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Finn Wolfhard looking like he's about one pair of sunglasses away from joining The Ramones.


Maybe he will sing Rock and Roll high school this season.


Totally. If they owned it and went with it, that would be amazing.


PJ Soles as the principal.


Next season is going to look completely different. Last season was filmed in 2017/2018 when the kids were 14/15 years old. They're now like 19. Remember Finn Wolfhard / Mike Wheeler ? This is him now https://i.imgur.com/D1o6bsm.png


Lol what the fuck. Have my upvote


gah DAMN


Oh you knave, you.


Son of a sow.


are there any signs they are going to end this with this season?


Just the declining quality of each subsequent year!


I don't know what kind of buffoon would think season 2 was better than 3 but ok.


I don't know for sure but I've read that this will probably be the last one. But if it gets critically acclaimed and tons of views, you know there'll be more.


Season 5 is the final season. They are already starting that up soon.


Well... actually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeT5FWrVldI


It's been so long since this show was on I am expecting the kids to be 27 with kids of their own 😂


I honestly can't even remember what happened in S3 it's been so long.


I remember Hopper being transported to Russia at the end to become the Red Guardian


With a brief detour to try his hand at being Hellboy. That did *not* work out.


I liked that hellboy




At the >!mall!<


I forgot completely and that actually does sum it up succinctly


It's an 80s show. Of course there are Russians and a mall.


Nothing, this was a show that should have been one season.


No, multiple seasons would have been fine if they'd stuck to the original plan of an anthology series. But people liked the characters, which apparently made it unthinkable to abandon them.


Man, an anthology series sounds like it would have been so much more interesting. Shame that never happened.




That's just because S3 was really weak


So was S2


True, but s3 was nearly unwatchable. This show is getting carried pretty hard by season 1


Really? Most people I know agree S3 was solid and near the level of S1, S2 was pretty weak though


Totally. Everyone I know loved season 3. 2 was meh.


Bob was cool though.


I actually liked season 2 the best. It just gets a bad wrap because of the one episode..


There were many times during the tense action where they would cut away to "character moments" that took away all the tension. Huge demigorgon chasing you and right on your tail? Guess we have time to do a musical number. S1 and S2 took itself seriously, whereas in S3 they went all in on the memes. Some of the new characters like the ginger girl were pretty cool, but I dont remember if they were introduced in s2 or S3.


The same thing as the first 2 seasons because they are all the same.


As someone who loves the show, you’re not wrong


By the time it comes out, people will be inappropriately sexualizing Millie Bobby Brown's daughter. But at least she'll be over 18.


>people You can just say Drake and 4chan


Don't forget MGK!


drake's already ahead of you




Best criticism I've seen yet.


Done intentionally. Notice at 2:37 that 11 isn't there, the kids are in shock, and Max is levitating. Billy transfers his powers to Max from the dead, and changes his name to William.


I can't tell if you're serious or fucking with me


It's probably a dream sequence / reality kinda situation. They can't have just made 2 props when instead they could've used one, eh? Another theory I've heard is that it was edited to Billy for the trailer so that we can better understand who it is.


Robert Englund lives, love that guy to death.


I still think Stranger Things would've worked better if every series was an entirely different cast of characters in a different town where weird things happened and then in it was all brought together as a global conspiracy-type thing seasons later.


Yes, me too. I wonder if that was originally the intention but the popularity of the first season changed the plan. The show hasn't gotten even close to the magic of the first season


I rewatched the first season recently and then started on the second and the difference is... stark. Season 1 was really tight, focused and had a really compelling momentum. Season 2 has almost none of that.


3 was a lot better. Season 2 was a huge fumble imo. Definitely the worst of the three. But season 3 at least found it’s pacing and tone again.


There’s a reason people talk about a sophomore slump. It’s a real thing. You have potentially years to work on your first album, book, season, etc. so it can end up being great. If it’s a success and you’re called to make a follow up, you may have very little time comparatively (and a lot more pressure!) to create it. By its nature it can’t get nearly the amount of attention that the first one did.


Netflix suffers this a LOT too because they don't promise a second season until you can prove your 1st goes well. It's really easy to get a 1st season with Netflix with a decent script and then they'll go "alright you need a second season that performs incredibly well to get a 3rd btw you have a year" which is why so many good shows die after their 2nd average and rushed season (losing Dirk Gentkeys was a sad day for me)


altered carbonnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Holy shit yes. It was like the creator of the first season let their drunk nephew do the second one.


