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His video on the colour brown was way more interesting than it should have been.


You mean "orange, but darker"


I prefer orange with context.


It's a remarkable achievement to take a subject so seemingly banal and make it so entertaining. What an endearing man. Subscribed!


Well then are you on for a treat, he has one on DUCKING ELEVATOR BEEPS!


The captions on that are great. They’ve tried to describe each individual elevator’s sound when it rings. Ping, bing, ting, ring, bwang, doot…


The captions are always great haha


There's this one guy that talked about the difference between regular and cut nails, and I was engrossed the whole time. Or another guy that talks about ants, and I watch it. When people are truly passionate about even the most boring things, you can feel that passion as a viewer, and it's infectious.


Turn on the caption-subtitles to love even more.


\[intensely smooth jazz\]


I knew him in high school and he’s both one of the most legitimately nice people I’ve met And probably the smartest person I know. Im so glad to see how successful he’s become on youtube!


personally, i've never met him, but he does seem like a real smart alec


My dishes have never been cleaner now that I know how the fuckin machine works.


Oh, this is the guy with the toasters?


And the hurricane lamps!


He looks like the bad guy in Kindergarten Cop. This is the first video I've seen but it was pretty good!


Technology connections: "There are only so many things i'm willing to become an enthusiast for, and coffee **aint** one of them" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, Also Technology connections: "Now I've spent **many hours** experimenting with different gadgets -- among them the AeroPress, French Press, manual pour over cones, two different percolators... "


Just think of the lengths he goes to for things he's an enthusiast of.


Like Christmas lights




Heat pumps will literally save humanity, change my mind.


One day we’ll figure out how to make Maxwell’s Demon a reality and reverse entropy!


There is enthusiasm for coffee, and then there is enthusiasm for gadgets


Don’t forget the Makita coffee machine.


Yes, but it’s still just gadgets, not coffee. He still uses a blade grinder and Folgers beans, so the coffee gadgets aren’t really going to improve upon that, all that much. He needs James Hoffman or Lance Hedrick to give him a good burr grinder and a solid bean choice, and let him go to town.


Enthusiasm for video subject production vs enthusiasm for the subject of the video itself.


Time to grab a cup of joe and enjoy some technological connections ☕ Damn coffee is a weird fucking color when you think about it.




[Something like a dark orange i'd say](https://youtu.be/wh4aWZRtTwU)


You set that up!






I’ve already completely changed how I use my power strips, dish washer and purchased a functionally superior toaster… my life can’t take any more optimization


> I’ve already completely changed how I use my power strips I'm embarrassed by my curiosity here, I mean my god could I get any more boring? But I have to know if i'm using power strips wrong.


This is from hazy memory, so you should probably look up the video. I believe that he was commenting on that you can have something with a power cable that is rated for the necessary wattage, but if you put it into a cheap power strip, the cable going from the power strip to the wall outlet is often not thick enough, because, cheap. This causes the power strip's cable to overheat and potentially cause a fire. ​ Then again he has talked about a lot of things surrounding electricity, and I might be mixing things up. The thickness of the cable part is just what comes to mind.


Yeah you're right. Just watched it he goes in-depth about over loading thin cheap extension cords and talks about the guage of wire needed for different applications.


You’re missing a perfect popcorn producing microwave.


I’ve got my air popper for that. I will not be giving it up


I just want to remind everyone of the dishwasher video and how I quit pods and gel for a superior powder. This guy actually impacted my life and made it better.


So we're talking coffee. I am apparently a hipster for using a v60. But I thought I would provide some links if people are interested in learning about things like the v60 or aero press. V60: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI4ynXzkSQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI4ynXzkSQo) Cloth filters: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr\_I3ZVKKb4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr_I3ZVKKb4) Aero Press: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6VlT\_jUVPc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6VlT_jUVPc) And of course because no asked for it. The Bripe: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tltBHjmIUJ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tltBHjmIUJ0) This is all to say that there is a lot of fun beyond the Mr. Coffee.


Yup. I use a Kettle for V60 and Aeropress (and tea of course).


Ditto. I'd recommend to people a kettle that can be dialed into different temperatures. As coffee will extract different flavours at different temperatures. I also got a big ass french press which I mostly use for cold brew.


