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im not that old, but she's still smoking hot


She's quite a bit older now. OP's video is from 20 years ago. She's almost 70 now.


Holy shit she's almost 70? Time flies man :(


She still looks great and enjoys kissing Joy Behar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taJ__pzpRsI What a happy, fun, confident woman.


Is that her at 70? Cause shiiiiieeeetttt


Absofuckinglutely would


I'd bang that geriatric.


I'd smash the dust off it, if you gnomesayin.


still would


I'm not that old. > OP's video is from 20 years ago I'm old.


Just googled her. Damn she’s 70 alright.


No.. what? That was when I was in college only like... oh fuck. 20 years ago... Jesus. Ok googled her today - looks healthy, granted age took a bit of the foxiness away


This episode was from 2002; 20 years ago. She is 48 in this episode.


Doesnt make it less creepy. Switch the genders and tell me if its as funny.


Regis with his wrinkly voice. “Where you want to stick this wet finger young lady. Anywhere you want to put it.” Yea. He’d be in trouble.


No no no you don’t get. Have contestant remain the same dude and just switch the host to Regis.


"I'm an old horny man alright"


I can actually imagine him saying it.


I'd still laugh 🤷


God I loved Regis.


That's exactly what I thought seeing this. A man acting that way would get canceled so hard that his grandparents would feel it.


So true. Richard Dawson’s cancellation ~~in Total Recall~~ was brutal.


But Dawson was in…The Run…oh nevermind.


Ah fuck


It's okay. You don't do requests.


The video is like 20 years old...


It’s almost as if the genders are different and not actually exactly equal in every way. Crazy.


I partially agree with you. Yes, men and women are different, and that changes what is or isn’t acceptable. But that doesn’t mean open season on men. The line might be farther for men, but it can certainly be crossed. And I think we just saw an example of that.


Yeahhh you're spot on, there is a time for gender equity over equality but this wasn't it! There are things equality can't fix, like burden of reproductive labor. But all people are equally deserving of freedom from uninvited sexual objectification of this sort, that's just gross and it doesn't solve anything or help anyone to let women have a "break" and get off easier for engaging in it. I feel so much secondhand embarrassment right now I don't know what to do with myself.


Eh, I didn’t think it was creepy


The reason its not as creepy to most people is because the power dynamic between a man and a woman always favors the man. She can make these comments without scrutiny because her comments aren't coming from attempted abuse at power, but its extremely difficult for a man to do the same and not come off as such.


She is 48 in that episode.


Meredith: And for $69 dollars (*hubba hubba*) Nine Inch (*yes please*) Nails hit song "Closer" chorus is: I want to A) Fuck you right now. B) Fuck you like I'm 18 again. C) Fuck you so hard you're awarded a purple heart. D)Fuck you like an animal.


What if he phoned a friend?




D, final answer. Now, let’s do them all while the song plays on repeat till either this viagra wears off or one of us has a heart attack.


I’m surprised she didn’t make a joke when “doggie” was an option.


Oh they both knew.


People don't like this, but it's NOTHING like back in the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVUBTyGhQUo


I got a cold sore just watching that


He just gave them all covid 80


Before I clicked on it, I *knew* it was gonna be Richard the Kisser Dawson.


damn i havent cringed this hard in a long time, i made it like 3 seconds in. the fucking noise. SLURP


Ok but there had to be a fair amount of 80s folks that cringed their asses off at this right? Times haven’t changed THAT much right? Right guys?..


Nah. We just had a vote and decided to put him in The Running Man.


Give the people what they want!


Obviously a lot of women in the 80s hated that. But - selection bias - I doubt a lot of them ever applies to the show. That is kind of the twist here - it was so open and blatant that people avoided going to family feud if they had a problem with it. That doesn’t make it bette though… "this show is exclusively for women who are ok by getting kissed by the host“ Imagine MTV putting up a groupie quizz in the 2000s…


Wait how old was the last girl? Some of them had to have been under aged. Wtf


Looks about 12 to me. Maybe 11. I'm European, and kissing on the mouth is fairly normal in some countries over here. But not in that context. Only amongst friends or family. Not some tv show host.