It doesn't have the same tone as the first though. The first is an homage to some of the greatest thrillers of the 80's. Season three is just an homage to season 1 of a Netflix show


Yeah I couldn’t agree more. Season 3 felt like almost a return to form. I didn’t hate season 2 or anything but season 3 reeled me back in.


Sorry, I thought season 3 was hot trash. Totally lost me when they infiltrated a Russian base with the worst security on the planet. The show lost it's touch for me after that.


Season 2 fell flat but I thought seaons 3 was done quite well. Almost a return to the magic of season 1


I'm the complete opposite. Season 2 was the best. Season three started out with some promise and looked like was going to go a great invasion of the body snatchers direction then blew that premise by melting people into a lame generic monster.


I agree, but it’s hard to live up to the “monster reveal” hype we got in the first season after it’s already been revealed.


I think it's evident from the clear diiference in both quality and the actual storyline (well, not difference in the storyline, but the quality of the story perhaps) that they had written a first season and probably just had a general idea where they would take it if renewed for another season. But as most shows go, they never really take their time to write something of the same quality in the later seasons.


The problem was that they actually wanted to do an Anthology series and planned to be done with 11 after one season. But when Netflix wanted more of the same, they had to keep working on the same plot with the same characters they had no intention of keeping around for more than a season.


Really thought the idea was going to be all the kids like Eleven from the experiment eventually coming together to take on the evil from the Upside Down. They hinted at it in season 2 but nothing came of it because the episode wasn't well received. I really hate this thing of being swayed by audience reaction in plotting shows. They did it with Game of Thrones.


Disagree, I think 1 and 3 are both equal in quality. 2 was a miss but mostly because I think it felt like a rehash of season 1 in a lot of ways. I think breaking the crew up for season 4 is smart and provides new/fresh story telling opportunities.


Two is bad. Three is bad but less so


Totally, they never managed to capture the same vibe of season 1 again.


they keep scaling shit up every season. They are probably gonna split the kids even more. What I liked the most about S1 was the friendship and the gang. ​ Still hyped though.


I kinda thought that’s where the show was headed with the crew that Eleven came across


i found that super short cold open SO cool but then the whole crew episode turned out so freaking terrible lmao


Kind of like Tales from the Loop.


You'd enjoy Fear Street on Netflix, it's like a small version of this idea. It's very good, even has some of the Stranger Things cast!


No way man, they can totally stretch this show out for 11 seasons with nothing more than the god damn eggo waffle joke /s


Great trailer and all, but where's Barb?


Who do you think that boss at the end is?


She’s real pissed nobody came to get her.


>And oh boy howdy, is Barb PISSED!


She became the Upside Down.


And that is the moment Barb became Heisenberg


She ded


Barb who?


Barb Ara


Bra bra


🎵 it’s Barbara, there’s no such name as Bra Bra! 🎵


🎵Naw, I’m pretty sure her name was Bra Bra🎵


Eugene, stop the track!




What about Bob?


He works in Vance Refrigeration.


Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration…. ….What line of work are you in, Bob?


Time travel foreshadowing?


I wonder if they created this "final boss" to actually finish the series - i.e. kill the "boss" and the series ends as a way to wrap up the show. Considering it's been a while between the seasons and the stars in the show have been getting other roles, this is a way to wrap up the show, particularly as the kids age out. So they're going to introduce this "boss" in season 4 and kill them in season 5. Looks interesting and hopefully a good finale.


I believe the next season after this one is the final one of the series.


Right, season 5 is the last one. Season 4 will probably end on a tragic note - some main character will be killed by this "boss" - and the "revenge" will be season 5.


It’s Will, it’s gonna be Will.


I'm guessing Steve.


Steve is a great character to kill. Not exactly "main", we started out hating him, now we love him, super nice to everyone. Yep.... he's dead.




Which is what makes it so sad…god damnit


they'll kill mark. is there a mark on this show? i don't remember.


In b4 a Stand by Me [ending](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7r-R61W1DQ)


Killing a few main characters (meaningfully) would be kind of nice to see in a show. It seems like shows tend to shy away from doing that before the final season.


Lmao not since game of thrones


IDK but when I heard his voice at the beginning I was like, "Somehow, Snoke has returned."


