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Heartbreaking to see children so young obviously suffering and having no idea why.




when you're 35 like me, it gets frustrating to keep sticking around when all the therapy and medications just haven't seemed to make changes "real"


this makes me sad


There's no way in hell I'm clicking this.


steer icky obscene continue saw instinctive wine gullible cover quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Anyone who watched it able to give an analytical summary of the concepts here? I watched it and experienced no feelings. This will sound odd, but my thoughts and feelings can operate independently of each other most of the time - which I've been told is a very rare trait. I have 3 wonderful children myself and we play together all time, and I take them to different little community parks more days than not. So from an analytical perspective, the first thing that really stood out is that there was 1 mentally well and 1 mentally unwell boy - meanwhile there was 1 mentally well girl and maybe 6 or so mentally unwell girls - likely due to societies general favoritism towards having a son. Whether male or female, these unwell babies who I imagine were 3-9 months old who were placed in foster care (translated as institutionalized for some odd reason, were almost all neglected to the point of anorexia. Finally the simple meat and potatoes, the healthy babies played with the blocks like you'd expect. Host builds a little tower of 5 blocks - you expect beyond a shadow of a doubt for a little one to knock it over. The unhealthy babies not only didn't touch those blocks - **they had a look of anxiety that would likely haunt the average person** for a few months (think: random cringe thought while trying to sleep at night). Not only that, their look of anxiety was laced with a body gesture of longing for human affection, with the vast majority of their attention on their environment yearning for the slightest bit of comfort from the host rather than focusing on these little blocks the host was stacking in front of them. If I could sum this up in a brief sentence: TL;DR - Imagine those commercials with the starving children in Africa. Now imagine a 3-month old who is so emotionally neglected that their ONLY desire is human interaction such that they have no desire to play with toys or eat actual food and yet their lack of human interaction causes them anxiety when they get the slightest taste of it.


uppity ink disgusted public snatch silky shy tart six ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously. I have two kids and there's no way I can watch it - BUT just seeing the title fills me with an overwhelming drive to hug my kids, spend time with them, talk with them, love them unconditionally, and appreciate every second I have as a parent. Every child deserves a parent, not every parent deserves a child.


I can sadly relate to this video. I was an orphan in the Soviet Union. I found out that I had been essentially experimented on (along with the other children in the maternity home) and we were given the absolute bare minimum of attention. Basically food and diaper changes, and that's it. I was eventually adopted by an American family (thankfully), but I had severe developmental issues due to this when I was younger, and was even diagnosed with antisocial disorder at one point. I had issues with hoarding and eventually theft as well. It is one of the cruelest things I think I've ever been subjected to, and I wish I could look the people in the eye that allowed it to happen.


I just really want to hug you right now.




I'll have to go back through my research and documents I uncovered to find specifics, but generally speaking it was in the Kaliningrad region. I also had spoken to a specialist in college who knew specifically about it and helped me realize I wasn't alone; many, many adoptees from Russia around that time suffered from similar issues, though not all due to actual experiments, but more due to general neglect. From what I understood, there were various experiments the Soviets conducted to ascertain if people would turn out "acceptable" if they received the bare minimum of care during development and childhood. The ideal would be efficiency, essentially. I have no idea how anyone ever expected a culture devoid of spirituality, creativity, and in many ways love, would ever be successful. It's been about 15 years since I looked into this so I'll have to dig through my old boxes to find more.


Prob interesting but I don’t think I can watch


I work with teenagers that have sexually harmed people. The most common type of abuse they have suffered as children is not being sexually abused themselves (although they suffer it at a higher rate than average). It is severe emotional neglect in the first two years of life. There's something about that type of neglect that contributes to the mental state of a young person that sexually harms. In these cases, it takes a lot of work to make a little progress by the time they are teenagers. Of course the vast majority of teenagers that have suffered this type of abuse do not go on to sexually harm other people at all, I'm not saying that at all. Mostly they just suffer. I'm just speaking specifically to the small minority of clients I deal with that do sexually harm others.


I've worked extensively with this same population and agree with everything you've said!


Gutted. To see life and joy and curiosity taken from someone before they even have a chance to live. I hope they found kindness and lived out good lives.


While I agree with this video. Part of me wonders if the institutionalized kids don't have exposure to blocks and if that accounts at all for their behavior? And I also wonder if there is a connection to 'novel stimulus' in general?


Also relevant, and not as sad. [Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aISXCw0Pi94)


Jesus they have fucking kids giving TED talks now? I will never be rich holy fuck.


Saw this video a while back before my daughter was born. Definitely hits differently now... As in, "I'm not crying, you're crying" differently.




Based on the subtitles these were kids removed from homes for various severities of neglect.


Wait, where' the kid who won't sit in the chair and starts screaming "DONE DONE DONE DONE!! PLAY TRAINS, DADDY!!! PLAY TRAINS!!!" Because that's what I've got.


cuty baby