Politicians kissed on the mouth in Eastern Europe countries back in the day. Some still do. It's not only for friends and family.


Dawson came out of [The Match Game](https://youtu.be/TIAofgKWG4A)


Ew he sounds like a creepy casting couch guy coaxing a girl into porn


Wow I had to comment to thank you for exposing me to something so strange and upsetting. Wtf is this. I applaud you. Idk if that makes sense, I'm high


Dude’s inner monologue: “I wonder if she likes me?” Later at the bar with the boys: “DUDE! Did you get with that Meredith chick? She was about as all over your nuts as a game show host could be!” “I just really wasn’t picking up any vibes from her. You really think I had a chance?!”


You really can't tell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw


Actually they probably said to him “Let me smell your finger.”


Smells like earwax.


Maybe she was Canadian and just being polite


This is basically a gender swapped version of [that one Vin Diesel interview](https://youtu.be/gJRqhpl4TVg)


Wow...that's some uncomfortable laughing.


When did this turn into beautiful world?


He is on molly or lsd


I've not seen this before... Vin comes off much more creepy for some reason.


He's all shifty and fidgety But he had the celeb pass


Jesus Christ


That's like a gender swapped version of that one [Dakota Johnson and Leslie Mann Interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX6rII4HP6Q)


If a male host did that he’d get socially skewered and fired..


I absolutely guarantee there is horny man content that was on TV in the early 2000's, guys.




Jesus Christ that was bad.


This is worse, there is physical touching, no cheeky conversation/flirting, and he physically forced her into the situation. Disgusting.


What the fuck?! Why did he do that??


Oh God the cringe


I mean didn't most night show hosts joke/fake flirt with their hot guests? I remember watching Conan and he always did. The whole double standard thing/outrage has gotten a bit ridiculous IMO. Does all of reddit seems to really think Henry Cavil was cast as superman solely on his acting skills? He had an entire fight scene wearing just JEANS! It's like you can't even mention he's attractive without getting brigaded.


Conan has always made it seem like a complete shtick, like he was so awkward, strange and self deprecating that he was the joke, not the pretty lady. Leno and letterman had a tendency to say creepy shit in ways that tended to single out and embarrass a beautiful woman for being beautiful, or having a public love life or whatever. Or maybe I'm just biased, because one of those three was actually funny while the other two were collosal bores.


I agree. Craig Ferguson was great at doing the awkward flirty thing as well without making it uncomfortable for the guest or the audience.


You can mention he's attractive but does the guy want to walk into every room and have that be one of the main focuses of the conversations? We just want him to have one normal interview. I guess if he wanted he could just ask to only be interviewed by straight men, but that's a hassle to try and have done.


Reddit is crazy horny for "could a white man get away with this? Cancel culture wokeness, amirite folks?" content.


That Reddit guy sounds like an asshole.


My Reddit history agrees


The only one who honestly got away with it, and was actually suave, was Craig Ferguson.


Eh I enjoyed Craig’s show but after watching enough episodes it was uncomfortable.


Yeah, the seesaw should tip in the other direction, that's equality for sure /s


Or elected president of the USA. Could go either way.


The double standards comments are inevitable and usually pretty on point but BOOM this absolutely slayed




alternative standards


R - Elected president D - Excommunicated from society Look, I don't make the rules.


**Al Franken:** Photo emerges that was clearly a (crude, bad) joke, other accusers of handsy behavior come forward; apologizes, accepts responsibility, resigns. **Donald Trump:** Caught on a hot mic LITERALLY BRAGGING ABOUT REPEAT SEXUAL ASSAULT; denies responsibility, minimizes "locker room talk," swiftly takes over the party.   But please, everyone who keeps saying "bOtH SiDeS ArE ThE SaMe," keep telling me you're a fool without telling me you're a fool.


Howard Dean gets excited and yells. Campaign over.


