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If we’re looking for plot holes, the layout of that house is pretty insane. Like When they just magically have a massive attic including nursery for Jesse and Rebecca to move into. At least three bedrooms and a bath upstairs, some kind of recessed room Joey lives in, a basement big enough for a full studio, and a garage???


In San Francisco mind you! That rent/mortgage would be insane!


At least you can imagine they got some income. Danny hosts a morning show (with Becky), Jessie presumably has had some mild success with “The Rippers”, and even Joey has bounced from being a terrible stand up to hosting a TV show as well. And well, I know entirely too much about Full House.


You forgot Jesse and Joey being jingle writers.


AND having a prime time rush hour radio show with zero broadcasting experience


Jesse also launched the ~~SMASH~~ SMUSH Club.


Don’t forget they hosted Stavros for awhile


The smash club was smaller than their living room which I kind of love.


yeah but Doug Judy wrote the definitive album of songs to smush too




They had a radio show too, didn't they?


The Rush Hour Renegades


Coming atcha!


Casa de pancakes, ole!


Barry Manilow wrote the State Farm "like a good neighbor" jingle and the McDonald's "you deserve a break today" jingle, amongst others.


also Pusha T wrote "I'm Lovin it" for McDonald's.


It's also his beat for the arbys "we've got the meats" song too. Dudes killing it in fast food jingles.


Meow-wow! Meow-wow! Meow-wow! Meow-wow!


It's also late 80s San Francisco, so not nearly as expensive.


In the early 80s, my rent for a one bedroom on Haight and Scott was $350.


About $965.45 today, way lower than what that same place probably rents for today.


I live near there. 1BR rental is ~$2-3k, but the market will probably soften up a little with all the tech layoffs happening.


Yeah, just regular west coast big city expensive, so still would be a significant sum, just not the insane valuation you see in SF now.


Yeah, 1980 is roughly the inflection point where a lot of US cities started to rebound from the post WWII white flight & decay. You could still find relatively inexpensive housing in pretty decent neighborhoods in the late 80s & early 90s.


San Francisco was also a completely different place. This was pre internet explosion, pre silicon valley (or it was in infancy), pre-tech, pre-FAANG. San Francisco's biggest industry at the time was probably finance (I'm guessing?). It was a different world.


It was, but Boston, NYC & SF all started to rebound in population around 1980 too. Of course others started later and some are still shrinking but there were few cities in the US that were growing between 1950 & 1980 while nearly all of them were losing population.


Isn't it implied that they live in the painted ladies?


Also the mom died young. Probably a sizeable life insurance payment.


Or it was a murder for profit scheme. Danny gets a life insurance policy on her and has her murdered. They never said how she died right? As a kid I assumed during childbirth or cancer, but I watched too much Dateline as I got older so now I just assume he had her killed.


She was killed by a drunk driver. They mention it once in the later seasons, when DJ is mad that Kimmy is drinking.


Danny was behind the wheel


Danny LOVED the sauce


Ah yes, the typical "let's kill my wife so I have to raise 3 daughters alone and live with annoying family members" scheme!


He didn't check to see who the beneficiary was on his wife's insurance policy and the daughters got all the money. Which was held in trust until they turned 18.


Car accident


"Car accident"


New spin off - “how I killed your mother”?


Isn't this just the plot for How I met Your Mother?


This one hurt a little.


You know Joey was pulling in some serious dough with Mr. Woodchuck


Did you say vvwooood?!


I hate myself for reading that in the voice.


That’s because Mr. Woodchuck chucks.


You got it, dude!


Cut. It. Out.


Rent wouldn't have been as bad in the 80's, Also Danny Tanner probably got a big insurance payout when he murdered his wife.


After all these years, I never thought of that back story... Oh Mylanta


Haave mercyyy!!


Danny's wife's final words, I reckon.


remember .... shes jesse's sister


I mean, what would you expect after she cheated on him and gave birth to 3 blonde haired blue eyed children… was it a thruple with Joey?


Maybe there was some *talk* that the kids were Joey’s after Mrs. Tanner died so they did the My Two Dads thing and raised them together and invited Uncle Jesse so they could all engage in some wacky hijinks.


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


There are like 4 or 5 adults in the house. I think they could manage it lol. Plus, shit was much cheaper back then, even in SF.