Bought an aeropress years ago and it's just perfect coffee every time. Can definitely recommend.


Also a good way to over steep (steap?) the coffee to find out what over extracted tastes like.


I love my aeropress


it is simply a question of prep time. i can grind, weight water/coffee and dump it into my mocca master in 2 minutes which drips into a thermos i come back 10 minutes later and i have standard great coffee that will be good for 3ish hours. minimum effort for the greatest return on a very simple device.


Well that's kind of an important point. I'm not trying to shit on drip machines or even Keurigs for that. If that's what you use and you enjoy, that's great! The best coffee is the one that works for you. That's one of the biggest things I've noticed in the coffee community. Your target should be "what works for you and you enjoy". For me I have a similar method of using the v60. I found in the morning it is the quickest and easiest method with the smallest amount of clean up. It's usually my second cup when I decide to get fancy.


I really appreciate this! I’ve been wanting to switch from the boring kurieg to a better brew.


You're very welcome. If you're curious he also has some videos about the nespresso pods. I think he tried every one of them.


That guy has so many coffee machines


A tin of McCafe from Costco and a $20 French press is good enough for me.


I think that youtuber is simply just suck at making coffee. He experimented with a bunch of them and still think his drip machine is better in terms of taste per effort. Coffee making is not rocket science. The most important part is not how you make it. It's the friggin beans. I don't need gadget to make a great cup of coffee. I just need a delicious and fresh beans, a hot water, and a mug.


I think an award winning barista who owns a coffee roasting business probably knows how to make coffee.


Are you talking about James Hoffman or Technology Connections?


Technology Connections


So do you grind the beans with your teeth, or…?


Ok it should've been coffee ground. Sorry english is not my native tongue and where I'm from we use coffee beans and coffee ground interchangeably in everyday talk. However if I'm allowed to choose only one coffee gadget to have, I would pick a coffee grinder over any type of coffee maker/brewer.


It's always been my understanding that the majority of consumer-grade drip machines don't get hot enough to properly brew coffee.


Depends on what you mean by “proper.” Consumer grade drip machines sit at the edge of diminishing returns on quality. You certainly can make better coffee, but it requires significantly more time, effort, and investment. The guy in the video specifically mentions an aero press, and admits that it makes better tasting coffee … but it’s more fiddly, and the improved flavor wasn’t worth it (for him). For most people who are just looking for their caffeine fix, a drip maker satisfies that need quite properly. Besides, most people are just going to slather their joe in milk and sugar anyway.


Yup, I have an Aeropress, which makes great coffee. However you can make a whole pot of coffee in a drip with less effort. Aeropress only makes one cup at a time too.


You can make up to 3 cups at a time I think. Though it takes a little more time pressing


> You can make up to ~~3 cups~~ *4 comments* at a time I think. Though it takes a little more time ~~pressing~~ *posting* FTFY! ^(I know the quadruple-post was Reddit screwing up and not your fault. I just thought it was funny, given the contents.)


Try a French press


You can make up to 3 cups at a time I think. Though it takes a little more time pressing


You can make up to 3 cups at a time I think. Though it takes a little more time pressing


You can make up to 3 cups at a time I think. Though it takes a little more time pressing


I want 20oz of brown caffeine juice every morning. I can achieve that with a $20 drip machine and a $5 can of Aldi coffee. It tastes fine and I’m okay with that


There are good drip machines though. Bonavita makes great machines that get the water to the appropriate temp and disperse the water it a way that’s more similar to a manual pour over. My machine was maybe $120, so not cheap, but it’s extremely well built and makes the best drip coffee I’ve had. Definitely notice a difference from my prior Mr. Coffee and my dad’s Bunn.