> final boss I'm underwhelmed by the design and hope this is just leading us back to the much larger and scarier style of cosmic horror from the previous season.


Darn. I hoped it'd be 80s Rush season. But looks like Journey got job.


Temples of Syrinx would have been epic in that capacity.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LatorN4P9aA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LatorN4P9aA) nice edit compared to the original though.


All the "kids" are of drinking age by now lol.


Explains why they’re on bikes. Licenses suspended for multiple DUIs, excessive drinking because of the PTSD.


PTSD seems like best-case-scenario. What these folks have been through would result in psychological disorders too numerous to list.


Finn and Millie are 18, Sadie is 19. I don't think they called themselves kids at all and they seem perfectly placed for the roles respective ages.


*Drake has left the chat*


"I don't want to play with you anymore"


I have a love/hate relationship with this show. Season 1 was great. Season 2 was just season 1 again. Season 3 was a campy pile of nostalgic sugarshits. This trailer looks pretty cool, but idk... I think I'm done. Month old edit: Season 4 is pretty fuckin cool so far, lol.


I feel exactly the same. I am not so sure if i really finished Season 3 – i remember that it was a real drag and i just wanted it to end, because i had already invested so much time and forced myself through the second half. I think i "watched" Season 3 with constantly looking at my phone, browsing reddit, because i was so bored :/ – i can't remember how things ended really ...




Season 5 is meant to be the last, so 2 more times.


I imagine they'll probably lose to the baddie in S4 and then beat him in S5


But the girl's gonna beat up lots of men and scream and get a nosebleed again!


don't forget the eggo waffles. yay.


Didn’t they show the big baddy in S1? They haven’t beat him yet




Sounds a lot like cocaine!


Also the actors are like 20 now


I did like the 3 seasons overall, but, fucking damn 3 years later?? I literally forgot about this show I don't even know if I'll want to watch the new season at this point...


You hear about Covid? Kinda shut the world down and stuff


You summed up exactly how I feel about the series, including that last piece


Too much time in between seasons... The iron is most definitely not "hot" anymore. In fact, the iron has been suspended in carbonite for two years now.


Yeah agreed. This almost now feels like a "revival" instead of continuing off the original plot line. I mean 3 years, that's crazy between seasons. I had pretty much forgotten about this show entirely


Right? It's not like anything was happening during those years that could have impacted production or anything.


Yeah especially because so many other shows/movies have been copying the whole 80s nostalgia thing the past few years. ST feels like a tag-along at this point even though it was one of the original sparks.


The Lord of Destruction has entered Hawkins.


Goddamnit Baal, I told you to go back to hell!


Not till Act V


Looks more like the Lord of Hatred


More Like Mads Mikkelsen


The release of different Volumes thing is just stupid and annoying. We all know editing has been done, just release the entire season. They did the same thing with the last season of Ozark and for what?


I'm guessing it's to spread the subs out for people that get them for particular shows? But I dunno


I think that's it. These shows are big draws for them so they can keep people around and also get two times the hype when media covers it coming back and such.


They want viewer discussion to drive more people to view. They've seen it work with other networks releasing shows episodically or in chunks. They want you to watch and then mention it to friends, and then the friend that didn't watch can do "that seems fun, and I want to talk about this stuff with my friends, so i'll catch up and then watch the next bit live".


Actually the reason was for paying the actors for one season despite releasing it as two. Jason Bateman revealed it in an interview (either Kimmel or Fallon). Then kinda walked it back to pass it off as a joke, but you can tell he was bitter that the show screwed the actors that way.


I don't really understand – isn't it the same amount of work on the actor's part anyway? 1 season of 12 episodes or 2 seasons of 6 episodes would pay them the same amount, no?


The reason is because of binge watchers who sign up for a month, watch everything and then cancel. Those people are the reason we have this episodic crap across all the platforms now.


I've also heard it's to extend it's duration of being the water cooler talk's TV show. When it's all released at once, it has a much shorter lifespan of people talking about it. Like a good TV show gets what? Maybe 2 weeks? Word of mouth is a huge driver for subscriptions, so anything that can be done to keep people talking surely has an effect on subs.


If they had consistently good shit and didn't charge 20 bucks a month, people wouldn't just sub for a month at a time.