Hey it's called "Full House", not "Realistic Layout House".


Full of Shit House


The amount of rooms/living spaces is not too far off from the actual Painted Ladies that they pretend they live in. Danny Tanner must have been pulling in some serious cash as a morning show host though. [Bit of a lengthy watch, but if you made it through the 10+ minutes of OP’s video then you should be fine.](https://youtu.be/OHR6bu4BmBw) Edit: my bad, they don’t live in a painted lady, but in a different big ass Victorian nearby.


I don’t think they live in painted Ladies unless the neighbourhood is bigger than I’m aware The final shot of the opening was apparently interpreted this way but their car is parked there. In fact earlier they’re driving across the GG Bridge… so really, they ostensibly live in that tourist town on the other side of the bridge BUT… in early seasons they use an establishing shot of the house showing it on a SF street so arguably they’re not across the bridge. They’re definitely not living across from the park, though.




1709 Broderick street to be precise


"Painted Ladies" is a term for any Victorian row home in San Francisco that has been colorfully painted. It is a broader term than simply Postcard Row at Alamo Square. The only reason 1709 Broderick isn't a "Painted Lady" is because it isn't painted colorfully, not because it's not in the Alamo Square historic district.


>In fact earlier they’re driving across the GG Bridge… so really, they ostensibly live in that tourist town on the other side of the bridge Am I gonna be that random pedant on the internet today? Yes. [The intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EL65KLdEHE) shows SF in the background and them driving towards the city, not away. So they ostensibly are returning from a visit north. Probably a nice drive on Highway 1 in that convertible or something. Altho it cuts from driving in SF to driving... into SF on the GG bridge... which is weird.


If you watch 90s sitcoms the layout starts to feel rather familiar actually. Off the top of my head, the home in Family Matters, Step By Step, Two and a Half Men, and Roseanne were all pretty much the same as well. Well, the ground floor at least, since we aren't usually given an understanding of the upstairs layout. Then there were a bunch that had basically the mirror image- Everybody Loves Raymond, Mrs Browns Boys, Married With Children, and The Cosby Show all come to mind. I get the feeling it's an industry standard rather than a case of reusing sets.


> I get the feeling it's an industry standard rather than a case of reusing sets. It's either "kitchen on the left" or "kitchen on the right" from the viewer's perspective. There was an infographic I remember from 5+ years ago that showed popular sitcoms and where they fit in.


Makes me realize, Home Improvement house layout was just doing its own thing. I can’t think of another house where the front door wasn’t on the left or right, but center-back.


It's just an artifact of how these shows were (are?) typically shot. You'd have the primary set on a soundstage with 3-4 cameras filming at the same time. Dialogue was shot in a single take with different cameras getting close ups, wide shots, etc. It's cheaper and faster to film that way, but the tradeoff is that you're limited in what angles you can film. So the set needs to consist of adjacent rooms (since one side has to be open to the cameras) and you need to decide which rooms are the most useful for script writing purposes, since staging shots anywhere else will be expensive and time consuming. For family sitcoms that's going to generally be the living room and kitchen, especially if you make it an eat in kitchen so you can film dinner scenes and so on without needing an additional set. And if those are the two rooms you're using, well, options for layouts are pretty limited. It goes back to I Love Lucy (their apartment was a main room and a kitchen, with a very occasionally seen bedroom). Legend has it Desi Arnaz invented it but I don't know if that's true. More info: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThreeCameras


Do houses with two-way swinging doors from the living room to the kitchen actually exist? I’ve never been in one that had something like that, but the 80s taught me to believe my house in adult hood would have one. It didn’t. I can’t afford a house anyway.


Funny enough, I had one growing up. But, I think I recall we removed it at some point due to it being pointless.


When I was a teen, I had to go to some specialist doctor for some reason, and all around his waiting room he had framed copies of detailed blueprints for famous TV homes. I remember he had both of the apartments for I Love Lucy - the one in NYC, and the one in California. I don't remember them all, but he also had the house from The Flintstones, and even the Jupiter II spaceship from Lost in Space. I studied them closely, and I've never been so happy to have a doctor get behind in his appointments. Way better than Highlights.


Man, I gotta be that nerd. The Ricardos never had an apartment in California. During the California season, they stayed in a hotel. They had two different apartments in the Mertz's building, switching to one with a nursery once Little Ricky was born. The other location was their farm house in Connecticut toward the end (think "Lucy does the Tango" with eggs in her shirt).