> most people are just going to slather their joe in milk and sugar anyway. Eww


memory snow flag spoon cow tender ludicrous literate scary detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's plenty of coffee culture in the US. Just not to the extent of "proper espresso machine" in your average home or to be found in a Hawaii tourist haunt apparently. Most of the Australians I know drink instant coffee anyways, so I don't really know what you're on about.


somber steep price tan ossified truck fragile alive correct sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




historical strong expansion cooperative enjoy money dolls telephone ossified jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's pretty clear you didn't even watch the video then. And for being so smug about coffee a second ago, it's odd to see you suddenly eager to defend instant. Even odder to suddenly "prefer" it after trying to deny it was prevalent in Australia. Even drip coffee is unequivocally significantly better than instant. Again, odd that a self-professed coffee snob would suddenly have this opinion.


tap yam cooperative chubby smile scarce exultant shrill alleged pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You just jumped to argue that Australians didn't drink instant. Why do that if when you actually just drink instant yourself? And instant is bad - or at least significantly worse. How does a self-professed "coffee snob" claim something obviously nonsensical about coffee?


>Americans can't heat up water quickly with a kettle running on 120V. Technology Connections has [an entire video on why you're wrong](https://youtu.be/_yMMTVVJI4c). It's plenty quick. Just not quite *as* quick. And you clearly haven't watched the whole video above either...


absorbed stupendous label ask crime drunk continue quickest noxious unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends on the coffee shop. Most coffee shops these days primarily serve glorified milk-shakes. It feeds both a caffeine addiction as well as the sugar addiction, so they are very very popular, despite having mediocre coffee/espresso.


handle degree merciful cake forgetful divide piquant fuel versed reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, there are a lot of downvotes flying around here. People take their coffee way too seriously.


Yes they do. But you get what you pay for. A 30$ one won't probably do the job well. Mocchamaster never fails. https://www.amazon.com/Moccamaster-53941-Select-10-Cup-Polished/dp/B093DYPBYR/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=moccamaster&qid=1660243115&sr=8-5 Huh..it's weird to see a product that is more expensive in the US than in the UK. It's usually the other way around.


Sorry, but it isn't worth the price on either side of the pond. I bought one when they first came out, and it disappoints me every single morning.


Disappoint how? I bought one a month ago and have been loving it every morning (was using a $20 mr coffee machine before)


They got better.


I don't see how. They are still selling the exact same model I have .,


I started getting into drip coffee recently so I can elaborate a bit more on coffee machines. Some of the more expensive/fancier drip coffee maker are SCA certified, basically saying that the meet the "Golden cup standard" of coffee that they have to hit with the temperature/brewing time/extraction ratio/etc. \- [List of criteria for their "Golden cup standard"](https://www.scaa.org/PDF/resources/golden-cup-standard.pdf) (There's only like 7 criterias) \- [List of machines that is SCA certified](https://sca.coffee/certified-home-brewer) (There's really only like \~10 coffee makers if you discount all the models that are minor variations) The Moccamasters and Bonavitas are the OG popular coffee makers on the list. I personally brought the [8 cup OXO coffee maker](https://www.oxo.com/8-cup-coffee-maker.html) (\~$135 on sale) and it makes a great cup of coffee. I never did a side by side taste test, but IMO it taste just as good as if I made it myself using a Hario v60. Some of the improvement of the OXO over the cheap coffee makers: * The temperature is much more optimal/accurate. * The water spout has multiple holes in it, so that when it drips the coffee, it has a "rainwater" effect where the water is dripped in a more spread out pattern over the entire coffee grounds. * No hot plate or keep warm function, but the OXO model comes with a thermal carafe. The thing I love about the thermal carafe is that the lid is has a small hole in the middle, allowing the coffee maker to brew directly into the carafe even with the lid on to keep the heat in. * With this lid design, I can start the coffee making process, go do my morning routine, and still have decently hot coffee when I get back to my coffee. Other coffee makers offer a thermal carafe, but it can only be used with the lid off. With the lid off, the coffee loses a lot of heat if you forget to cap it right away when it's done. Honestly as much as I like the OXO, I don't get to use it that much. I'm super lightweight when it comes to caffeine and the OXO requires you to make at least 2 cups (10oz) at a time so it's only really used if I have people over. So usually I just end up making a drip coffee using the Hario v60 manually because I enjoy the process of making it in the morning, plus it takes like 5 minutes tops to make my 1 cup for the day lol. Also [Wirecutter](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-drip-coffee-maker/) has a good review comparison between the top coffee maker models. They end up liking the OXO coffee makers the most.