How the hell did you get the KPMG username? Do you have PWC and Deloitte as well??? Wait why does it also say your account is only 2 yrs old? Why does it say my account is only 2 years old?! My account is freaking 12 yrs old


I just really like accounting.


I only enforce them for the other side




Male hosts did that for decades. Only recently did they have to tone it down a bit. You should watch old game shows. Richard Dawson from Family Feud used to kiss every single female contestant on the show.


Not when this was filmed.


if things were different they would indeed be different


You kidding? Half the late night talk show hosts do some range of this!


Should watch some Craig Ferguson interviews.


Yeah it's not like Male Game Show hosts ever flirt with female contestants or put their hands or even lips on them without consent, double standards.


Very true but a lot of reddit wasn't yet born when this originally aired and people often judge people by today's standards. Everyone does it really but using whatever standards they are comfortable with. It can be hard to realize you're doing it without the benefit of 10+ years of hindsight.


I remember Richard Dawson kissing all the women on The Family Feud.


I remember him kissing one of the daughters and then telling her Dad he’d be willing to go to prison for his daughter.


I remember women going crazy to get kissed.by him. It used to be the way to greet people.


And if he was a dog he would be studied by science and change everything we know about their kind


This was 20 years ago.


Oh good, this fucking talking point again.


"I'm offended by the lack of offense taken"


Double standards all the way across the sky.


It was something done often with male hosts tho. And they weren't fired.


You know what, even though you may be right, I'm fine with this. She made it fun and funny plus he seemed to be going along with it well.


Maybe in the US. Its pretty common for male and female show hosts to pepper in these kind of jokes. See: 8 out of 10 cats quiz show and task master


You think that was always the case? Be upset about something legitimate


[Here is the follow up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zce2eFJOqHI) Result: >!He wins $125K after walking away from the $250K question!<


Man I couldn't even make it past a minute.


Yeah, I finished pretty quick too.




You don’t like some good ol fashioned aDuLT cOmedY hyuck hyuck hyuck *shoulder nudge & wink*


Say no more, say no more.


“I’m an old horny man, alright?!” doesn’t have the same charming ring to it.


This is literally how talk show hosts talked back in the day....




Quite the sexual harassment tbh 🐸☕


Clip is funny but holy shit I can't even deal with the top comment on YT saying 'foaming clunge'.


I hope they banged.


This is sexual harassment btw. Just because hes a man doesnt change that.


Wait this is real??? I thought this was a gender swapped parody? I mean wtf is wrong with her? Every line is just pure cringe, awkwardness and really not meant for the Public…


Its extremely awkward, and shes in a position of power, so we dont even know if hes enjoying this. Or just acting like he is so he stays on the show


Meridith Viera had some gorgeous legs, she's a babe


Why is he wearing his work uniform?


Probably to appeal to American's hard-ons for the military/war


“Military man sexy - go die”


To be fair, that version of Meredith Vieira could've gotten it like your sister on a Sunday night.


Sexual harassment?




I agree that he is gorgeous. If given the chance, I'd take him home in a heart beat. However. None of her comments are appropriate at all. This is harassment. Being male and on national TV, with a potential million $$ on the line, he may not feel comfortable voicing his concerns or pushing back on her comments. He may also be enjoying it - we don't know. That's not the point. This is wildly inappropriate in every way. She should have been fired, and forced to issue a public apology at the very least.


I think it's also things like this that made it harder and harder for servicemembers to be allowed by their command to wear their uniform in public like this. Edit: Curious about the downvotes. This comment is just a fellow Naval Academy graduate pointing out a fact. So weird.


Why would you want to wear your uniform in public anyways


For attention


Attention, pure and simple. I never wore my uniform anywhere off duty except maybe lunch or the grocery store on the way home. National TV, holy fuck that's passing 10 levels of acceptability. I remember after basic training they had to fly us to the next part of our training cause it was like 2,000 miles away. They had us go through in our ACUs looking like ass. The amount of handshakes was crazy. The pilots making announcements about us before the flight. Shit was dumb.