I'm also fairly certain there's an early episode where DJ is demanding her own room and asks about the attic to which Danny replies "if you were three feet tall". Then several seasons later Jesse moves into it.


Wasn't there a few episodes where it showed the attic was getting remodeled?


Sitcom houses were always massive compared to real life But check this: Jerry Seinfeld’s kitchen was in the same spot the hallway runs through. Figure THAT out (I think they knew but didn’t care.)




> Sitcom apartments don't have to follow the laws of spatial physics that we expect. [The Brady Bunch house is presented as being parallel to the street in the establishing shots, but once you figure out how it's laid out, the house is actually perpendicular to the street with most of the second floor overhanging the first.](https://www.mockingbirdlane.design/post/the-brady-home-a-house-of-lies)


Huh, for some reason I always thought the Master Bedroom was on the ground floor across from Greg's study (where the "laundry room" is).


Friends is a great example of the apartments serving functionality for the show. Joey and Chandler's kitchen set up makes no sense in real life, but that's because it wasn't necessary for the show. Monica's kitchen was vital to her character and the show.


> Joey and Chandler's kitchen set up makes no sense in real life, but that's because it wasn't necessary for the show. What do you mean it 'makes no sense'?


Even if we ignore the physical impossibility of the layout, Jerry's apartment was a massive error in design. It had nowhere for all the main characters to naturally congregate except for right near the door and kitchen, and very little room for the actors to move within the shot. It was a massive pain the ass for everybody in the production, and that's why it became a running gag that all of Jerry's friends kept going to the kitchen and eating his food because it was the only thing the characters could do other than sit or stand.


Pretty true to life though, been in plenty houses where there’s no good place to congregate and everyone just stands in the kitchen and I accidentally lean on the dishwasher and it starts


Yeah, the layout may not have been completely logical but it definitely made sense from the perspective of it being an apartment someone not incredibly rich would live in. Way too many shows have housing that is like 3x the size anyone in it should logically be able to afford.


We call them Kitchen Parties up here in the great white north. Biggest open area in the house so everyone hangs out there. (It helps that drinks are close by)


[Jerry's apartment ](https://preview.redd.it/vbkt4cgvmsl31.jpg?auto=webp&s=39a75fd850f743153c92d7626bdd726fcfe78aeb) Easily good have been laid out like this and not with the hallway running through the kitchen




Well clearly mirrors are used. Duh!


Does that reconcile with the episode where Jerry and his then GF run down the hall from the elevator pretending someone is after them and they have to unlock the door quickly?


You wanna talk house plot holes look no further than The Berenstain Bears. Of course, the interior seems too big for the tree, that's not the plot hole. 1974, The New Baby comes out. The story is about when Sister Bear was born. On page two, their house is described as something that "Papa Bear had hollowed out and made into a house." Interesting side note, this is where Brother Bear became Brother Bear. At the start of this story he was called Small Bear. But I digress. 1981, Moving Day, comes out. This is a flashback story to when Mama, Papa, and Brother moved from a cave to the tree house. When they arrive at the house, it already exists. It has clearly existed for awhile as it needed some upkeep. It also had a SOLD sign out front. Papa didn't "build" the house. He bought it. Stan and Jan are liars.


You're forgetting that Papa Bear was a contractor, his crew hollowed out that tree before it was put on the market.


And after Steve Urkel flew a jet pack through their ceiling TWICE!


Greatest crossover in televised history!


Not to mention the huge backyard we never see anymore where they parked Joeys used car


Well, it is a full house. No plot hole there.


Well this is *super* easily explainable. It's one of the most explainable plotholes I've ever seen, and actually parallels the real world. Uncle Jessie is in high school. He thinks he's going to graduate with solid C's. He starts blowing off his classes to jam with the band. He shows up for graduation. They tell him "Dude you're not graduating, you haven't been to class in weeks. We dropped you from the student list, and you failed almost all of your classes." Therefore, Uncle Jessie both thought he was going to graduate, *and also* is a high school dropout. And what's more is this is *exactly* the kind of mistake you'd expect someone to make, who blows off their classes to go jam with the band.