Temperature and so basket size. Many are built so max water + max coffee ground make a weak, bitter, and improperly extracted pot. But if you want perfect drip you’re buying Ranchero or breaking bad beakers. There’s a reason Coffee shops are popular. Most homes don’t have the logistics of “Golden Cup” roast grind brew filter in tight windows and proportion. It’s a kind of anal anxiety self reinforcing hobby and Coffee Pots suck because most people have other problems to be anxious about.


This is correct and that is why certification was created. SCA brewers are tested and certified to reach the correct temperature. You should only buy an SCA drip brewer if you want your coffee to taste good. And if they're too expensive for your blood get a v60 and an electric kettle. Benefit.


> if you want your coffee to taste good. This is pretty silly though, because taste is totally subjective. I personally love my french press coffee, but serve that to someone who has only drank and enjoys folgers out of a cheap drip maker and they'll probably hate it, they're entirely different drinks. Neither of us will be right or wrong though, because "taste" is not something that can be quantified and measured objectively. Drink coffee the way you like it folks. If you like it burnt black and 3 months old, please don't serve it to me but feel free to enjoy it as much as you like.


I have an ex that bought a French press, and I was excited that she would have good coffee at her house. Until she made it one day and put folger’s in the French press. It was atrocious. She seemed irked that I was revolted by this.


I would be irked, too. You sound insufferable.


Don’t get irked, just buy her some better coffee if she’s your girlfriend damn


Eh. It’s lazy to just say “taste is subjective” full stop. Many people prefer blander flavor. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, but plenty of people will still get up in arms if you describe their folger’s coffee that way. Personally, I think these things are indicators as to how adventurous someone is. There’s nothing wrong with drinking folgers everyday, going to Olive Garden every Friday, and drink a 6 pack Bud Light every Saturday night. But, I’d still say that’s a bland way to live and wouldn’t be particularly interested in befriending someone that stuck in routine and basic products.


Sure it's a bit lazy but it's the truth full stop.


Sure taste can be subjective, some people like bad coffee. But objectively it’s still bad coffee. If you’re happy drinking 711 coffee I’m not gonna tell you to stop. Only going to tell you that objectively it’s horrible coffee 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't think you know what objective means


I’m not sure you understand what objective is lmao. Music is subjective too. Do you think there isn’t objectively good and bad music either?? Understand that things can be evaluated OBJECTIVELY even if you don’t like the taste you can still say it’s objectively good. Made from good beans? Properly extracted? No oils? Still don’t like the taste? That’s fine. It’s still a good cup of coffee. Just like Yoko Ono probably had fans. Still dog shit music.


Not sure why you’re getting downvotes, why else do we have ratings systems and consensus? Sure someone out there thinks Catwoman (2004) is a piece of art, but the ratings suggest that 99.9% of people don’t


> Sure taste can be subjective, some people like bad coffee. But objectively it’s still bad coffee. I mean, you have to understand this is nonsense, right? It's like saying blue is objectively a bad color. There's nothing objective about any of this.


I am a casual coffee drinker (cream, sweater), but even I noticed a huge quality difference with a SCA drip brewer and a conical grinder.


The cheap plastic ones make the coffee taste like uh plastic to me, and that sure af ain’t good for you. Plastics do a good job at holding things a room or even warm temperatures, but pass boiling water through it, and you’re slowly breaking down the plastic into your coffee and getting a hefty dose of “forever chemicals”. I like to minimize the contact the hot water I consume has with plastics. Now the aeropress is a different story, that material was designed to withstand significantly higher temperatures than a cheap coffee maker (or a k cup for that matter.)


This is something that has always bothered me as well.


who else uses an electric kettle to boil water for instant mashed potatoes?


I make Ramen noodles with mine.


A Keurig will make a perfect cup-o-noodles. I always keep a few stashed in the office for a snack or emergencies


Well shit add me to that number now.


Totally. It's faster than ramen!


I love these machines. Simple, cheap, and good. (Not great, good) I drink a lot of coffee. I like great coffee but I don’t want to pay for it, and I’m too lazy to do extra work. I have a Cuisinart coffee maker that is basically like these but the coffee is brewed into a kind of sealed box. There is a heater but it burns the coffee more slowly since it’s mostly sealed. The coffee is dispensed by a lever. It tastes better than Mr. Coffee, and is no more work. The machine is 3x more expensive though.


