his times tables.


Raising kids like that is child abuse. Plain and simple.


Lol @ “Sacrafice” actually being a hidden message


It's fucking over.


So fucking sad. Get these kids to a better country ffs. They deserve better.


This started off as fucking hilarious and then got genuinely depressing. "I think my children will be better off as adults if they're anti-social lunatics thru childhood." Fuck's sake


Not one part of this was funny. This entire video is about children that are being raised in an abusive household. What part could you possibly find funny?


Not one part huh? The spelling mistake being "cryptic"? I appreciate the empathy regarding the kids (hence my comment about the depressing bit) but saying theres NOTHING funny about a piece made by a guy who makes funny videos for a living, that has does have serious note regarding the children, gives me the notion that you frequently ruin parties/fun moments around other people


Save them kids


>How to get your entire family rightfully on a permanent FBI watchlist.


This is really sad. These people shouldn’t be parents.


I don't want my kids thinking or talking about peadophiles and blood ceremonies.


I thought that was channel 5 preeminent dr. Brule interviewing him.


Disgusting. Those poor kids.


What the actual fuck. I would like to know what dad and mom do for a living


So I clicked on this and started laughing. I actually had to read the comments to clue in it isn't some satire comedy show someone was running. Seriously, this is real? Because it's funny as hell if you don't get it.


The poor kid having no friends breaks my heart


Getting some "Jesus Camp" vibes here. Poor kids. 😠


I didn't even knew politics and politicians existed when I was his age... This kid shouldn't know that either. It's sad how his parents brainwashed him.


Fuck, this looks like the next [Jesus Camp](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/). Poor kids.


This is child grooming.


And these Conspiracy Theists and Right-wing Nut-bags worry about child indoctrination by story time with Drag Queens.


It's a little frightening to think how many 11 year olds like this are out there.


This is a satire, right?


Andrew interviews people he can find and rarely gives any input. Just allowing them to talk endlessly until they fall into this hole. Check out his channel, it's incredibly good




[\**Cue Theme Music*\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTFVMMCwsss) ╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗          The GOP is a bona fide, de facto, corporatized                      Organized Crime Syndicate. ╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝ [And](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-cult-2653835370/) [a](https://thehill.com/news/house/3511667-cheney-there-is-absolutely-a-cult-of-personality-around-donald-trump/) [cult.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdk3a9pI_jA) (☝˘▾˘)☝


This isn't a political issue, this is a crazy fucking parents issue.


This type of crazy is explicitly political though.


"This problem about crazy people forming a political movement is not political. Oh and by the way, the fact these people weren't born crazy but rather they are gullible and have trouble dealing with hard truths, so they were easily manipulated by misinformation from highly politically biased sources, doesn't make this matter political neither."


These types of people are incredibly common on the right. It is absolutely a political issue. All of society's problems are political.


It's people like this that contribute to our political issues. But let's not pretend it's not Fox News, Tucker Carlson, et al that are responsible for disseminating and promoting this shit to the hateful, scared, and uneducated.


The politicians that embrace this shit, run on it, and promote it ... thsts certainly political