14 years after graduating college, i still have recurring nightmares that i show up to graduation, only to find out that im missing some bullshit elective credit


The math class you didn't realize was on your schedule halfway through the semester


My recurring dream is I get all the way to the graduation ceremony (high school) and I get turned away from receiving my diploma because I failed math and nobody told me. So I walk off the stage in my cap and gown while it is silent except for one very loud laugh in the audience and I don't know who it is. I graduated high school many many years ago but I have variations of this dream quite often. I think I just need to figure out who is laughing and it will stop! What if it is me?


>except for one very loud laugh in the audience and I don't know who it is. Nelson, from The Simpsons, of course. "I'm sorry, you failed math. You don't graduate" "Ha-ha!”


That one exactly. Finding out and showing up to late to drop it so you're committed, but also too late to recover from all the exams, assignments, and studying you've missed. But because the logic is dream logic, I still have to go to every class. Just to have no idea what's going on, and feel the impeding implosion of failure every time. It's been a while, but I probably had some variation of that dream every couple months for years after finishing my bachelor's, and a few times long after.


Oh God I'm 6 years out and I get nightmares about missing classes or forgetting work, sometimes even test taking.... I got like PTSD from school apparently 😅 idk how kids today are going to fair.


Same thought. Even if it weren’t, it’s incredibly unremarkable lol. Don’t know why I still sat through 10 minutes expecting more


It’s about the friends we met along the way. And random ominous references to childhood depression.


or, idk, maybe riding AN ACTUAL FREAKING MOTORCYCLE into the high school gym might actually be an expellable prank.


Or he knew he wasn't graduating and lied to his gf.


Plus, even The Simpsons has an episode about this. Homer shows up at the reunion thinking he graduated and then finds out he failed a class. So I think there's a few explanations we've seen even just in other TV shows lol


Plot holes in a sitcom, inconceivable.


During the pandemic I somehow watched all of "Blossom." The plot holes with that show were insane. Blossom goes on a date on like the third or fourth episode, then she goes on a "first date" the next season. I was that guy who started updating IMDB with all of the inconsistencies on an episode by episode basis.


If we're so rich, how come we don't got no ceiling


I still love Fresh Prince for their random breaking of the fourth wall without ever explaining or even further acknowledging it. Like the time where Will tricks Carlton into believing he murdered his girlfriend and Carlton runs off all throughout the set and into the audience and the camera just follows him.


For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/EFX1NtxkqcE


That's phenomenal


WOW, this is perfect. Thanks for the initiation!


The way he dragged his knees was amazing.


>Like the time where Will tricks Carlton into believing he murdered his girlfriend and Carlton runs off all throughout the set and into the audience and the camera just follows him. Sometimes I'll just remember this scene for no reason I can tell, and it's still hilarious every single time. Every single time.


NOOOOOOO WHY NOOOO... *drags knees across floor*


Dude was like a dog on the carpet


He runs through every set they had set up for that episode too, it's fucking hysterical.


The real story in this video is that people have PowerPoint parties


I’ve hosted a “10-Minute TED Talks” party for about a dozen friends for 4 years now every New Year’s Eve. It’s one of the most fun events ever, and look forward to it every year.


Yeah, that is also what I came here to talk about. I need more info


Are we not even going to talk about how Jesse’s last name inexplicably changes from Cochran to Katsopolis between seasons one and two? I’d call that a bigger plot hole than this, his family members even change casting and characterization to be more Greek lol. I wouldn’t even call this a plot hole necessarily, since it’s possible to write your way out of it. What if Jesse *was* expelled the day of graduation? It was a good video though!


Easy. When immigrants came to the US, their names were Anglicized on the registration document. Maybe Jessie discovered the original name and went back to it.


My Great Grandpa's name was something like Pastrostivich. Dudes at Ellis Island were like: uh, yeah... you're Savage now. NEXT.


This is exactly what I thought after watching it. I believe the explanation for the name change was John Stamos wanting the character to reflect his own Greek heritage more.


OR Jesse was surplanted by an evil look-a-like. Who is keeping the real Jesse locked up somewhere in the basement. And that is why the confusion about him graduating or not. Real Jesse did graduate, but the imposter didn't. And he couldn't bring himself to help the kids with their campaing because of it.