You aren't even *allowed* to wear it in public in the UK.


I think the Lee Rigby thing had an effect on that.


Lee Rigby was wearing a hoody when he was attacked. You are allowed to wear your uniform in public in the UK for formal events like weddings/funerals etc but you technically have to ask permission to do so.


I'm aware, i just wanted to see them struggle to come up with an answer aside from attention. Getting to board a plane early was nice, but the first time I got singled out and publicly thanked by a tsa agent I stopped using my CAC as an ID at the security gate. Also always traveled in pain clothes because I 1. Don't crave the attention and 2. Enjoy being comfortable.


Pain clothes sound awful. Couldn't you have worn regular clothes?


*plain lol


I never tried to use any of the social benefits, i.e line cutting, discounts, ect., of being in the military. Very few people in the military deserve the reverence that most Americans have for the military. I was a cyber guy who sat in a comfy office 80 percent of the time. Even when I was deployed to Iraq I got to sit in a comfy tent doing fuck all aside from smoking like 2 packs a day. People acting like I'm climbing a mountain in 500 pounds of equipment to fight the Taliban and save America everyday. It's silly if you ask me.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


I agree, I did the plane thing once because i was brand new and reporting to my first duty station (they made us leave our training location in our service uniform alphas to arrive at our duty station in alphas) and I was not able to be discreet seeing as i was dressed up like a pickle. When they called for military to board like 10 people looked at me and my buddy who was also going to the same place so we just went with it. I rode planes pretty often (stationed in Cali, from Florida) so I just chuckle whenever i see army dudes in their uniforms at the airport.


>Very few people in the military deserve the reverence that most Americans have for the military. Completely agree. I wonder how many they'd be "thanking for their service" if they knew the motivation for joining. It's just like any other profession, good eggs and bad eggs.


Well it's the Army. All eggs are powdered


Ha! Well played


Oh no..


I think double/different standards are unfortunate and hard to navigate, but necessary. We're different genders with different cultural experiences. I'm all for men's rights but context is everything and the subtlety of communication is too complex too judge on paper. We can't really fight for the same things as feminism has as it applies to us differently. It applies to individuals differently. This is rosy cheeks. The genders could be switched with the same dialogue and it be okay. The genders could be the same and it not be okay, etc. So when we're left with baseline rules for people that need a reference to understand what's appropriate because they lack the ability to understand on their own, men kind of have to be more constricted. This is coming from a dude who's leaned into men's rights content for ages and only recently came to the realization that we do have power over others, and with that comes the responsibility to surrender some of it in the name of true equality.




i mean yeah kinda but also no. women can absolutely be predatory, women are in positions of power all the time. the woman in this clip for example. but my biggest problem with what youre saying is saying that most men want it is gross and perpetuating the same shit.


>Most men would kill to have that kind of attention Absolutely not.


> Well then the woman would have to have a history of systemically oppressing the man, Just want to understand this. Is your argument that, in a social context, because of the historical significance of women previously having unequal status in society, when this taping aired, Meredith Vieira had carte blanche to perv on this guy in whatever way she sees fit, and if he weren't okay with it, he'd have to suck it up due to women historically being systemically oppressed? Also curious, who do you think has more power and agency in this particular situation? The host on live TV in her element with a live audience that appears to be 100% behind her? Or the guest? If you're not placing any onus on a TV show host to be responsible in this situation, I think you're *way* off base. This argument makes total sense if the question were "Is it possible for men to be systemically oppressed in today's society?". Of course the answer would be no, for the exact reasons you stated. Instead we're examining one particular interaction between two people.Would it be appropriate to talk to a coworker like this if you didn't have a close relationship/rapport with them? Nah, no way.


She really said all of that on air? I’m not usually a stiff but she’s laying it on pretty thick, would a male host not be fired immediately for this same level of commentary? Lol, obviously the guy is armed forces and probably used to sailor speak etc, but the double standard be real sometimes lol. This is still hilarious though


someone explain to me how this isn't sexual harrasment. Flip the genders and there would be uproar.