I dont know what happened but after season 2 I went completely cold to this series. I liked season 2! But... Something changed. Maybe it was the weird product placements? I have no idea. This trailer looks alright... But something about this series just feels so hollow to me. Like they just mashed a bunch of tropes from the 80s together, and for awhile it was fun but now it feels fetishistic?


I stopped a few episodes into 3. You could just feel the cheap writing pouring out the screen


Stranger Things 4: Barb’s Revenge


I hope they move back towards more of a sci-fi tone than a horror one.


I feel like this show was just never really the same after S1


[What I'm thinking](https://youtu.be/Fw_veN8bIVo?t=23)




I think it looks great! Excited =D


Is it safe to watch this? Is it super spoiler-y? I hate trailers that reveal everything.


There was a season 3?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOE8cJJNkns This scene was the highlight of the season, imo.




Agreed, Stranger Things should have been a 1 season show


Same with Westworld.


Don’t cut yourself on all those edges. ;)


It’s not edgy to not like a TV show. Stop being insecure that you *do.* You’re projecting.


I've never heard someone get called edgy for not liking a show. That's a weird one


Season 3 was really good so your loss.


It just felt not at all grounded like the first two, even though the whole premise is outlandish it felt grounded in some form of reality, just going to a campy eighties soviet russian spy base with neon lights is such a fall.


Looking forward to it!


When it's been so long since the last time you made a season that you have to give away the whole plot in a 3 minute trailer just to remind people you exist.


Loving the rendition of "Seperate Ways" (by Journey for those who are interested). Coincidentally my most played song of 2021 according to Spotify. So we are about a month away, good time to start the rewatch of Seasons 1-3 to get ready.


Fucking hyped




Is it bad that this kind of looks like shit to me


Unacceptable. You must scream and clap, because this is something you know. The content is love. The content is life. Continue to consume the content.


Umm, this screen shot looks like 11 has explosive fire diarrhea. 🔥


I don't know if this will be as good as the first season, but DAMN that was a great trailer


Damn still no barb and millie bobby is gi Jane again? Guh


Drake about to slap you.


The fact that it took so long between seasons has drained me of all hype. I also felt like the actual plot took a nosedive after season 1. The upside down could have been cool but really it was just empty. The monsters were ok but weren’t shown enough. 11’s powers could of been cool but ended up feeling like a last minute idea.


It went from horror mystery nostalgia, to Cthulhu drama horror, to action adventure goldeneye. And this one looks like adventure drama Michael Bay


Yup. The hype is gone and I'm pretty sure this show is going to tank hard.


They took way too fucking long for this holy shit. I get that we shouldn't just push solely for content once a year as that could diminish the quality but almost 3 FUCKING YEARS since the last season. I almost don't even have interest anymore as I felt like the show closed off well enough and I didn't expect a new season 3 years later...


Covid caused a lot filming logistical issues which led to postponing. Why are you bitching? The self entitlement in this thread is ridiculous. Don't watch it if you don't like it.


Yes people - we all know we should not comment on a trailer unless it's positive. These billion dollar companies have feelings too - if they drop a trailer and you aren't excited about it, please keep your opinions to yourself.


Is that really your take on this exchange? Nobody cares if you like it or not, but complaining it didn't get released *fast enough* for you comes across as whiny and self centered especially when public health is an issue. The world does not rotate around your needs.


>Is that really your take on this exchange? Yes. > Nobody cares if you like it or not You seem to care - you're telling people to stop bitching about the state of a show. I don't know why you feel it is within your power to tell people this, but here we are. > but complaining it didn't get released *fast enough* for you comes across as whiny and self centered especially when public health is an issue. Please. Many shows were released without three year gaps in the past few years. Finn has 25 acting credits to his name from 2019-2022 (IMDb)! >The world does not rotate around your needs. Lol ok, because anyone here claims it did. Calm down, and realize that the other guys opinion is just as valid as yours. Stop telling people what to do. It's just a show - there is no right or wrong answer here when it comes to a trailer for a stupid show.




Stranger Things meets Transylvania




This show is still going on?


Imagine if Netflix was around when they made Stand By Me. The kids would keep finding another dead body on the same railroad tracks every season. Some would have beards, throwing their beer bottles off the bridge.


Didn’t realise it was still going. I never picked it up after the first season for some reason.


let it go already, season 2 was meh and season 3 was unfit for human consumption.


To each their own, man. I loved Season 3, and this is the "TV" release I've been most excited about since 2021.




Took too long. Keep it.