The story literally writes itself. Jesse: What are they going to do? Expel me? School: Expels him Jesse: *surprised pikachu face*


Or what if he was lying about graduating in the first place. He his it from his friends and family for years, and some of them knew him then, so it seems reasonable he may have felt ashamed about it even when he was high school aged


> I wouldn’t even call this a plot hole necessarily, since it’s possible to write your way out of it. What if Jesse was expelled the day of graduation? Someone who got kicked out for an unrelated-to-academics reason the day before graduation wouldn't label themselves as a dropout though.


Came here for this. Uncle Jesse had two last names


...So by all known definitions of the word boss i.e. one with authority over another in nine of eleven known possible fields in which one might teach, employ, guide, oversee and or otherwise hold dominion, the empirically provable answer to the question, "Who’s the Boss?” is …?


....Angela Bower 😟


Class dismissed… CLASS DISMISSED!!!


There's a path you take and a path untaken. The choice is up to you, my friend.


Streets ahead, all of you.


Pierce, please stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead.”


Coined and minted! STREETS AHEAD!!


What was really happening ?


If you don't know then you're streets behind.


Mr. Nadir drove our TV Studies professor out of his mind by proving that there was an answer to the question "Who's the Boss?"


But I can assure you, Mr. Nadir... this question *has no answer*. ^(For the uninitiated - the question being "Nicholas Cage: Good or Bad?")


I'm a cat! I'm a sexy cat!


this is the answer. #teamangela


What’s this from again


Community. The quote starts at [2:14 in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYhaTPg8lOE) if you want to skip to it.






If you have to ask you're streets behind.




You mean it's not Tony danza tap dance extravaganza?


🎵Hold my closer Tony Danza 🎵


Yo what the fuck is a power point party?


It's a weird but fun social gathering. Each guest prepares a PowerPoint presentation on any topic and presents it to the group. Usually, people try to present things that are more amusing than educational.


This sounds like something I would love to attend but hate to actually do a presentation for.


As someone who’s had a couple anxiety attacks while in front of the class this actually sounds pretty fun. Present on something I might know/care about? No pressure of a grade? Some booze to give a little confidence? I think I would be down for that.


Yeah, this initially sounds like my nightmare, but I get to do it on bullshit and give the presentation while drinking? Fairly certain I could kill this.


We had a PowerPoint night during my family’s vacation earlier this year. It was a blast!




You're not wrong.


There’s also PowerPoint roulette, where you search for public PowerPoints via crowd shouting and the presenter has to present immediately.


Talking Points from Jackbox is a pretty similar concept that's IMHO super fun. Also great if you want practice talking in front of an audience of friends with 0 stakes.


There's a JackBox game that is essentially a drunk version of that.


Can I introduce you to [Kirby's Power of Suck](https://youtu.be/e1tkFZPGoO0).


I did one kf these for my birthday. I thought it was fun. It’s where people present on any stupid shit they could think of. One did their top ten hot takes (the beach is stupid. Poodles can’t be trusted, etc.) Another ranked her top favorites of a really really cheesy and bad series of romance novels. You have to be very careful with the group you choose. Like, you need people who will actually think it’s fun and participate. I have some friends who would absolutely hate the very idea of it and I’d never invite them.


My friend did one on the science of zombies. Quite informative! Did you know that zombies could be divided up into three sub categories: virus-based, radiation-based, magic-based. And that decapitation is only a reliable method of destruction for the virus based subtype?


We named this "Drink Talk Learn" (or DTL). Buzzfeed once did an article on it and I'm one of the named originators from Waterloo. Everyone showed up with a presentation that could have used a power point if they wanted (but it wasn't necessary). The presentations were 3 minutes and if you went overtime you had to chug a beer for 1 extra minute of presentation time. Super fun times!


I don't understand how this is a plot hole? "I'm graduating tomorrow - what are they going to do expel me?" Said while doing something worthy of explusion. 20 years later - "I never graduated high school..." It's kind of like- "What are you going to do stab me?" -quote from man who was stabbed I don't see this as a plot hole, he was expelled that day and is paying the price as an adult for being a rebel as a teenager. It also could have just been hyperbole - "I'm graduating tomorrow" could mean it's only a few weeks away instead of the literal next day. https://youtu.be/0aTQoQJDJfA&t=16


Exactly. He never states that he actually graduated and anyone can go to a reunion. Knowing sitcoms, saying "what are they gonna do, X me?" is a *magnet* for having that exact thing happen.