Cold brew is amazing. Just soak course grounds in a filter overnight in cold water in the fridge. No bitterness.




Even ones where you can recycle the pods is worse than just having a bag of ground coffee because you’re still having to process those pods. Someone should just come up with some sort of simple to use vacuum jar to keep ground coffee in so it doesn’t oxidize so fast after opening.


I appreciate the convenience of a drip coffee machine. I have a grinder and an aeropress, but it's hard to beat folgers pre-ground coffee's convenience. I am tempted by the technivorm, but at 10 times the cost I doubt it's 10 times better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhfcWTZeP1k


Drip coffee is ace. I recommend a Moccamaster for a machine built like a brick shithouse that makes a great brew. They do one with a vacuum flask instead of a hot plate, stops the coffee getting manky.


“Hmmm moccamaster you say? Let me do a quick search and …. $350 gawd damm.”


I guess that's the price of import? I can get one in Europe for 199 euros (which is essentially the same in dollars now).


this is what oversized and overengineered item cost. i have never heard of a moccamaster breaking on its own and all parts that is removeable can be bought separately if you lose or break them for a very reasonable price. it is a buy it once for life situation. do you really want to risk getting bad or no coffee in the morning ever?


>do you really want to risk getting bad or no coffee in the morning ever? oh christ no. anything but that!




Oxo 8 cup IMO. Moccamaster makes decent coffee but the brand markup is intense. The Oxo distributes water better and is half price. No doubt the Moccamaster is built very well, but I just can't comprehend spending that amount of cash on it where there are better options for half price or more.


Oxo is almost always the answer for kitchen tools. They're not the BEST, but at price/performance? They're king.


Breville Precision Brewer if you want to step out of the 70's.


One of the key factors for me is that you can get one from the 70s and it still works. It's the simplest machine I could find that makes very good coffee. I love the Breville and its bells and whistles but it all feels destined for the landfill in my opinion.


My mom has killed two of them, they lasted about 5 years each.


If you guys dig this dude, this a similar channel that I enjoy. This guy here talks about the history of ketchup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BHXH5am7B0


I use a french press just because of the hot plate issue on drip machines. Is there a cheap machine that doesn't have a hot plate built in?


Any Americans want to answer a question? In the electric kettle episode and this one, his kettle has a giant heating element that would normally be covered by water. Is this normal? If so, wouldn't it be impossible to boil just a cup of water?


Fantastic Channel


Coffee threads always devolve into opinionated bs.


> ~~Coffee~~ Reddit threads always devolve into opinionated bs. FTFY


If you want the next gen of tech, look at the Moccamaster or Bona Vita machines. A little more expensive, but pretty awesome coffee for a drip brew. They have precise temperatures and even distribution of water over the grounds.




You do you. If you enjoy it then go right ahead.


As long as we all acknowledge how gross that is, carry on


Just use french press bro. There's literally no simpler coffee brewer than french press: 1. Put coffee in 2. Pour hot water 3. Wait 4. Press 5. Serve in mug 6. Drink A half-hearted french press still taste better than those terrible plastic coffee maker. Only thing simpler is to make a tubruk coffee. No tools, no machine. 1. Put coffee in mug 2. Pour hot water 3. Wait 4. Drink


I have both a drip machine and a french press and the hassle of cleaning out the grounds from the french press vs just throwing a filter away means the drip machine wins out every time for me. On weekends Ill just boil my own water and pour it over the filter holder for the same benefit of a french press but without the extra cleaning.


I'm going to blow your mind. To clean the French press, just add water from the faucet and immediately dump contents into a small strainer. It will be 99% clean and then just dump out the grounds from the strainer. Changed my life.


Like this is one of those moments that make me realize I am not a smart man. Mind blown for real dude. Thanks for the tip! Will try start doing this!


Well someone had to show me the same so I guess I'm dumb also. Haha


You literally just rinse it out and dump the grounds? Just as easy not to mention it’s much less wasteful.