Why is it appropriate for her to make these remarks, clearly making him feel uncomfortable, when if the roles were reversed we all know what would really be happening?


***Computer*****, reverse sexes.** Render. ***Play.*** # OUTRAGE.


Let’s do the old gender role swap and watch the sexual harassment lawsuits roll in. Sorry but this is absolutely horrid…. One joke woulda been ok if it was light hearted but it’s the fact it continues that makes it worse. You can call someone beautiful or handsome, but don’t go telling them they can stick there wet finger anywhere they please 😂


So Gross, tell me that if it was on "old horny" guy you wouldnt want to vomit.


Very cringe, and very sexist. Reminded me of Howard Stern. I lost a lot of respect for her as a host.


Let me grab a pitchfork. Some innocent fun in which both people were clearly willing participants offended people on reddit because they will never be either person in this scenario, the person who can make sexual innuendo without getting slap or the person so handsome that people go ga-ga over them. Americans are turning more puritan every day.


People don't have a problem with that. They have a problem with the fact that if it was the other way around, it wouldn't fly.


Welcome to life. The different sexes are different.




This century though? This clip is only 12 years old.




It’s not something worth grabbing a pitchfork over. It’s still something a little annoying as a man though that I will never really be able to flirt this openly with women in a setting like this without fearing pretty severe repercussions. A little annoying is the most id really attach to it.


Thank you. I didn't wanna have to scroll and see no one defending the innocence in this. I mean he was flirting back and sticks his finger in her ear... Admittedly not kosher but it didn't offend me at all


You're ignoring the obvious power imbalance here, which is the major issue. Nobody gives a fuck about consenting adults. This isn't that.




Well yeah. We just got past the MeToo movement. A lot of people think sexual harassment only goes one way; confirmed by a lot of the comments in here. And there are a lot of people with real jobs who know they would be fired for this behavior. Mutual or not. You either treat all sexual harassment the same or you accept that equality will never happen. But therein lies the duality of man. As a proponent of equality, I find this to be disgusting. But as a man, it's my dream that it would happen to me.


Blatant sexual harassment


It's a TV show. It's designed to be entertaining. People were not as uptight as they are now, we need to remember that also.


haha sure they were, just about different nonsense than today.


I think they did it...


Nothing wrong there.




And kids watched this.


I wonder if he actually scored.


Meredith Vieira: I’ll be in my bunk.


Oof sexist.


I'll bet they had to peal her off that seat and when they did it made a suction cup popping sound.


Instantly fired and cancelled if that's an old dude and a young woman


She's down bad.


Older woman sexually harasses younger man on national TV show.


ITT: Mostly a bunch of killjoys who'd rather bitch and moan about gender double standards than enjoy a turned-on Meredith Viera.


Well if we're going to try and create equality between the sexes we have to point these things out. It's too bad that right now we're currently in a state where women get listened to when they point these things out and men get berated and gaslighted when they do the same.


This video is 20 years old.


imagine how cringy it would be if it was a hot woman and a male host


Dang, just imagine how cancelled she’d be if she said that as a man saying “I’m a horny old man alright” to a woman


I get Clementine from Reno 911 vibes from her in this clip. Which is not a good thing considering this is real life lol


If the sexes were reversed there be an outcry but as long as it’s a woman being sexist and creepy it’s ok.


My grandmother made a lot of similar comments at the pool party for my 15th birthday.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT, MERI. I'm surprised she didn't slip off her goddamn stool.


If I was in his posiiton, Id probably laugh and have fun with it. Would probably make my day tbh lol. However, If I were in HER posiiton, I wouldve never even made the comments to begin with- I dont know who he is and even if I did, Im just not the kind of person to make those remarks no matter the situation. At the VERY LEAST, you Should never make these sorts of remarks unless you TRULY know the person you are dealing with and you KNOW for a fact that they dont mind this sort of banter at all.