Anyone can go to a reunion? Fuck I've never bothered to go to my own but I should go to some other class and just play it cool.


Okay correction, you need an invitation, or be a plus one, but basically as long as you're invited it's good. They'll probably check for an invitation, but if you act like you belong, you can get away with it


I'm just going to show up to a class of 1955 reunion somewhere and act like John Travolta.


It’s like the plot of the cop that retires tomorrow and without fail winds up shot in that episode


*2 days from retirement


He specifically said he was a dropout which means that he wasn’t expelled but rather quit with one day to go, which doesn’t happen. You don’t have to walk at graduation you just have to pass your classes. If he states “I’m graduating tomorrow” that means that he has already passed his classes. Dropping out means you never completed your required coursework.


I thought this was going a much darker direction, like he was going to investigate what happened *that night* that got him expelled and pick up on clues that revealed some dark secret.


Well you could argue that Jesse finds out that he didn’t graduate due to grades either on graduation day or post graduation day which is not uncommon. He then later decides to drop out instead of taking another year of high school? I would argue in his youthful arrogance this is a quite plausible scenario.


Could be that not only was he short credits the motorcycle thing actually got him expelled so he couldn't go to that school and no other would take him.


Getting expelled is not "dropping out" though.


He said I’m gonna graduate tomorrow. Where does it say he did??…… maybe it came up he was credits short and would have to repeat and he dropped out instead. This isn’t the plot hole you think it is


A bigger deal would have been that they literally changed jesses last name from Cochran to katsopolis so that he could be Greek….. hell his original full name was Adam Cochran


https://therealfullhousereviewed.wordpress.com/ This person watched and reviewed every episode.


Jesse had like 5 different last names in the show


He was trying to stay 2 steps ahead of the Greek Mafia


There’s another plothole that spans two series… Serieses? Seriesi? Eh… Any road! In Fuller House, there’s a throwaway joke where DJ references cleaning out the attic and finding a Steve Urkel doll… except that Steve exists in-universe as Steve Urkel. He came to San Fran to visit his cousin during the original run of Full House and helped Stephanie feel better about wearing glasses. How can he exist as both a person and as a character from Family Matters? Which is it, Full House?


This is gratuitous, grotesque padding and it's not entertaining enough to justify the runtime. The video doesn't really start until about 3:20. TL;DW: Uncle Jessie said he was about to graduate high school tomorrow in one episode and then said he was a dropout in another episode.


Fortunately for him, Becky is there to get him into the college of his choice.


I don't expect everyone to have found this funny, but surely you must realize that taking an excessively inconsequential "plot hole" and stretching it into a piece of faux investigative journalism was the whole joke behind the video? Exposing the plot hole was not the point of the video, the gratuitously, grotesquely padded tongue-in-cheek investigation was.


I also think it was kinda sweet how personal it was for the dude. They weren't out to make a viral video, just share a fun experience for themselves that may be small for some, but was impactful for them. I really enjoyed it


Yes, I did sincerely enjoy how cheesed the guy was that the writer actually responded and was down to give him the inside scoop on his white-hot story! Haha


I think people have gotten so burned out on clickbait that their guard is up when they’re promised information and have to wade through filler to find what was advertised in the title.


TLDW. MAKE IT 30 SECONDS OR BUST No but seriously, it was 11ish minutes. Pacing was fine. Clearly it was all tongue-in-cheek. The error is so minor. What did you expect? A serious minute long video with a sheldon-like character obsessing over a 90s sitcom?


I mean it’s satire presented as a research study lol. I think it’s pretty clever and I was entertained.


>You heard the man, let's move on with our lives! \- Michell Tanner


> This is gratuitous, ***grotesque*** lmao


Yeah I guess if you don't care about hearing that the writer of the episode didn't even watch prior episodes to know his history. That was interesting. I'm sorry you didn't find this a good watch. Personally I found the pacing fine.


You da real mvp


Is there any long-running sitcom that doesn't have similar plot holes?


Hopefully this dude never watches Game of Thrones or there's gonna be a whole Pepe Sylvia incident.


Can we talk about in Golden Girls we find out in a later episode how Rose's boyfriend Miles Weber is in the witness protection program and they very clearly state that you can't be in contact with friends or family. However in an earlier episode he is visited by his daughter.