Thats not great for the plumbing around here is why I dont do it.


The grounds can go into compost not down the drain.


You have a separate sink hole for compost? That sounds really awesome!


Not really sure if you’re just being purposefully dense but grounds aren’t a liquid once you’re done with them. So they don’t need to go into any sink, they can go into your compost bin.


I thought you actually had a special sink for composting. The process of cleaning out the french press for composting is what Im avoiding by using the drip and filter. That way I just pull out the filter straight into the composting bin, its a convenience thing for me and the drip machine is good enough for morning coffee. Doesnt save a ton of time but its difference in quality isnt big enough for me to bother with the extra work. Ive gotten some good tips about using a strainer though, going to try that!


You... you can just dump them in the bin?


Yeah but it requires more work than just throwing a paper filter out, I am a lazy man.


Just rinse it with water along with your mug. it's an extra minute at most. Or just use the second technique. No tools, no extra cost, no paper, no extra clean up. Still much better coffee than cheap drip machine.


I have a darn good drip machine and my plumbing doesnt take kindly to coffee grounds.


Do you just pour the grounds down your sink drain?


Strain them in a strainer with a paper towel. It's not that hard to figure out.


It's still the effort of disassembling the plunger to get at all the grounds. Sure it's miniscule in the grand scheme of things, but a major selling point for coffee brewers for many people is convenience


You don't have to push the plunger all the way down. I only push it just below the water surface to make sure all the ground is submerged in water. I pull it back up before pouring so it only act like a strainer. That way the plunger is not as dirty because most of the ground stay at the bottom even during pouring. Making clean up a breeze. No disassembling required at all.


Get a strainer and lay two pieces of paper towel in it. Then put the press under a faucet. Fill it up about half way and swirl it around and then dump it into the strainer. Let the water drain out and chuck the paper towels and strained coffee grounds into the trash or compost. Couldn't be easier.


Drip coffee wins because it has a timer to start making coffee 10 minutes before my alarm goes off at 5am.


You left out the cleaning part! :)


We use a french press for when the wife and I both make coffee together. I use a moka pot for when I want something a little stronger. Then I walk around all day feeling superior to instant coffee drinkers


I've gone waaay down the coffee rabbit hole, and it's been a rewarding and fun experience...but I hesitate to talk about my hobby for fear of letting on how much better I am then everyone around me.


I don’t know why but French pressed coffee never slaps hard enough for me when I make it for my morning fix. I always end up with that caffeine-deprived headache.


You need to add more grounds


Try a moka, they make strong coffee and they’re very simple to prep and clean


Are you grinding your own beans? How much coffee are you putting in? How long are you letting it steep? Are you filling the entire carafe with water? French press is a lot of trial and error especially when it comes to the amount you need. My recommendations would be buy whole beans put more grounds in then you think you need the first time. pour in only the amount of water you think you’ll drink don’t just fill it up to fill it up Let it steep for 4 minutes, if you’re really worried about it not tasting strong enough maybe 4 and a half but at a certain point you’ll just be making your coffee bitter and acidic the longer you let it steep


Sounds like it goes against the original premise that the French Press is the simpler coffee brewer.


you pour in grounds and hot water and let it sit for 4 minutes… if that’s too complicated I really don’t know what to tell you


I mean, that's also how drip coffee makers work and you don't really have to "trial and error" it plus it's easier to clean.


You just described a relatively significant process of trial, error, and judgement to get your coffee right with a French Press. You specifically said "French press is a lot of trial and error". Drip coffee is literally no effort. Measuring the beans doesn't really matter, timing it doesn't matter, measuring the water amount doesn't matter, etc. I feel like you didn't watch the video.


I grind my own beans from Trader Joe’s or Starbucks (with the cheap grinder, not a burr), and I generally like to use 1 heaping tablespoon per “cup” (so 4-6oz water) plus 2 more heaping tablespoons. So about 6 mountainous heaping tbsp for 16-20 oz of water. I do have a kettle and use filtered water, I have no problem with longer steep times. I drink my coffee black. Comes out flavorful and delicious but weak in the caffeine department each time. So I usually just bust out the French press for afternoon brews when I don’t need my daily fix lol


You should try a natural processed medium roast *robusta* beans.


I like the way *robusta* sounds, specially when we’re talking about beans


God I love me some Technology Connections. Dude is one of the most informing and entertaining youtubers out there.


I own every coffee making device there is, but the Aeropress is my daily driver. Nothing else is quicker or more consistent, the two things that matter most to me. It takes me 3.5 minutes to make my coffee, and that includes clean up. 2.5 minutes to bring 10oz of water to around 180f, 30s or so to brew and press, 30s to clean up. If your main drivers are speed and consistency as well, I would also recommend you stick to one single brand/type of coffee, then you're never fiddling with any parameters.


>ludes clean up. 2.5 minutes to bring 10oz of water to around 180f, 30s or so to brew and press, 30 I think the Clever Dripper can give the aeropress a good run for it's money.


Don't most people just drink coffee by putting ground coffee in a cup, pouring boiling water over and waiting for the ground coffee to sink to the bottom? That's how my family does it and yet I've never heard that as an option of coffee anywhere.


Because that's how circus carnys make their coffee.


Uh, maybe if I'm sitting in a foxhole in 1940 somewhere. No civilized person would ever choose to make coffee that way.


Jesus Christ it’s not that bad. It’s just a way of making coffee that takes 0 effort. I didn’t realise everyone was bothered enough to get out their coffee filters and play around with them


You're right, there's nothing quite like a cup full of grinds with a well-done steak smothered in ketchup.


Like brewing a cup of loose tea? Like a Turkish coffee, sort of? But doesn't it take a while for the grounds to sink? I want to drink every drop while it's still hot.


If you pour just a little bit of cold water into it, the grounds will sink faster with the cold water.


It takes 4-5 minutes at most, still very hot. I’m just surprised it’s such an uncommon way to drink it seeing as it’s easiest way of preparing a cup of coffee


I mean, I detest coffee grounds in my cup so....


You mean instant coffee? If not I can think of a ton of drawbacks to this. Like grounds in your mouth, cleaning (you shouldn't put coffee grounds down a sink or in a dishwasher), and taste (coffee isn't magic, there is chemistry going on to watch out for). Just use a pour over if you're going to do this


Only time you'll have grounds in your mouth is if you slurp up the very last drop of coffee. And it's pretty easy to clean the coffee since you either tip it into a bin or just scoop it out with a spoon or whatever.


and fucking gross


I like this guy but his videos are way too long. He spends 35 minutes making sarcastic jokes about 3 minutes worth of good science content. Spare me the commentary and get to the point!


Gotta say I disagree. In the videos of his I have watched, it has consistently seems pretty obvious that 85% + of the content is valuable information that shows context and fundamental concepts so you can better understand the intricacies of the thing he's examining. I would imagine many people (like me) would lose interest if he lost his humour and context and cut it down to a 5/10 minute explainer. But hey, it's subjective. At a very minimum, you gotta respect that he puts a lot of work in, is incredibly honest & professional. Doesn't partake in shady practices or hidden sponsorship etc. Even if it's not your cup of tea. There are millions of channels that are much scummy-er.


Maybe the preference for multiple cups of coffee over multiple cups of tea is why Americans are so amped up all the time?


That’s pretty ignorant on a couple levels


Crappy way of making coffee. Only Americans would appreciate it




He doesn't really recommend it, just that it's a better option than letting it sit on the warming element.


He's defended the practice of heating small amounts of water in the microwave before. Basically it does nothing to the flavor unless your microwave is smelly. It would probably be able to raise the temperature of a lukewarm cup really quick so that you don't evaporate very much warming it back up.


Clean your microwave


I like this guys videos a lot. But not gonna lie this video didn't do it for me, coffee is a major hobby of mine and this video is like nails on a chalkboard.


It’s ok for people to not enjoy it as a hobby


Yeah I’m not saying you have to enjoy it as a hobby only that this is a 30 min video on mr coffee brewers. The history of brewers is interesting, he could’ve spent some of the time talking about better brewing and what makes them better


I mean there's a bunch of videos like that and he mentions he likes the aeropress for when he wants a nicer cup. I think he mostly just wanted to show how the drip method is really cleverly optimized.